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  • Philip, brace yourself.


  • I'm about to say something controversial...


  • What is it?


  • The Earth is flat?


  • Tomatoes aren't really a fruit?


  • The Star Wars prequels were better than the originals?


  • Renting isn't always a bad financial decision...


  • Say what?


  • But isn't renting just throwing money away?


  • When you buy a home, your monthly payments are going towards something you will eventually own.


  • Yes, but not for a long time. [Amortization schedule.]


  • Thanks to amortization, the first five to ten years of mortgage payments are mostly interest. -[Amortization schedule: principal, interest.]

    多虧了攤銷 (amorization),大概前 5 至 10 的房貸都只是在償還利息。[攤銷時程表:本金、利息]

  • Butbut the home is appreciating, right?


  • So even if you're not paying down the principal, you're still making money, right?


  • True, but not that much more than inflation. [1967–2019, home price increase rate: 4.23 percent, inflation rate: 3.99 percent.]

    是這樣沒有錯,在通貨膨脹時可就不是這麼說。[1967-2019 房價成長率:4.23%;通貨膨脹率:3.99%]

  • Home ownership might work out for some, but can become a financial burden for others.


  • So when is renting a good financial decision?


  • And is renting viable as a long-term strategy?


  • [Two Cents.]

    [Two Cents 頻道]

  • This is Kira.

    這是 Kira。

  • She just landed a job in a new city, and has already started shopping for places to live.


  • She's trying to decide if she should take the money she's saved up and put it towards a house, or invest it in index funds while she rents.


  • [Check the P/R ratio!]


  • A great way to find out whether you should rent or buy is to look at the price-to-rent ratio.


  • Find two similar houses, apartments, or condos in your area; one for sale and one for rent.


  • Divide the sale price of one by the annual rental cost of the other.


  • Experts say if the P/R ratio is over 15, it's probably less expensive to rent.

    專家表示如果房價租金比超過 15 的話,租房子可能會比較省錢。

  • For example, the P/R ratio for the city of Cincinnati is about 8.3, according to the US Census Bureau.

    舉例來說,根據美國普查局的數據顯示,辛辛那提市的房價租金比是 8.3。

  • In our hometown of Austin, it's 22.9.

    我們的家鄉奧斯汀是 22.9。

  • And in San Francisco, it's 50.1!

    而舊金山竟是 50.1!

  • Put another way, a 600,000 USD home in San Francisco would rent for only 1,000 USD a month!

    換句話說,在舊金山一個 60 萬美元的房子租金竟然只需 1 千美元!

  • There are even free rent-vs-buy calculators online that will help you do the math with your own specifics!


  • After shopping around, Kira finds an area that she's happy with.

    看過一輪後,Kira 找到合她心意的地方。

  • The average home price is 270,000 USD.

    平均房價約 27 萬美金左右。

  • And the average rent is 1,100 USD a month.

    而平均租金是每月 1,100 美元。

  • That means her area's P/R ratio is 20.5, and she'll get more bang for her buck by renting.

    也就是說她的住所的房價租金比是 20.5,她可以透過租房子省下更多錢。

  • She also doesn't know if she wants to live in this city long term, making renting an even more attractive option.


  • She decides against buying a home, and will invest the money she saved for a down payment in an index fund instead.


  • [Set a budget!]


  • When it comes to affording a place to live, Millennials have an uphill battle.


  • Baby Boomers spent an average of 36 percent of their income on rent.

    嬰兒潮 (二戰結束後) 一代出生的人花 36% 的收入於租金上。

  • Gen-X spent 41 percent.

    而 X 世代的是 41%。

  • And Millennials now pay over 45 percent of their pre-tax income on housing costs alone!

    而千禧世代的住房成本就佔了他們稅前收入的 45%。

  • This makes it especially hard to invest, save, and give to charity.


  • Experts suggest keeping your total housing costs below 30 percent of your income.

    專家建議應該要把住房成本設低於收入的 30%。

  • Kira's new salary is 58,000 USD a year.

    若 Kira 新工作的年薪為 58,000 美元。

  • That would mean her maximum fixed housing expense should ideally fall below 1450 USD a month.

