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  • What's up guys!

  • So I'm really excited about today's lesson

  • Jennifer Aniston was recently on The Ellen Show and she interviewed superstar Selena Gomez

  • Now Selena is a huge fan of the TV series friends and so she tells

  • the funny story about how her and Jennifer first met.

  • Let's have a watch.

  • All right guys! So now we're going to learn all of the most important vocabulary

  • native pronunciation and more from that clip but before we do I want to let you know

  • that if you're new here every week we make lessons like this with your

  • favorite famous people and so much more so that you can understand fast speaking natives

  • without getting lost,

  • without missing the jokes

  • and without subtitles

  • like Shabibu who says that thanks to our lessons he can speak as

  • fast as a native.

  • Your English fluency and comprehension

  • is going to increase a ton too,

  • all you have to do is hit that subscribe utton and the bell down below so you don't miss any of our new lessons.

  • Now, there's a reason why Selena Gomez and millions of other people are obsessed with the TV series Friends.

  • It was and continues to be one of the best series of all time!

  • And in fact, not only it is seriously entertaining but various academic studies have actually shown

  • that it is one of the best resources available for learning English.

  • And that is exactly why we chose it as the core material for our popular course Fluent with Friends.

  • Alongside the first two seasons of this iconic series you will master the

  • vocabulary and pronunciation that you need to comprehend natives at any speed

  • and speak confidently and you can try it for free right now with our three-part

  • master class all you have to do is click up here or down inscription below and

  • you can learn more and sign up for that

  • Hey! If you're a fan of these two spectacular ladies then

  • I've got a couple other lessons you've got to check out.

  • The first one is a really hilarious interview that Selena Gomez did on The Ellen Show

  • and the other one is a really powerful lesson that we made with Jennifer Aniston's

  • newest series the morning show you can find both of those by clicking up here

  • or down in the description below

  • Awesome work today!

  • Now do you want to really be able to understand fast speaking natives like Selena and Jennifer?

  • Well, why not fall in love with the friends series just like Selena, while you greatly improve your English.

  • Check out our three-part master class here,

  • and check out another lesson with Jennifer here,

  • and another one with Selena here.

  • Now it's time to go beyond the classroom and live your English!

  • Aww yeah!

What's up guys!

Subtitles and vocabulary

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與賽琳娜-戈麥斯和珍妮弗-安妮斯頓一起學習英語。 (Learn English with Selena Gomez & Jennifer Aniston)

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary