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  • they do.

  • They have amazing pies.

  • Careful around your eyes.

  • There is there.

  • Be careful around your eyes.

  • Hey, what's going on?

  • Everybody.

  • For first to the feast, I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones.

  • It's the show without questions and even hotter wings.

  • And today we're joined by Zac Efron.

  • He's an actor, you know, from films like The Greatest Showman Neighbors.

  • Ted Bundy.

  • Extremely wicked.

  • He also has a YouTube channel with a casual 1,000,000 plus subs as well as a brand new series on the way It's called Killing Zac Effron.

  • It's set to hit Quimby this spring.

  • Zac Effron Welcome to the show.

  • Thanks for having me, man.

  • That was awesome.

  • Good intro.

  • I know that you're an adventurous eater.

  • How are you around Spicy food.

  • Something happened when I was traveling internationally.

  • I just I thought I could eat spicy food.

  • I thought I was healthy.

  • Food healthy, spicy.

  • If you need a good one.

  • Even.

  • But I went somewhere to couple countries that really put a lot of spice into their food and learn to respect it.

  • Yeah, I almost died and then light came back and I have a healthy respect for for sauce.

  • You going already?

  • Just diving right in.

  • It was delicious.

  • So I'm watching your new quickly show killing Zac Efron.

  • It's clear that you have an affinity for extreme situations like going deep into these dangerous jungle toe hunt crocodiles is.

  • Part of the appeal of shooting in these remote locations is that they're thousands of miles away from Hollywood.

  • Like, Are you kind of interested in the fact that you're kind of, Ah, escaping the Hollywood machine even though you're obviously bringing cameras along for the journey?

  • That's really it's interesting that you put it that way.

  • Yes, um, skate, like part of your call it escaping.

  • I think it definitely is escaping.

  • But going on trips like on the weekend going into the woods, backpacking, camping, rock climbing.

  • These things were like very ingrained in who I am as a person.

  • So that's my therapy.

  • I do that to get away and sort of have some sort of equilibrium helps me thinking process.

  • I have no trouble sleeping when I'm camping like I can go out there and reset for a weekend and I'll come back and I'll help the struggle.

  • City sleeping, you know, another way, But, um, it's fun to get out there.

  • It's fun to bring friends, so, yeah, get outside.

  • That's a prescription.

  • What should we add?

  • Some.

  • How should we do people do that?

  • Are these all see older?

  • There's not an aesthetic thing.

  • Well, it's happened once before Shiloh Buff came in here and he actually died.

  • It so played that.

  • However you want it.

  • Let's go.

  • All right.

  • How do you tell That was How do you tell, um, how hard it's gonna be by eating it.

  • Okay.

  • Wow.

  • It's gonna be messy.

  • Well, at least if I'm trying, I'm trying out the pouring method.

  • It's on the early side of this.

  • That's smart.

  • Mmm.

  • Son, your YouTube channel.

  • You have this show, Jim time, where you work out with everyone from NFL stars.

  • The Victoria's Secret models haven't stepped into the world of so many different fitness obsessives.

  • Is there kind of training that you respect the most on a shared grip level?

  • That's a good question.

  • Um, for me, athletes air like movie stars, I would say, you know, it's when I get to meet were hanging out with somebody who is an inspiration to me through whatever their art or craft is, that's really fun.

  • And if they want to train with me unreal.

  • I'm getting this, uh, peek behind the curtain and sort of, uh, just have fun with them and see them in their element because that's all they do.

  • Is they train that's moving or savage?

  • I'm always amazed by certain actors abilities to transform their bodies based on the requirements of whatever character they're playing from.

  • Movie to movie.

  • Definitely.

  • What's the difference and how you and your trainer might approach plane like a Baywatch lifeguard versus plane like Ted Bundy?

  • Man.

  • Another great question that was actually a really important time to do Baywatch, because I realized that, like when I was done with that movie, I don't ever want to be in that good of shape again.

  • Really.

  • It's like it's I was.

  • So it was so hard.

  • You're working with almost no wiggle room, right?

  • You've got things like water under your skin that you're worrying about, like making your six pack into a four pack shit like that.

  • That's just like, not it's just stupid, you know, it's not.

  • It's just not really like, I am happy that that it worked.

  • I'm happy that it got me through it.

  • I may do it again if it was something worthwhile.

  • But we'll wait until it gets to that I don't need.

  • I'm good.

  • Take care of your heart.

  • Take care of your brain.

  • You're good.

  • Sure.

  • Let me hit that.

  • He's like, you know, I don't want to know.

  • How many of these shows have you done?

  • This is, believe it or not.

  • Season 11 approaching 200 episodes set across from 200 famous people doing this.

  • That's awesome, man.

  • That's so cool.

  • That's I feel like I knew it was gonna be a high number, but 200 just, Of course.

  • I don't want to pour out the extra sauce.

  • No, but you know what I like.

  • I like the new experience.

  • You know, that's what I think is funny about this is that in the hundreds of times that we've done it, there have been so many different ways that it's approached.

  • Cool.

  • You know, it is a good This whole setup is just money.

  • Man like this is why you go out to eat wings, be with your homies, man.

  • So I'm fascinated by your signed baseball collection, which isn't just something that you spent millions of dollars on.

  • It's something that dates back to you being a little kid, chasing down home run balls at Giants games.

  • That's exactly right.

  • Do you have a favorite story?

  • Are Ah, baseball?

  • That to you is like a crown jewel in the collection?

  • Dusty Baker, the coach of the Giants at the time.

  • He drove by and he was on a motorcycle, so we don't have a window.

  • He could roll up.

  • So he saw, like there was a couple people waiting for him, and I ran up with a baseball.

  • I was researching on this, you know, I had, like, a blue pen and the sweet spot of a brand new ball, and I showed it to him.

  • Dusty was like, I can't right now.

  • I got to go to church, and that just means usually, like I don't have time right.

  • He's like, I'll be back in 30 minutes.

  • He left and I thought I was never gonna see him again.

  • 45 minutes later, the motorcycle came roaring in.

  • I was like, No way, and he literally pointed right at me and come over here and I walked over.

  • He's like, you still got that bomb was like, Yeah, thank you, sir, but nobody signed it, so that one meant a lot to me.

  • Dusty Baker, like, doubled back from church.

  • Who knows what he did, but it was pretty awesome.

  • It was really cool.

  • And I was like, I'd like bleached hair.

  • Was a little kid just awesome.

  • While filming Charlie ST Cloud.

  • Did you pick up anything interesting when you were working alongside Atlanta Braves pitching coach Roger McDowell?

  • Oh my gosh, man.

  • Blast from the past, we had to play catch, but I could play catch.

  • At that point, I played baseball, which is good because sometimes the movies you never know, like sometimes you're one, which is why he was there.

  • Because there's a couple of those like, What's the one I'm thinking of?

  • War of the Worlds moments looked like I don't know if I should say I like mustard.

  • I like mustard a lot.

  • So she mentioned, you're a seasoned traveler crisscrossing across the globe for your own adventures.

  • And then, of course, even your movie roles.

  • If you could spend one month surfing anywhere, where would you go?

  • Um hmm.

  • Probably Costa Rica.

  • I think Bali's pretty rad Bali's awesome right now.

  • Like, um, I think I just have so many friends in Costa Rica that that would be This is really just got hot.

  • Do you have a favorite golf course in Hawaii?

  • There's just insane golf.

  • Last time with coffee, and I went with, uh, I should not touch my eyes.

  • Right.

  • That's deaf.

  • Anyone done that?

  • I would say in about 45% of the episodes.

  • Really?

  • Well, it's hard.

  • No way, man.

  • Cheese.

  • I'm so happy.

  • I just touched my nose because I could feel it.

  • Yeah, but the eyes, because the water So you'll think to yourself.

  • Oh, I just I just gotta wait my eye.

  • But then you have sauce of the cross pollination there.

  • Late.

  • You're late.

  • Your eyeballs on fire.

