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  • With a murder rate of 9.1%, what is sometimes said to be

  • the most dangerous desk job in the world?

  • The answer... at the end of the show.

  • Welcome back to Lateral,

  • we are in the second round and both of our teams won their first games,

  • which means one of them is going straight through to the grand final.

  • And it's a choice between, welcome back, team Viva.

  • -Or... -Team Viva la Vida, yes.

  • Would you introduce yourselves?

  • Hi, I'm Simon Clark and I just finished my PhD in atmospheric physics.

  • I am Sally Le Page, and I am doing my PhD in evolutionary biology.

  • Now, it was really close in the first game, it was down to the wire.

  • -Yes. -Any tactics, anything you've learned from it?

  • -I think if I sit on my hands… -Don't let Simon buzz, I think is our tactic.

  • I caused that problem, and I also kind of fixed it.

  • You did, you were very good, but yeah.

  • You are playing against team Off Peak Only.

  • I'm Vicki, I work in museum education, but I also make videos about trains.

  • I'm Geoff, hello, I make those videos about trains with Vicki,

  • travelling to all the stations in the country.

  • Now, you had about 15 or 17 seconds left on your clock at the end of the last one,

  • -It came down to you knowing WD40. -WD40, yeah.

  • There was a moment I was like, if this is wrong then I knew that we were out,

  • so I just went for it, and I was very relieved, yes.

  • Alright, well best of luck to both teams, we start as ever, with round one.

  • Round 1 is Deep Thought.

  • There are six lateral thinking questions on the buzzer,

  • 60 seconds for each question and the earlier you buzz,

  • the more points you get.

  • I'll read out clues if you don't know it as time goes on.

  • But beware if you buzz in wrongly,

  • it will go over to the other team to see if they can get it.

  • -Are we all ready? -Yes.

  • Alright, first question goes to you.

  • During the Victorian era, why did hard-up home owners

  • occasionally climb onto their roof with several live geese?

  • Well, they were a bit weird.

  • I wonder if a goose lands on your property,

  • do you now own the goose?

  • But that implies that you're going up with the geese,

  • or were the geese there when they arrived?

  • -Oh no, I think they're going. -There's not much reason to do this today.

  • Something to do with geese that isn't used very much these days.

  • Goose fat, goose feathers.

  • -No, I don't... feathers. -Feathers for, like, pillows.

  • To block the... no, they wouldn't use live geese for that, to block the chimneys.

  • It was cheaper than using children.

  • -They shoved the geese down the chimney. -Down the chimney, yeah.

  • -Yes. -Did they use them as chimney sweeps?

  • You're absolutely right, sweep the chimney.

  • For two points, you are off the mark,

  • which means team Off Peak, next question's for you.

  • There are over thirty million pairs of these in the UK.

  • Half are black and white, the others are black and yellow.

  • Some are worth tens of thousands of pounds.

  • Even though they're stolen occasionally, they can be replaced for about £20.

  • -What are they? -I think it's something to do with road signs.

  • -Cat's eyes. -Oh, cat's eyes.

  • I was thinking fire hydrant signs, the H - they're black and yellow, aren't they?

  • -It's something transporty -Right.

  • and there's a sign in place.

  • Road signs, or a transport sign, or a street sign.

  • Criminals sometimes misuse these.

  • -Sorry? -Criminals sometimes misuse these.

  • -What do criminals use? -Hi-vis.

  • They do, rock up in a hi-vis and you can get away with anything.

  • No, but they wouldn't be worth tens of thousands of pounds.

  • These are a front and back pair.

  • It's clothing, it's some kind of clothing.

  • Oh my goodness.

  • It's some kind of... it's a clothing that is a disguise.

  • -I feel like we were closer with... -Fire hydrants.

  • The black parts are letters and numbers.

  • -I don't know. -But in...

  • We may as well take a guess.

  • It's some form of clothing.

  • We're running out of time, do it.

  • This is going to be fun.

  • Geoff.

  • Some form of clothing that's worn by a government...

  • a council official and the criminals are trying to pose as these people

  • and they're not. Yes!

  • 30 million pairs of those in the UK(?)

  • No, I'm going to pass this over, if you can answer immediately for a point.

  • -Are they licence plates? -Yes they are.

  • They are vehicle licence plates.

  • -Why are they worth so much? -Some of are prestige licence plates.

  • They might just be A1 or personalised names, or something like that.

  • -We don't drive, we don't have a car. -Yeah, we're on trains.

  • -That wasn't a train question. -No, exactly.

  • -Can we have more train questions? -Trains are your downfall.

  • So that's one point to you, and the next question is yours as well.

  • Okay.

  • An artist spends most of the day sketching in a different room to her subjects.

  • The artist is not famous, and the picture is worthless.

  • Even some of the faces are wrong.

  • Nevertheless, the client gratefully shows the artwork to thousands of people soon after.

  • How so?

  • -A forensic artist. -What was that, sorry?

  • -Forensic artist. -Forensic. Oh!

  • -Should we wait for another? -No.

  • I'm normally the gung-ho one, you go for it.

  • -For four points. -A forensic artist.

  • Could you clarify what you mean by that, please?

  • Someone who does the kind of like the e-fit when you've got... a witness comes in,

  • and you've got to draw the picture of what they look like,

  • so you can say, "We are looking for this criminal."

  • That is close enough.

  • I have court artist on my card but you're absolutely right.

  • That also matches an e-fit artist so yes, I will give you the four points for that.

  • -Congratulations. -Nice.

  • Team Off Peak, let's see if we can get you on the board with this question.

  • A lady and a cowboy lie next to a bullet, a dime and a hook.

  • As a result, someone is delighted, but doesn't show it.

  • What are they doing?

  • Okay, a lady and a cowboy are next to a bullet, a dime and a hook.

  • Someone is delighted, but someone doesn't show it.

  • Someone is delighted, but someone doesn't show it.

  • Is it like a song?

  • The hook represents a letter.

  • The hook represents a letter.

  • Like a pound note?

  • Llike what? No...

  • -This is the one when we lose. -Like a...

  • I have no idea.

  • What would a hook look... what...

  • The dime represents a number.

  • I literally have no idea, is it a song lyric?

  • -Is it like a well-known... -I think it's to do with currency.

  • -Okay. -Like a dollar sign and a number.

  • -Lady and a cowboy. -I don't know why...

  • When would you want to hide your emotions to others?

  • When you're lying, bluffing, playing poker.

  • So it's a card thing.

  • It's a money thing or a card thing.

  • Here comes our time.

  • -Take a guess. -I can't just say money thing or card thing

  • -but it's to do with money or cards. -I need an answer.

  • Let's say, when you're... what are they doing?

  • They're playing, they're playing... they're gambling.

  • -I'll take that, they're playing poker, yes. -Yes!

  • -That's absolutely right for one point. -We got a point!

  • -Oh God. -We made that hard work, didn't we?

  • That was hard.

  • The lady is a queen, the cowboy is the king, the bullet's an ace,

  • the dime is a ten and the hook is the letter J for Jack.

  • Well done.

  • So the last two questions on the buzzers for both teams, if you're ready.

  • During the American Civil War,

  • it was common for federal troops to carry out illegal liquor trafficking

  • by ferrying pedlars who hid bottles of whisky about their person.

  • And so which word was born?

  • I'm thinking moonshine...

  • Ferrying pedlars.

  • It would be like smuggling, but a word pertaining to...

  • Hiding bottles...

  • The same trick wouldn't work with modern clothing.

  • So it's something in the cloak, a turn cloak?

  • -The Civil War. -Of course, they'd put it inside the coat...

  • -Posies... -...some kind of vehicle?

  • It's a slang word...

  • This is now a general term for smuggling or fakery.

  • Cloak and dagger, or something.

  • That's when you fake something.

  • I don't know.

  • Maybe something, it doesn't have to be a cloak, what else was worn then that isn't worn now?

  • The bottles were hidden in their footwear.

  • Bootlegging.

  • -Yes. -Yes!

  • For one point, you're absolutely right.

  • Dude!

  • Sorry, I got very excited.

  • One point to team Off Peak.

  • -Last question in this round. -Wow!

  • The extent of the UK's territorial waters until 1968 and the land boundaries of the Gambia,

  • which are on the screen in front of you,

  • were originally decided by what practical distance?

  • It's obviously related to the river,

  • like the distance you can walk in a day from the water?

  • -Where's Gambia? -This could be something like

  • the distance that a horse could travel without eating or having water or something.

  • Africa specifically.

  • The Gambia border follows a river.

  • That we could swim or something.

  • -How far from… -Watershed?

  • It could be the watershed, it's the area that they drink in.

  • What are those straight lines?

  • Ships sail down that river.

  • How far you could see a ship from the river...

  • -For two points. -How far could you see a ship from the river?

  • No, it's not what I've got.

  • So the rest of the question goes over to team Off Peak.

  • It's just how far you could get...

  • because if the river gets narrower, narrower and narrower,

  • then you can't actually get a ship down there.

  • The ship is going to obviously deal with supplies, so it...

  • What markers could ships use?

  • What markers could ships...

  • -I'm going to say buoys, but... -I'm going to say some kind of flags.

  • So it's the distance that you can see like a semaphore signal or the flags they've got...

  • Go for it.

  • -I don't know how to put that into words. -Just say those words in that order.

  • Something to do with how far you could see a signal from a ship,

  • like a flagged semaphore signal.

  • I can't give you it.

  • It's the distance that you could fire a cannon ball.

  • -Ah! -Oh!

  • -I was in the right ball. -You were in the right ballpark.

  • You were both in the right ballpark, but not quite there.

  • Which means at the end of round one,

  • Team Viva you're on seven points, Team Off Peak you're on two.

  • -Well, it's not zero. -It's not zero, yeah.

  • Round two is Second Thought.

  • Teams you're going to have the board of 12 clues in front of you.

  • Pick them one at a time, if you can guess what all those clues are pointing to,

  • even the ones you haven't seen yet, then you'll get more points the earlier you get it right.

  • It's got to be exactly what I have on my card.

  • Team Viva, you are going first, on the first board.

  • -Pick a number. -Number one, please.

  • Number one.

  • Given away in shops.

  • Plastic bags, I think it could be literally anything.

  • Vouchers.

  • Vouchers, no, it's not so team Off Peak, pick a number.

  • -Number eight, please. -Number eight.

  • Wrinkle ridder.

  • Steady.

  • You give away like little testers and things in shops.

  • A testing pot, a test pot.

  • No. No, it's not, so pick a number.

  • -Number ten. -Number ten.

  • Found in cupboards.

  • Wrinkle ridder... iron?

  • -No. Iron? -I need an answer.

  • Iron.

  • Iron is not what I've got, so pick a number.

  • -Eleven. -Number eleven.

  • Triangular.

  • -You look stumped, I'm going to pass it over? -Yes, yeah, yeah.

  • No? Okay, pick a number.

  • -Number two, please. -Number two.

  • -Could open a locked car. -Coat hanger.

  • Is correct, yes that's absolutely right for three points.

  • Oh!

  • Yeah, given away in shops.

  • I was like, what are you doing, with your face, with wrinkles?

  • How you got that on the kleptomania there, that was good.

  • No, wrinkle ridder, it removes wrinkles in clothes when you hang it up.

  • -It has nothing to do with your face. -What's Mommie Dearest?

  • It's a plot point from a film called Mommie Dearest.

  • Team Off Peak, first pick on the next board is yours.

  • -Three. -Number three.

  • Could contain blood, for five points.

  • Good luck.

  • -A human. -I was going to say...