    也就是她每個月住房上的花費最多是 1450 美元。

  • Since utilities are usually 20 percent of housing expense, this would equate to 1160 USD a month in rent and $290 for utilities.

    而通常水電佔了住房花費的 20%,因此她每個月房租應該落在 1160 美元,水電費大概是 290 美元。

  • Now she has a budget to start shopping for her new place.


  • [Location! Location! Location!]


  • Kira's new job is downtown.

    Kira 新的工作地點在市中心。

  • But rents in that area are pretty high.


  • Further out of town, costs are lowerbut then there's the commute.

    離市中心越遠,花費越低... 但還要考慮到通勤。

  • One study found that every mile she has to drive to work costs 795 USD a year through depreciation, gas, maintenance, and lost wages.

    有一項研究指出,由於車子貶值、汽油、維修保固和損失的薪水,她開車駕駛的每一英哩每年要花 795 美元。

  • For Kira, a 10 mile commute might cost her 8,000 USD a year!

    而 Kira 的情況來說,一年 10 英哩的通勤路程可能會花費她近 8 千美元。

  • She makes a mental note to add public transit and carpool meetups to her list of search criteria.


  • One often overlooked resource for renters in a new city is to work with a licensed realtor.


  • That's right, they're not just for home buyers!


  • A good realtor will know the best areas to begin your search.


  • They might know about better deals that aren't widely advertised.


  • And best of all, their commission is paid by the property owner, not you!


  • Kira would be smart to engage with one to help narrow her search.

    Kira 聰明地找了一名房仲以協助縮小找房的範圍。

  • [Consider a roomie!]


  • Kira's starting to get a little frustrated because none of the areas of town she likes fall within her budget.

    Kira 開始感到沮喪,因為在市內沒有一個她喜歡的房子的租金落在她的預算內。

  • She's momentarily tempted to throw her budget out the window, when a thought occurs to her.


  • Maybe she can keep her housing costs in line and live in a great area, if she will consider living with a roommate.


  • 30 percent of working-age adults lived in a so-called "doubled-up" household.

    有 30% 的打工仔會住在所謂「共住」的房子。

  • She could rent out a spare room to offset the higher costs!


  • And if she wants to cut costs even more, she might even look at "homeshare" networks.


  • For example, Senior Homeshare or Golden Girls Network pair younger renters with aging homeowners.

    例如:Senior Homeshare (與長者共享空間) 或 Golden Girls Network (銀髮族女子) 等會把年輕房客與長者業主配對。

  • Rent is highly reduced in exchange for a little help around the house or rides to a doctor's appointment.


  • [Protect yourself!]


  • Another common pitfall renters face is failing to closely read their lease terms.


  • A lease is a legally enforceable document and it's your job to arm yourself with the knowledge of exactly what it says.


  • For example, if you move out early and don't abide by the lease-breaking rules perfectly, you could be liable for the rent of the entirety of the lease!


  • And if you plan to sublet or rent out the apartment, terms will be covered here too.


  • Some people are surprised to find out that damage of their belongings is not generally not covered by their property owner.


  • But renter's insurance is designed to protect against just that.


  • In the event of water damage, fire, smoke, or even theft, she can rest easy knowing her belongings are safe.


  • The best part?


  • Renter's insurance is quite cheap.


  • For the price of a pizza, Kira can know that her possessions will be fine, even if her building is not.

    即使 Kira 住的大樓沒有保險,但她只需付一個薄餅的價錢就可以買到一個保障。

  • Kira is relieved to have found a place at last.

    Kira 最終可以放下心頭大石了。

  • And because she has that index fund, she knows she'll keep pace with her homeowner friends.


  • Renting may be the right choice for Kira, but it's not for everyone.

    租房子也許對 Kira 來說是對的選擇,但並不是每個人都一樣。

  • If you're not strategic about it, it can feel like throwing money away.


  • But if you're careful to keep housing costs low, and invest the money you save, it can be a viable long-term alternative to owning.


  • And that's our two cents!


  • What's the P/R ratio in your neighborhood?


  • Calculate it and share it with us in the comments!


Philip, brace yourself.


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