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  • Pay close attention because I want to see if you agree with me or if you think

  • I'm just absolutely bat-crazy.

  • I believe there are seven things that our education system completely fails to teach

  • us as we're growing up.

  • But if we can learn these seven qualities,

  • our life as human beings radically transforms.

  • And not only do our life transform but the lives of everyone around us go through

  • a remarkable beautiful transformation as well.

  • The first one is teaching people how to bend reality.

  • What I mean by this is I have become 100% convinced that the world is an illusion

  • and that our minds can shift that illusion,

  • that we can generate synchronicities, coincidences, good luck, if you will,

  • to move us forward.

  • When you learn to do this, so many myths

  • of the modern world disappear.

  • Number one, the myth of lack, that there isn't enough for everyone.

  • That disappears.

  • And the second thing is the myth of hard work, struggle, strive.

  • The soul was not born and did not choose the human experience

  • to go through struggle, hard work and toil.

  • The soul is here to be blissful.

  • When you learn the art of bending reality, even if you have a job that is

  • super important, you're working on incredible projects,

  • everything moves effortlessly.

  • Now, the second skill that schools need to teach us but do not

  • is the skill of intuition.

  • You learn that knowledge does not just come from your brain and what you read and

  • the people you have access to, it can come from within.

  • This is that special skill that geniuses like Steve Jobs tapped into to create

  • things that nobody else in the world could see.

  • Intuition becomes a guiding voice to allow us to make better decisions in life,

  • not just what to invent, what to create, but who to date, who to move towards,

  • who to move away from.

  • Intuition is something so important, it's in all of us.

  • Now, the third skill is related to the first two, and it is the idea of living

  • from purpose, being connected to your intuition, so you know why you're here,

  • and then being able to bend reality to move towards that purpose

  • whether it is to create a great work of art or write a book or be the mom or dad

  • to a great group of kids.

  • It's being so aligned with your purpose that you're unshakeable on that purpose.

  • And it's one of the most attractive qualities of any man or woman,

  • to see someone so into their purpose.

  • But again, schools don't teach that to you.

  • Rather, we become pieces of paper in a giant, human photocopy machine,

  • photocopying the preset lives of generations past and other people.

  • Instead, you want to turn your life into a masterpiece.

  • This brings us to the fourth idea, stepping beyond the culturescape.

  • In my writing, I coined the word called brules for bullshit rules.

  • I suggest that much of the world around us is made up by people no smarter than us.

  • And these ideas, often long outdated, are injected in our brain from the time

  • we are kids by our governments, by religion, by our preachers, our fathers,

  • our mothers, our teachers.

  • None of them mean bad.

  • They just don't know better.

  • The world is changing at a rapid pace and we can question the rules of the world.

  • We can discard the bullshit rules or brules and create whole new ways

  • of functioning in the world.

  • In transformational theory, we call this operating from a sense

  • of autonomy and operating from a sense of authenticity.

  • If the third ingredient that I spoke about is turning your life into a masterpiece,

  • that is being authentic to you, living your life on your terms.

  • Autonomy means that you no longer seek to fit in.

  • You no longer suppress who you are or what you do or what you believe to fit in.

  • You're willing to stand for what you feel that intuitive calling within is.

  • This brings us to skill number five.

  • It's unity consciousness.

  • And this is where it kind of gets puzzling because autonomy is important.

  • You want to be separate from the rules of the world, but you also want to feel unity

  • with other people and all life.

  • When you feel unity, what mystics often call the

  • Samadhi experience, this feeling of oneness that you get when you meditate,

  • when you feel that, what happens is that you can only move and make decisions

  • towards a greater good.

  • Unity consciousness is so important in the world today, but so many folks,

  • especially politicians, preach disunity.

  • They get us to fear other people.

  • They talk about building walls.

  • Whenever you hear that, know that that is a backward

  • progression of consciousness.

  • We are individuals but we, as human beings, exist almost

  • as a colony species.

  • We need each other.

  • And we got to think multiple generations ahead in terms of the work we do,

  • and ask ourselves, "Are we making the world better off?

  • Do we deeply care about each other?

  • Are we operating from unity consciousness?"

  • This brings us to ability number six, and this the ability to access altered

  • states of consciousness, to get into deep states of what people

  • call mojo or flow, where you just move through the world in maximum creativity.

  • I've seen great artists do this.

  • I've seen great writers do this.

  • It just comes forth through you.

  • But often, it has to do with being able to access these altered states of mind.

  • And finally, the seventh skill, which I think is so important,

  • is how to always ensure that in all your relationships, it's win-win.

  • When we talk about conscious parenting, when we talk about conscious uncoupling,

  • it is so important that everything is win-win,

  • that you live life with no enemies.

  • There is no one out there that you need to hate or that you need to carry

  • anger towards, or that you still need to forgive.

  • You can create a way of existence where everybody who comes into your life

  • becomes a win-win relationship.

  • And win-win relationships multiply each other.

  • When you're dating someone and you're part of a win-win relationship,

  • it's not one plus one equals two, it's one plus one equals a thousand.

  • Win-win relationships change the dynamic of how we exist as human beings.

  • They multiply us.

  • And that's the seventh skill.

  • When you put all seven of these together, what you have is a pretty damn good

  • framework for how we can grow as individuals.

  • Now, of course, there's so many other things you want to look at, right,

  • from health to wellness, but everyone knows about that stuff.

  • I wanted to draw attention to these seven things because these are new goals.

  • These are new ways of looking at the human experience.

  • Most people don't talk about them.

  • To many companies, when they're investing in employee development,

  • they don't even look at these seven things.

  • But believe me, 10 to 15 years from now, these seven things are going to be hot.

  • Just like meditation was hardly known 20 years ago, today, 44% of the Fortune 100

  • have meditation classes for their employees.

  • So pay attention to these seven skills.

  • And if you learn and you grow these skills within you, you're going to live life

  • at a whole different level.

  • If you like this video, check out my upcoming masterclass

  • on Mindvalley, where I'm going to go deeper in how to develop these seven

  • unique human abilities.

Pay close attention because I want to see if you agree with me or if you think

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學校忘記教你的7種生活技能 (7 Life Skills Your School Forgot to Teach You)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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