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  • what's going on?

  • Everybody.

  • And welcome to a highlight 2018 tutorial.

  • Siri's in this video.

  • We're gonna be introducing you to the highlight competition as well as writing a very, very simple bought.

  • So if you're not familiar with how light, basically it's just a competition where it's like you versus one or you versus three other players in a sort of environment and the ideas who can write the best.

  • Aye, aye.

  • And by I I mean anything from rule based II to ML or Deep learning bots in general, at least historically, the last two, the winners don't know.

  • Sure about the 1st 1 I'm pretty sure the winners in the first Hala as well we're rule based.

  • But I might actually be running that I can't remember anyways.

  • But how light to definitely rule based one.

  • Um, so anyways, um, what we're gonna be doing here is just making, like, a really basic body.

  • But first, I just want to talk briefly about the rules, or like how it's done.

  • So this, at least this is like a visual ization of, um, you know, I get a single game frame, but basically you've got a bunch of frames, and then you start off with just a shipyard.

  • Like this green thing here is the Green Player shipyard.

  • You can create some ships, the's like turtles or your ships, and then you run around and try to collect this Hal I TTE and from you know, each ship could hold up to 1000 how light goes to the the drop off, which is either a unique drop off location or, in this case, the shipyard.

  • You can also drop off at, um and then you just kind of repeat that process.

  • You build more ships, you can get more.

  • How light you could build more drop offs.

  • But ships cost and drop offs cost and so on, so it gets fairly dynamic.

  • But most of this task boils down to micro and padding.

  • It's all about the path.

  • So, um, anyways, I I think that's enough for us to just kind of jump in and run through some information.

  • Now, just a case I forget to mention.

  • And at the end, there is plenty of let's see here, learn documentation here.

  • You'll also maybe go to downloads and download the python version for your operating system.

  • so, Yeah, the python three version for let's say, Windows 64 boom.

  • You might want to grab that and look through.

  • Um, otherwise, I'm just gonna go ahead and jump in.

  • Also, one more thing.

  • The AP, I documentation.

  • So, uh, this just contains information about your game, various commands that you have at your disposal and so on.

  • But if you do download the highlight three, I do want to just point it now, Where did I put it?

  • Still may be in down.

  • Yeah, So you could open up my bought.

  • Most of what we're gonna run through here is gonna be very similar.

  • At least most bought starting off are going to look pretty identical.

  • They're gonna have all the same kind of start information.

  • Ah, but you can also go into H l t, which is kind of the a p I.

  • So to speak for python, and you can get more information about what's available to you keep going to open with, uh, on my main computer.

  • I have sublime.

  • That's what I use anyways.

  • And you can kind of see here what various attributes are.

  • You can make drop off.

  • And like all that stuff.

  • It's probably just a good idea to go through here and read these, but I'm not gonna do that together with you guys.

  • I think you can do that on your own time.

  • So now let's go ahead and run through some code.

  • So I'm gonna hit this play here, and then go to the editor If you want to develop locally, you can, um, in probably in one of the future ones.

  • We will.

  • Definitely.

  • If we do the, uh, get to, like, ml on deep learning bots, we'll definitely need to do local development, cause we'll have toe training stuff locally, get a model, then we need to be able to upload that model.

  • And at least right now, or at least last time I looked to see V two wasn't included, so we'd have to do some other fancy stuff to get that working.

  • But for now, we can click on the editor.

  • Uh, we will go with Python three.

  • Let's see what we start with here.

  • Okay, so we start with basically, um Let's see if I can zoom in it all without destroying everything.

  • Good enough.

  • Okay.

  • Um, So this is just that that package that I was just showing you.

  • If you download it locally, you can see there are various constant values.

  • Things like your How much does a ship cost and so on?

  • Ah, you can download er not down there, but you can get the directional, uh, basically just the directions from hlt dot position ALS.

  • So any ship can move either up, down left, right.

  • And these air referred to as north, South, West, east.

  • Um, so that's those and random.

  • I think that's just to pick a random movement in a moment.

  • Logging.

  • This is your best friend right now, because basically, the entire game is gonna happen.

  • You've got multiple players playing against each other and many ships.

  • Everything's kind of happening all at the same time.

  • So later on, when things don't go well, you're gonna wanna have been using logging.

  • Kind of like you might use, you know, print statements.

  • Our print functions in your actual code.

  • Now it's gonna be a little harder to use prints.

  • So and so we're going to use logging and save it to a log file.

  • And then when the game's over, we can go into that log file and make sure things were happening the way we intended.

  • So here the game is initialized, and then you send in your, um, whatever name you want for your bought.

  • Now, at this point, it's important to note that the two second per turn timer starts so you have 2000 milliseconds per turn to make all of your your movements.

  • So again, with like a deep learning by, it might take longer than two seconds to load in your model, so you would want to have loaded in a model prior to game dot ready.

  • You might also grab some certain initial game state variables, make some calculations or whatever, and maybe for whatever reason, those take longer than two seconds.

  • You would want to do that before you said game dot ready.

  • So here there's just a simple example of a logging logging string and then begins the game loop.

  • This is just a simple while.

  • True loop.

  • This updates every frame.

  • You're gonna have this every single time.

  • This gives you some basic data about the game.

  • What's going on?

  • This has some basic data about the game map itself.

  • A little bit later, we'll get a little more deeper into into how that works and stuff.

  • But for now, simple stuff.

  • Command HQ.

  • You basically here As you generate through your ships, you can only, you know, send your command Q one time.

  • So first you take your command.

  • Qu build, you fill it with all your commands.

  • Like if you got five ships, each of those five ships could have a certain command that it's going to do.

  • So we send each of those ships, you know, one command per ship into the command.

  • Q.

  • Now, here is basically they're just asking Hey, um, if the ship positions So where is the ship?

  • So if we check the game map so the ship position is gonna be a coordinate if that ship positions.

  • So if those coordinates on the game map and then we can check at those coordinates, what's the hal?

  • I'd amount if that Hal I'd amount is less than the Max Hallett, which is 1000 divided by 10.

  • Or if the ship is full, meaning the ship has 1000.

  • Hal, I TTE, we want to move that ship now.

  • If that's not true, then we want that ship to go ahead and just eight.

  • Still continue collecting, Hal.

  • I'd So, um, so this pretty basic logic.

  • Now, if we want that ship to move at the moment, it's just gonna randomly move, and it's just gonna move, you know, north, south, east, her west Just simply randomly.

  • No, no riel logic associated with it.

  • It's just kind of move.

  • Um, then we come down here if if you're in the 1st 200 turns and you have enough How Light Spanish ship Don't spawn a ship if you have a ship at port because the ships will collide.

  • Now, if two ships collide, they both sink to the bottom of the ocean, and their Hallett is just kind of released s so you would want to go when two ships collide, chances are there's a big pile of how light there.

  • So you want to go collect it, But you'd rather your chips don't collide.

  • So, um okay, so with that, let's go ahead.

  • And we could just run this real quick.

  • Possibly my zoom might have screwed some things up.

  • Was right.

  • You have my eyes and messed it up.

  • Uh, so when we run it Ah, here is the replay.

  • Basically, you're just playing yourself in this little replay, and then you can also click down here and move up to 10 X just so you can kind of see how things went.

  • Now you can see up here.

  • Green has, um somehow 5 62 I'm not quite sure how that could have occurred.

  • We must have accidentally, uh, gone over the depot and deposited some just by chance.

  • You can also see year two of our ships definitely collided there.

  • Okay, so this is just some, like, super super basic, and it's just gonna be by chance whether or not one of these ships actually goes and deposited deposits somehow light.

  • Now, when you are ready, Um, if you've built everything in here, you can just go in hit submit, and that's totally fine.

  • Um, and you'll basically start playing, but you'll probably want to do something a little more complex than this before you submit.

  • So in the next tutorial we're gonna talk about is, you know, doing things like intentionally making drop offs and maybe moving around slightly more logically.

  • So anyways, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, whatever, up to this point.

  • Feel free to leave them below.

  • Otherwise, I'm gonna see you guys in the next tutorial where hopefully we do a little better than we have here till next time.

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海利特三(2018)人工智能大賽簡介 (Halite III (2018) AI Competition Introduction)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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