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  • bjbj,(,( Yzqf Title: An Invitation to Tea (I m going to kill you MWHAHAHA!) Oh, hi.

  • I didn t see you come in. Would you like some tea? I have an extra cup right here. Logo

  • Hi, welcome to China Uncensored. I m Chris Chappell. So, if you re a Chinese dissident,

  • and you get an invitation to tea by authorities, you can be pretty sure there s not going to

  • be much tea involved. s sort of like when Chinese police burst into the homes of activists

  • in the middle of the night to suggest they go on a vacation, and get out of Beijing for

  • a couple of days during politically sensitive events. Last week there were massive protests

  • outside the Southern Weekly, a Chinese newspaper that actually isn t state-run. The paper had

  • tried to run an article calling for a constitutional government, but then the local propaganda

  • chief Tuo Zhen took it upon himself to make a slight edit. He rewrote it to praise the

  • CCP. And gosh, China must really be changing because usually large protests are met with

  • brutality. But this time, authorities just invited everyone to tea! I mean, look at how

  • excited they are! It looks like they just can t wait to get into that unmarked van.

  • And here s a student being taken off for tea after his interview with Second German Broadcast

  • Network. Look, how nice! They re carrying him so he doesn t have to walk. It must have

  • been quite the tea party because they even invited celebrities. Taiwanese singer Annie

  • Yi also spoke out on behalf of Southern Weekly, and someone must have been listening because

  • she later said on her Weibo, which is like a Chinese Twitter, that authorities also invited

  • her to drink tea. That was before a bunch of her Weibo posts were mysteriously taken

  • down. In fact, at least 20 people have been invited to drink tea with authorities in relation

  • to the Southern Weekly incident alone, including famous Beijing entrepreneur Li Kaifu and property

  • developer Ren Zhiqiang. Tea drinking began in China 4,000 years ago, and plays a huge

  • role in Chinese culture. That s probably why authorities can t get enough tea parties.

  • In fact, to help them out, they ve recently made a new law that Internet providers and

  • social media sites have to register the real names of users. That way, if someone posts

  • something critical of the government, it s even easier to invite them to tea and discuss

  • their differences over tea. How civilized. h`jo h&Ab gdQ6 [Content_Types].xml #!MB ;c=1

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bjbj,(,( Yzqf Title: An Invitation to Tea (I m going to kill you MWHAHAHA!) Oh, hi.

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邀約喝茶(我要殺了你!)|中國無刪減版 (An Invitation to Tea (I'm Going to Kill You Bwhaha!) | China Uncensored)

  • 5 0
    Amy.Lin posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary