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  • Sometimes the anticipation of getting a new truck is more fun then the actual getting

  • of the new truck.

  • I've driven the same truck for about 6 or 7 years now.

  • This is a '98 Tacoma.

  • And I've loved it, and it's still running like a champion.

  • It has about 250,000 miles on it.

  • It's been a really good truck.

  • But today it's time to get something new.

  • I'm getting a 2018 Toyota Tacoma, a truck 20 years newer than what this one is.

  • The reason why I've waited so long though to get a new truck is because this truck is

  • still running just fine and does 90% of what a brand new truck would be, so I haven't been

  • able to justify the cost of a new truck yet, because I 100% believe that buying a brand

  • new truck off the lot is a terrible financial decision.

  • I'm going to do it anyway, but I'll explain why.

  • I tried to buy a truck here locally in Utah, but it didn't quite work out with the dealership

  • dealers aren't my favorite.

  • But I did find the exact truck I want in Boulder Colorado.

  • So come check it out with me as we fly over to Colorado and drive the truck back.

  • Let's get started.

  • [Intro]

  • So let me introduce you to what I've been driving for the last 8 years.

  • I've been through a lot with this little guy.

  • I put about 100,000 miles on it.

  • I bought it when it had 160,000 and now it has 250,000.

  • So starting back here, this is where a fence jumped out in the road and hit me.

  • I fixed up most of it.

  • It did kind of damage this part right above the wheel, the fender.

  • I haven't done anything to the suspension of this truck, but it does have a little bit

  • of damage along the back.

  • I did replace this quarter panel from that same fence, and I never did quite get this

  • light fixed all the way.

  • It's kind of got a little gap.

  • It used to be held on with duct tape.

  • Eventually I'll get that bottom section attached.

  • The bumper's also kind of falling apart.

  • The truck's kind of been held together with duct tape mostly.

  • If that duct tape was gone, the bumper would be hanging halfway down.

  • Not the safest thing.

  • Over here on this side, no damage.

  • I do have a truck box full of toolsyou never know when you might need them.

  • The exhaust was wearing out a little while ago, and so there's a huge hole in the center

  • of the bed.

  • You can see the exhaust there and you can see all the way to the ground.

  • I did replace the exhaust myself and now everything's working fine.

  • I'll give you a little tour of the inside so we can compare it to the 2018 Toyota Tacoma's.

  • Here we have the inside of the door, we have the windows up and's a little bit

  • dirty in here.

  • Door lock, window lock, center consoles.

  • And here inside of the truck we have the almost 250,000 miles on it.

  • The check engine light never does go off.

  • Hopefully the new truck doesn't have that same issue.

  • The deck I did replace myself.

  • I did install a 10 inch subwoofer in the back.

  • Gotta have your tunes going.

  • So yeah, basically pretty low key.

  • There's not a whole lot of technology going on in a truck back from 1998.

  • It is a manual transmission.

  • It's a 5 speed.

  • It does have the four-wheel drive in it as well.

  • This is the off-road package, which is exactly what I'm looking for in the new truck as well.

  • And one change I am excited about is the new truck is a 4 door, where this is just a 2

  • door, and it just has that, you know, half a person spot in the back.

  • You can see the subwoofer here that I've wired upkind of fun.

  • So the anticipation has been there for about 2 years now.

  • I told myself when I hit a 100,000 subscribers two years ago that I would buy myself a truck

  • as like a reward, but I could never justify it because this thing is just working so well

  • all of the time.

  • Toyota has never died.

  • I was actually looking into some statistics of how much it costs to keep trucks going

  • and keep vehicles going, and Toyota was like number 30 on the list.

  • I'll put the list right here so you can see it.

  • BMW is like number one with the highest repair costs, and Toyota was the lowest.

  • So that's one of the reasons why I can justify buying a new one.

  • As well as, I looked into buying a used one and the prices even 3 or 4 years old were

  • almost the same as a brand new one because they hold their value so well.

  • I bought this truck 7 years ago for about 7,000 dollars, and even now if I was to turn

  • around and sell it on the classifieds, I could get about four or five out of it even with

  • all the miles that it has.

  • Toyota's last forever, they hold their value forever.

  • It's a good deal.

  • Needless to say I am very happy with this Tacoma.

  • I've had no problems with it for the entire time I've owned it.

  • I've only had to replace the starter motor...except for these last couple months.

  • At 250,000 miles, things are starting to disintegrate on a regular basis.

  • I did have to replace the clutch a little bit ago, which was about $1,000 and took a

  • couple days out of my time.

  • And that's another reason why I need a new truck is because as soon as it stops becoming

  • a tool and more of a hindrance and eats into my productivity, then something else needs

  • to happen.

  • Now, buying a brand new, $37,000 truck is a bit on the extreme end of solving that problem,

  • but I'll explain the justification to you as we grab the new truck.

  • Let's go to the airport.

  • [Music]

  • So the plan has landed.

  • We've gotten all the way over to Boulder Colorado and I see the truck.

  • It's right herebrand-new 2018 Toyota Tacoma, 4-door.

  • This is the cement color.

  • This is awesome!

  • It's got the sunroof up top.

  • It's got the short bed in the back.

  • I'll run you through the whole thing in just a minute, but this thing is awesome.

  • It's got the tow package.

  • It's got rear lockers, four-wheel drive...this thing is sick!

  • And the best part is that this truck does not have the massive rust hole in the bed

  • of the truck like my previous truck does, so that's a step in the right direction.

  • So after years of waiting, the truck is finally here.

  • I'm going to go grab the keys from inside, it's already paid for and everything.

  • Just need to take off and give you guys a tour of the inside in just a second.

  • So normally, when you buy a brand-new truck and you're the first person to drive it off

  • a lot, you instantly lose thousands of dollars as you pull out of the lot like I just did.

  • But that's not the case with me.

  • I bought this truck and I'm going to use it as a tool, you know, it's a business expense.

  • Plus what I'm going to do to this truck is going to increase the value of it over what

  • I just lost by pulling out of the parking lot.

  • So yeah, now that the truck is off the lot and mine, I'm going to walk you through some

  • of the features.

  • So we started off with 10 miles on the odometer, now we're at like 78 or something like that.

  • I think we're in the middle of Colorado somewhere.

  • Colorado's much flatter than I anticipated.

  • But I'm going to walk you through some of the features of the truck and why I chose

  • it as my daily driver.

  • So first of all I chose the cement color because it's unique to the Tacoma, and it is also

  • unique to the 2018's.

  • Now you can get the off-road, it's not limited to just the TRD package.

  • And so here we have the front grille, we have the headlights, this is like the projection

  • bulbs and stuff like that.

  • It's a 4-door so I can fit 5 people in it.

  • Then here we have the interior.

  • I did choose the black leather.

  • Leather was not my first choice, but it is part of a tech package or something, and I

  • did want the sunroof in it so that was fine.

  • I think the tech package was mandatory with the leather, so I'll survive.

  • Here we have the rear outlets for the back of the truck.

  • There's an outlet in the bed of the truck, which I thought was pretty cool.

  • It has a clutch start cancel which helps you when you're off-roading and stuff, or trying

  • to get up a hill.

  • So inside the truck we have the dash, we have the leather steering wheel.

  • We have the center console here.

  • And the parts that I think are pretty cool is that there's a wireless charger down here

  • at the bottom.

  • So I can take my Galaxy S8 which has the wireless charging enabled, same as the iPhone 8 and

  • the iPhone 10, and I can set it down on this pad down here at the bottom, and then it'll

  • automatically start charging.

  • That light turns on here and I can turn on and off the wireless charging.

  • It has a bunch of safety features, like this is a blind spot manager.