  • Oh, men, I'm ready for the next one.

  • I'm ready for the next one.

  • I say it's Costa Rica.

  • And what's in?

  • What was the next one of favorite golf course?

  • Uh, I don't know.

  • There's one in Valencia used to sneak onto the links.

  • That's my favorite one.

  • All right.

  • Great memories.

  • Let's go on to low.

  • Scaly entails Rojo here.

  • Oh, those Callie.

  • And he's really cool.

  • First we feast.

  • Cool name.

  • So, Zach, we have a recurring segment on our show.

  • Call.

  • Explain that, Graham.

  • We do a deep dive on our guests.

  • Instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context.

  • So we'll put it up here on the monitor, and then you just tell us the bigger story.

  • Okay, Senator, for mine is Yeah, they're not from mine.

  • Like for example, man, that's all.

  • My dear, you are Jim Carrey's Pinching your nipple.

  • It seems like an image that requires Maur explanation.

  • I went to Hawaii.

  • I was I was staying with my friend Kenny Ortega.

  • He directed High school Musical.

  • This is a couple years after and, um, he said you wanted I'm friends with Jim Carrey.

  • You want to go to his house?

  • So we walked on the beach and there was this really cool bush sort of up against the beach.

  • It was like along the beach.

  • It was like a berm when we walked like into it and it formed a tunnel.

  • I've never really been in a plant tunnel before, but it was the path from the beach we walked through it.

  • C candy like, Hey, remember, looked at the second story.

  • And unlike the second story of the building, Jim Carey was there just standing on the balcony, and he was like, Uh, it was really like It's been turn a pet detective and that's one of my favorite.

  • So it's pretty cool.

  • He's a very nice guy and one of my friggin here itself.

  • That's it.

  • That's the explanation behind that photo.

  • I don't know why I spend my nipple.

  • This is your ex big bite Martin Garics big by a friend of the program we call Big Bite.

  • Martin cares what really and that is this average with the bytes.

  • He's a savage with the bites.

  • I met him totally on accident that night.

  • Way I was walking down the street and Amsterdam, and I see of all things in Amsterdam a crowd of like video cameras, what looked like to me to be like T M Z or foot photographer type people, my lips.

  • And then and then suddenly someone's tapping me on the shoulder, and it's the person tapping and was like, Hey, man, what's up?

  • I was looking.

  • It was Martin and He's like, I'm from here.

  • Do you?

  • It's my birthday, like tomorrow.

  • What do you want to come to a concert?

  • I was like, Yeah, sure.

  • So I quit.

  • What I was doing went to hang out with Martin.

  • He be, like, organized a set list, and I was just chilling washing them.

  • And then next thing I know, I was up on stage and like that little booth, he's out with the deejay booth.

  • I was, like, underneath it for a whole set, just like, down below.

  • And I was just like, What's going on?

  • And he's like, This is sick, right?

  • I'm like, yeah, it was really funny.

  • All right, next up, this is very mentor mentee looking to me.

  • Actually, it was really cool about that night in this kind of sticks.

  • In my mind is like, we weren't talking at that point, and then I was kind of gonna wait for him, And sure enough, he, like, had his hat down loan.

  • When the ball went to the other side, he was like, Hey, man, you want to get breakfast tomorrow?

  • And I was like, Yeah, dude.

  • So he, like, gave me He wrote my phone number down and then handed me while while the other team was scoring and nobody saw.

  • And I took it and he cooked me breakfast the next day at his house.

  • What do you cook up?

  • He cooked.

  • Uh, actually, he cooked waffles.

  • And then he burnt those, and then we make pancakes.

  • It was awesome.

  • I don't know.

  • I had a 1,000,000,000 questions for now, definitely dealing with too much paparazzi presence in my life.

  • And like sitting next to Leo, I was just like, dude, how do you how if you handle this for so long?

  • He was like, frankly, you're getting in a little bit different, you know?

  • It's a little bit.

  • Yeah.

  • Didn't you look at the monitors and be like, Yeah, well, I've never had that.

  • So, like, damn how do you know that?

  • Would you talk Thio?

  • How do you know?

  • Just talkto Jesus.

  • I don't think my publicist knows this.

  • Jesus, man.

  • Who did you talk to?

  • You?

  • Do you know other fucking say it now.

  • Shit.

  • Sorry.

  • Screw it.

  • I'm going to say it now.

  • Uh, I pulled up in like some cars followed me.

  • This is just a normal routine.

  • It's just like leave my driveway and, like, 10 cars would follow.

  • He was like, Yeah, there's never this many cars here And he was like, That's insane, dude.

  • And I saw in his eyes a little bit of like, the feeling that I consistently was having all the time, which was just like stress and anxiety.

  • And he was like, Don't worry about it, man.

  • It's It's you're you're good and I really appreciate that he took that time.

  • You made me feel good about it.

  • Help me a little bit.

  • So that's the biggest hand you can extend.

  • I feel like in Hollywood is looking out for somebody younger, so rocking on Leo.

  • Thank you, buddy.

  • I just have a man that I have a feeling.

  • Oh, yeah, or that's a good system for eight years is better.

  • Mind broken, half split them.

  • So the paparazzi talk was actually rather poetic Segway into this question because over the years we've had some incredible paparazzi evasion techniques discussed on the show.

  • When you think on your own experience is, is there a maneuver that you've done to evade the Paps that over the years maybe a story that you're particularly proud of that one's not that a man for almost like a two or three year period of my life.

  • I drove through various lots pulling in on one side of Warner Brothers or Universal, just going in one of their 10 entrances and then, I don't know, staying in there for 15 minutes, then leaving through one and trying to catch him not looking.

  • And then if that didn't work, I would have to go back and go somewhere else.

  • A lot of people they don't really believe you or they think, like, just live your life.

  • Start problem.

  • Yeah, we're talking to such high class problems and we are, It's it's ridiculous thing, and it feels stupid to complain about and like, part of me doesn't even want us to do it.

  • But since this is the form for stories, my dad was skeptical about the paparazzi.

  • So we pulled out.

  • He was driving my little brothers in the car and they start following us, and I was like, they're definitely following, and he's like, Yeah, right, I said it was the car behind us, like, you know, a forerunner, a beige forerunner, and he's like, Yeah, so like.

  • Well, that's the car that always follows me behind.

  • That is gonna be a, you know, an s u and of this suv, a GMC something.

  • And he was like, I started to realize that I was right, and he just didn't want to accept it, Just couldn't accept it.

  • So we drove to the Catalina Express way one by one with him realizing the amount of cars and the building.

  • Anger inside of him was just hilarious.

  • He was like, this legal.

  • This is This should be I can't That guy you told me that guy, right?

  • You Hey, you And I'm just like Dad.

  • You need to relax, man.

  • I conceal.

  • And he's like, this happens all the time.

  • Do you?

  • I can't believe this is This is insane.

  • I don't even really believe it.

  • I don't think that that guy's not He has a camera.

  • Oh, my God.

  • He has shooting us.

  • What is it?

  • I'm like, Dad.

  • You're giving him exactly what he wants.

  • It's a show.

  • So yeah, I definitely like had we'd start.

  • He's gonna trip.

  • I'm probably gonna be too much.

  • I assume this has gotta be the we're getting up to a serious level over here.

  • Is it okay?

  • I've been warned.

  • Oh, I can feel it already.

  • It's a smell.

  • It's a snow.

  • Is it true that Tom Cruise gave you an impromptu tour of his motorcycle hangar?

  • Yeah, man.

  • Red Dukat.

  • Tom Cruise pulls up in the red Cartier, but he had a Hellmouth.

  • Thank you.

  • He pulled up.

  • There was I was in a hangar, was kind of like this.

  • And like they were here, He had a legit airplanes, all parked in there.

  • He flies by on it.

  • Red.

  • You, Cadi.

  • Just like an m I three.

  • Like I don't hear it.

  • And it's just remember lying so cool.

  • I hope that Sami doubles backgrounds Tom Cruise and he pulls in and he got got off the bike.

  • But then I think he left the bike running a little bit because as soon as he went to get off it swung his layover and the bike kind of skitch forward, and he went like and then stopped again.

  • And so I walked forward.

  • I was gonna shake his hand, he went to get off again, and it revved up again and he wanted one a little further forward like starting on.

  • It was just It was Ah, funny moment.

  • Still a super super cool.

  • What's the back story on breaking your hand?

  • And neighbors?

  • As I understand it, you had to get in emergency surgery to keep from derailing the film.

  • That's a bit of a build up of its set set.

  • That's what says that.

  • No.

  • All right, That's that It it's not built up.

  • Suddenly all I broke his hand.

  • And then from then I didn't go to the hospital like Saved the movie.

  • He said something about how actors will often look for excuses not to do their very easy job.

  • Yes, that's Yeah.

  • I'm not the opposite man.

  • I'm a workhorse man.

  • That's just leaders.

  • That one's a linger.

  • Just you wait.

  • I'm not gonna touch it.

  • Not touching it.

  • Everyone.

  • Everybody's laughing right now.

  • My nose be running, you bomb beyond Santa.

  • Figure out popped up until, uh, the will fall out.

  • Tell him we'll walk around.

  • These guys are all laughing.

  • Is this a secret sauce everybody knows about this?

  • Is this where the wheels fall out?

  • The bombs got something stuck in its top, All right.

  • Just looks evil.

  • Let's go.

  • You're gonna get No way.

  • It's not making Didn't make sense yet.

  • Liketo dive into that one is the same time as the guests so that we start.

  • Oh, an hour.

  • That now.

  • Diving in who?

  • Seven.

  • That's a good one.

  • I heard you say that if you weren't an actor, you'd be a chef.

  • What would Zac Effron restaurant look like?

  • Would it be, you know, global flavours inspired by your travels?

  • Or would it be like a gym rat fuel up station with, like, a steam brown rice and unseasoned chicken breast?

  • Oh, man.

  • You know what I really like for your travel to places based on some of the destinations that I'm going to eat at?

  • Oh, and, um, people like crime in these there.

  • See?

  • You cried a little bit, um, loses here at the table.

  • Barents Sea.

  • We talked about anything.

  • It seems like I'm gonna be emotional.

  • Everybody's so knowingly looking at her.

  • Do you have an all time favorite food city?

  • Oh, man.

  • Chicago's great.

  • She can get a shot at you.

  • I'm an absolute shut down boy.

  • That's right.

  • All my friends were in Chicago, Chicago, Chicago wins Chicago.

  • When you're from San Louis Obispo.

  • Have you ever been Arroyo Grande?

  • More specifically, have you ever been to that Apple farm in?

  • Yeah, the department.

  • They've got a tremendous, like pies.

  • Shit, they do.

  • They have amazing pies.

  • Careful around your eyes There.

  • Is that careful around your eyes.

  • Thanks.

  • We're looking out for each other here.

  • Actually, I stayed at that wheel.

  • House one, You know, like they're big into the like.

  • If you can get whatever you houses way, stay there.

  • That's awesome.

  • That's my heart.

  • That I was just there the other day.

  • They didn't like each cleanup in Morro Bay, which is pretty close by when I stop back at a G And like, I was at a gas station and I just always, always around growing up, it looked way nicer.

  • I pulled in this truck, saw me with my window rolled out of the back seat.

  • This car, this guy saw me.

  • It was like, older than me.

  • You always older than both of us.

  • It was like Zac Efron looked at him reflexively.

  • I was like, What's up?

  • And he goes a G.

  • And I was like, a G.

  • He's like, yeah, and then like all four windows rolled down like four guys with G A G h e.

  • So I don't know why, but I'm starting to feel like a hometown hero.

  • I put a lot of our mom's still the most intense and savage fans to meet in the wild.

  • Yeah, how'd you know that?

  • That's the first time we met.

  • Fuck.

  • You know what?

  • I think moms are a little bit less.

  • They have less of a guard up in a good way.

  • Dad's There's this weird thing of, like, we're all men here, right?

  • So it's like they don't know if they want to admit it or not.

  • And for the longest time, a lot of guys you know what?

  • And then like later in the same night, I would see that person and they would be like little drunk singing a high school musical song like You could've just told me when I walked in and thanks.

  • Appreciate it.

  • What's the biggest difference between catching a football from Drew Brees and then, just like playing catch with your brother on the beach like is the rotation?

  • Is there something about it that snaps different 100%?

  • When drew Brees.

  • When Drew Brees goes and like, throws a pass, first of all, he could be, like 50 yards away.

  • And when it comes at you, you just see a tight circle that's like, not even doesn't look like it's spinning.

  • It just looks like it's vibrating are wobbling when, as soon as he liked lazily throws it, it's in your face and you're catching it.

  • And it's like going by.

  • You've gotta hang on to that thing.

  • You got to really have that diamond shape in your hands so you won't catch it.

  • All right?

  • Zac Efron.

  • All right, this is the last dad.

  • We call it the last tab because it's tradition around here to put a little extra in the last week.

  • You don't?

  • Everyone makes it to live with this far.

  • This is rarefied air.

  • Okay, Good.

  • Zach.

  • With all the sauces all over the plate, it's been quite the journey.

  • You don't have to know.

  • I was gonna feels that way anyway.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • It's a rarefied journey.

  • Even without this last dab.

  • I also know we'd name that man.

  • Cheerio.

  • No cap, no cat milk cap.

  • Hey, you All right, way got a fair bit on there.

  • Let's get it.

  • Cheers.

  • Let's get it.

  • Cheers.

  • Echoed a ride and go soft.

  • Man, Stay hard.

  • Stay hard.

  • Stay hard.

  • Okay, Zack, here we are, the end of the line and only one more hurdle in your way.

  • And we're throwing it back here on Wayne Ton over.

  • In the beginning of your career, you couldn't get through an interview without, ah host or junket creature given you a basketball and asking you to do some sort of tricks.

  • Yeah, Dom Balmy.

  • So here.

  • Do you want me to d'oh tricks like we're promoting 17 again?

  • Go.

  • There's so much loss in my hand.

  • You know, it's easy to dio when you're just promoting 17 again, but, you know, with a 1,000,000,000 scoville running through you, is that how many Scoville zin mi and hot sauce all over your hands?

  • It might not be so easy, I think no matter what, you better.

  • Yeah, they're sauce everywhere.

  • Much is gonna knock everything for the whip.

  • Action on the ball.

  • Wait, what put it closer to you?

  • Oh, pretty good.

  • Very good.

  • And they look look atyou.

  • Zac Effron running through the hot ones Gauntlet still spinning that ball because he's still got it.

  • Still 17 baby.

  • And now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you, my friend.

  • This camera, this camera, this camera Let the people know what you have going on in your life.

  • What's up, Zack?

  • I love long walks on the beach.

  • Had enough spicy food to last a lifetime.

  • Check out my new show on Quickie.

  • It's called Killing Zac Efron Getting some crazy hijinks in that show.

  • Thistles.

  • Ridiculous man is gonna be one of the funniest, like, Mim shits and feel like might like Michael Jordan crying right now.

  • Okay, I'm sorry.

  • Thank you.

  • Guys.

  • What are you doing?

  • We drink.

  • Yeah, Yeah.

  • Go for it, man.

  • What are run lords want?

  • Like Gatorade?

  • It all over?

  • Dude, that was unreal.

  • Thanks, man.

  • Five Robert Bland Sauce Squad one day break, too.

  • I scored three code name Stricter.

  • Every hot one saw squad member as a special bonus for your break.

  • Some way to rescue way chased off the taste buds way dot com catchem on hot ones.

they do.

Subtitles and vocabulary

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扎克-埃夫隆在吃辣子雞翅的時候大開殺戒 - 辣子雞翅 (Zac Efron Ups the Ante While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones)

  • 8 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary