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We're gonna make a coffee tomorrow.
Now, tomorrow is kind of a very broad category of sweet lick yours defined by their bitterness.
In fact, tomorrow it's the Italian word for bitterness.
Now you might know more famous.
Tomorrow's like Campari or Roma 30 or Amaro Montenegro.
There are enormous numbers of these things and they're often quite regional.
Now we're gonna break all the rules around making tomorrow's thes things often take weeks, if not months, to infuse because you're gonna take some sort of booze and infuse into them.
Botanicals could be roots.
Herbs could be spices.
It doesn't really matter.
It's a kind of regional thing.
We're gonna show you a technique that you could get it done.
Start to finish in 30 minutes if you want to.
Though I will say taking a little bit more time at certain stages will benefit the end results.
So once again, if people doing things the nontraditional way really upset you, look away.
Now they're gonna break this recipe into a few little stages in the first stage is to get the coffee flavor into the booze.
Now, today I'm gonna be using some whiskey and bourbon whiskey.
Now I like it because it's clean and it's sweet on it's not terribly expensive.
Tohave it tastes pretty good.
Now, I would say Don't spend too much money on this because it's a waste of money to really buy something lovely for this.
Just drink it.
But something like makers.
Something like Buffalo Trace.
Maybe good, free of defects, enjoyable to drink.
But but don't get fancy.
We're gonna start with 200 grams of risky and there are gonna be losses along the way.
And at the end of all of this, we might end up with between 140 to 150 grams of finish tomorrow.
So just I know that going in.
What we're gonna use for our infusion is this.
She's a cream weapon.
Cream whip is obviously fine for whipping cream, but they are great for infusing things with flavour.
So we're gonna add whiskey to this, and then we're gonna grind 40 grams of coffee to match the 200 grams of whisky.
We're gonna grant it pretty fine, very close to espresso, something that would pull like a disturbingly fast espresso shot, but still kind of very fine.
feeling feels pretty close to espresso.
Now, I'm going to use this V 60 here just as a funnel because they didn't have a better photo and then do that 200 grams.
Now, we're not gonna shake this, but we are going to give it a good swell together to combine.
What we'll do is then add a nitrous charge to it, which is not the soda ones.
You want the cream Whipple ones.
So we've pressurized this now, Onda.
Actually, that gas is gonna start dissolving into the liquid below a little bit.
We're gonna leave this to infuse for about five minutes now.
Usually, I don't like extractions done at room temperature.
I don't like things like cold brew, but we're not bring with water here.
Were brewing with alcohol to it would extract certain flavors that water cunt.
And that's really useful.
Now you will get a little bit more bitterness, but we'll fix that in the next step.
Now, four minutes when you release the pressure, don't be gentle.
Be aggressive.
Let it all out very quickly.
That will be very disruptive to the ground coffee and help with extraction.
Theo, you can hear that fizzing.
So now we're gonna filter it.
We're just gonna pour it through a simple sieve.
It went to a perfect job, but don't worry about that.
You are gonna lose some of the whiskey to the ground coffee.
There's nothing we can do about it.
Okay, let's just throw this away.
So this liquid here, well, it it's pretty bad.
It's incredibly bitter, but it's got tons and tons and tons of flavor.
What we're going to do now is a lovely technique called milk washing.
What we need for that is about 55 grams of whole milk number warning.
Now, this technique is a little bit disgusting to some people.
What's gonna happen is we're gonna add the alcohol to the milk instead, as we do, and it's gonna cause the milk to break and curdle and trapped in those kind of Kurds because that's what they are.
Is gonna be a lot of the stuff that we don't want any more going.
Stir this and then add the coffee booze.
No, What we can see is a curdling effect, which is disgusting but entirely wonderful in terms of end result.
If we go over that 30 minute tomorrow, you're gonna be a straight to the next step.
But the longer you leave this now, settling out the cleaner and clearer the end product will be.
Now I'm mostly interested in this from a taste perspective, not a visuals perspective.
So I'm happy to proceed straight away, but at the very least, you're gonna need to wash out your Korean whipper clean like a sieve because you're gonna need those things again in a second, along with whatever you strained into wanting to use my V 60 corrupt again.
Okay, so now we are going to use paper.
So you're gonna put this together to feel for again, But you're going to keep the Silva's well, we're going to stage filtration off the Kurds, so to speak.
So we've gotten here.
Is this kind of awkward coffee cheese that we don't want?
We don't want this at all and then below it.
Now we've got the last few bits kind of being filtered out.
Now, if you like me have just no patience whatsoever, you can speed this up a little bit.
If you pinch all of these built pieces together, carefully seal up the top you can twist that top very gently.
Now, the hardy squeeze essentially, the less clear the liquid you're gonna get is gonna be okay with a little squeeze.
If you squeeze too hard, you just take the filter paper and that would be bad on a mess.
And you'd have to start over again You don't wanna do, which is gently twisting to apply Pressure does help speed up this clarification process a little.
So we've got our pretty clarified coffee liquid now.
Tons of coffee flavor in there.
Tons of bourbon flavor too.
But it has been diluted slightly by that milk wash.
So essentially, we've added some water, a little bit of sugar.
Actually, some of the lack test from the milk will be in here, so it's very slightly sweeter.
So what we'll do now, though, is infused more flavors in there.
We'll use the same technique that we did before.
So we gonna get our cream with us.
We're gonna add our liquid.
We've got about 100 and 50 grams here to that, we're gonna add a few very classic flavors.
Firstly, we're gonna add some dried bitter orange peel.
We're gonna add a gram and 1/2 of that.
You'll recognize that.
Smell that flavor from things like Campari or other kind of citrusy things.
Next, we're gonna add some gente en route.
This is very common in a lot of tomorrow's as a bit of bitterness.
It's actually been proven to help with dyspepsia indigestion on that kind of stuff.
Next, we're gonna add just one old spice berry that will crush lovely in you go.
Next up is actually something a little bit different.
This is actually Vietnamese, Cassie.
A bark.
It's not true.
It's Cassie A a relation that smells very similar.
But this is incredibly aromatic, like incredibly aromatic.
You could use a regular cinnamon powder here, but I'm gonna great some of this about half a gram.
It has that really lovely, very pretty aromatic quality and a little of that almost heat that you get from good cinnamon and then also a little half gram of good nutmeg.
Just very, pretty lovely.
Next up, we're gonna add about half a gram of minced Madagascan vanilla.
Just everything is in here.
Now put it together and then we'll charge it once, give it a good shake, and then discharge it very aggressively and then charge it again and wait for five minutes.
One more charge.
Now just five more minutes of waiting.
Now, while that infuses, you can get on and prep the last few bits and pieces for this drink, you're gonna need a de Moreira syrup.
Now you can make this ahead of time.
It's two parts like brown sugar to one part water heated up just until it dissolves and then cool it down.
So we got some of that ready adds a lovely kind of caramel quality to the final drink.
Works really well with that coffee flavor that's in there you're gonna need on orange for garnish on potentially just a little splash of clean water that's kind of up to you.
You might wanna just dilute it down a little bit.
Just if you prefer to drink it quickly or you don't like too much booze in your amaro, I'm gonna add a very small amount of water just a diluted a little bit down.
So you need some of that ready to and then our friend saline solution.
We talked about this in the past 80 20.
That's 20 salt, 80 water Very useful for any kind of cocktail drink.
Now, I know I've given you lots of data, lots of information.
This recipe has been written up.
It's been written up on my website, a website that I built with this video sponsor, which is squarespace on.
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So infusion done and again, a rapid discharges.
It was a good thing of pressure, and they were gonna do one final filtration through paper.
But we're gonna lose a few more grams of this, sadly.
But we don't want any pieces of spice floating around our drink again.
And give that little soft twist and squeeze just to get maximum yield out.
We just won't get rid of those big pieces of spices.
So to this, we're gonna add our sugar and add 60 grams again.
If you make this and don't like the sweetness, you can tweak it.
This is just the kind of sweetness that I really enjoy in tomorrow, and I'm gonna add what seems like a tiny amount of water, but just 25 grams, we're done.
We could bottle it now.
Now, there's a reason this isn't a full bottle.
You wanna make what you're going to use reasonably quickly because this has coffee in it, and I think coffee degrades quite badly over time.
I prefer to drink this fresh.
Keep it in the fridge or the freezer.
It will pretty much freeze solid in a very cold freezer, so it's not hugely boozy.
It's pretty about 20% alcohol at this point.
So when it's time to drink it, get yourself a beautiful Cuba vice you're gonna then pour on your measure of coffee tomorrow.
And don't forget to add a couple drops of saline to this.
Give it a gentle stuff and then garnish.
Just a little piece of orange zest.
That fresh orange head is really nice, but you can get a little bit more of that coffee and that bitter orange coming through that is, I think, a really lovely drink.
The coffee is there is playing a role, but it's not the star of the show, and that's what I want.
You can taste the bourbon that comes really nicely, can taste the coffee, but you could give this to someone who doesn't like coffee who does like tomorrow's.
I think they'd really like it and you get that orange and that bitter orange in there, too.
On the Gent, Aeon provides a really distinct and pleasant bitterness.
But in the middle there is this wonderful aromatic component of those spices that Cassie, Aaagh, the nutmeg, allspice, They just play beautifully together.
Now you could do this.
Ah, whole bunch of different ways.
You could adapt this base technique with a bunch of different spices.
If you like that, a bunch of different herds.
If you like that, you could start with a different raw material.
He could just do this with vodka or something else if you wanted to.
There's no rules outside of Italy anyway.
So if you do this, let me know what you tried.
Let me know if you made some alterations, you could drink this with just like a splash of tonic, and it would be very good.
You could drink this just neat.
And Children, it would be very good or, like me, have a fact.
He device with a little orange twist, and you've made a fantastic choice and say Thank you so much for watching.
Have a great day.