  • So if I press that, if someone comes up in my blind spot, in that mirror there's a light

  • on the side and the light will blink letting me know that someone's in my blind spot.

  • So one safety feature there.

  • And that is one difference between this truck and my old truck.

  • So this one has side airbags.

  • And you can't really put a price on safety, like where I was talking about earlier that

  • my old truck does 90% of what a new truck can do, the old truck does not have the side

  • airbags and as many safety features as this truck has.

  • So this truck has one of those radar management systems.

  • When you're driving on the freeway it'll track the car in front of you and if the car in

  • front of you stops, the truck will stop automatically.

  • It also has the lane divergence systems where if you start to drift over one of the lines

  • on the side of the road, like if you're drowsy or something like that, it'll start beeping

  • at you and wake you up and make sure that you know that you're drifting off the road.

  • My old truck definitely doesn't have those features, and if the features save your life,

  • there's no way you can put a monetary value on that.

  • So, kind of cool that this truck has it.

  • We also have the heated seats for the driver and the passenger, kind of fun, and the climate

  • control on both sides.

  • So this truck is also a manual Tacoma, meaning that I shift all the gears myself as I'm driving.

  • The representative that I talked to said that only 5% of trucks that are sols are sold with

  • manual transmissions.

  • But I like having that kind of control when I drive and go off-roading.

  • And now let's check out the back seats.

  • Kind of the same thing here.

  • There's a ton of storage behind these things, so I can lift those up and stick like tools

  • and stuff.

  • Remember with my old truck I had the truck box in the back, and that's not the case with

  • this one.

  • Since the bed is shorter, I'm going to leave the truck box out and just use the space underneath

  • the seats to store stuff.

  • Also, the whole thing lays down flat, I can pull the headrest out and then stuff that

  • stuff, and tools, and boards, and construction equipment down inside of here with more storage

  • space behind the seats.

  • Coming back to the bed of the truck.

  • Drop this down, and this has a power outlet.

  • You can plug in power tools, you can plug in lights if you're working like a construction

  • project out in the middle of nowhere.

  • Having a power outlet is handy, especially in a truck because a truck is built to be

  • useful.

  • And then, you know, you have more storage compartments for, you know, tow straps and

  • jumper cables and things like that as well.

  • I mentioned before that it has lockers on the rear tires.

  • I am going to add a lift kit to this truck, which are all kind of things that I had on

  • my old truck.

  • Also right here there is a headphone jack and a USB port so you can plug in, you know,

  • the auxiliary cables and stuff.

  • Definitely useful to the phones that have extra features.

  • So I'm going to go drive the 450 miles back to Salt Lake Utah where I'm from.

  • Was it worth the wait?

  • Time will tell.

  • I don't have the buyer's remorse yet.

  • I'm pretty excited to have this new truck.

  • It's a huge step above the 20 year old truck that I've been driving around for the last

  • 7 years.

  • A lot of people buy cars for better gas mileage and stuff, but for me, my personality and

  • what I do, I need something with a lot of features, and having a truck will all of those

  • bells and whistles helps me accomplish the things that I want to in my daily life.

  • And Tacoma, after looking at a bunch of other brands, is what I want to use.

  • I was talking with a friend one time about the usefulness of trucks in general, and he

  • said that a truck can win a race against any vehicle as long as the truck can pick the

  • route or the payload.

  • We can put my truck up against a Tesla if the payload's a piano, or I can pick the route,

  • because there's no way a Tesla can follow me up a mountain.

  • I'll be doing a couple more videos on this truck on my channel, just showing the lift

  • and showing the light bar installation.

  • If you have any questions, obviously leave them down in the comments.

  • Let me know what you think of my truck, and let me know what your dream car is down in

  • the comments.

  • Thanks a ton for watching, and I'll see you around.

Sometimes the anticipation of getting a new truck is more fun then the actual getting

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我*終買了一輛新車....。 (I *FINALLY* bought a new vehicle....)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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