  • I'm taking that as an answer, it's not what I've got on the card.

  • -Number two, please. -Number two.

  • Has a manager.

  • Organised vampire.

  • No, a manager...

  • An organised vampire?

  • I heard you say those words, Simon, but thought "they're not going to go with that".

  • -They are going to go with that! -Was it right?

  • -It's not right. It's not right. -Really?

  • No. Team Off Peak?

  • -Number ten. -Number ten.

  • Monopoly player, for four points.

  • So you've got the dog, the hat, the bank...

  • Bank, oh...Bank.

  • -Is absolutely right. -Yes!

  • You can have a blood bank, you have a bank manager,

  • and a player in monopoly, not the token, is the bank.

  • Yeah.

  • You can see the rest of the ones there.

  • Uses red as a warning, I love as a clue there.

  • It's very specific.

  • -Congratulations, that is four points to you. -Cool.

  • Team Viva, your choice.

  • Number twelve, please. Number twelve.

  • Often in paintings.

  • Bums.

  • -Have you seen the Renaissance? -Let me just check the card.

  • No.

  • God, I feel this goes...

  • I don't want to mock you for taking a guess, though, it's a perfectly valid guess.

  • -Team Off Peak. -Can we go for five?

  • Number five.

  • Mare's tails.

  • You could make paintbrushes out of horse's hair.

  • -I need an answer. -Mares, so hair.

  • No, it's not what I've got, I'm afraid.

  • -Number four. -Number four.

  • Data store.

  • -A hard drive, memory stick. -What are the...

  • -Cloud? -Cloud.

  • -Is correct. -Nice!

  • For four points, very well done.

  • Yeah, you can have a cloud data store, they're often in paintings

  • and mare's tails are a type of cloud.

  • Bums are also hard to see through, to be fair.

  • Mackerel clouds are autocumulus where you've got little red bits on them,

  • but definitely not bums, that's pretty clear.

  • Last question in this round, Team Off Peak, pick a number.

  • -Number four, please. -Number four.

  • Can cause bleeding.

  • -A knife? -Yes.

  • A knife.

  • It can, it's not going to match everything else that's there.

  • -Team Viva. -Number nine, please.

  • Number nine.

  • Wrapped in silver.

  • What do you store in silver?

  • -A film. -I need an answer, please.

  • -Bullets. -Bullets is not what I've got,

  • so over here, pick a number.

  • -Twelve. -Twelve.

  • Every four hours.

  • Mercury.

  • Mercury is not what I've got, so Team Viva.

  • -Number one. -Number one.

  • Anti-inflammatory.

  • Oh!

  • No. Aspirin.

  • Medication?

  • -Is it painkillers? Every four hours. -I need an answer.

  • -Ibuprofen. -No. So I'm going to hand that over.

  • -Pick a number. -Six.

  • Number six.

  • It kills something.

  • -Medication, antibiotic... -Go with another drug that's no ibuprofen.

  • Antibiotics.

  • No, not what I've got, so passing it back.

  • -Number seven. -Number seven.

  • Bayer.

  • I'm still thinking aspirin.

  • -Medication. -No, not what I've got on the card.

  • So, pick a number.

  • -Eleven. -Number eleven.

  • Not for children.

  • Penicillin.

  • No. I'm going to pass this back over for two points.

  • -Number two, please. -Number two.

  • White.

  • Err...

  • Cocaine.

  • -It's not for children. -A very heavy user.

  • Every four hours, that is...

  • -I take it that wasn't correct then. -It's not correct.

  • Going to pass that back to team Off Peak.

  • -Number 5. -Number 5.

  • Avoided by pregnant women.

  • It's some kind of drug, we just have to get the right one.

  • I think you can take aspirin when you're pregnant.

  • So it's something you can't take when you're pregnant.

  • I need an answer.

  • Name another drug that's not ibuprofen.

  • Paracetamol.

  • Is not what I've got, so for one point, pick a number.

  • -Number eight. -Number eight.

  • Acid.

  • Did we say aspirin?

  • I don't think so.

  • -I mean, at this point. I think it's... -Aspirin?

  • -Yes! -Yay!

  • -Did we not...? -You said it on four points,

  • but never actually made it your answer.

  • You tried paracetamol, you tried ibuprofen, you tried cocaine at one point.

  • But no, it was actually aspirin, you were right really, really early on, Sally.

  • But sadly, that is just for one point,

  • which means going into the final round, the scores are 15:6.

  • You are going in with a nine point advantage.

  • That's what we had last time, but against us.

  • The final round is Quick Thought.

  • Now, teams you're both going to start with 90 seconds of thinking time, as before.

  • But because you have a nine point advantage,

  • we're going to give you five seconds extra for each of those points.

  • You're going to start with 2:15 on your clock, team Off Peak, 1:30,

  • and I'm afraid your clock is going to start counting down first.

  • -Okay. -Buzz when you think you know the answer.

  • If you're right, your opponent's clock will start.

  • If you're wrong, you'll lose ten seconds and your clock will keep going.

  • -Okay. -Are you ready?

  • No.

  • -Yes. -And I'll be honest,

  • it's just a courtesy to ask at this point, we're going to start anyway.

  • Which cake has been defined by Chambers Dictionary as

  • 'long in shape, but short in duration'?

  • Swiss Roll.

  • No, it's an éclair.

  • -Ten seconds away. -Sorry.

  • We start again with one minute and 12.

  • Which world leader who died in 2011,

  • had 112 different recognised spellings of his name?

  • It'd be someone from Africa, presumably, a lot of dialects down there.

  • The name doesn't transliterate into Latin letters easily.

  • Somebody Russian?

  • No. No, the North Korean dude.

  • -No, they use Latin alphabet. -The name was often written in Arabic.

  • -So somebody from the Arab world. -I'm literally... shall we do a pass?

  • -Pass, yeah, go on. -Pass.

  • You might as well take a guess.

  • -No? -I can't think of any Arabic...

  • It was Colonel Gadaffi.

  • So I'm afraid that's ten seconds away again, 34.8 on the clock.

  • What gaming die contains the numbers two and four,

  • but not the numbers one, three, five and six?

  • I have no idea.

  • If you're going to pass, you need to do it quickly; the other four...

  • Pass. What? No idea.

  • -It's a backgammon doubling die. -Wow!

  • -Okay. -No, would never have got that.

  • Okay. 14.7 on the clock.

  • They're going to win without doing anything.

  • I will say, it can be done.

  • Which 1995 comedy drama film had to change its lead actor 45 times?

  • 45 times?

  • -Comedy drama film, '95. -No idea.

  • Miriam Margolyes provided the voice of a dog called Fly.

  • Name some

  • Name any movie from the 90s.

  • I don't know, Geoff.

  • Look Who's Talking.

  • Babe.

  • -They had to change the piglet 45 times. -I forgot the 90s.

  • And I do not have recorded on my card what happened to the other 44 piglets.

  • Commiserations, that was, I'm afraid, a complete lockout.

  • -Yes. -Oh my God!

  • -Not a single question faced there. -Well done, well done.

  • Team Viva, congratulations, you are through to the grand final.

  • Oh my gosh, that's quite cool.

  • Team Off Peak, commiserations, but that's your first loss.

  • You are not out of the tournament yet.

  • You are going to be in the playoff near the end, so we will see you again.

  • Okay.

  • But you are going to be fighting for survival then.

  • So very best of luck to you.

  • Commiserations this time.

  • Congratulations to you.

  • We'll see you next time on Lateral.

  • I can't think of anything to say, so I'm just going to say

  • blurble, blurble, blah, blah, blablablafa.

With a murder rate of 9.1%, what is sometimes said to be

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橫向遊戲4:通往決賽的快速通道 (Lateral Game 4: The Fast Route to the Final)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary