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  • Hey guys, Jess from Curse here! World of Warcraft patch 5.4 launched recently, and Mists of

  • Pandaria is celebrating its one-year anniversary - and I know a lot of you have been feeling

  • the itch and looking for a reason to renew your subscription - well, instead of just

  • A reason, I'll give you 10.

  • The number 10 reason to start playing WoW again: the new Refer a Friend system. This

  • whole process will be moved in-game, rather than requiring you to visit the site in your

  • browser. The system will give you a token which you can redeem for the new mount, one

  • of the other mounts, or one of a choice of four pets.

  • Number 9: And speaking of pets - there are tons of new battle pets! They drop from bosses

  • in Siege of Orgrimmar, and all over the Timeless Isle.

  • Oh, you haven't been to the Timeless Isle yet? That brings me to reason number 8: A

  • new area, the Timeless Isle, was just added in Patch 5.4. Not only does this just mean

  • new content, it's a whole new area for you to explore - remember the feeling of discovery

  • and exploration that first drew you into World of Warcraft? The Timeless Isle lets you experience

  • that again. It's full of dynamic events, bosses, treasures to find, and other immersive experiences.

  • Reason number 7: Blizzcon! It's back this year, and WoW is such a social game - Blizzcon's

  • your chance to reunite offline with your guildmates, or recruit new ones! Or if you can't make

  • it in person, Blizzard's offering virtual tickets that give you HD access to panels,

  • interviews, the closing ceremony, on-demand replays of any video content, as well as contests

  • and in-game goodies!

  • Number 6: the changes made to PvP. It's a lot easier to get started, first of all - the

  • learning curve can be killer, we all know that, but it's now a bit gentler on newbies.

  • They've also done away with Arena Teams, meaning that you can now work on your personal rating

  • with people of different rankings, AND you're now able to join up with friends on different

  • servers and do arenas together. Or if you're a seasoned Arena vet, remember...a new season

  • began in September, which means a whole new slew of titles and awards.

  • Number 5: Connected realms. Maybe you noticed how everyone seems to be switching realms

  • and moving toward a handful of specific, highly active realms? Well, connected realms are

  • going to let you stay on your home realm with your current character and guild name but

  • you will be questing, running Raids and Dungeons, and even using the same auction house as people

  • from other realms

  • Reason number 4: Proving Grounds. Sure, I know...YOU'RE a pro player - it's all those

  • other guys that have to fix their rotation, up their DPS, learn to hold aggro, etc. Proving

  • grounds are sort of a practice area with NPCs that give players a chance to learn their

  • role without having to do so in an actual raid environment with real people.

  • Number 3: Flexible Raid Difficulty. You can bring anywhere from 10 to 25 people to your

  • raid, and the difficulty will automatically scale. Also you can simply drop a group or

  • remake one to continue your progression. Plus it's wing-based like Raid Finder, but requires

  • more coordination - so it's a great challenge for groups of varying size.

  • And speaking of raiding....number 2: They've added a new raid, the Siege of Orgrimmar.

  • Which means 14 new bosses - but more importantly, the storyline and importance behind this new

  • raid, because the golden Vale of Eternal Blossoms has been defiled, many NPCs who have helped

  • you along in this expansion are now dead or corrupted, the Horde civil war is coming to

  • a head, and there is only one Orc to blame...

  • Which means...the number one reason to come back to WoW: You can finally kill Garrosh

  • Hellscream and put an end to the Alliance-Horde War. Bring peace to Azeroth!

  • That's it, those are our 10 reasons why you should start playing World of Warcraft again!

  • Why don't you guys leave me a comment below and let me know what it is about that game

  • that keeps bringing YOU back in. And be sure to subscribe to CurseEntertainment while you're

  • at it!

  • Thakns for watching, enjoy the game.

Hey guys, Jess from Curse here! World of Warcraft patch 5.4 launched recently, and Mists of

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魔獸世界--迴歸的十大理由 (World of Warcraft - 10 Reasons To Return)

  • 331 15
    Yang Liu posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary