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  • SEAN WALKER: Hello everyone, good afternoon.

  • This is CS50, week 1, slash week 0, part 1,

  • depending on how you're counting things.

  • I'm Sean Walker.

  • I'm a senior in Hopper, and I am your head teaching assistant.

  • JANA VRANES: Hi everyone, my name is Jana.

  • I'm the head course assistant for CS50 this year.

  • SEAN WALKER: So yeah, we'll be seeing you guys in office hours.

  • I'll be maybe seeing some of you in section.

  • Can't wait to start the semester.

  • We're very excited.

  • There's so much cool things in store for you this semester,

  • including this Saturday, there is a great event--

  • one of my favorite of the year-- which is called Puzzle Day.

  • And maybe Jana will tell you a little bit more about that.

  • JANA VRANES: So every year, CS50 partners with Facebook

  • to organize Puzzle Day.

  • Puzzle Day is this really fun event we put together.

  • It's basically just like a fun afternoon slash evening

  • that you can spend solving puzzles with your friends.

  • This event is-- of course, all of you are invited and encouraged to come,

  • but it's also open to anyone from Yale.

  • So please feel free to bring your friends, bring your roommate.

  • And the puzzles aren't CS50 or CS-related.

  • So it's really open to everyone.

  • And we will have super-cool prizes for the winners of the event,

  • as well as a raffle.

  • So yeah, make sure to come.

  • It's this Saturday.

  • It's going to be in Hillhouse 17, which I'm sure most of you know where it is.

  • Yeah, it's right up there.

  • And then one more announcement we have is that, next week,

  • in the same time slot, Benedict, who is our professor of CS50 here at Yale,

  • will be holding a--

  • he's right over there--

  • he'll be holding a hot takes CS50 tutorial right here in this room,

  • from 4:00 to 5:15.

  • So if you can come, please do.

  • It's going to be just a lot of helpful advice, things

  • you should know about the course.

  • But it also should be recorded and available online if you can't come.

  • Thank you, everyone.

  • Have a great semester.


  • DAVID MALAN: So good to see everyone again.

  • So this is a continuation of where we left off last week.

  • Which, recall, was a look at computational thinking,

  • where we tried to more methodically start thinking about problems,

  • and start to leverage some of the intuition

  • that you might have had with things like phone books and the like,

  • to start solving more interesting problems.

  • And in fact, Puzzle Day is ultimately about exactly that-- problem-solving.

  • And indeed, as Jana said, it's not about computer science.

  • There's no computers even required, or programming required.

  • It really is just about taking input and producing outputs.

  • And in this case, the inputs are the puzzles themselves.

  • The outputs might very well be some fabulous prizes.

  • But it really is meant to be an opportunity to bring you

  • and some of your classmates together right at the start of the term,

  • whether they're taking or not taking CS50,

  • and really just think hard about some interesting, fun problems,

  • and then sort of delight at the end as to who got as many of them as possible.

  • But you'll recall that when we started framing problem-solving like this,

  • it first required that we represent those inputs and outputs.

  • And there's any number of ways we can represent inputs to problems.

  • Like the number of people in this room, that's

  • an input-- each of the bodies in this room.

  • And we could count them sort of old-school like we did last time,

  • or perhaps a little more methodically.

  • We might think of the inputs, though, not as being

  • physical as much as they are digital.

  • Right?

  • Recall, we introduced binary, which really

  • is just an abstraction on top of electricity--

  • either being there or not being there, one or zero, true or false.

  • And so we came up with a number of ways last time

  • to represent information and recall this theme of abstraction we

  • had the electricity sort of literally at the ground floor,

  • then we had this layer of binary--

  • zeros and ones-- above it.

  • From there, we could represent decimal, and another base system if we wanted.

  • We could represent letters through ASCII,

  • or we could represent emoji through Unicode.

  • If we just thought about those bits in a different way,

  • we could actually use the same zeros and ones to represent colors.

  • And from colors, we get pictures.

  • And from pictures, we get movies.

  • And so there is this sort of hierarchy, this layering

  • of one concept on another, so that we can

  • start thinking about problems at this level,

  • and just take for granted that someone else

  • before us figured out how to actually map it to physical things

  • like computers.

  • So where does that leave us?

  • Well turns out abstraction can be both useful and not so useful.

  • And I thought we could explore this by way of just a couple of problems.

  • The first of these requires that we take advantage of the white pieces of paper

  • that hopefully you're holding in your hand.

  • If you don't, any piece of notepaper suffices.

  • Or just raise your hand, or one of us can run over with a piece of paper.

  • You just need that plus a pen or pencil.

  • And if we could ask for one brave volunteer who's

  • comfy appearing on stage and the internet,

  • we need you to come on up for just a moment.

  • Can't distinguish hands asking for paper or hands

  • asking for volunteer-- volunteer?

  • Yeah, OK, come on up.

  • What's your name?

  • AUDIENCE: John

  • DAVID MALAN: John, nice to meet you, David.

  • All right, so John here is going to see in just a moment a picture.

  • And John is then going to take on the role of a programmer, if you will,

  • an expessify, step-by-step, how you all, as the computers, if you will,

  • will execute that program by applying pen or pencil to paper.

  • And the goal is for John to be as precise and as explicit as possible.

  • You can say anything you want, but you can't make any physical gestures.

  • And the goal is for all of us to transcribe, perfectly, exactly what it

  • is that John is describing.

  • So let me go ahead here and just temporarily mute my image, if I may,

  • so that John and only John and I know what the picture is.

  • And I'm going to ask that you draw this for the audience, verbally.

  • Execute.

  • And go ahead and right it into here.

  • OK, just don't hit the keys, or this will spoil something.

  • AUDIENCE: So start with the vertical line down the middle.

  • DAVID MALAN: OK, a little louder.

  • AUDIENCE: Start with the vertical line down the middle.

  • Then two lines jutting out from the bottom--

  • well, start with one line at the right side, at an angle,

  • about 30 degrees up--

  • 30 degrees from the horizontal.

  • Just draw a line from the right, and then do

  • the same thing on the left side.

  • All the lines should be equal length.

  • DAVID MALAN: By the way.


  • AUDIENCE: Yeah, after the fact, yeah.

  • Then, at the end of those two lines that you drew,

  • draw two more vertical lines, going straight up, yeah.

  • Then, draw lines that will connect those two previous vertical lines,

  • and connect them at a point.

  • Then, draw a line that connects the three vertical lines together.

  • DAVID MALAN: Good?

  • All right, end program.

  • So a big round of applause for John for coming on up, if we could.

  • Thank you.


  • Give me just a moment to plug back in here.

  • All right.

  • So, if the staff wouldn't mind, could we just

  • collect a random-ish sample of the answers here, just grabbing a few.

  • We don't have to grab them all.

  • No, OK, you're refusing.

  • OK, who's willing?

  • No?

  • OK.

  • Over here, thank you.

  • Sorry for reaching.

  • OK, thank you.

  • OK, thank you.

  • OK, little shy.

  • Thank you.

  • OK, sure.

  • Thank you.

  • OK.

  • And let me get one more from the right-hand side.

  • Thank you.

  • All right.

  • Thank you very much.

  • So suffice it to say, at quick glance, it

  • looks like there's been a number of interpretations

  • of what John was prescribing.

  • And that's fine.

  • Thank you, Sean.

  • Let me go ahead and lift up just a few of these,

  • and then consider how we got to this point.

  • So here is one that I'll project.

  • Maybe it goes this way.

  • Let's see.

  • OK, here's one that's maybe a little more kite-like.

  • OK.

  • This one's pretty similar.

  • This one got a little frilly, or a little on undo, undo, undo.


  • Maybe.

  • OK, so this one looks a little more house-like, perhaps.

  • OK, but it looks reminiscent of the same length line someone was--

  • that John prescribed.

  • This one looks three-dimensional--

  • very nice.

  • This one, less so.


  • And let's take a look-- actually, it looks

  • like we got one more that has a bit of 3D to it.

  • So let me go ahead and go back to what John alone was looking at.

  • And in fact, what he was describing was this.

  • So it looks like a few of you.

  • So a round of applause for those of you who did get the--

  • who did get, frankly, the cube, which was a word I noticed you

  • didn't actually say.

  • But that's fine, because John was trying to be ever-so precise,

  • like a computer might need to be, in specifying exactly what

  • line needs to be drawn, and where it needs to be drawn,

  • how long it needs to be.

  • But notice just how much harder that problem was without John just

  • indulging in the luxury of saying, hey everyone, draw a cube.

  • Now, there's some ambiguity, to be fair, in just saying, draw a cube.

  • Because which way is it rotated, at what angle?

  • So he probably would have had to specify.

  • But that's all an abstraction is.

  • We all know, intuitively, what a cube is, in this room.

  • But when you really start to think about it,

  • well, a cube is really like a diamond shape on top,

  • and then two more on the sides, and everything lines

  • up with equidistant lines.

  • So there's a specificity required, where you really get into the weeds,

  • so to speak.

  • And I'm sort of painting a picture down here,

  • because those are the lower-level implementation

  • details, like when we discussed binary.

  • So in this case, maybe abstraction would have helped.

  • It certainly is how we would think about this.

  • But how would a computer do this?

  • Odds are a computer would paint this picture quite like John

  • was prescribing, putting down the equivalent of a pen or a marker,

  • and then moving up, or down, or left, or right, maybe going up at one point

  • to then move that pen or ink elsewhere.

  • And that's the level we're going to start thinking about in just a bit

  • today when we introduced Scratch, the first of our programming languages,

  • via which we'll program by dragging and dropping puzzle pieces.

  • And some of those pieces very well could do

  • exactly what John was doing by drawing.

  • But we'll see we need to actually build some of these abstractions ourselves.

  • Now in the reverse direction, let's flip it around

  • so everyone can rather partake.

  • Can we get one more volunteer to come on up on stage.

  • Let me look just a little farther back this time, a little more--

  • OK, right here.

  • OK, come on-- yeah, sure.

  • What's your name?

  • AUDIENCE: Chloe.

  • DAVID MALAN: Chloe, come on up.

  • So this time, no one else needs paper.

  • Because Chloe, you're the only one who has to draw this time.

  • And you're the only one in the room who's

  • not going to see what the picture is.

  • AUDIENCE: All right.

  • DAVID MALAN: So, and the only rule is you may not

  • turn around at any number of screens that show you what everyone else sees.

  • And I'm going to project it over here.

  • So if you want to go ahead and now just take on the role

  • that you did a moment ago, but all of us will now program you verbally,

  • step by step, to draw without looking.

  • Just look that way, please.

  • A little to the right.

  • To your right.

  • OK, good.

  • Who would like to offer step 1, from the audience, for Chloe?

  • Yes.

  • AUDIENCE: Draw a circle in the upper half of the chalkboard.

  • DAVID MALAN: Draw a circle in the upper half of the chalkboard.



  • OK.

  • Step 2.

  • Yes?

  • AUDIENCE: From the middle of the middle of the bottom part

  • of the circle, draw an upside-down Y.

  • DAVID MALAN: From the middle of the bottom part of the circle, drawn

  • an upside-down Y.

  • OK, step three?

  • Step three.

  • No one?

  • Yes, in the middle.

  • AUDIENCE: From the point at which the circle connects to the line,

  • draw the line in a 90-degree angle, with the point facing down.


  • CHLOE: Is the point facing [INAUDIBLE]

  • AUDIENCE: The point of the angle.

  • DAVID MALAN: All right, let's be more precise.

  • I think she's at the right starting point.

  • So let's go from there.

  • Your--

  • AUDIENCE: Draw a line at a 45-degree angle down.

  • Draw a line 45--




  • Took some liberties there, but OK.

  • Step 4.

  • Step 4.

  • Someone else?

  • Step 4.

  • Yes, in back.

  • AUDIENCE: Complete the triangle on the left side.

  • DAVID MALAN: Complete the triangle on the left side.

  • OK, nice.

  • Step 5.

  • Yeah, right here, in the middle.

  • AUDIENCE: On the right.

  • So that line that's sticking out of the intersection

  • of the circle and the other line--

  • OK, that one.


  • [INAUDIBLE] draw on the right, at a 45-degree angle.

  • DAVID MALAN: Draw a 45-degree angle up.

  • OK, nice.

  • Step 6, almost home.

  • Yeah, in the front.

  • AUDIENCE: So bring your chalk to the top left of the circle, and then go--

  • without touching, hover like one inch up.

  • Yeah, OK.

  • Now touch the chalkboard, and draw a one-inch line to the left,

  • up, like at a 45-degree angle.

  • So you're like one inch away from the circle on the left.

  • Yeah, but move-- yeah, that's fine.


  • And draw a line 45 degrees up, to the left.


  • CHLOE: Left or right?

  • AUDIENCE: Oh, sorry.

  • So start on the right, then you're moving up to the left.



  • Very nice.

  • And finally, step 7.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: To the left of that line, just move [INAUDIBLE]

  • DAVID MALAN: Anything you want.

  • AUDIENCE: All right, [INAUDIBLE].

  • OK, right edge [INAUDIBLE]

  • CHLOE: Right--

  • AUDIENCE: Right edge [INAUDIBLE].

  • DAVID MALAN: An abstraction you could also just call, hi.


  • And if we could, I think--

  • Chloe, you want to take a look at what you were being prescribed to draw?

  • I think a round of applause.

  • That's pretty good.


  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • So there, too, it actually felt like everyone, including you,

  • were kind of resisting the tendency to provide abstractions.

  • But clearly, they're useful, right?

  • It's a lot easier to have said, draw "hi," or even slightly lower-level

  • draw, an H and an I, then frankly, it would

  • have been to tell Chloe, well, put your chalk at the top left,

  • then draw down an inch, then lift it up, and move it up a half an inch,

  • and then move it to the right.

  • I mean, that's what an H is, a capital H. But when we think of H,

  • you don't think about it as really being three lines that

  • are sort of mathematically defined.

  • But a computer ultimately will.

  • And thankfully, once we, or one person in the world

  • has decided how to draw an H on the screen, odds are,

  • you and I don't have to bother with that low-level implementation detail

  • anymore.

  • Because you could imagine programming could get super tedious if literally

  • every time you want to do something interesting graphically,

  • you had to implement all of that low-level logic yourself.

  • And we're not going to have to do that.

  • In fact, because of this language and other scratch,

  • you have at your disposal a whole toolkit, so to speak, of puzzle pieces,

  • or as we'll start calling them, functions-- verbs, actions--

  • that someone else wrote, that we can use to actually achieve

  • the effects, graphical or otherwise, that we actually

  • want to perform in the computer.

  • So let's see what other building blocks are going

  • to remain in this toolkit for us ahead.

  • So problem-solving, recall, was defined as this, inputs and outputs.

  • And inside of that proverbial black box were what?


  • DAVID MALAN: Say once more.


  • DAVID MALAN: I sort of.


  • DAVID MALAN: Algorithms was the keyword we proposed last week,

  • is inside the black box.

  • And an algorithm is just step-by-step instructions for solving some problems,

  • but sounds fancier than that.

  • And so these algorithms we began to introduce

  • by way of a few of those step-by-step problems,

  • like counting the number of people in the room,

  • finding Mike Smith in a phone book, sorting the humans on the stage.

  • All of those were algorithms.

  • But only one of them did we really start to refine a little more precisely

  • using something called pseudocode.

  • And arguably, that's our first language of CS50--

  • pseudocode, which has no formal definition.

  • It just means, in English, or whatever your native language is,

  • just write short, succinct instructions that gets your point across.

  • And the point we wanted to get across last time

  • for finding Mike Smith in a phone book looked something like this.

  • And recall what we did was call out a few of the key operative words

  • in this pseudocode that kind of fit a pattern, all of the highlighted words

  • here, did we call what?



  • AUDIENCE: Commands.

  • DAVID MALAN: Commands, or functions, we call

  • them, technically-- commands, actions, verbs.

  • And we're going to just start, across the board, calling them functions,

  • if only because that's what a lot of programming languages call them.

  • Functions provide you with functionality.

  • You can think of it like that.

  • They are really among the building blocks of a program.

  • A program-- a computer program, or a piece of software,

  • is just a collection of one or more uses of functions and other building blocks.

  • And among those other building blocks, for instance, are these.

  • So highlighted in yellow now are keywords like "if," and "else if,"

  • and "else," which we described as examples of what last tie.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: Conditions.

  • DAVID MALAN: Conditions.

  • So these are questions-- very well done.

  • Questions that you can ask in a computer to decide

  • whether you're going to do this, or that, or this other thing.

  • It's sort of like the proverbial fork in the road.

  • Go left, go right, or maybe somewhere down

  • the middle in a forking of the road.

  • Now in yellow here-- slightly fancier term--

  • but these were the actual questions to which we had or wanted

  • yes/no or true/false, or 1/0 answers.

  • And we called these what?

  • AUDIENCE: Boolean.

  • DAVID MALAN: Boolean expressions.

  • Boolean expression is just an expression that evaluates to true or false.

  • That is, it is true or false, yes or no, 1 or 0, however you

  • want to think about those two opposites.

  • And you use Boolean expressions as part of conditions

  • to decide on what basis to go left or right

  • or somewhere else when deciding what to do in a program.

  • And then lastly, we had these, which we called what?

  • AUDIENCE: Loops.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, loops.

  • They were cyclical in nature.

  • And we're going to see them in different forms today, and next week, and beyond.

  • But in this case, it's a loop in the sense

  • that it's literally telling you, go back from these steps to step 2,

  • and that induces the cyclicity.

  • Do this again, and again, and again, thereby achieving

  • the same functionality, hopefully until we find, in this case, Mike Smith.

  • So this is just a few of the building blocks in this toolkit,

  • if you will, that we're also going to see now in another language,

  • called Scratch.

  • And Scratch, also, like other languages, provides us

  • with a few other ingredients, too, things

  • called variables, which you might recall from algebra-- x, and y, and z.

  • But these are more general purpose, not storing just numbers,

  • but really storing strings of text--

  • words and paragraphs.

  • You can store colors, and images, and videos, just variables or placeholders.

  • And then we'll talk a little fancier about terms like threading and events.

  • These are more technical terms, but they provide us

  • with very useful and very straightforward features in a program.

  • But to do that, we need to actually introduce a language.

  • So what is a programming language?

  • It is typically a set of English-like words that some humans in a room,

  • years ago, decided can be used to express yourself precisely

  • and methodically to get a computer to do something.

  • And some other people, typically, then took

  • that language, a sequence of English-like words,

  • and they figured out how to convert those English-like words to the zeros

  • and ones that our computers actually understand.

  • So when you hear the slogan, "Intel inside,"

  • that refers to a computer having Intel hardware.

  • Intel, a big, popular company, for hardware, they make CPUs--

  • Central Processing Units.

  • And those are chips that might be yay big, or even smaller, or even bigger,

  • that just know what to do when it sees certain patterns zeroes and ones.

  • And what might the CPU, the brain of the computer, do?

  • Well, sometimes it might do addition.

  • Sometimes it might do subtraction.

  • Sometimes it might save something for you-- information, sometimes

  • that might load information for you.

  • Sometimes it might print something on the screen.

  • So Intel Inside means that every Mac and PC and other device these days--

  • or there's other brands, too, can do certain very simple operations.

  • And when we humans want to program, we're

  • not going to want to program in zeroes and ones.

  • We're not going to want to program, necessarily,

  • in the same way Intel might have designed that chip.

  • We want to program in something that's as close to English as possible.

  • And we can actually go even further--

  • it would be nice if we could actually program more pictorially.

  • And that's where Scratch enters.

  • This is a programming language that someone else figured out

  • how to convert effectively to zeros and ones,

  • but that allows us humans to write software with loops, and conditions,

  • and functions, and more, by just dragging and dropping

  • little graphical icons.

  • We use it just for a week in the class, just

  • for one homework assignment, just to give everyone a sense of what

  • you can do with the language.

  • And those of you who have programmed before-- not to worry,

  • even if you find it more readily accessible--

  • odds are, you'll find yourselves pushing yourselves, trying

  • to figure out how to do something in this language

  • because it might actually be non-obvious if it's not quite like the languages

  • you've seen before.

  • So what is Scratch?

  • That is not Scratch.

  • At the moment, it is a website.

  • So this is a programming language that is implemented

  • in the confines of a web browser.

  • Because that just makes it very accessible to people around the world.

  • It's targeted generally at younger students

  • who use it in afterschool programs to just learn

  • how to do more computational thinking in a fun way.

  • We're going to use it to explore some of those very same building

  • blocks of programs, and then next week, translate, literally,

  • those graphical puzzle pieces to the more

  • technically-looking but conceptually identical keywords

  • in different language called C.

  • So what is it we're looking at here?

  • So you'll see in the first homework assignment,

  • ultimately, what URL to go to, and how to log in, and all of that.

  • Today, we'll focus more on the ideas, and the features,

  • and the programming we can do with this.

  • On the left-hand side or all of those puzzle pieces I keep referring to.

  • And those little circles that are colored just

  • categorize the puzzle pieces into different modes of functionality.

  • So you have collections of functions, you have things related to conditions,

  • you have things related to variables.

  • And even-- because it's a fun environment-- things like sound,

  • sensing--

  • so you can sense your environment-- colors, and the like.

  • So there's some more aesthetic stuff in there, too.

  • On the right-hand side, way up there on top right,

  • is Scratch, the default cat that you get with any program you write.

  • So you can very quickly change him into a dog, or to a person, or to nothing

  • at all.

  • That's just an implementation detail, ultimately.

  • He exists on a so-called stage, that rectangular or square-like region

  • in the top right-hand corner.

  • And very simply, he's going to be able to minimally move up,

  • down, left, right, and do other things as well.

  • That is his world.

  • And then lastly is this big middle region that's currently blank,

  • a blank slate, if you will.

  • That is where we'll be able to drag and drop puzzle pieces,

  • have them interlock together, and then command--

  • just like John did to you, and we did to Chloe--

  • them to do something on that stage.

  • So most simply, for instance, might we do this.

  • I'm going to go down to Control, because I want to control--

  • rather, I want to control what this program does.

  • And you'll see some familiar keywords.

  • Let me zoom in.

  • You'll see things like "if," which we note already to be a condition.

  • We see some new words, like "repeat" and "forever."

  • But odds are, those are examples of loops.

  • They just kind of say what they mean.

  • And if we scroll a little higher, there's something called events.

  • And it turns out, there's some helpful events here,

  • the first one being when green flag clicked.

  • Because it turns out-- you might not have noticed- that just

  • above Scratch's stage, up here, is a green flag,

  • like in a race, that means go, run the program.

  • And then a little red stop sign icon that just means stop.

  • So that's how we're going to run and stop the program.

  • So what does this mean.

  • Well, I have a puzzle piece that literally says,

  • when the green flag is clicked, that's kind

  • of the way to start running a program.

  • Because when I click the green flag, the following is going to happen.

  • At the moment, nothing is going to happen,

  • because there's no puzzle pieces snapped onto the bottom of this.

  • But let's go ahead and do that.

  • Let me go ahead and--

  • let me go down to Looks.

  • And let me go ahead and quite simply say,

  • the very canonical computer science-ey term, "hello, world."

  • And notice, I've provided input now to this puzzle piece.

  • So this purple puzzle piece, say, is an example of a function.

  • It's an action, clearly.

  • It's literally a verb.

  • And it actually takes an input, the words,

  • or a word, or number, or whatever, that you want the cat to say.

  • And because it's now attached to the one green flag clicked,

  • just logically, that is literally what's going to happen.

  • So just in case this is a little small, this

  • is the program we've written thus far.

  • And notice it's indeed attached.

  • I can detach it, and move it over here.

  • But they're rather magnetic, and they kind of want to go together.

  • And now, if I zoom out and click the green flag,

  • I'm going to indeed play this program.

  • And that's it.

  • Kind of underwhelming, certainly, with what we can do here.

  • But if we could, can we get one volunteer?

  • And let's quickly fast-forward to the end game here, something

  • you can really do once you start connecting these blocks,

  • from a former student.

  • Someone like to come on up and play a game, just a few seconds?

  • Yeah, come on up.

  • What's your name?

  • STEVEN: Steven.

  • DAVID MALAN: Steven?

  • STEVEN: Yep.

  • DAVID MALAN: OK, nice to meet you, David.

  • All right, so this is a game by a former student,

  • called Pikachu's choose Pastry Catch, that at first glance

  • is probably going to only impress, but perhaps overwhelm, that you go

  • from "hello, world" with two puzzle pieces to the interactive game.

  • But over the course of today, what we're going

  • to do is distill programs like Pikachu's Pastry Catch,

  • and think about, well, if you actually focus on one piece of it at a time,

  • you can actually build it, step by step by step,

  • until you're really impressed with yourself some number of hours later.

  • Let me go ahead and fullscreen it here.

  • Let me go ahead and click the green flag, and hit the space bar.

  • PIKACHU: Pikachu.


  • DAVID MALAN: That was one puzzle piece to do that.

  • So you want to--


  • --there we go, left and right, and up.

  • That was bad, bad.

  • OK.

  • OK, a round of applause for Steven.


  • OK, let's do it once more.

  • AUDIENCE: Let's do it.

  • What's run, and what's [INAUDIBLE]?

  • DAVID MALAN: OK, so let's go back to the-- let's stop and restart.

  • So here we go.

  • I'm going to hit the space bar for the instructions.

  • PIKACHU: Pikachu.

  • DAVID MALAN: Catch the food, don't catch the bombs.

  • STEVEN: I see.





  • DAVID MALAN: Nice.

  • So notice, as Steven plays--

  • that's a bug.

  • Notice, as Steven plays, there's some kind

  • of counter keeping track of how many cookies and cakes he's caught.

  • And so we're going to call that a variable.

  • It's just a number, like x or y, that's getting incremented-- added to again

  • and again.

  • Notice that this time he still has three lives left,

  • per the icons in the top right-hand corner.

  • Just so we can see, do you mind throwing a game?

  • Can you just let a bomb hit you?

  • And watch the variable.

  • Now he's down to two.

  • You can also jump, I think, with up.

  • So let's consider what some of these building blocks are.

  • He's clearly moving left, right, and up.

  • Left is the result, clearly, of him hitting a key on my keyboard.

  • So apparently, in a computer program, you can listen for specific keys.

  • Notice, if he hits up--

  • hit up once more.

  • Notice, when he hits up, it's not just up, down.

  • There seems to be a bit of animation.

  • And now it's a loop.

  • Here's an example of a loop.

  • And you'll see that sometimes things fall more quickly than others, which

  • is making the game arguably harder.

  • So if you've ever heard of, back in the day, AI, or artificial intelligence,

  • this is often what it typically meant, just make things

  • harder, don't necessarily understand what the user is doing.

  • And we'll see now, it looks like Steven has 16 seconds left.

  • And everything's falling faster.

  • 10 seconds-- so that, too, is probably just a variable that's

  • being decremented-- decreased again and again.

  • Very nice.

  • One second.

  • And you still died, I guess, at the end.

  • All right, a round of applause for real.


  • Thank you.

  • So most of my voiceover there was just trying

  • to justify spending that much time playing the game.

  • But there are indeed these various building blocks.

  • Because think about all of the various components on the screen.

  • A moment ago, we just saw Scratch say, "hello, world."

  • Now, we clearly see so much more going on.

  • And indeed, the programs look a little scary at first glance.

  • It's lots of puzzle pieces.

  • But the student who wrote this did not just

  • start dragging and dropping all of these puzzle pieces, and voila, thus

  • was born the game.

  • They focused on individual building blocks.

  • What might some of those building blocks have been?

  • Well, when the game first started, the cakes and the bombs

  • were falling somewhat slowly, and not all that often.

  • And each of those cakes and each of those bombs

  • is just what we're going to call sprite.

  • It's some kind of object in the program that you can associate

  • scripts or puzzle pieces with.

  • And just as Scratch is a single sprite, this game

  • had at least a dozen or more sprites moving along.

  • So this middle area where all your scripts are actually

  • associated with each of the characters or sprites in the game.

  • This, for instance, because Pikachu is highlighted,

  • are all of the scripts associated with Pikachu, who Steven was playing as.

  • Then there is a separate sprite for the cupcake.

  • And these are apparently all the puzzle pieces that govern just

  • what the cupcake was doing, again and again.

  • If we keep clicking, here's what the bomb was doing.

  • And if we actually really looked closely at this,

  • we could understand why was the bomb moving

  • so quickly, why was the cake starting from the location it did.

  • And we're not going to go into those weeds with this game.

  • But realize things escalated quickly, but not before we'll

  • take these step-by-step approaches to building

  • some of these pieces of functionality.

  • So what do I mean by that?

  • Well, let me go ahead and actually just write a slightly different program.

  • Let me clear the stage here.

  • And you'll see, at the moment, Scratch is in beta.

  • So you might have to dismiss some of those warnings, but it works.

  • And what you'll see here is just a clean slate again.

  • So let's do something that actually takes some input this time,

  • and specify something like this.

  • Let me go down to Events, because many of my programs

  • are going to start with just this one puzzle piece, when green flag clicked.

  • And now I'm going to go ahead and let's look for, say, Sensing.

  • Notice this block here.

  • It turns out you can actually get input from the user.

  • You can ask the user questions.

  • So ask, what's your name and weight?

  • That's just a placeholder in the white box there.

  • So I'm going to go ahead and drag and drop this, under that puzzle piece.

  • And literally, it asked the user that.

  • And then once I get his or her name, you know what I'm going to do.

  • I'm going to go ahead and say something.

  • Previously, I said "hello, world."

  • But it would be kind of cool if I could actually

  • say the name of the user who just typed in his or her name.

  • So how do I do that?

  • Well, let me go back to Sensing, which is the category of blocks

  • where I found this ask block.

  • And notice, right below it is something that's apparently related.

  • It turns out that this puzzle piece functions in the following way.

  • When the user is asked what his or her name is,

  • the answer is actually stored in a variable called Answer.

  • And a variable, again, like in math, x, or y,

  • or z, you can give them more descriptive names.

  • Because it would be a little misleading to just call it x.

  • So they called it Answer.

  • And notice what I can do.

  • I can drag and drop Answer.

  • And just notice, as I hover over there, it's a little magnetic as well.

  • I just let go, and voila, it grows or shrinks to fit the block.

  • So now, if I go ahead and click Play, notice,

  • Scratch is asking me what's my name.

  • I can go ahead and type in, David, and hit Enter.

  • And now it says just, David.

  • That's not exactly how you're supposed to greet someone,

  • by just saying, Benedict.

  • It would be nice to say something like, hello, comma, Benedict.

  • So how do we do that?

  • Well, I only figured this out by futzing around myself.

  • But it turns out, under Operators, down here, there's some other puzzle pieces

  • that I got curious about.

  • These are just placeholders, apple and banana, but Join does exactly that.

  • It takes not one input but two inputs.

  • Or, as we're going to start calling them, arguments--

  • two arguments to a function that somehow control its behavior.

  • And what I'm going to do now is actually this.

  • Let me go ahead and remove Answer, and just drag it over there.

  • If it's disconnected, it's not going to do anything.

  • But I don't have to throw it away just yet.

  • I'm going to drag one of these join blocks.

  • Notice it magnetically clicks into there.

  • I don't want to say, apple, banana.

  • I want to say hello, comma, space, and then move answer right there.

  • So now I'm passing two inputs to join.

  • But if you kind of think through the logic,

  • how many inputs am I then passing into Say to control its behavior?

  • There's kind of this nesting approach.

  • And the fact that I literally put one puzzle piece on top of the other

  • indicates what the order of operations is.

  • This is going to join the two words--

  • "hello," comma, and then "answer," and then it's going to pass whatever that

  • answer is-- otherwise known as a return value, but more on that next week--

  • into Say as its argument.

  • So functions can take arguments, whether it's one, or two, or even more.

  • Now let me go ahead and hit green flag again.

  • What's your name?

  • David, Enter, "hello, David."

  • So now it's a little more interactive.

  • And I can type in any name, and it will just work.

  • So it's not hard-coded anymore.

  • So I have a dynamic program.

  • And notice, the key takeaways here is not so much what it does

  • but how it does it.

  • But this is a little underwhelming, certainly on the heels

  • of the game Steven was just playing.

  • So let's actually take things up a notch.

  • I'm going to go ahead and start over.

  • And I can do this by just dragging all of my puzzle pieces away.

  • They just get deleted.

  • Now I'm going to go ahead and do this.

  • I'm going to go ahead and start with the same puzzle pieces

  • before, when green flag clicked, and then go under Sounds.

  • And Scratch is a cat.

  • Turns out he actually comes with some cat sounds.

  • So let me go ahead and play this game now.


  • Aw, it's kind of cute.


  • It's a little annoying that I have to literally click the button

  • every time I want to hear this play.

  • But that's doing literally what it says.

  • What if I want the cat to meow three times?

  • How might I do this?

  • Well, I see I have more of these, sort of an infinite supply.

  • So I could just do this.

  • Let me go ahead and hit play.


  • Hm, that didn't seem to work.

  • Let's do it again.


  • Hm, doesn't quite sound right.

  • But there are three puzzle pieces.

  • Feels like a bug.

  • My mistake, MIT's mistake, what's going on?

  • I kind of wanted to hear "meow, meow, meow--" though not quite like that.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: The time in between three [INAUDIBLE]

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah.

  • It turns out that Macs and PCs are pretty fast.

  • But this sound, of course, is stretched over a second or so.

  • And the puzzle piece literally just says, start the sound, meow.

  • And it doesn't say, wait for it to finish.

  • It doesn't say anything about time.

  • It just says, start the sound, start the sound, start the sound, three, one

  • after the other.

  • And so they're just kind of tripping over themselves

  • because I've not waited.

  • So--


  • --they're there, they're just all overlaid on each other.

  • So I can fix this in a few ways.

  • Let me actually go ahead and go to Control.

  • Notice here, there's a weight block, which might actually help me fix this.

  • So let me go ahead, and notice, you can kind of snap things inside if you want.

  • So let me wait one second there, let me wait one second here,

  • and now click Play.


  • OK, the cat's a little agitated.

  • So that doesn't sound quite natural.

  • I can change the input to wait to maybe be two seconds, and now play it.


  • OK, a little more realistic.

  • But this is getting a little tedious.

  • But it turns out, if I look a little more closely,

  • Scratch actually came with something a little more straightforward.

  • Which puzzle piece should I probably have just used in the first place

  • to solve the same problem?

  • I'm currently using start sound.

  • Yeah?

  • AUDIENCE: Play sound, meow, until done.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, I mean, that just kind of says

  • what it does-- play sound meow until done, thereby eliminating

  • the tripping over of the sounds.

  • So let me try that.

  • I'm going to throw all of these away.

  • And now let me just grab three identical copies of this, and see what happens.


  • All right, so it's kind of the agitated cat again,

  • but at least I didn't have to do as much work.

  • It's three puzzle pieces instead of six, which just feels a little cleaner.

  • It's twice as fast to write.

  • But I bet I can do better than this.

  • I'm asking the cat's meow again, and again, and again.

  • What's the concept that comes to mind?


  • DAVID MALAN: What's that?

  • AUDIENCE: Repeat.

  • DAVID MALAN: Repeat in some form.

  • So a loop more generally.

  • So we saw one of those earlier.

  • If I go down to Control--

  • and notice here, repeat 10.

  • So let me detach these.

  • Let me grab a repeat block.

  • And it doesn't look very big, but that gap in the middle

  • will actually grow to fill.

  • Let me just grab one of these now, throw the other two away.

  • And now, even though it's still three puzzle pieces,

  • it just feels like it's a little more maintainable.

  • Because now I can just change how many times I want it to run there.


  • OK, not quite natural.

  • But again, how do I fix this problem?

  • Yeah, I should probably wait.

  • So let me go back to Control, and grab Wait One Second.

  • This will snap to fit.

  • And now--


  • OK.

  • So it's getting better.

  • And now we're sort of making a cleaner program, if you will.

  • Because consider the alternative.

  • If I wanted the cat's to meow 10 times, if I took that first approach,

  • and dragged and dropped 10 play-sound blocks, that just gets messy.

  • It feels like you're just wasting time and effort.

  • Why not just grab one block, the repeat block,

  • as you proposed, and just sandwich in one or two

  • related blocks, like "play sound and wait,"

  • in order to achieve the same result.

  • Well, let me go and do something a little fancier now.

  • Let me go ahead and get rid of these, and let

  • me demonstrate how we might have Scratch actually count itself in a program.

  • Let me go ahead and go down to Variable here.

  • And notice that there's a whole bunch of blocks here.

  • But by default, I actually get one variable, called My Variable.

  • But that's not very descriptive.

  • Let me go ahead and make my own variable by clicking this box.

  • That pops up this window.

  • And I'm going to go ahead and make a variable called Counter.

  • I just want a counter that just counts from one on up.

  • I could call it x, or y, but Counter is more descriptive in English.

  • Now notice I have a new puzzle piece in orange, Counter.

  • And let me go ahead and drag--

  • let's go ahead and drag this one, Set Counter to 1.

  • So this is a command in Scratch that just

  • lets me do exactly that, initialize this variable to having a specific value.

  • Then let me go to Control.

  • And let me go and forever do the following.

  • I want Scratch just to demonstrate to me that he can count up to, say, as

  • high as he can go.

  • We'll see how fast he counts.

  • So let me go ahead and have him say--

  • not a word this time, so not "hello" for two seconds.

  • Let me go down to Variables, and let me drag

  • Counter where the word "hello" is, and have him

  • just say the counter for one second.

  • And then after that, what do I want to do?

  • I'm going to go ahead and change the counter by one,

  • and then let him repeat.

  • So these programs alone-- let me go ahead and zoom in on the program

  • that I just wrote.

  • This program, composed of these five-or-so puzzle pieces,

  • would seem to set a variable, called Counter to 1,

  • and then show it on the screen.

  • Then add one to the counter--

  • So hopefully it's up to two--

  • and then just say that on the screen.

  • And repeat, and repeat, and repeat, and just do this forever.

  • Because of that block, literally forever, an example of a loop--

  • 1, 2, 3, 4--

  • so it's going to go pretty straightforwardly.

  • So what are the building blocks here?

  • We have a loop, we have some functions, and we have, now, a variable.

  • Now this gets very underwhelming quickly.

  • Let's see if we can't make Scratch count a little more quickly.

  • What would be a faster way of counting than by one?

  • AUDIENCE: 10.

  • DAVID MALAN: By 10, we could do.

  • Or even more so--

  • 20 is more.

  • So we could obviously play this for a while.

  • So why don't we just have scratch double what he's doing

  • on every iteration and every cycle?

  • So how do I do this?

  • Well, instead of changing the counter by one, you know what I'm going to do?

  • I'm going to go ahead and set the counter--

  • let me stop the program.

  • I'm going to go ahead and set the counter.

  • And if I dig into Operators down here, Multiplication, I feel,

  • is going to add up pretty quickly.

  • So let me go ahead and set the counter equal to itself,

  • times, say, two, and get rid of this altogether.

  • So now, on every iteration, after starting at one,

  • it's going to go two, four, eight, 16, 32, 64.

  • And that would seem to grow--

  • technically, exponentially-- much faster.

  • All right, so we're already counting pretty much higher than we did before.

  • But this is still kind of tedious.

  • What would happen if we instead do this?

  • Let me go to Looks.

  • And let me not say the counter for one second, why don't I just go ahead

  • and say it by stealing this--

  • oops, let me get rid of this block, and just do this.

  • So let's stop waiting.

  • Now the cat can count pretty high--

  • 10 to the 70th, 80th, 90th.

  • Now it just can't even fit in the speech bubble.

  • So he's counting pretty high.

  • This is times 10 to the 160, 10 to the 200 is coming up.

  • This is kind of inviting the question, how high can Scratch--

  • or more technically-- how high can a computer count?

  • Yes, last week we only counted up to, like, eight on the stage.

  • Now we've already passed that.

  • And at some point, Scratch appears to have just given up.

  • Why?

  • What's the intuition here, beyond a 12-year-old not really needing

  • to count this high anyway, with this program?

  • Why does Scratch just kind of say, that's it, infinity?

  • What would be the implication of counting up, actually, forever?

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: You could go back past the amount of space that you have.

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, you might, right?

  • Because think about these abstractions we've built up over the past week.

  • We know that there's electricity in zeroes and ones,

  • and from there, we get decimal numbers, or any number of other types of data.

  • But we always, always, always had a finite amount of battery capacity

  • in our laptop.

  • We had a finite number of bits or humans on the stage or on the chalkboard.

  • We have a finite number of zeroes and ones.

  • And you can only permute--

  • that is arrange-- a fixed number of zeros and ones in so many ways.

  • Eventually, you're going to get all ones-- one, one, one, one.

  • And you can't just carry the one again, because you don't have more hardware.

  • You don't have more bits.

  • And so you have to decide what to do.

  • Scratch decides to just say, that's it, I can't count that high.

  • Because MIT has decided to only allocate Scratch some number of bits

  • to count super high, but no further.

  • But if you didn't have that boundary.

  • And you had, in your memory, a whole bunch of ones, ones, ones, ones, ones.

  • And it turns out you can't spend any more space because you just

  • don't have the hardware.

  • The next number after this value on the board, guess what?

  • It becomes what?

  • This is 31, if we actually did the math.

  • What comes after 31 if you only have five bits?

  • Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, because the only way

  • you can change the pattern is to just change them to zeroes.

  • So long story short, there's an implication

  • for computers of what they're even capable of.

  • You might think that they have this infinite capacity beyond us humans,

  • but that's not actually the case.

  • And we're just seeing a tiny bit of evidence of that here.

  • Well now let's actually make Scratch more of a pet,

  • and demonstrate some other building blocks

  • with which we can navigate a program here.

  • Let me go ahead and grab a one green flag clicked.

  • Let me go under Control, and go to Forever again.

  • And let me go ahead now and ask a question for the first time.

  • Under Control, I'm going to go to this If block.

  • And I'm going to say something like this.

  • I want to kind of take scratch for a walk, if you will, on that stage.

  • I want him to move around and interact with me or my cursor on the screen.

  • So it turns out there's this category of blocks called Sensing.

  • And notice this one at the top, Touching, mouse pointer.

  • It's kind of a funky shape, with diamond shapes on the ends, left and right

  • here.

  • And so this is actually a category of Boolean expressions,

  • questions you can ask that have yes, no, or true/false answers.

  • So if I drag this, notice it's the right shape but not the right size.

  • That's OK.

  • It's going to grow to fill it.

  • And now what I'm going to go ahead and do

  • is go ahead and play the sound, meow, only if Scratch

  • is touching the mouse pointer.

  • So now if I go ahead and hit Play again, nothing's happening.

  • But notice my cursor is in the top corner there.

  • Let me zoom in.

  • My cursor is now above Scratch.

  • But now, if I move to pet him--

  • try this again.



  • OK, that's a bug in Scratch, I think.

  • So logically-- we'll pretend the last 20 seconds didn't happen.

  • The program is indeed working as expected.

  • All right, so what's going on?

  • If the mouse pointer is actually touching Scratch,

  • we're noticing it in that If condition.

  • But it's super-important that I have wrapped it in that Forever block.

  • Why?

  • Scratch doesn't seem to be doing anything forever, does he?

  • Why is there that forever, Chloe?

  • AUDIENCE: If you don't put it in forever,

  • then there won't be [INAUDIBLE]

  • DAVID MALAN: Exactly.

  • If you don't put the Forever, it's just going to ask that question once.

  • And honestly, I don't think I can hit the green flag

  • and move my cursor quickly enough to pet Scratch

  • before it's already asked the question, if touching mouse pointer.

  • And so odds are, what's going to happen is, he's just never going to meow.

  • But if I instead use a Forever, he's just

  • sitting there patiently, waiting and waiting, without doing anything,

  • seemingly.

  • But really, he's listening, if you will, or waiting for an actual touch

  • of the mouse cursor.

  • So now the key here is that we've embedded,

  • within a loop, a condition, asking it again, and again, and again.

  • And now let me go ahead and open up another example.

  • And we'll post all of these sample programs on the website

  • later today so you can play with them if you'd like, or use them

  • as pieces to your problem set.

  • I'm going to go ahead and open up another program here , called Meow 1.

  • Oops, no, I'm going to recreate it really fast.

  • Let's go ahead and do this.

  • Let me go ahead and Forever, Control--

  • so do I want to do that one, Meow--

  • oh, let's do this.

  • Let me go ahead and open this one, called Pet 1.

  • So this one-- notice--

  • is going to work a little differently.

  • This one--


  • --is meowing endlessly, with just enough pause.

  • But what's going to happen, apparently, when I do move to pet this cat?

  • Yeah, he's going to roar.

  • So in this case, the logic is a little different.

  • Let me zoom in on the puzzle pieces here.

  • So Forever, if touching mouse pointer, then Roar, apparently.

  • Else, just meow.

  • And at the moment, I'm not touching the cat.

  • Notice my cursor is not even near it.

  • But if I do move it closer and closer while it's still running--


  • Bug.

  • There we go.

  • OK.

  • Sorry for the bug.

  • All right, so the reason is I needed to click on the white stage

  • so that he would know my cursor was nearby.

  • So here we go again.

  • And now if I move to touch, there we go.

  • All right, so let me open up a different one altogether,

  • to demonstrate some actual movement here.

  • Let me go ahead and open up what's called Bounce Zero.

  • And this example here--

  • come on, upload.

  • Notice what's happening here.

  • So now we have the ability to start making something that's

  • kind of a puzzle-- a building block for the game

  • that Steven was playing earlier.

  • It's just bouncing and bouncing off the stage.

  • Why?

  • Well notice, it's forever doing this.

  • Every time that Forever loop executes, he moves 10 steps, apparently.

  • But if he's touching the edge, he turns around 180 degrees.

  • And you can kind of see him quickly doing that just over there.

  • And if I zoom out, we'll see that he's still moving.

  • But it's not exactly like real movement, right?

  • His feet are just--

  • I can't even do it physically.

  • But his feet are just in some fixed position

  • as he's sliding across the stage.

  • So let's breathe a little more life, so to speak, into this program.

  • What does it mean for an image on the screen

  • to give you the illusion of walking?

  • What would need to happen to his feet, probably?

  • Right now, they're just kind of fixed in place.

  • Yeah, they need to shift somehow, right?

  • Like when you walk, let's consider what happens.

  • You kind of lift one foot, and it goes up,

  • and you could imagine kind of taking one, or two, or three photographs of me

  • or whoever while they're walking on the stage,

  • and just using those photographs as examples of where

  • their feet should be at points in time.

  • And in fact, we can do this.

  • I'm going to go ahead and pull up a slide, if you will, here.

  • This is the original version of Scratch.

  • And the subsequent slide actually looks like this.

  • Legs are just a little different-- heads mostly those same,

  • bodies mostly the same.

  • But there's a little bit of movement.

  • But notice, this is just my PDF of slides.

  • If I go back, forth, back and forth, back and forth, it kind of looks like--

  • let me do it with two hands--

  • it kind of looks like he's walking now.

  • It's pretty primitive, right?

  • I kind of need a third, or fourth, or fifth frame

  • to make it really look fluid.

  • But that's all animation is.

  • Recall from last time, when we talked about an image, and from images,

  • we get videos.

  • Videos are just like 24 or 30 images per second flying across the screen,

  • thereby creating the illusion of movement.

  • This would be two frames per second, maybe, just one snapshot,

  • two snapshots, again, and again, and again, and again.

  • But we can go pretty far with that.

  • So it turns out that Scratch has this other feature.

  • It's purely aesthetic.

  • But it allows you to have multiple costumes.

  • So by default, you get this one costume for Scratch, per the icon at top left.

  • And you can actually draw any important GIFs and JPEGs from online

  • if you want to make things look differently, like the student did

  • for the Pikachu game.

  • But by default, we just get this one costume.

  • Well let me go ahead and instead open up a follow-on example here,

  • this one called Bounce 1.

  • And notice this one, if I go back to Costumes, actually has those two--

  • that one and that one.

  • And again, it's just two points in time.

  • But if I add one puzzle piece here, in purple, called Next Costume,

  • if you read the documentation for Scratch, all that does

  • is change the costume, change the costume,

  • change the costume again and again.

  • It's saying, next, because it just toggles among however many there

  • are-- in this case, two.

  • So now if I hit Play, it's cute.

  • It's not really that natural.

  • But now he's kind of legitimately sort of walking.

  • How could we make it a little more fluid by changing the program, do you think?

  • Why is he kind of moving so quickly?

  • Was that a hand in back?


  • DAVID MALAN: Wait a little longer before it changes.

  • Yeah, I can do this in a few different ways.

  • Let me try just waiting a second after he moves 10 steps.

  • So now he's like tiptoeing.

  • So that's probably too much.

  • So rather than wait a second, let me try waiting 1/10 of a second--

  • better.

  • Let me wait a little less than that, 0.05.

  • OK, it still looks a little jittery, but that's

  • only because we have two costumes to work with.

  • But it's a little more realistic, too.

  • And 10 steps, too, was how many he was moving.

  • What's going to happen if I have to move 20 steps at a time,

  • or maybe 20 pixels on the screen?

  • What's the effect going to be?

  • Bigger steps effectively.

  • So let's try that.

  • 20, Enter-- now he's moving quicker again.

  • So now the wait really isn't helping because we're

  • overwhelming it by movement.

  • How about 30 steps.

  • Now he's really moving.

  • Let's go ahead and do 100 steps at a time.

  • And if we do this enough--

  • 500?

  • I mean, now he's just jumping back and forth on the screen.

  • But again, that's all animation is.

  • And frankly the game that we saw played, the Pikachu game,

  • is really just a fine tuning, in parts, of those kinds of principles.

  • Well let's make this actually more interactive again.

  • Let me stop that, let me just reload to get back to a blank program.

  • And let me go ahead and grab a when green flag clicked.

  • And let me go ahead and, under Control, let me get a Forever block.

  • And now let me go ahead and do this, motion.

  • It turns out that there's bunches of blocks here.

  • And we don't honestly care about all of them,

  • per se, because they do what they say.

  • We don't need to sort of exhaustively explore, I think, all of them.

  • But this one sounds interesting-- point towards mouse pointer.

  • Let me go ahead and grab that inside of my Forever block.

  • And then let me have it move, just like one step, not 10.

  • That's it, four puzzle pieces.

  • What is this program going to do once I play the green flag?

  • It's going to follow the mouse.

  • So actually, that's kind of a funny, unintended pun.

  • The cat is going to follow the mouse, if you will.

  • But notice, that's exactly what he's doing.

  • He's moving slower and more smoothly, but that's

  • just because he's moving one step or pixel at a time.

  • As my mouse moves, he's following it exactly.

  • I mean, we can really kind of mess with him here,

  • because he's just going to literally do what I say,

  • depending only on the speed of my finger.

  • But now we have the ability to do a more interactive game, not even using

  • the keyboard, but using the mouse.

  • So what more can we do with some of our building blocks here?

  • Well this one, let me go ahead and open in advance,

  • because it's a whole bunch of puzzle pieces.

  • But let me go ahead and open this.

  • I changed the costume for this one to be a--

  • let's see, upload here, let's call this Bark.

  • Notice this one actually has a seal icon.

  • And let me move the puzzle pieces-- there's actually two scripts here.

  • And here, we can introduce the notion of threads.

  • So it turns out that computers are so fast that they can kind of sort of do

  • multiple things at a time.

  • And that's sometimes a white lie.

  • But sometimes computers have multiple cores, so to speak,

  • or really multiple CPUs.

  • If a computer has two or more brains, then it

  • can literally do two or more things at once.

  • One of those might be to run the program on the left,

  • the other might be to run the program on the right.

  • And we'll see what those programs do.

  • But also, even in a computer that just has one brain, one CPU or core,

  • as they say, computers are so darn fast and we humans are so relatively slow,

  • a computer can give the illusion of doing multiple things at a time

  • by spending a split second doing the work over here,

  • then doing a split second of work over here, then over here, then

  • over here, and over here.

  • And because our CPUs, those Intels Inside, are moving at 1 gigahertz--

  • 1 billion operations per second, we humans

  • don't even notice that it's splitting its time across these tasks.

  • It just looks like things are happening in parallel.

  • And so when a program is multi-threaded, so to speak, like threading a needle,

  • that just means you can have two things happening-- or more--

  • at once.

  • And that's useful here, because notice, both of these programs

  • start when the green flag is clicked.

  • Let me go ahead and hit Play.


  • And then let me lower the volume.


  • Come on.

  • OK, a little lower volume.

  • So what's going on now?

  • How can I make it stop?

  • If you can read this program, even though part of it's a little

  • chopped off.


  • Hit the space bar, and that's going to mute this program, apparently.

  • Let's say-- OK, I didn't hit the Stop icon.

  • I hit the space bar.

  • I'll do it again, if you trust me--

  • space bar, space bar.

  • So what's going on?

  • Well, this is an example, now, of an even more interactive program.

  • Notice on the left that I have the following.

  • I created, in advance, what apparently is orange and a variable.

  • I called it Muted this time instead of Counter.

  • And again, just good choosing good words for variables

  • that say what they are, just to help you think about what your program is doing.

  • And I set it equal to literally False.

  • I couldn't have set it equal to zero, but I just chose, literally,

  • the word, False, per last week.

  • Then, forever, what am I doing?

  • I'm asking a question.

  • If the space bar is pressed, then what do I want to do?

  • Well, if muted equals false, change muted to true.

  • Else, implicitly, if muted is true, change muted to false.

  • So it took a few puzzle pieces there, with the Ifs.

  • But if the space bar is clicked, I'm just

  • checking, well, if this variable is true, make it false.

  • But if this variable is false, make it true.

  • So it just toggles the value.

  • Meanwhile, what's the purpose of this program on the right-hand side,

  • apparently?

  • It's a little cut off.

  • Let me move it over slightly.

  • What's this program on the right-hand side doing?

  • It's making noise.

  • It is forever barking.

  • It's playing the sound, Sea Lion, unless muted is true.

  • Because before it barks and plays that sound, it's saying, if muted is false,

  • then play the sound.

  • So if it's not muted, false means no, or zero.

  • So if it's not muted, play the sound.

  • Otherwise, what does it do?

  • Is there an else?

  • There isn't.

  • There doesn't need to be.

  • It can just be a one-way fork in the road-- either go down it or don't.

  • You don't have to do something else.

  • And then it just waits one second and repeats.

  • So threading refers to the process of both of these programs running

  • at the same time.

  • And notice that they're sharing state, if you will, as we'll say,

  • eventually, sharing a variable across them.

  • And that's another way for two sprites in this case-- or rather,

  • one sprite, but two scripts, to actually interact with each other.

  • We can see another form of this, too.

  • If you ever played the game in a swimming pool in the US, growing up,

  • Marco Polo, where one kid is blindfolded, or closes his or her eyes,

  • and then everyone else swims around him or her, and then you just yell, Marco.

  • Everyone else is supposed to yell, polo.

  • And with you eyes closed, you're supposed to, in a pool,

  • very dangerously, go find someone, and tag them, until they then become it.

  • So in other words, one human says, Marco.

  • The other humans say, polo.

  • How might we actually simulate this in a program here?

  • Well, let me open this program, this one using two puppets.

  • And notice how this works.

  • I'm going to hit Play.

  • And as before, if I hit the space bar, something's going to happen.

  • Orange puppet says, Marco.

  • Blue puppet says, Polo, but only once the orange puppet has said something.

  • Marco, Polo-- so why is that?

  • Well, it turns out that this puppet is using a different building

  • block altogether.

  • This puppet is saying this--

  • forever, if the space is pressed, say, Marco, and then broadcast an event.

  • So it turns out the two sprites can't see or hear

  • what the other one is doing.

  • Just because the one on the left says, Marco,

  • doesn't mean the other on the right can actually see the word, Marco, appearing

  • on the screen.

  • To talk to another sprite, you need to do something a little more secretly

  • in programming, known as broadcasting an event.

  • And this is just a simple example, but there's literally

  • a puzzle piece in Scratch called Broadcast

  • that literally sends a secret message to any one other sprite

  • that might be listening.

  • And if that other sprite is expecting it-- and notice this--

  • I'm currently looking at the orange puppet's scripts.

  • If I instead click on the blue puppet, notice, all he's doing is this.

  • He's not waiting for the green flag.

  • He's instead waiting for a different type of event,

  • literally the word, event, to be secretly uttered to him, if you will.

  • So when he receives that broadcasted event, then and only then

  • does he say, polo, for two seconds.

  • And that word event could be anything in this case.

  • It's just the result, now, of using two puzzle pieces.

  • The broadcast event to sort of secretly send a message to all other puppets,

  • and then "when I receive" instead of "when green flag clicked."

  • All right, let's actually now take a look at one final sequence here.

  • Let's take a look at how you might design, now, your own puzzle piece.

  • It turns out that you're not limited to only what Scratch provides.

  • You can actually do this.

  • Let me go ahead and say this.

  • If I want to go ahead and, when the green flag is clicked, let me go ahead

  • and say something like "cough."

  • I want Scratch, unfortunately, to have a bit of a cough.

  • And then, after he coughs, I'm going to go ahead and have him, say,

  • wait for one second.

  • And I'd like him to do this a few different times.

  • It turns out if you control-click or right-click,

  • you can start duplicating blocks to save time, even though that's

  • a little lazy of me right now.

  • So all this program does is, instead of meowing,

  • it has Scratch coughing, again, and again, and again.

  • Now we already know that we can do better with a program like this.

  • This is bad design.

  • The moment you start copying and pasting, and in Scratch, the moment

  • you start duplicating, odds are you're taking a shortcut,

  • and just making more work for yourself than you should.

  • What puzzle piece should I have used instead?

  • Yeah, Repeat, as before.

  • So let me quickly clean this up.

  • Let me go ahead and detach this.

  • Let me go ahead and repeat, three times, just two of these blocks.

  • So now we have a tighter program.

  • And it's tighter in the sense that now, if I wanted him to cough 10 times,

  • I literally just change one value.

  • I don't have to go and copy, and paste, and update

  • a whole bunch of things-- which, at the moment, not a big deal for three.

  • Once it gets to be 10 or more, you're literally just

  • creating work for yourself, and making it harder to maintain the program.

  • But you know what?

  • The notion of coughing is kind of a nice verb, right?

  • It would've been nice if Scratch just came with a puzzle piece,

  • called Cough, that literally displays cough on the screen

  • so I don't have to reinvent this all the time.

  • Maybe I want a whole bunch of animals to be

  • coughing in this particular game, or animation, or whatnot.

  • So let me make this code reusable.

  • I want to never ever again write code for making a sprite cough.

  • So it turns out you can do this by way of your own blocks or puzzle pieces.

  • If I click on My Blocks at the bottom, and I click Make Block,

  • I get this little interactive window, where I can give it a name.

  • I'm going to go ahead and name this block, Cough,

  • and then I'm going to go ahead and click OK.

  • And what I'm now going to do is this.

  • Now I get this pink puzzle piece.

  • I'm going to actually move all of this code from inside there,

  • to over to that puzzle piece, so that now I have this new pink block that I

  • just created, called Cough.

  • So now, if you look at my program, this is really

  • how you want to think about the program.

  • I want to abstract away from those lower-level implementation details,

  • and just say, repeat the following 10 times, Cough.

  • And only if you actually care what it means to cough

  • do you need to bother scrolling to the left,

  • and actually look at the implementation details, so to speak, of Cough.

  • So it's a nice abstraction.

  • We never again need to bother thinking about how do you make something cough.

  • You just use it on the right.

  • But I can take this one step further.

  • How could I improve the program on the right,

  • and in turn, this function I've created, called Cough?

  • What would be a nice new feature to add to it?

  • AUDIENCE: Add a sound.

  • DAVID MALAN: Do a count.



  • We could actually add a sound.

  • As as an aside, do we have--

  • OK, we can do this.

  • Here we go, real quick.

  • Turns out there's a non-academic feature here, known as recording.

  • If you allow your mic--


  • OK, that is what a cough looks like when you graph it.

  • We'll call this, Coughing.

  • Let me go back to my code.

  • This was not the point of this exercise.

  • But so be it.

  • Let me go ahead and say cough and play--

  • not meow, but coughing.


  • OK, so be it.

  • But I was thinking of something else.

  • How else can we improve the functionality, give a little more--

  • AUDIENCE: Motion.

  • DAVID MALAN: Give more emotion?

  • AUDIENCE: No, no, make it move.

  • DAVID MALAN: Oh, make it move, too.


  • OK, we could do that.

  • Also not what I have in mind.

  • Let me-- go ahead.

  • AUDIENCE: Not a variable to cough, but [INAUDIBLE]

  • DAVID MALAN: Yeah, so this was actually what I was thinking up to.

  • But those are all great decisions, too.

  • So Cough right now is just a verb.

  • It doesn't take any inputs.

  • But it could, right?

  • I don't strictly need the repeat block there.

  • I could make Cough just a little fancier.

  • So let me do this.

  • I'm going to go ahead and right-click or control-click on it, and just edit.

  • I'm going to go back one step to redefine it.

  • And I'm actually going to click this button, Add an Input, number or text.

  • And I'm going to go ahead and just call it n.

  • Computer scientists tend to call arbitrary numbers n

  • in the absence of something else.

  • And then just a label that says, no functional [INAUDIBLE]..

  • I'm just going to say cough n times, just so that the puzzle

  • piece has some words on it.

  • So now notice, what's nice--

  • now, my puzzle piece is fancier.

  • I can actually get rid of this repeat block, just attach this,

  • and say, cough 10 times.

  • And now this repeat block, if you will, can become part of the abstraction

  • such that it repeats not 10 times here, but I can drag and drop this.

  • So notice now, the notion of coughing, if I zoom in, got a little fancier.

  • You now have a custom puzzle piece, called Cough n times,

  • where you, the user or caller of this function,

  • specify how many times you want it to cough,

  • then you let the code therein do that for you,

  • so that now your program on the right, which

  • is all you cared about at the end of the day,

  • doesn't have to get into the weeds of all of that complexity.

  • You can instead just say, cough 10 times,

  • and never again think about the lower-level implementation details.

  • So this is an abstraction on top of what that actually is.

  • Well, let's go ahead now and tie all of this together if we can,

  • in some more sophisticated examples, another one implemented

  • by a recent student.

  • Let me go ahead and open up, not Pikachu's

  • Pastry Catch, but this one here, the Gingerbread Remix.

  • So this one is not a game per se--

  • although it sort of is-- it's more of a story.

  • Let me go ahead and hit Play, and I'll play this one up here.


  • All right.

  • Shall we have an apple?

  • Let me go ahead and type, yes.

  • And consider what's happening.

  • Yes, is probably now my input.

  • It's probably getting stored in a variable.

  • And then that variable with an equals sign

  • is probably being compared against the word, yes or no, in a condition.

  • Here we go, yes.


  • OK, bad decision.

  • So let's play again.

  • Here we go.

  • Green flag.


  • OK, I'm going to say, no.

  • Ooh, cupcake-- yes.


  • OK, poor choice again.

  • But again, a condition is probably at play.

  • Let's play a third time.

  • No, no.


  • [CRYING]


  • OK, surprise ending.

  • So that's a simple game, now, to give you

  • a sense of the range of capabilities here.

  • And I thought, why don't we take a look at one final example as to what

  • you can do with these various building blocks,

  • but consider exactly how it got to this point of complexity

  • in each of these programs, from the simplest to the fanciest.

  • There was not a student sitting down at his or her keyboard,

  • and then immediately starting to program by trying this,

  • or let me do this, and this, and this.

  • They thought about a simple problem there.

  • So for instance, with the gingerbread game a moment ago, odds are,

  • the student just had the princess come on the screen first-- one

  • sprite, no witch, no house, no complexity, and just saying words

  • on the screen.

  • Then maybe the witch came into play, and the witch actually used that Ask block,

  • and the witch asked a question, yes or no.

  • Then, the student probably wrote some more code

  • that said, once you get an answer, that special puzzle piece to that question,

  • then use a condition.

  • If the answer is yes, then game over after a bit of animation.

  • How did the animation work?

  • Probably quite like the cat, bouncing across the screen,

  • but this time, just one direction, no bounce.

  • Then as soon as the witch's apple or cupcake got close to the princess,

  • turns out there's a block that says if one sprite is touching another--

  • like in the vicinity of the other-- then something else can happen,

  • and thus something came on the screen there, too.

  • And so with problems that zero, ultimately, the homework is going

  • to be quite simply, make almost any Scratch project of interest

  • to you-- a game, an interactive art, an animation, or the like.

  • But the key is to think about it from the ground level up.

  • Make just one feature at a time-- one cupcake, one apple, one witch,

  • one princess, and begin to layer on top of that complexity.

  • For this last example, made just a couple of years ago, as CS50 at Yale

  • was just getting off the ground--

  • could we have one final volunteer?

  • Yeah, OK, come on up.

  • What's your name?

  • AUDIENCE: Alvin.

  • DAVID MALAN: Alfred.

  • AUDIENCE: Alvin.

  • DAVID MALAN: Alvin, Alvin.

  • Come on up, Alvin.

  • All right, this is Ivy's hardest game, pitting not just Yale and Harvard,

  • but other Ivys against each other.

  • Nice to meet you.

  • We're about to see the instructions on the screen.

  • And odds are, we'll muster some support of the audience here.

  • Here we go, just a keyboard-based game-- up, down, left, right.


  • Very nice.

  • So now second level--

  • crimson's in the way.

  • Level three, two crimsons.

  • And again, think about the building blocks.

  • Now we're up to what, five sprites on the screen?

  • But each of them is operating independently, and bouncing.

  • MIT's a little smarter.


  • Nice.

  • Very similar to that cat following the cursor.

  • Nice.

  • Second-to-last level.




  • Try a couple more times.

  • Two more lives.

  • OK, no, round of applause would be good for Alvin.


  • OK, so that's it for today.

  • The first homework assignment will be posted on the website tomorrow.

  • We'll stick around for one-on-one questions.

  • A pleasure to have you in the course.

  • See you all soon.


SEAN WALKER: Hello everyone, good afternoon.

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CS502018--耶魯大學閱讀1--Scratch篇 (CS50 2018 - Lecture 1 at Yale - Scratch)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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