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back Irish noises.
If you hit the bell of Ireland with a potato, you get extra Irish powers.
Welcome back, everybody to Minecraft.
We have some soft we have got to do today.
You like it.
You love it.
I don't because there's nothing in it yet.
It's just pointless.
It's just sitting there.
It looks cool.
I could swim around that I could be all by myself.
But we need some life in there.
I need to put some life in there.
So what are we going to do?
Turtle's gonna get turtles and we're going to steal.
Bring them to iron it and they're gonna have a great time.
Turtles love Ireland there.
Green Ireland's green.
My hair used to be green.
It's a match made in heaven.
Also, I fixed the sales on my windmill, did not realize that they were all off the entire time.
Everyone was like Jack, you have them wrong.
But I fixed them.
Now they all actually go in a direction that would actually be a horny bird, actually, Work time to get this jukebox probably would've broken quicker with an axe.
Wouldn't were taking it downstairs.
You also my brew instead.
Thank you into my inventory.
You go like the sweet little child that you wear.
People like a good idea to put the brewing stand in the juke box down in the buyer that I think that's a wonderful idea.
That's exactly where the ship should be in Shaun's bar.
Treating everyone to some nice music to some nice tunes.
I also have a really cool idea that I want to try and do here.
Maybe I don't know how it really works yet.
So I want to try, um, Duke box under Brewing's anniversary with the jukebox.
Put it Well, where would you Boggs here?
Yeah, put it on the door on the way in course.
Then people will be like, Oh, I love music.
I'm going to put on music rights.
Now I'm going to come down and into a discotheque and I'm going to have a really good time.
Look, the tables, Waldo Modern technology brewing sent brooms tanking.
Go right here.
That's perfect, then.
Oh, that wasn't there.
Oh, the play's rod.
I could make the thing from the place right and put it in here, and it makes potions who I have to go to another fortresses every time to kill those things, to get blazed rods just to make that to make potions on and kill the spawn.
Er's Oh, you don't kill us Bone or you destroyed, but it destroyed.
The spotters were to come out.
And what do we do that let me see a sponsor for the first time?
I just want to destroy it.
I want to put some things here.
I want to see if I can put I haven't messed with pistons yet, and I kind of want to.
I want to see if I can put some, like piston blocks here so that when I come in, you hit like a pressure plate here and then the pistons whole, all of the wall back.
So it's kinda like a secret hidden entrance.
So when people come down and to see the door, they're like huh?
There's nothing here.
Or maybe we could put it behind that No.
Yeah, we put the pressure plate like here, so when you walk in the door, I don't know if I could actually put it there, but it's a pull back the wall so that when you walk in it opens it up, You come in and everybody has a great old cracking time.
And then the wall closes in behind you.
But then how they work.
But then you could feel like a little enclosed space.
That'll be cool.
I want to do that.
Let's try that.
I've never happen Best a red stone in this entire place from yet.
I think it's time.
I think it's time to do some big brain sites.
Physicist Jack is going to kick into high gear.
I also should take down another war.
Should make.
Oh, yes, very nice.
I got 36 out of all of that street planted again.
Lovely, lovely job, Lee voice.
All right, pour one out.
I'm also in the process of building a giant moat around my entire place.
Um, it's not going great so far because I'm lazy.
So we're still getting invaded daily on the regs.
But, you know, that's just life.
I need to put down some torches in these areas because the monsters keeps spawning over here.
So I don't like that Not in my Ireland.
What's going Finberg?
You already keeping Well, I hope so.
Oh, yeah.
I also got on ender Pearl.
I was doing a little bit more farming down by my spa owners in the deep, dark down deep, dark.
And I found an end German and killed him super easily.
He didn't even hit me, was he?
Didn't even teleport once.
Um, so I got an ender Pearl out of that which I feel really good about.
Apparently, I can make an eye of Endor.
I say with some trepidation in my voice because I don't actually know what I'm doing.
Blaze powder.
That makes two nights.
No, take your rest of people.
What did you help me make?
I don't know.
Magma cream, yellow dye, yellow dye out of my blazed off on I A vendor.
Oh, I need this.
One blaze powder to do when I want to make an I A vendor.
I want to see what it looks like.
There's no point holding onto the items I have now.
I want to see what these do party.
I can throw them in the nether and they'll guide me toward nether fortresses.
I don't have that works.
And I'm very nervous that I'm gonna ruin this.
Whoa, What did they get now.
So many cool things.
What was that thing To make yourself this an end.
Crystal and I have ender aghast tear.
But I just use an iron.
No, Good.
It looks the same on a bunch of glass.
The glass that could do No problem.
I have ender.
I have that wait.
Does he Iive and to run out?
Like if I throw it in the nether, will it run out?
I need to find a better way of getting down to this frickin bar.
I mean, this is great and all, but it's not ideal.
Let me see you put you in here.
No, in there.
So it's the fuel that I used to make potions.
I got it.
What does it put you in here?
Not a damn thing.
Local brewery.
I did a thing.
Advancement made.
Oh my God.
Why have we never looked at this before?
Discover every bio.
There's 42 bottoms holding mother Change your respond point.
Sweet dreams.
Who's the Villager now?
Give a Villager a taste of their own Medicine Killed two phantoms of the piercing arrow.
Good Lord, Dude, have every potion effect applied at the same time I am never gonna get that withering heights.
Summoned the weather, obtain a wither skeleton skull, other wither skeletons on.
Then that's what the weather is.
I've seen that around.
And I saw that Felix summon the Withers, but I didn't know what it actually waas.
That's cool.
So the boss use the nether to travel seven kilometers of the over words.
Didn't I do that?
You're like I traveled a lot.
Oh, my God.
There's so many things in here.
He never clicked on this following I of Endor.
We get that advancement now enter the end portal, weaken, and then cure a zombie Villager what the freak man in China and I demand in China.
So that's where every time he didn't advancement, that's where it was going.
I never clicked on that menu before.
Things here the whole time.
It's actually giving me, like tips on where to go next smelting iron and get protect yourself of the piece of iron armour.
These actually do anything or they're just achievements.
I don't know.
How do I brew potions?
That's what I want to figure out.
Oh, I need to fill the little bottles full of water for the water.
Then they're gonna be full of water.
That's a little potion that I want.
Can I actually steal some of this water?
I can't.
I don't want you in case I ruin it.
Should be water here somewhere.
There's ah area down here that had a bunch of water in it, but I don't know where that is.
Is it here?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you, Julie.
Yes, quite.
We've got a lot of potions.
There we go.
Now let's see how this works.
I didn't know a piston things.
Whoa, It's doing a thing.
What do you make?
Okay, wait.
Let's take out two of these for now because you don't stack.
I guess if you're gonna become full potions, you can't stack.
I knew another ward went into the Bruins, stand to make a potion of some sort, but didn't know how to fill it full of water.
You're just adding effect of the water on awkward potion.
But I guess I got poured all over as a child with that.
Ah, it's an awkward potion.
How does this work of work?
I guess I could actually just store this stuff in here.
Now, then.
That's super handy.
Thank you.
What, bro?
What helpful, bro?
Let's read some other stuff down here is Well, this'd how the Irish people used to write these bad bitches for miles.
I need to get my piston stuff.
I also need to get some my melons, and he'd start growing some melons out there.
But are you serious?
Oh, ha ha ha.
You're close toe one, baby.
But you're not coast to two beds.
Can't be close to two beds.
Yeah, die on my roof.
Removal the wheat.
We don't need the wheat.
Well, it's not gonna be here anymore.
Anyway, I've been meaning to do this for a while.
Who did this?
Who ruined my perfect crop and you're the harvest is going to be bad.
This year was about over in upon me.
All right, let's plant or some melons going to start off small at first.
Here we go.
Small little melon firm grow melons grow with the power of Ireland.
Yeah, vault your oId there speaks a Myers to it and grow strong farce in party.
Largely Emily grow my sweet Children.
I don't know if that's right.
I had to use Google.
Translate to figure I don't speak Irish.
Uh, okay.
I need some blocks of red stones and you start making some Redstone just is the piston thing in here pissed?
Okay, What we need its own does couple stone through the planks and an iron.
No problem.
Properties I can do.
That's easy.
That's easy.
Mode, gamer.
Uh, let's make our this back in the red stone dust A little gamer tip.
What am I missing?
Shut up and die.
Let's make two two for now.
I don't know how they work on.
Let's make some pressure plates.
Do I have any pressure plates?
Feel like I should oak pressure plate.
All right, All right.
No problem.
I have.
Oh, pranks already.
Let's make another oak pressure play.
I don't know how many needs Maybe to get in and out.
Yeah, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, That's good.
That's good.
That's good.
We owe Coach.
Do you guys want to come down to see the poll?
Of course you do.
Your Irish animals come on downstairs.
Oh, wait.
I know if you guys were actually able to make it down under the point.
Oh, that might not work.
You're No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Stay right there.
You guys so drown.
If you follow me to tell you, don't break.
Everybody rough, even.
Are great swimmers.
You stay there.
Great instrument across your distances.
Um, okay.
Let's see how this works.
I put a piston and I have never used these before.
What does that do with the piston in and put you down?
Probably in the wrong place.
Okay, that works in the door.
Grace, I don't need John the door.
Any John this way.
Work you one pair of bands later.
From what?
I looked up a little harder than I thought it was gonna be.
Um I need I need Red Stone.
Okay, I have my rights.
Don't dust.
Let's make another work bench down here so I can work down here.
I I thought you were sitting around.
You can You can live in the pope then if you want.
Do you want to be?
You want to be in charge of the jukebox jukebox Coach, Let's put this here for now.
I need some Redstone torches.
Let's get whatever um, make them again.
There we go.
Uh, fam cool.
So I have to make Redstone is the power basically in this game.
So to set it up in a way that there's a power source and then a power line.
Don't do it.
I don't know.
This person did a thing.
Maybe I should just follow along with that.
Redstone's complicated stay in there.
Don't drink anything.
Don't get high off our own supply.
So I have a red stone torch that the piston goes on meet.
Okay, But I need you facing that, uh, the other way.
How do you know?
How do you do that, though?
Yeah, like that.
Okay, It worked.
What happens if you just put a pressure plate down now?
Absolutely nothing.
You work on that.
All right, assistant Guys, some time left to go.
20 for hours later, science has been done.
Science is in the doing.
Died frickin hopes.
I hope I know what I'm doing.
If not, then all hope is lost.
Totally lost already.
To be honest, I'm gonna ruin all these walls.
Well, I want my walls to look nice.
I want my stuff to all be one piece of stone, not cobblestone.
And whether they knew I thank goosed it up.
Y'all, You're freak.
You need to go back to heck in Minecraft Ireland.
Nighttime out here.
You know, Ireland is dark and cold, dreary and miserable.
It's also beautiful when it wants to be.
I guess my castle brings.
That doesn't Well, it's morning time, actually.
Good old Irish sunrise.
Have you ever seen the like Where is my stoney boys?
Deposit all of this stuff instead of traveling with the world's largest quantity of everything all the time.
Ender sama, What are you doing in there?
Are you dying?
Did you die?
Is that what happened?
Did you give me a thing?
Hey, I got an interpreter like that.
God put you there.
Now it's blocked over.
Goody, goody, goody goody.
All right, so if I want I don't think I can use a pressure plate for this coming.
Do I have to?
I can't get it to frickin thing now.
I think I need a switch.
I don't think the pressure plates gonna work on this.
It's a pressure plate.
Brush maids working for the door.
Mmm mmm, mmm mmm.
OK, figure this out.
How do we get this to work with this?
Get stone button.
One wiener late there.
It's gonna take me ages to figure out how to do this Redstone thing.
So in the meantime, I I was told a trick.
If I wait, Wait, why can't I place you on you?
I want to place you on the actual thing.
How do we do that?
Please it like that on the barrel.
Can I not do that?
If I place it on the barrel like that, then it looks like a like a tap.
That's like a little spout.
But I can't do it.
People do it in.
Oh, like that.
I had to be at a certain angle.
No ice.
It's cute.
It looks like they're actually have, like, a little spots in the nurse.
You can get the drink and then you turn around and just pulled out and pour it out.
A little wine casks or something.
I don't know.
You wouldn't do that, would.
But this is Minecraft.
It's all times.
Who knows what you do?
You don't know put down that table.
Coach, What are you doing?
No, sit there.
Actually, I'm gonna worry that you'll get lost.
3000 Whip.
Who's late?
L I think I figured it out.
I think I figured it out.
Okay, let me just get rid of all of these.
There's all my Redstone going on in the background.
I I think this works, and I think this works well.
Let me just put my two stone here.
Both of these everything has to look nice for the test.
If it doesn't, then what's this really?
All worse, huh?
What's even the point exactly?
Oh, dang it.
I messed it off already.
Is everyone ready?
Is everyone ready for the test?
Should go here.
Is everyone ready?
It doesn't work.
Oh, it doesn't work.
I want to go back in.
It was working literally 20 seconds ago.
What did I do?
That it just pushed the blocks out but doesn't pull them back in?
Is that really what that ends up doing?
It doesn't just attach the blocks to the thing with those sucks.
So there's probably a more efficient way of doing this, But literally.
All I did was Why are all of this red Stone up?
That was the only way in all the sequencing that I did to make it actually work with the switch.
Like this big brain, me do big brain thing.
How do we get them to go back?
Does the Pistons this site as well?
That's not gonna work with that.
Connect to that.
I don't know how any of this works.
I'm just putting a bunch of stuff down and hoping that it clicks.
OK, I got it to work.
Not well.
It doesn't work Well, it's not what I want.
I want it to be all automated and cool.
So the putting blends in there, which is kind of nice.
That's how you get it too close when I come through.
See, the point of this is you need a password to enter.
I need a password to enter into Shawn's buyer.
It's very secret Password only.
I know it right now.
I don't need it because I'm the only one company and you come in, You close the door behind you.
You speak the password and someone's like all finley T potatoes.
Come on in.
You click that and you're in your into the bar on.
That's amazing.
And then when you're in, you hit the switch.
No, you don't.
You don't hit that when you hit this one, and then it closes off behind you.
So you're trapped inside of the door, Vicky, I can't.
You're trapped inside, and then you're in the buyer on.
Everyone has a grand old time.
That sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
And then when you want to leave, you're like, Oh, I'm heading out for the night.
Guys, I've had too much to drink.
Hit the button.
Get this again, and then you leave.
That is absolutely atrocious.
I wanted to be.
I wanted to be automated.
I wanted to be cool.
I don't want to have to do this.
I guess I could get rid of this door.
No, that's not what you're supposed to do.
You're supposed to come out and then close it again, but it opens up all these other fricking doors, and I can put that door there.
Let's put these doors down a little further.
No, no, You're not supposed to trigger the door.
Who helped me?
You're a great time.
Oh, no, I can't put that they're I can't put my table down.
Uh uh.
Juman switches.
You're a great cap, but could you be quiet?
I'm sorry.
We should be taking this out on you.
You don't deserve that.
You're a great little cat.
You're the best little cat, Dad.
He's just upset.
Okay, Here.
All right.
They also don't like, Well, I have to press this one twice, which I really don't like.
Wait, Maybe you could just press that.
Make another button, but I could anybody should I Stone button that work?
Oh, I freak.
Iti hope so.
Ho ho!
Oh, my God.
Puts up in there on the table.
If everyone's going in, your drinks are going up into the ceiling.
That's not Irish.
That's not good.
But you know what?
It's done to the best of my abilities right now.
This is about all I'm willing to put into is about all the effort that I have left in this tiny boy body of mine that should do.
You should just know that they're cool.
All writing.
That's good.
Shawn's buyer.
No, you need to go down.
Another one buyer is back open.
Close the door behind you say the magic words Door actually opens up behind, drink it anyway and then hit that button.
Everything closes your drinks going to the season finale.
De everyone's Irish having a grand time.
Those friends doesn't tell you how long I've been trying to make things happen in this game.
How long I've been trying to get my local brewing Cool how long it's been since I slept in the game like Eric is going crazy and seeing phantoms again already.
Good Lord.
All right, I need Thio.
Another iron sword.
Uh, no need to make an iron sword because I need to repair this one.
This one's a little broken.
It's just a little banged up Easter.
Silly away.
There we go.
The Spanish pushed, but you're in.
Bob's your uncle Back out again.
Jack McCall's too buying job.
Do you know what's going to happen?
No, Sam, Your old daddy, Jackie boy, he's going to head off and he's going to do something.
Fire bore productive with his time than trying to red dust.
I already have some sort of disease.
After inhaling all of that red dust, the red stone dust Can I make a better boat if you like.
I've made the best Redstone doors.
Now I have the technology.
I have science on my site.
Could I just build a steamboat and took it?
Sugar all the way down along.
All right.
I'm looking for turtles.
Turtles usually frequented this area and I want them.
I want them back in my aquarium.
I need life back in my area.
You need all the animals.
Ter toe for loading.
Okay, come on.
No, tonight.
I'm not.
Oh, no.
Can I put you in the boat?
No, I can't grab them with lead.
No, I'm supposed to do No, I was relying on that.
That was my ace in the hole.
Dang it!
I'm gonna get in the boat.
You want to resurface?
Come on surface and get in the boat.
Just get the food.
It's getting a little D day boat.
It's just like you.
Except it's made out of wood.
Go that way.
Go that way.
Come on, man, be a body.
How to kidnap turtles in Minecraft in Minecraft.
Where is it?
Turns that already at Find him.
Find him in steal them.
Oh my God!
Thing is when I was searching for the treasure last time and I was like, It's nowhere to be found.
It's too complicated.
Way was right here.
I dug it up already.
Come on, game be a body.
No game.
Can I access?
I could do it the last time I couldn't find it.
It was right there.
And after all of that.
It's amazing.
Oh, I don't like Minecraft anymore.
What did you do?
Why didn't you?
Okay, There you go.
12 emeralds.
You see, it's a two diamonds in it.
Heart of the sea, because everything it is So, buddy, good things, baby.
You're not a baby turtle.
You were just further away.
So you look smaller.
Turtles go onto the scent.
Well, the decide together.
Just just go sleep.
Yeah, Much weight.
Just bring you like this.
Wait, I'm not Turtle.
Okay, Okay.
Look, I have this in my hand.
Follow me.
His works a treat.
It's a slow one, but I'm gonna have an army of turtles.
Come on, buddies on anybody else you find along the way we will add to our turkey army.
Yester knows across the sea of tranquility.
There she is the distance sides Ireland.
Big and strong and beautiful and green.
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Stay away, Turtles.
It's an aw, man.
Do even that second Minecraft.
Follow me this way.
Come on, Turtles.
You could do it faster, Ben.
You guys can't live in there.
That's my house.
Hi, Sam.
I have friends.
I'll bring you out to see them shortly.
That's my house, Charles.
You can't be in there.
You'll probably die.
Actually, if you stay in there, you have to go in.
See home.
You have to go in water.
Town, Water village.
Okay, It looks like prison, but it's not.
It looks like a little tiny baby prison for turtles, but it's actually epic.
That's bad.
Oh, God.
How am I going to do this?
As soon as I start moving items on trying to use something else, the turtles are just gonna go away.
What do we do?
What we do?
What do we do?
What we do?
We got those two turtles in the boat.
Oh, excellent.
That works.
God, why are you so fast?
No shield.
Oh, no.
Eternal soco.
Wake turned.
Stay here, Colonel, please.
And Why does it have to be night time?
Let's do this quick.
No, no!
Leave my turkeys alone There, my sweet baby boys.
How rice.
There you go.
Sweet turtle.
Some three Stooges this and get it.
Come here.
Last boy, last voice.
We, turtle.
Hey, now you're in here forever.
I'm sorry I entice you with some freedom and some love and tenderness, but all I did was gave give you prison trapped forever.
You really should read the fine print, though.
You should put away all my super nice stuff.
16 diamonds.
I have No, that's a big That's a lot of dime We're going to use them on.
Kevin is just holding onto them in case everything goes belly up.
Shouldn't put the help in there.
Um, because what if I die now?
What if I die when I die?
So I'm come on out and meet your new friends.
That was Death Valley got zapped.
Just just go.
Just teleport.
Can you tell a four teleport for me, boy, What are you doing over there?
You're supposed to be an epic dog.
You must be able to do cool things.
I am not covering you in.
This is not prison.
This is just Everyone's doing it.
You used me, my silky boy here to get my glass back.
This is just so you guys concede outside.
Better glass sheds.
More light than anything else.
Okay, bye.
Did you make it?
Look at your new friends.
No big deal.
These are your new three toward his friends.
You're with tree turtles.
I call them the Stooges because they took a long time to get in and they were kind of stuck in the door.
You like him?
I like to malign.
Brings a lot of life to the area.
We're gonna get a dolphin someday, Sam.
As soon as I get another name, take that.
Next name tag is going on to the dolphin.
Sorry for saying this is Warrick.
You can It looks like you, but he's bigger and angrier.
This is thistles, the polar play palace.
I had to bring it on two polar play place?
No, not because they don't know how to spell Sam.
It's because it's crap.
It was supposed to be a palace.
And this is what I gave him.
It's quite sad.
Why do we need a special way of harvesting these?
Whoa, Six melon slices.
Do to get some sweet water but loans.
Okay, let me take out my Holy And why did that do that?
Oh, no, Sam.
I thought you'd have the answers.
Why aren't you answering me?
So can I?
Blistering melon slices.
Well, you can only make one.
They use all of those golden nuggets.
Holy Fricker.
All these into nuggets.
All right.
I don't know if that was worth it, but whatever.
Wait, Can I turn?
Gets back into buyers when, like, Okay, I can't.
Thank you.
Thought I lost him.
Playtime's over.
We already went walkies.
Okay, good point.
SAB to make potions.
The password is that's the password.
What password?
To get into Shawn's bear.
The password is but okay, I get to enter.
Thank you, Coach.
I was going.
You do it.
Well, I hope so.
Uh, let me see.
Let me take out my three awkward potions.
Put those back in.
Now let's put in the melon.
I know we're doing science.
You can go away and the jukebox to go back to where it was supposed to be.
Yeah, you're going?
You could be.
You still be D j if you want.
All right, let me see.
Potion of healing.
Yeah, is it is not gonna make any more.
All right, These air, mundane potions.
What's okay?
Another potion of healing.
Now, that's fantastic.
No, I know how to make them sweet away.
I took away, right?
Yeah, whatever.
Just put all of those back in its whatever but helping there as well, Because who knows?
Do you want some cut?
All right.
You don't like cooked card?
You only like you're like raw fish.
Okay, put the blistering melon slices in there as well, because this is where I'm going to come to make myself.
I ever heard of the sea wave.
That means all right, for than Dean Ater longs.
I'm going to need actually build my wheat all the way around this.
It's gonna be like in a ring around it.
If I can actually do that, it's so bad.
Honestly, I mean, it doesn't have to be perfect.
I party.
Keep your opinions to yourself.
I don't want to hear it, But give me sass.
I don't know if it's, like the same all the way around, but I'm not going to be splitting hairs at this point.
