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hello and welcome to a sort of thank you appreciation video.
I keep thinking I'm going to do one of these, like at 100 K subscribers.
And then I thought, maybe Okay, I'll do it.
500 k subscribers and then I'm like, Well, maybe I'll do it like a 1,000,000.
Um, I probably won't.
And I think today's as good a day as any to say thank you for 765,000 subscribers.
So the video I was actually gonna release today was a bit more negative.
Lately, I've been digging into plagiarism and finding that it's a huge or seemingly huge problem.
To put this in perspective, it seems like about 10,000 people.
And I'm not talking about people just like copying and pasting accidentally or something like that.
I'm talking about people who are taking entire projects and claiming it as their own, putting them on the resume, and it's just it's a large number of people, and it's kind of a bummer.
But then I think about 10,000 people and put that in perspective of 765,000 subscribers and on Lee, 33% of you are subscribe.
That gives me an audience of 2.3 million people.
10,000 people is in significant, and what I want to do today is, rather than giving airtime to the negative stuff, I just want to say Thanks for making 10,000 people insignificant.
So first off, thank you two, obviously all of the viewers, but also the subscribers, the people who said Who saw my videos, which they're just programming.
Education videos like this is so much different than like, Ah vlog channel.
Or like an eye candy tec channel or something like 765,000 of you saw cut pretty niche programming tutorials and click the button that basically says Yes, I want more of that right?
You guys are all self motivated learners that are choosing to spend your free time watching programming educational videos.
You guys are very rare.
Soto have 765,000 of you that said that, like that's a huge number that's like 10 big stadiums full of people that said yes, I want more of that.
That's insane.
That's just truly insane.
So first of all, we'll second of all thank you to the subscribers Then there's the donors and the channel members.
I'm putting you guys together because in my mind you're basically the same.
There are no perks, really.
I mean, there are perks to being a channel member, but I'm confident none of you, our channel members for the perks other than maybe the You get to see Centex on Cut the video that was going to come out today.
But what otherwise?
There's really no perks.
I am confident you guys are all just supporting justice support, and that's something pretty special on its own that there's even one of you.
So tell all the channel members and donors, thank you very much for directly supporting me financially.
That really does mean a lot to me, so thank you very much.
There's a reason I call you guys awesome humans in the discord.
I honestly I had to come up with a name for the group, and, um, the first thing that came to my mind was awesome humans.
That's really what I think of you guys, so thank you.
Speaking of discord, we've got the moderators and just the general discord community has been really great.
It's very difficult to have that many people in a chat together and to keep things relatively decent.
And I really do appreciate the moderators and just the general community keeping it a good community.
Also for the moderators.
I don't believe I asked any of them if they wanted to be a modern.
I just kind of like gave them the role, and they all assumed it.
So, um, thank you, guys.
Sorry if any of you guys were burdened with the rule along those lines.
Thank you to everybody who supports my mug addiction.
Also thank you to the helpers in the discord thes air people again.
Just because they're kind people, they've decided to help countless newbie questions in those to help channels in the discord.
And you guys are also awesome.
Um, so thank you to those people.
Also, I feel like I can't have a thank you video without thinking Daniel, Daniel's been working with me now formally for, like, a year.
But he's been with me for longer than that before.
I was paying him just working for free.
Um, and he puts up with my stuff.
I mean, he did.
He came in.
He was covered in PHP.
It was it was a mess.
But we've got him nice and python IQ now.
And, um, like I said, he puts up with my nonsense.
So thank you to Daniel.
He helps hills with tutorials he helps with, like everything he just He's a jack of all trades in terms of helping me with this this content creation business thing.
So anyway, yeah, again thank you to everybody because you guys really truly have made the number 10,000 insignificant.
And sometimes I just need a reminder that, like, I just don't realize how big the channel really is.
Sometimes I just forget, and in discovering this problem it, like I said, it's kind of a bummer.
And then you realize, man, actually, it's kind of a blessing to be so big that 10,000 people is less than 1% like that's That's awesome, and I really do.
I wake up every day, and I do really whatever the heck I want.
It just so happens that this is what I want to do.
But I get to learn about new and exciting technology.
I just kind of hop around and work on and learn about things that I feel like learning about.
And, um, that's the best job I could possibly imagine having so, yeah, thank you to everybody for helping to make that possible.
Anyway, that's all for now.
I'll see you guys in another video.