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Morning, ladies.
My name is Jackson to go and welcome back to what should be the last episode off Half life.
Alex, what's gonna happen?
I don't know.
Let's go bust Gordon Freeman out and see what he has to say.
Do you think you'll talk for the first time?
He never talks because they want you to associate yourself with him.
But I kind of wish you would talk.
I'm not scared of you.
I'm scared of you.
You think I'm scared off our spiders and the dark?
You're a piece of piss compared to them.
Uh huh.
A Roni can.
More of you guys show up so I could shoot us like a Vera How this thing works.
I kind of just bought it.
I don't really know how it works.
Here, Lord.
Okay, Hold open magazine.
Oh, how I guess that's why you didn't work before I press a thing toe.
Open it.
Whoa, whoa.
I don't have a fucking fight.
You as well.
I think this is a fucking discord.
Oh, yeah, that's really nice.
Well, don't you, Alex?
Did you just throw that in the ground?
Okay, open.
Go in.
All right, so that was the last one.
Got it.
All right.
There's something wrong.
I don't hear us.
Come on.
I thought about your legs were gone.
I need I need some fucking hard core drugs.
Any more shit?
Head showing up?
Plenty of them.
Making our way to Dodge Dodge dodge dot They're just gonna keep spitting at me.
Everything okay?
That's not so bad.
Come on, show up like that.
Come on.
Kind of a waste, but whatever.
So were you, Uh God.
I make myself laugh because no one else will.
Uh, yeah.
God, Just fucking money of them, all right?
You got this, Jackie boy.
Come on, Go in the fucking slot.
Do I have one on this?
I do.
Hye Jin.
Jump, bitch!
You got some fucking through your name.
I don't like you in that way.
Oh, okay.
Out, out, out, out!
Out of me!
Holy fucking Mary's ass Last.
Oh, a rest.
You wanna swap in here?
I would probably probably rob us.
I mean, I survived it for I am the bad ass, Most bodacious out expense.
Fucking intense.
All right, let's have a little look see around.
Shall we?
I hit that, but it didn't explode.
I would've been fucking tray epic.
Avenue was a shotgun in the oil.
Because I really want to make sure that when I use my chocolate, it's like, right up in someone's face.
So all the pellets, the entire shot, goes into someone's ass?
Our faces ever is worse.
I didn't actually take a chance to look around this fucking awesome big boys.
Okay, Uh, what does that mean?
You just revert.
It is their way of doing this so that I just flicked them all one by one, and they all work.
All right, let's just get it set up for that one.
Let's get set up for that one.
So maybe, like there's ah timed amount.
Is it this one I have to switch?
Okay, hold on.
That one opens that one opens on, then that one opens.
Got too big.
Is this the actual vote?
No, that was up in the air.
Was Stop.
Go away, Stinky.
All right, I'm ready.
I'm ready to fucking fight some people.
Well, I didn't really work.
Good to see you.
Your box.
Hey, just don't fall down in the middle.
You probably died down there.
There you go.
Oh, that goes way down, like way, way, way down.
All right, you guys keep fighting up there.
I'm going in here.
Well, there must be one of these around somewhere.
I don't need it, though.
Nice hydrazine.
Oh, most shit over here.
Um, I'm assuming I could go around there or not, huh?
Oh, God, I stink.
That's you.
So you stay over there.
Oh, my lives.
Come on.
That's what I've been saving the shotgun for.
We don't have five more.
Okay, Trump shots?
Not totally.
Beard hairs getting itchy.
Open my nose.
Hold how?
Don't do anything with this.
I know you're gonna be an asshole, so Thanks.
But come on.
But how do I open that?
It must be a way to get in there.
I miss something.
No, that's fine.
No one fucking cares.
Maybe it's a loop back around eventually, and I get in there.
Who knows?
So what do we do?
Gotta turn in a weird way.
this looks important.
This whole room, whatever you got going on in here, You know what that is?
Fuck you, Box.
Get out of here.
I boards to be break What?
You know.
That box for me.
Go all you have.
You really shouldn't have at a time like this not wait.
Maybe it would be like a big fight at the end.
Maybe you should save for that.
Oh, right.
No, I'm not in that place.
I was all confused for a second.
Look, the exact same.
Um, yeah, let's do this.
Oh, boy.
My favorite things that I always fuck up.
God, look at all these reds.
Well, you can't move yet.
Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fucked.
No, I'm not.
I'm a legend.
Dropped weight.
Does letting it go?
Keep it in invulnerable.
Oh, my God.
Is it just has it taken me this long to realize that all My God, what is wrong with me?
I didn't realize you could just let it go on then.
The red doesn't attack it.
Oh, no.
I feel dumb only doing dome.
All right.
Um okay.
Uh, once that's not fucking going anywhere with this piece of shit.
stuck in it.
Um, what I gotta do around here?
Oh, clever.
I was following the wires.
I came over here and onto this.
So you need Thio.
Bring that that way.
All right, sir.
What's going?
You shouldn't be here.
Fill this out through.
Let's sign yourself in.
Is there a point to the pipe?
Remove those boards.
It's not gonna let me jump two there.
Let's go down and deal with this guy.
I have an itchy trigger finger high.
You don't work here.
I do.
Oh, nice.
Said that fucker into another dimension.
Where'd you go?
Where you like all the way down there somewhere.
Bye, Warlord fuckers, huh?
Come here.
Get rid of these boards.
I can't just jump there.
So we're here, though.
How he dropped down here.
Can I get back up?
Before come late to figure that out?
Well, this is good.
This is good.
I need to be here.
Ah Ah Wei Fucking fastest claimer in the West.
No, this case is useless.
Uh, nothing.
You're just gonna give me nothing like that?
Is this the thing where the more ammo you have The less the game gives you or is it just being that stingy on That is, uh, that's the way it was confusing me.
It's like the next level up.
Ah, I see.
I see.
I see.
I see.
Can I go in?
No, he's made me look.
We can just jump straight across from here.
Fuck, yeah.
And then uh huh.
Like that.
The head crab do just gone.
They just fucking mope and send him all the way down the whole hell.
I wanna go up there, Alex.
We're getting close to the vault now.
Oh, no.
Gonna have many more chances to use your rhythm.
We'll see if there any of raising use.
I can't believe my pistols.
Night of the fire.
I was thinking about giving it to board.
Give it to Gordon.
You could use it.
I got it.
Okay, cool.
Last one, maybe there's really feels like we're going upstairs, and then that's gonna be it.
Uh, okay.
You don't really give me any hints.
You're that Wait.
Oh, that was a weird one.
I think I was trying to trick me into thinking that one of them because the two beams there so close together that it made it seem like it was supposed to go somewhere else.
All right, um, 19.
I don't think that's enough to buy anything.
Auto Loader would have been nice.
Double shot would've been nice, but it's still pretty cool the way it is.
Reflex sight, I guess.
I think after new burst fire, Um, I think this is probably the end, so I'm just gonna get the reflex, like, why not?
No matter what I get, we're gonna be fine.
Anyway, it's not like these aren't vital just for little upgrades.
I mean, the laser sights, I think our vital I think they're the most important upgrades in the entire game.
But everything else after that is just whatever you do.
God damn, That's cool looking these these holographic three D sites are so fucking cool looking and like an actual three D environment making a lot of noise.
I mean, I was still going to use the thing anyway, the laser on its own.
Same with this.
I haven't used this in a long time.
People were saying like, but it shows you where the weak point is but it's pretty damn obvious with weak.
Point is, most of them are in the head.
I don't want to go to work on then at lines.
It's like they're glowing is the same with the lightning dogs planting of handgun ammo.
I wonder if there's gonna be a big fight at the end on what the big fight would be.
Because this, I guess halfway to has some big fights.
Ah, shit.
Excuse me.
Where the fuck is that?
Who shoot?
I see you come out.
There you go.
Socket this.
Let me Yoon Oh, nice.
Thank you.
I actually didn't check this evening.
You normally have grenades on you?
If anything, I think in the van.
No store in any grenades in here room.
You never tell you that?