Oh, it just turns back on us and put water on it immediately.
I gotta get water.
Help rub the book.
It's on.
Poor nice.
I love a nice chunk.
Poor again.
That is that we're gonna fill up this entire thing.
The whole thing is gonna be filling water, and then we're gonna have a ring off tweet all the way around it.
There perfects all the waters in, um, stick all the way around this, then.
Well, I don't know if I want the heat on this side or the other side's.
Gosh, dang it where I want to eat here.
Or do I want weed in here?
Maybe all the way on the inside.
So these are putting it out here.
It's going to start taking up way too much room, but I can put a fence all the way around this order how that looks from aerial view.
Is it actually at all symmetrical?
Jury says no, bro.
Plan, plan Aereo All done zone now.
We just have to wait and see what it looks like when it's all done.
Look at all of this year and then the little amount that's here, that really bothers me.
Oh, it's immediately noticed, but it's gonna be even worse.
You didn't count any of the actual squares.
I didn't think I'd need to.
And this is all Stone as well, which you shouldn't have done.
I mean, it was fine at the time, but now it threw me off when I was building all of this.
There we go.
Now it looks a bit more even.
Oh, wow.
This is so much fun.
Putting fences around everything we got.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Yes, I had enough.
Oh, this is the best day Squeegees.
This is gonna look awesome.
I know I could be more efficient with my wheat growing.
I know that you could probably plant a bit more around, but I wanted it to be just aesthetic more than it is functional as well.
But I wanted to be aesthetic.
More than just functional.
Um, I need to make some slabs.
Oh, my God.
How do I get to the seeds, you may ask.
I don't Apparently that looks pretty Dang sweet.
That's gonna look so good when everything grows and it's actually full yellow.
All right, Now, what am I gonna do to the background area over here?
These are all different color woods.
But I cannot be ours coming back to get everything else.
Um, maybe actually, connecting that to their wood war.
That's actually not bad, vice.
That works out well, man.
Yeah, this is gonna look so nice.
Let me match this up a little better.
I cannot even find them How many creative, like creepers and suffer.
Probably spawning up in the middle of this because there's no lights on the top of it or even near the middle of it.
But I needed to put lights.
Appears well, You can't be in my dreams, Creeper.
Only Tom Cruise could get me there.
All right, Creeper, if you want a tussle, Do you know what you're getting in?
Taste my wrath?
Yes, a two shot bo.
I'll take it, dude.
Oh, Finn.
Virus salivating.
Just looking at those tasty wheats over there.
Go on, get out off my Mel.
It's It's really starting to come together.
Okay, Get down from up there tonight.
Okay, a little higher.
I got him.
Come on, show your face again, Date.
That's fun.
But the whole area is really starting to come together.
The whole space is certain to fill up my ass.
Turtles are still here.
Uh huh.
Although three of you here ho look atyou sneaking around, Little Terry Turtle, do that to me.
Also need to fix the currents in here.
They're not great.
But when I started off this game, it was just this island and a teeny tiny little speck off land to build my to build my base on.
And look what it's turned into a giant castle.
A giant Guinness.
A spider on top.
For now we have this sweet stable with a Finbar.
We have our farm over here.
We have an aquarium when we have a big, gigantic windmill with a fence on wheat and everything all around, it's looking so good.
I'm so proud of it.
In such a short span of time.
My grass is awesome.
But thank you guys.
So much for watching these episodes and enjoying the Siri's so much.
It's been such a huge just It's just been such a huge project of passion to play this game, day in, day out and just improve my bass.
I don't know.
Some episodes don't have the craziest amount of dirt on the side of this, so ever since I don't have the craziest amount of, um, progress being made and some of it is just building and some of it is just farming.
But it's delightful.
It's such a fun time.
I never thought I would enjoy Minecraft this much, so I really appreciate you guys being here and the support you've been giving the series so far in just the love and tips and support that you've just been giving me for the game in general has just been outstanding.