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Everybody and welcome apart six of the Starcraft two.
Aye, aye, Siri's in Python.
What we've been doing up to this point is defeating the easy in the media.
May I, which both were easy and medium, I would say, is not medium.
We could not defeat the hardy I, but given how simply we defeated the easy immediately I just by simply creating some fighting units, I think defeating the hard eyes prime Not gonna be too difficult.
Let's get into it.
But before we do quick shoutout to my most recent sponsors group bought deep pox Amir Florian, Joe Wow, Tyler Durden and Faust and Nick Bender.
Thank you guys very much for your support.
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Thanks again, you all for your support and let's get into it.
So at least looking at this there's a few major things that we that we have going wrong.
So first of all, this pot has no notion of time like how much time has elapsed in the game.
So, for example, when the game immediately.
Starts are bought has a goal of creating three nexus is or command centers whatever you wanna call him.
Uh, you know that that might be a worthy objective to have just immediately.
But do you really want a bill?
Is that are those three nexus is gonna be your primary objective, right?
Are you gonna build three?
Nexus is before you build a single military unit.
Maybe, but unless that's your goal, you need to focus on that.
Also the same thing here.
Do we want to build three gateways right away?
Or do we just want one gateway and then take those resource is because the gateways are our version of offense or defense for a base, as opposed to, say, resource collection.
Do we want three immediately, or should we take some of those resources and start building an army?
Also, three's pretty good for the first few minutes.
But what if the match, for whatever reason, gets us toe?
Say 11 12 13 14 15 minutes.
Three gateways.
Is that gonna be enough?
Probably not.
Our enemies probably got many Maur, you know, unit producing buildings on, and eventually it's just they're just going to suffocate us, so a fixed number doesn't make any sense.
This needs to be a variable and probably depended on how much time has elapsed.
So that's another thing.
Or you could make it a variable based on how many resource is you have.
But this fluctuates so much you could maybe do like a resource rate or a variable, based on how many workers and gay or how many workers and nexus is.
You have something I'm going to do time next.
Same thing here.
How many units is it gonna take for us to attack?
Initially, 15 units is a lot to send to an enemy base or if an enemy was the send 15 units to you.
But later on in the game, especially 15 of these little based stalkers.
No, that's not enough.
So So we need to figure that one out on.
And then finally, the other major issue is that as we produce new units, they kind of run towards the enemy.
And at least in this case, with even three, you have a scenario where one's maybe dying.
One's on its way, ones also on its way, and we just continually just send new units up one by one, though they're not clustered, they need to come together before they go.
That's another issue.
Not really gonna solve that issue here, but just know that is an issue.
So what we're going to do first is give this bought a notion of time.
So coming up here, basically, you see, on this on step there is an iteration.
We can use that adoration to our advantage.
Now, we could just arbitrarily say, if thean aeration is greater than X or whatever, Um, then that would give us some sort of, uh, way to make rules around this.
But I think at least for me, I want to think in terms of minutes.
So at least for what?
Hi checked in federation, there's about 1 65 iterations per minute.
Um, I have again no idea what innit?
Aeration is.
If that's like a game tick.
Or if that is just how quick your processors are, I really don't know, so you'll want to check that for yourself.
But that's what I found.
I found it to be 165 or very close to 165 Didn't.
There's no empirical testing that went on there.
So, um, what we're gonna do is we're gonna define an initialization method here on basically yourself.
All we want to dio is define a constant here for generations per minute.
Just so basically, you want your bought to always be in portable.
Okay, So and I'll show you why.
Hopefully at the end here, if this video doesn't make it to, like, 6000 hours long, will probably end up copy pasta in a little bit off of the text based tutorial just so I can get through everything because never mind.
Anyways, let's go.
So what we need to do is self dot It orations her minutes 165 Now we can reference self doubt iterations per minute everywhere.
Everywhere in our script.
So now what we're gonna do is on step.
We also want to track.
Where's the current?
Where are we currently?
So self dot federation it oration equals it, Horatio.
Just so we can access this everywhere in all of these methods.
And then we can start building things with that in mind.
So the first thing that I want to do is like building a simulators like pylons and assimilate er's we just if we don't have the supply builds and pylons, right?
Pretty simple stuff and actually are pylons.
That was another area of major issue.
Our pilot should be much more intelligently built.
Uh, anyway, so really and expand.
I'm gonna leave that the way it is.
Um, hopefully I'll explain later to a little more or I'll show you guys.
But at the end of the day, this logic, despite not being like fully logical before we can afford a nexus, we can afford other things.
So it's only at the point where we have full accused basis or something's already being built, that we expand to a noon like to a new nexus.
So it just kind of works out.
Uh, you probably want to put some logic in there, but it just doesn't matter because of the cost of things.
But anyway, um, so the first thing we want to focus on is offensive force buildings because while we only need one, theoretically, probably a good idea to have, like, two cybernetic scores.
Maybe because then if you just have one and someone destroys it, you're in trouble.
But anyways mostly want to focus on the gateway.
So if the land of gateways is less than three I proposed we'd like to have one gateway per minute.
So at the nine minute mark would be nice to have nine gateways, right?
And continuing on.
So, about once a minute, I'd like to have a new gateway.
So rather than being less than three, let's just say I want to know it.
Is that less than self dot It oration derision, divided by self dot It orations per minute.
So if, um and this is just this is super, um approximate.
Okay, it's not gonna be perfect.
But from all the games that I've watched, it seems to be about 165 Seems to it does what I hope it to do.
So, um, what's the first thing that we're gonna we're gonna add there.
The next issue that we have or if games go long enough, is build workers.
So in this case is long as that, but we have a nexus that has no que we're building workers, and initially that's no big deal.
But eventually that's kind of a big deal, because we're going to like generally, it's our military units that get destroyed first, our military units are more expensive, and so eventually we end up having too many workers.
And they kind of suffocate out the ability for us to have military units.
So what we need to do is have some limitation on this.
So I propose just we have, like, a max workers.
So self dot lips, self dot max underscore workers equals.
And for now, I'm gonna say 50.
Um, I saw a comment.
Someone said, Like usually if games last long enough, it's more like 80.
We could go somewhere in between.
Um, I personally have tested mostly 50 but we could go 70.
Chances are most of the time, the games, at least versus the's.
A eyes will end long before you get to those numbers.
But we can do so Let's do it.
What's your 70?
I'll go.
I'll go 70 for now.
So now or if we really wanted to be right in between 65 Okay.
I know everybody was really worried.
You found that.
So now what we're gonna do for build workers is rather than if we have so so not only do we wanna have a max workers.
But we also kind of want to have, like, a maximum mental workers per nexus.
So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to say this will be a long one.
So for nexus in units, Um, really, we're just gonna add a big line on top of that.
So I was gonna say, if the len of self doubt units if lens self units nexus nexus times, where is a 16 is, um, if that number is greater than Len, the Len of self die units, if that's greater than our probes, right then were fairly content.
And I'm trying to decide if I really, really I'd like to put this all in one line, but I know sublime hlynur.
It's gonna be like, it's too long of a line, man.
So we'll go down here, um, and and you can either throw in the end or satisfy pep pay whatever you want to do.
If if, um Len, So really, now we just want to ask Is that less than self dot max workers?
If both of those are the case now, we're going to build the workers.
Otherwise, let's not do that.
We don't want to run out of workers.
Next, Um, I think for expansions.
Um, we we could modify this again.
It shouldn't be an issue, But in the later game, you may want to make that expansion.
And, um, the way that we could do that This one, I am gonna copy Pace because this one isn't as essential.
But again, it's very similar to what we've seen before.
So if it's less than how many minutes, so one per minute, if we can afford one, let's go ahead and make that expansion eventually.
It's kind of silly to have, like, nine expansions.
Really, you probably don't want to do any more than three.
I think that might be a mistake.
Then the next thing is offensive force buildings.
So, like I was saying before, um, you wanna have more than what we have.
But the other thing, too, is if the game goes long enough and really offensive force.
But buildings has to be reference first.
If the game goes long enough, we don't want to continue using our stalker's.
Well, we'd like a better unit.
Now you can upgrade your stalker with a thing called Blink, and that makes the stalker's much, much better.
I have no idea how to control that blink capability with pious e to I haven't tried to figure it out.
I just knew that I don't know how to do that.
I'm sure there's a way to do it.
I just don't know how, but but don't take that as you can't do it.
If you want to add that capability to the stalker, uh, and and see how you do with that upgrade, go for it.
Otherwise I'm going to add in the void Ray as one of our other units.
So we got Stocker and to build a void, Ray, we're going to need a star Gate and then, um, you can build a void, right?
So the void raised like this.
It's a flying ship and it shoots out.
That's like beam, and it does just tons of damage.
Now, according to the documentation for the game, the void raise a week unit.
I haven't seen that to be the case on.
I think it's just because the void Ray does so much damage so quickly that it kind of like balances out pretty well.
So avoid raise a pretty good pretty good unit, in my opinion of playing Starcraft for about a week, my expert opinion.
So I think it's pretty good, um, pretty good unit to have also it flies so it doesn't, like, get stuck on a rock.
So, like a lot of times right before someone's base, there's, like a clump of rocks that again, I'm sure there's a way in the A p I to find those things and destroy them so you can move more units in quickly to an enemy base.
Um, I just didn't bother.
So So with void, Ray, you just fly over that stuff, right?
It makes it a good unit because that unit can also like all the times you're fighting a I And like, let's say the A.
I has flying and ground units, but you're losing the battle.
Well, you could retreat.
And now all you have to fight is the flying units.
You don't even have to worry about the ground units because you could just retreat over a ridge or whatever.
And they can't get to you so you can split up enemy armies really well, especially if you're all flying units.
Okay, so, um, turn us out if I really want.
I think I'm just gonna put copy and paste this one in just just because I don't think like there's really nothing new here.
So, um, let's change.
So let me take the offensive force method Copy?
Uh, yeah.
This is our buildings.
I'm gonna pace this one in.
So here I'm just This was just for debugging purposes.
I just wanted to see that it was generally right, cause there is a little game clock, so I wanted to see if that was close.
So if a gateway already exists and we don't have a cybernetic score, if we can afford one and we're not already building one, we build a cybernetics court.
Same is what we've seen before.
And all this requires a pile on to exist then.
So if this statement is true, then we're gonna build the cybernetics core.
If not, we're going to build the gateway.
So this would not be true if a gateway didn't exist.
So LF build the gateway, um, so long as that's less than half of the minutes.
So so in this case, So just a moment ago, what we had was We wanted to have his many gateways, as we had minutes into the game.
Now we want to do half of that because we're gonna be building both of Gateway and a Star Gate.
And eventually, that's just way too many buildings.
So So we're gonna go with this number instead.
So half of that.
So, at night, eight minutes, we should have four gateways and four Star Gates.
Okay, so this is just for the gateway stuff.
Right then coming down here and sort of I mean, because you do need this cybernetics, Cornel.
But anyways, um, coming down here if we have the cybernetics core already and we don't have enough Star Gates, if we can afford a star Gate and one's not already pending, we want to build a star gate.
Okay, So once we have the Stargate, we actually have to.
We need to add that into our offensive force.
So again, I'm just gonna copy and paste this one in.
Uh, almost Looks like I have to fix it in the text based tutorial.
It's Ah, the tabbing isn't quite right, but there we go.
So now for Gateway in there, we're gonna build stockers as many as we can.
Our goal here is to make because the stalker is gonna be quicker and cheaper and everything to build.
Then avoid Ray.
We want to keep the numbers.
At least for now.
We just wanna have some sort of control.
Otherwise, the stalker is just always gonna suffocate out the void, Ray, because it's cheaper to build and quicker.
So we're just gonna wind up on Lee building stalkers.
So that's why I wanted to say hey, is long as the stock re amount isn't greater than void, Ray?
Otherwise, we're gonna come down here, and then we're just gonna build void, raise Voyager II.
Just give the void, Ray the priority.
Anyways, uh, the way things are going to shake out is it'll be about even so once we've done that, the only thing that we really need to modify is the attack method, because right now it just a stalker.
I want to say there's like, four.
I think you could do like some sort of worker unit in like that.
You could do like self doubt workers or something.
And in fact, I think it's even up here.
Um, so you could either reference your probes directly or you could reference workers.
Let's see if we have one, though.
Build workers worker.
I'm not seeing it here.
Okay, so so, self doubt.
Do we're on asses selecting a build worker, huh?
There is a way to select, like just a worker in general.
Um, so you don't have to know the unique name, and I'm guessing you could do like a some sort of fighting unit.
General selection as well.
Again, I'm sure it exists.
I just didn't know it, so I didn't use it.
So now I'm going to copy this other method in for the attack.
And, um now let me know down below, if you guys.
So, like, what I've been trying to do lately in tutorials is for, like, new concepts or something.
I was trying to still write that out by hand, but for things that we've already covered, I don't really see the value in it s so I've been doing this where, like, I'll just copy and paste and just kind of explain it.
Uh, you know what you think of that?
Would you rather me still continue to write it all out by hand?
or we're not.
So we can cover so much more like this.
This tutorial would have taken probably three or four videos, whereas I'm gonna be able to knock the sellout one video anyway, carrying on.
So what I did here is I created a you know, just like a little dictionary.
And then in here we have the objects and then two numbers in the list here.
I just know taking here.
This is the number to fight.
So, like the number to, like go and look for a fight and then the number required to defend a fight.
And both of these numbers are just We should really tweak them quite a bit.
Like five and three is pride.
Not really.
That great.
Probably should be, like three or something like that and then have some sort of clump it like it needs to be three in a close group, because it's too often.
Because in this case, what I've found is, like, three anywhere on the map.
So then they go on attack, but they attack one by one, and they just go to slaughter.
Basically, it's that that's something you'd want to fix, anyway.
Um, what we're doing is we're just generate through the aggressive units.
If they're not idle below, they find the target.
It's pretty simple.
So, um, like, we're just iterating through here and then performing the same logic that we had before.
If we have enough units to attack, um, just, like find a target.
Well, then we're gonna look for a target.
Otherwise, if we just have enough units to defend, well, then we're going to defend.
And that should be enough.
So let's go ahead and run that Probably It's some sort of air.
So we'll wait for the lovely, lovely air that I know my hit and we're gonna fight Tehran.
Some people got a little irritated at my pronunciation of Tehran.
So now I'm gonna have to just kind of like it's kinda like a pox and epics make this a little bigger.
Can I give me this?
There it is.
We'll screen.
Oh, shoot.
I don't know if we have a real time.
I guess we're gonna find out really quick.
This game is loading slow.
ASEC, come on.
My it looks like Okay, we're going to Rupert.
No airs yet.
This is incredible.
More building things.
That's the glory of copy pasta.
It should.
We should have any years.
Uh, okay.
So listen, I think this is our star, you know?
Is there cybernetics core?
Uh, for building there.
Come, here comes our star gate.
Also, I am aware of the cannon rush strategy.
Thank you.
I'm aware it exists, and we'll talk about that in a minute.
Um, also, I found out.
So this is your little workers.
You could do it.
Like if your plan, you could press F one or F two to select all of your military units.
Oh, my gosh.
We've been rushed.
Oh, no, we're product.
We might not win this one, but we'll see.
Oh, it's true.
That's why I love these void raise.
They're just They're just so insane anyway.
So you could see what you have in our entire military just by pressing f two.
Or you could just look here and see there's 10 of them, but you could see like okay, is a relatively balanced.
I'm assuming we're building some void Raise right now.
Who's this?
Oh, man, that came in with a big army of Oh, bad.
Oh, no way.
Might actually lose.
Uh, For the record, this script is fully capable of winning.
It's not going well, though.
Looks like we're But if we lose that nexus, let me restart it, I guess.
Oh, no.
She just edited out of the video.
Act like that never happened.
So we are playing difficulty hard, by the way.
That was just automatically changed, huh?
Trying to think there is anything I didn't change.
Anyway, we're back playing.
Um, hopefully they won't.
I think our issue that time was they rushed us and we just were not prepared for that.
Um, moving forward.
There's a few things I want to show you guys.
First is first of all, at least in my testing, I'm able to defeat the hard.
I hear at least eight out of 10 times.
Like most of the time, I'm able to defeat them.
And then I was able to defeat both Tzar ge and also fighting pro tosses.
Well ah, again.
Still, like eight out of 10 deserved was Priore worse?
Maybe more like 67 out of 10 times.
And then once you get to that point, the next thing that we could do looks like we got three.
Next is we're got five military units.
Hopefully, if they don't rush this time, like by the time we start getting up the right amount of like once we have enough resources to keep building these buildings, I don't think they'll beat us, But if we get rushed way, tend to lose.
Looks like we're doing pretty good, though.
Oh, no, we got a rush to get in.
You this guy.
Well, you're not gonna get very far because his lawyer is there just nuts.
Anyway, coming back over here to the, uh, to the actual package that were using If you check out the examples directory, they've got, like, protest.
Tehran ends Urgh all in here.
And each of these has examples of common strategies.
So the cannon rush, just three bass void, rages, dominance.
Um, I think some of the other ones these ones I don't actually know too much about of all only just started looking at it.
Looks like we're about to see uh, yeah, we got well in the twenties, and we're producing Maur than we're losing, at least at the moment.
As game over, uh, CIA by on these boys avoid razors.
Look, absolutely.
Just, uh, looks so much better than these stalkers has loved a little blue.
Yeah, but by no, I don't feel like accepting here.
I want to destroy you completely for last match anyway.
So we can defeat, uh, Tehran.
Um, So the next thing is to check out these and you can import these.
And also your people were asking, what can you do?
Bought versus bod and all that kind of stuff And like they were curious about, you know, could we have, like, players compete against each other and all that?
And if you guys want to create bots and in all that, I'd be happy to showcase your bots on, go through them.
We were hoping to do some sort of like, tournament type system, but we'll see.
There's a lot of hardships involved in that one.
There's also SC two.
Aye, aye dot Net Kind of the same story I've been telling this whole time there is a way to submit things into here.
I just don't know it.
I haven't spent enough time looking into it.
Also looks like maybe they're mostly c++ spots.
I'm not really sure anyway, it exists now.
Um, let's see.
Oh, the other thing.
I was going to show you guys those, Like I was saying, you can import other bots.
So what I've done is since I cloned that directory, uh, bring it over.
So I cloned the, um, you know, the Pakistan were using and then hear our hero, those bots.
So, for example, we could bring in pro toss and let me just show you can and rush because we're gonna get just dominated.
Well, we're not gonna get dominated, but we're not gonna handle.
Can rush very well.
So what we can do is being come up here and we can sew.
Sew this tutorial, actually shoot.
I'm not sure if this tutorial is in the right directory for me to do this.
See, where are we?
Maybe let me just copy and paste it into tutorials, then.
Okay, So my script right now, like we're working right here.
And here's the examples directory.
So So what?
We can do to, um, t compete against either these example bots or bought other bots that we make her.
We want to compete like two bots versus each other.
You could do something like from examples dot pro toss dot on Let's do so.
Examples Pro toss And then let's do can and rush.
So I'm going to copy this dot Can and Rush, we want to import the main class here Cannon Rush body.
So we're gonna do this import cannon rush.
But then what we do is come down to the very bottom and rather than doing a computer, we're gonna do a but And in this case, can rush is a pro toss race.
So we need to make sure we allow them to be pro tossed.
That would be rude of us to not do that.
And we say, OK, this time we want to do the cannon rush bought.
So now let's run that up.
Hidden there, Some up here.
You gonna tell me it doesn't know examples.
Three s is It also is that lower cased?
It is lower case, but not three s is just two esses.
Try again.
Also, when you run to bots a couple things though see if it does it to me.
It looks like it is so you run to bots to Windows will pop up this time it actually worked.
Sometimes it hangs on a black screen and super frustrating.
And if that happens to you go to, like, documents Starcraft to open up that stark might, you know, go to your user.
My documents, Starcraft two.
And there's, like, a variables, not text.
Go to variables, not text.
And, um, I'm guessing this is yes.
Oh, so they run in here, they build these pylons, and then they start building the cannons.
So, like, in your actual base and because at this stage, my I don't have any fighters.
Um, we're not really now Couple fighters came in, but it's not enough.
It's too late.
Um, so let's go back into here.
Um, I'm waiting for one.
Okay, so here's one of their cannons.
So then they just start putting these up.
But we just don't have the firepower to defeat any of these cans.
Like our worker bots aren't going to be able to do it.
Um, now, we have already expanded over here, so it doesn't totally matter.
But the problem, at least with our logic at the moment, is we're gonna continued coming over here.
These are known units, and with this many little cannons.
We're never going to defeat that many cannons.
So over time there's just more and more and more of these.
They're just gonna keep popping up.
Now, both of these a eyes should be greatly improved.
Like they know where we are.
They know we're over here, so this can rush should now expand over here.
Um but they're not doing that.
Uh, also for us, As someone comes in like that, you should You should stop.
You should divert all that.
Like there's no good reason one of the enemy workers would be at your location.
So you wanna You wanna divert all of your resource?
Is thio going after them pretty quickly.
Um now, other than that, once they get him placed, the other thing you can do is you can just pick up your little base and fly away.
So that's doable as well.
But this can Rush bought isn't exactly the best the best one I've ever seen.
That could do better.
But basically the entire match is going to go this way.
Now, one thing they also keep in mind is this They're all they're doing is they just have a little workers, right?
They're completely defenseless.
All we need to do to really win this battle would be first to come up here and just destroy this nexus.
Destroyed this entire area, make a fume or enemy like fighting units and then just slowly defeat the rest of this like, it wouldn't be the end of the world to defeat this.
It's just you have to handle for it.
Okay, So I'm gonna close out of these and now, so at at this point, you know, what you're gonna do is you're gonna start going through all these examples and you're gonna start building cases and handling for all of these conditions.
And eventually, it just becomes kind of a pissing contest over who can write the most if statements to handle for the most conditions.
And it starts to get tedious at that point.
In my opinion, um, by all means have at it.
It's just I think that makes for a fairly boring tutorial.
So now we're gonna get Maur into doing deep learning on this stuff.
Now I just want to stress there's no deep learning bought is going toe toe outperform.
Um, at playing the game a rule based body and probably not even a human player, especially if we fairly limit actions per minute if we don't limit actions per minute up.
Fairly rudimentary bought could probably be the human player, but, um, but even with deep learning, it's pretty difficult because there's just so many variables here to consider.
But that's what we're gonna start playing around with his deep learning inside of Starcraft two, Um, and probably like there's just so many things that we could optimize like there's just so many hard coded values that we've put in here like, but even just things like, should we expand?
Should we not?
Should we attack?
Should we not?
What kind of unit should we build?
That kind of stuff, um, is useful.
And then also just yet.
Look at what point should we like?
How many units should be mining at any given time?
And like there's just so many variables here that we can use deep learning toe best, at least pick those values and then maybe you could put it all together like a bunch of class.
If IRS coming together and regress er's coming together could could be pretty good.
Um but anyways, that's what we're gonna be poking around with.
I personally, I would like to build something that's like, fully I, like all decisions, are a I based I think that would be cool.
But like I said, that doesn't currently exist.
There's nothing that really can do that.
Toa any good, successful degree.
So, um, don't expect that we're gonna come up with some sort of, you know, massive thing, but it will be fun.
I think so.
Maybe anyway, that's all for now.
Thanks again to my recent sponsors.
Whoa, look at that.
But it dang, that looks attractive.
You click it Anyways, I will see you guys next time.