I'm afraid.
Your shield I was gonna be afraid of a shield.
That was the time to use the shop.
This is fucking fun.
It's hard to know what?
Your left.
I'm out.
I'm not out.
I just haven't reloaded.
Nice, cool all.
I don't think the game's gonna give me much resin anymore.
Ah, that's where it was earlier.
Nice this is like, Hey, pass me the barrow.
It's boxing the face, huh?
There you go.
Wait a shit on me.
The greatest.
Um Okay, hold on.
That's cool.
Uh, these in.
All right, He Oh, was it cool on health station game?
Just keeps you going, doesn't it?
I know I'm full health anyway, but I'm just worried, in case there's like that.
The one tiny bit you know, I'm not, like, 98% right.
Send me up, Daddio.
We're underneath it down.
That's fucking bite us.
Oh, I think our right.
Yeah, that's right.
Oh, your health.
I can see it, but it's not.
Let me hit it.
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, Jesus.
Like a hit.
You know, um, Dan of too many things, We'll just bring it with me anyway.
Oh, okay.
I'm assuming I'm gonna have to use a here.
Fucking fucking nailing them.
Oh, man.
How Wow.
God damn bitch.
Left who?
I get really excited.
You go out here.
Where'd you go?
Show yourself.
Oh, God.
Oh, you're about to get pumped by Jack.
Bye bye.
It sounded like you died here.
But you were all the way down there.
I love one of my favorite things about this game is being ableto you start off in one section.
You see where you need to go?
This has always been kind of in the forefront.
Holy fuck.
That looks amazing.
Um, but like walking along an area you like, I started down there, saw where I needed to go.
You come up and then when you opened the area being able to look back down from where you came from, there's something about that type of level design that I really, really love Just gonna make everything feel interconnected.
It's Avery.
That's why dark souls is like level design.
I see it.
We're all much, man.
That's why Derek sold level design has always really admired by people because it makes you feel like you're all connected to everything she's Christ.
Holy fuck!
Fucking intense now, lads.
I need to throw in my right hand.
My lifetime is garbage.
Oh, no.
I'm so scared.
Whatever shall I do?
Are you not dying?
I I thought he was gonna die away sooner.
That's why he got so cocky.
Oh, man didn't explode from all the shots earlier.
No, that was like distractible environments.
Okay, I don't have this yet.
The one time I don't actually have one.
Now, Alex, it looks like you will be able to get into the vault from a bed Is a terminal that extends a bridge to the entrance.
What's the security, like inside?
Got laid out in front of me and I'll kill you.
There is security, but I've not seen anything like it.
It doesn't make any sense.
I guess I'll have to improvise.
Don't worry, honey.
I figured out.
No, Dad, wait.
So where is this?
There it is.
They've never given me.
They've never shown me one of these and not had the thing right next to it.
Why am I nervous?
I think I'm nervous because half of games are notorious for having really crazy endings.
So I'm really excited to see what this is all.
Man, this is fucking wonderful.
I hope they make more with this engine, Not V R.
So head controls doctor station.
All right, here we go.
I make a rescue the savior of Hannity.
You know, honey, you haven't been doing your badge.
I could've used you up.
Oh, maybe have lasted.
All right.
It looks like the bridge is fully extended.
Just need to gently doc a vault to the bridge.
How can that be?
Oh, geez.
Well, one of these has to bring in the vault for Don, right?
No, I don't.
That one.
I can't I can't pull it back.
Alex Bridges moving.
Why not moving?
No rest.
I can see it.
Not moving.
Um, I don't know.
Just do them all.
Holy fucking shit!
Oh, my God.
Holy fucking bullets!
That was amazing.
I'm assuming I was supposed to do that, because this way, that's gonna happen a lot more.
Oh, man, That was awesome.
Looking the way that the bridge broken, crumbled and went into it.
It was so realistic looking the physics or not.
All right.
You okay, E?
Think I just killed Morgan Freeman?
Just going to get him.
I'm on my way.
That's a while.
I need health in a very, very bad way.
Oh, thank you, little buddy.
Thank you, little soupy friends.
It's all over now.
Where am I going?
Going down.
Oh, Don't worry, Gordo.
I'm coming.
I killed everybody.
I killed a lot of people.
Here we go.
Tell you what a shot.
Wait here.
I don't think the game's gonna give me much stuff to do anymore.
It's just kind of like, hey, have for no till the end.
What the fuck happened?
Okay, now that I figure these out a little bit more, I'm gonna just pull them along piece by piece every time.
So many of them.
Right here.
So much easier now, Uh, whatever.
Uh, go.
You go in there nice.
I like for the weapons.
Like I can I can go like that.
And I could just flick that to the side.
Feels very intuitive.
How am I supposed to know that I'm going the right way?
I'm getting good at that.
Pastrana devices.
Oh, lucky break there.
Could you imagine that thing blocking your way?
Don't jinx me.
I kind of wanted one, though.
I thought that we got to see them.
Well, not the striders, but the big tripod things.
Putting down the cables.
I really wanted to see some of these guys goingto work all the details.
You just never think about this When you're playing it Normally you never think about their feet.
Who even need to do this?
What did that do?
Call the lift.
Do you think it will come?
Um, um am I able to go through here?
I don't think so.
You want You want to come?
You know where that did?
Wait, Hold on.
Every the cables go somewhere else.
I don't know.
I'm kind of confused.
Um, I was there.
Oh, wait, Hold on.
I know it's just the other side of it.
Long down.
We went all the way in there somewhere.
Oh, weird.
You again.
You just never think about doing that envy.
Or I guess, Uh, Okay.
I wanted that, too.
Anything in here?
Oh, I can.
Actually going to make Gordon's gonna be so mad that I didn't use a crowbar.
Not very threatening anymore.
Are you nice?
Um you see is gonna be in here.
I hear it.
What's up, little buddy?
Squishing is such sweet sorrow.
Sze, is that it for here?
I got some.
I'm a lot of thought.
That's good.
Who Yeah.
Does the elevator actually work?
No, I thought you were joking.
Like there's no way the elevator could work.
The whole place is destroyed, but the mad lads did it.
My risk pocket.
Thank you.
Oh, damn.
I supposed todo but it always fighting.
Thank you.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
Jesus Christ!
Good Lord.
The thing is, massive war.
Yes, Walking helps.
I was so before to see one of them.
You're very cool.
Go things up.
No street drugs.
Oh, boy, that was intense.
Oh, look way.
Just like Booth.
Jeepers this game.
It's not very good at showing you when your health is getting low other than on my watch, because you guys can see my health on screen all the time.
But I have to look at my watch.
Every time I thought that the screen will get dark arrest.
I was being shot.
I mean, maybe it did.
Everything happens.
Thing isn't cheating.
Oh, my God.
Shut the grenade on his chest.
That was cool.
Get rid of it.
That was awesome.
Yeah, I didn't know I could shoot the grenade on his chest to make him explode.
Oh, Lord.
Oh, Lord, I got you out.
Look, that she says poof.
Fuck out.
Okay, you got this?
You got this?
Now, out, out, Out.
Okay, be careful.
Don't let the same thing happening again.
Shooting over there.
Okay, I think this grenade, just in case, guys course, is more your cover Grenade.
Come on.
You drop anything?
Yeah, that feels good.
I think I might.
Full health, but just in case.
Oh, yeah.
Sweet soup.
Sweet, sexy soup.
Oh, fights a ramping up now.
Um, I put you actually on my shelf.
I'll put you in my hand.
Oh, my God.
So much health.
Also my resident, huh?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Oh, my God!
That's so cool.
Fucking pretty.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
Walk it out.
You bought this?
I got him.
Okay, okay, okay.
Can I like No, No, I can't do this.
So fucking about.
I've never felt more like I'm in a movie than I do right now.
Help on tractor beam.
I don't know.
Oh, yes.
Oh, yes.
No, No way I'm disappearing.
It's a hard thing to aim You go, You go.
Here you go.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, baby, That's so cool.
Yeah, way Did it long Whoa!
I'm not supposed to go into that.
My Hello.
Let's try it.
I died.
I wanted to see what it felt like to go into the tractor being we get pulled up and be with Gordon.
Oh, wait.
All right, Alex.
Tractor beam over there.
Looks like Yeah.
Russell, a lot of interference.
I don't wanna talk.
You little like this, and then you'll come out without sound.
Everything is gonna be Everything will be fine for us.
Oh, all right.
Oh, what's happening?
Oh, shit.
Why should I not have gone in?
Who's in here?
Okay, this is weird.
I know.
It doesn't look too dangerous.
Um Jesus.
What the fuck?
What is happening?
I'm so confused.
Walk four this.
I'm getting so many goose bombs.
Jesus, Wait.
Yeah, this is crazy.
Oh, my God.
That's so weird.
This is one of the greatest videogame experiences I've ever had in my life.
Oh, What?
Oh, okay.
That's a bad just climb the hell.
What was that noise?
The book.
This is amazing, Dude.
Jesus fork is happening.
Oh, dude, that's creepy.
Don't do that to me.
Oh, why am I not floating your ghosts way looking at the fucking different dimension?
It was Gordon getting out.
Oh, God.
It's only curved.
Oh, my God.
This is some inception.
Oh, I'm gonna fucking fucking puke.
Holy crap.
What the fuck, man?
It's all mirrors.
Climbs off some sample in.
Holy crap.
Jesus Christ!
Who's talking?
Oh, my God.
This looks incredible.
This is so bizarre.
Um, what is happening?
Oh, what we do with these?
Whoa, whoa!
Fucking superpowers.
Oh, bitches!
Okay, Get him.
Get him!
Hell, dude, out right out of around out of I supposed todo man.
You ruin the fun.
Damn, it was so fucking fun.
Don't do that.
No, just let me let me dick around and have fun with it.
Oh, my God.
This is just like the end of half life two where they take the gravity going away from you and then you get like, the fucking super gravity gun.
Four Lightning.
Biggs Unlimited.
Now, come on.
Come on.
Yes, Yes.
Russell Russell is amazing.
All right.
Can take your regular greens is low.
Oh, yes.
Oh, could you with this?
Thank you.
I loved it.
I love the power.
The power.
It's feel amazing.
Feel amazing when I kill a thing with the power.
Oh, go on.
Uh, you had a grenade as well.
It wasn't you.
No, Fuck it.
I don't need it.
I have power.
Oh, you had one.
Oh, yeah.
That didn't work tonight.
That's a good one or not.
I don't have my guns anymore.
Time it Well per fact.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Okay, okay.
Here you go.
Now out.
Out, Out!
Out indeed.
Oh, but feel good there, Johnny.
Your gun shots don't feel good.
Cooking hurts like a lot.
All of this.
Thank you.
Come on.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Dude, this looks so cool.
What store?
It sucks everything out.
This is it, folks, Strap yourselves in.
We're about to find out what's going on.
Whoa, That semen.
My busting him out.
This is a prison for him, Gordon, wear the reason G man is out.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, impressive work.
Gordon Freeman.
Gordon Freeman.
Miss, You wouldn't need all that to imprison.
So who are you?
Perhaps is not as important as what I can in exchange for coming along way.
Atomic, our worlds is holding off licks my employers this.
Oh, I hate this.
They authorize me to things in a particular direction from time to time.
With what would you want to combine off Earth?
I want the combine off earth.
That would be a considerably large too, given the interests of my end.
Well, you asked what if I could offer you something?
You don't know you Jesus.
Well, Dad, what is that me?
What is this?
What's happening?
We are in the future.
This is the moment where you watch your father.
Unless what?
Unless what?
Unless you were to take matters into your own one.
Release your Oh, yeah.
As a consequence of your action, this entity will continue.
And this entity, right?
So he's okay, right?
He lives.
My dad lives.
You are aware that you've proven yourself to be extraordinary a previous I has been unable.
Oh, are you to perform that asks made before way struggle, Gordon.
Replace until now.
No, I just want to go home.
Send me home situation.
Hey, wait, Wait.
Holy fuck!
Oh, my God.
Are you kidding me?
What does that mean?
So G man is like this weird, all powerful.
And again, I I It's been a long time since I played half life, too.
But he's kind of like the puppeteer off everything.
He's kind of making sure everything's going well.
And he always shows up to Gordon on that death scene is the end of half life to Episode two.
That's what everyone was always a pissed off because it's like the entire half life Seriously breeze and people want half 53 or Episode three or whatever the hell it was gonna come out next was because it ended on that cliff hanger off the dad dying.
Hey, Gabe, um, on Doug Lamberti.
Oh, so now we've seen that that's not gonna happen.
I mean, this kind of opens up a can of worms because this takes place between one and two and a lot of stuff that happened in two.
Doesn't really feel like it connects to this in ways.
I mean, it can You can kind of the way G man works, you can kind of red con everything, I guess.
Wow, What a fucking amazing game That was.
I mean, clearly, without a doubt, the best PR game that has ever existed.
Michael Shapiro.
Fuckin G man, baby.
They changed Alex's on Allie's, uh, voice actors.
I think the voice actor for Eli actually passed away.
Jake home, man.
I'm fucking gob smacks.
Go on, Gordon.
What's wake up, Gordon?
She's gone, Gordon.
Just don't fly pitching this unforeseen consequences.
I knew it.
You got Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
No fucking way!
Who knew an extra 20 seconds could change so much?
Oh, I'm gonna fucking cry.
Do that was spectacular.
Okay, let me catch my breath for a second, and we'll talk about what just happened.
Had a little moment again, like, sit and gather my thoughts on this.
Overall, this game was without a doubt the best V r experience I've ever had on one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.
Some of the moments in this are It's so hard to put into words because okay, ever since I was a kid, I loved watching movies I loved, like playing video games.
And I love seeing big, large spectacle.
Things happen.
And I always thought to myself, What would it be like to be in those situations?
What would it be like to see massive things happen to see explosions go off around you, to run away from the bad guy and hide and things like that?
And this game is the closest I have ever gotten to that feeling ever in my life.
The sense of presence and the sense of being there as this stuff is happening all around you is the fucking best that it is in the business right now.
I cannot wait to see where stuff goes from this.
It's got to be fucking wild.
This It's a very, very high bar for V R content, and I really hope developers are putting money and time and effort into V R content because this has left such a strong impact on me.
There were some moments throughout the game that felt like they were dragging a little bit like some of the stuff in the middle of felt like it was going on a little too long.
But, I mean, the game is not that long in totality.
It was what, like, 8 to 10 hours long?
Um, so I get it any shorter, and I would have felt like it just wasn't really worse.
The price or the weight or something for some people.
But fucking hell.
What am I trying to say?
Being being there, not only in the high five world of which is something that I've always thought was amazing.
Anyway, half life is like some of the top echelon gaming content that you could get.
Half Life two is one of the greatest games I have ever played on Portal Portal to left for dead.
All of those other games evolve, make they don't make shit games.
They did whatever about your your subjective quality of their games and maybe some stuff is not for you.
But it's hard to deny the quality that they put into their products.
It's a shame that they don't really make money.
More games.
Portal to is the last one they've made since this one.
I think they have made 1/2 life game since Episode two, And that's why everyone is just so chomping at the bit because they really wanted the story to wrap up on this answers a lot of that, Ah, lot of where it's going and it sets it up for another game, which I wasn't expecting.
I didn't think I thought this would just be like a little thing that Alex was doing on her own, trying to build up her character and kind of showing who she is and what she's been up to before she runs into Gordon on.
Then I did not expect it to tie into half Life two, and I mean in some ways I did.
But you know what I mean.
I didn't think it would directly impact what was going on in that game.
I just thought it would be a couple of nods here and there.
I definitely didn't expect it to link into a possible half life three.
So does that mean at the end of this because at the end of episode to the dad dies and Alex is like, Oh, no Dad also so dead and that's kind of it.
But in this, it shows that demon gave her a choice, which was to kill the thing that was killing her dad.
And then it took her away.
G man took her as a possible replacement for Gordon because Gordon wouldn't do what G man wanted.
Um, so now she's gone, and we we got transport according to be him with the gloves on at the end and grab the crowbar.
Oh, my God.
And the sea dog That was so cool.
Oh, maybe a little Fanboy heart happy.
So I'm really curious to see where that story is going to go next.
But this this is the type of stuff that v r content should be the stuff that can only be done in V.
Basically, I know a lot of people wanted this to be a mouse and keyboard game because all the other half life games are on.
Some people are still saying like, Oh, maybe there be a version of this that comes out.
The people will mud.
The game would be offered Well, not often narratively.
It would still be fun, but the mechanics of the game just wouldn't work like those.
Let's take the puzzles.
For example, that you're twisting and turning things like, Yeah, whatever.
Sure you could work around those and make it may be some sort of semblance, but still, like the bomb disarming, where you actually have to move in a three D way, wouldn't really work the wiring ones where going over a blank wall with your mouse is fine.
But having to actually like open up a Cabinet and go into the Cabinet and search around in it like that stuff doesn't work at all.
You go up against very few enemies in this game all at once.
That wouldn't work with mouse and keyboard, so I think it's justified in why it's a V r game.
And if you haven't played V R and you're kind of salty about the fact that it's a V R game or you're just wondering why it's in that space, not only do the mechanics lend themselves to it, but think about how many times in this game I was gobsmacked by the sense of scale and things, just the visuals alone, like seeing that vault up above seeing a drop down and explode on, then seeing their fuckin strider thing get up and seeing G man in front of you and walk around you, and it's so incredibly immersive.
It's the most immersed I have ever been in a video game.
And again, I don't say that lightly.
It's of course, it's not my favorite game ever, Um, but this is up there.
This is an experience that I will remember for a long time, and I think that this is one of those games that people are gonna showcase as like Like I was saying, half Life Two was such a turning point for first person shooters at the time and narratives and games and interactivity.
So I'm hoping.
I think that this is going to be one of those turning points as well.
It's not absolutely revolutionary.
There's no like super groundbreaking things going on in it, but it's just some of the best that it can be.
The sound design was amazing.
The visuals were just so consistently jaw dropping all the time.
That level with Jeff is one of my favorite gaming sequences I've ever been a part of having like being in that corner and seeing him there and being so scared of, like talking and breathing and having to cover your mouth as you go bother throwing something in the corner.
It's that type of shit that you always see in other games you see in movies or something.
But you never actually fully do it yourself on.
That really made me feel like I was there, that I was actually scared for my life and throwing something in the corner and then getting something real quick and legging it.
Oh my God, There's just very few experiences that will ever be like this.
And I'm glad that this is the first game that I first v r game that I've seen take those massive set pieces that video games do so well.
Like like the uncharted Siri's or what?
Whatever, like Shadowed Colossus, that sense of massive scale, like those types of things, never make it into V.
Because it's just a really hard thing to do.
And the fact that half life is so physics based as well just have so much more realism toe everything.
When stuff was happening, it really felt like it was happening, and I can't I'm just immediately gonna start playing this game again on my own and experiencing this again because I can't believe what I just played.
That ending was so unbelievable.
It made the whole game worth it, um, to be there with him, Like standing in front of me and walking around.
And I was able to, like, detect when I couldn't see him that the sound design was so perfect that I was able to let go like, Oh, he's right there.
Like, track him with just my ears.
God, I can't push over this enough.
Um, everyone should play this game or watch this game or experience this game in some way, shape or form, because I think that it's some of the greatest stuff that the medium has to offer.
You don't get this level of immersion and interactivity in a regular video game.
You don't get this in any movie you watch.
You don't get in any other V r experience.
This is the real fucking deal, man.
That was incredible.
Thank you guys so much for being with me on this journey and being a part of it.
Um, there's some real big highlights in this that I think people are gonna be talking about an emulating for years to come, and I'm just really glad that I got to play it and experience it with you and get that level of tension and dread.
Playing it on my own wouldn't have been the same having