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>>HILAH: Hey dudes! I am Hilah, and today on Hilah Cooking I have a special Cinco de
Mayo recipe brought to you by mi amigo Carlos.
>>CARLOS: Hola, hola.
>>HILAH: [laughs] Tell us what we're going to make today Carlos.
>>CARLOS: We're going to make enchiladas bandera which is like the blanca rojo, the Mexican
flag. It's avocado filling, corn tortillas, and tomatoes, and salsa.
>>HILAH: And we're going to make it all from scratch.
>>CARLOS: Yep.
>>HILAH: Just for you.
[Vegetarian Enchiladas - Enchiladas Bandera!]
>>HILAH: Okay, so the first thing we're going to make the avocado filling.
>>CARLOS: Yes.
>>HILAH: All right.
>>CARLOS: And we're going to go with the filling.
>>HILAH: Dime senor.
>>CARLOS: We're going to take two avocados. I am going to mash them with a fork.
>>HILAH: Okay.
>>CARLOS: And we're going to need some onions, serranos, and cilantro.
>>HILAH: Okay, so we're just using a regular old white onion here?
>>CARLOS: Yeah.
>>HILAH: Just a little bit or?
>>CARLOS: Probably half.
>>HILAH: Half the onion?
>>CARLOS: Yeah,
>>HILAH: And like really small.
>>CARLOS: Okay.
>>HILAH: Okay. So this is something that your mom makes?
>>CARLOS: Yeah, my mom used to make this back home because it's pretty quick, easy, and
cheap, and kind of healthy, you know?
>>HILAH: Yeah.
>>CARLOS: If you think about it, it's just veggies.
>>HILAH: Yeah, I guess avocados are probably cheaper in Guadalajara.
>>CARLOS: Yeah.
>>HILAH: Yeah. [laughs]. Okay, does that look fine enough?
>>CARLOS: Yeah.
>>HILAH: Was that enough? Do you want a little more?
>>CARLOS: Yeah, no, that's good. Then some cilantro.
>>HILAH: Do you use the stems?
>>CARLOS: A little bit, not the whole thing.
>>HILAH: Not like the whole. . . okay.
>>CARLOS: Yeah.
>>HILAH: Is that enough cilantro?
>>CARLOS: Yeah, that's good, and I put the chiles.
>>HILAH: Okay, and we're using serranos, but you said jalapeno would work too?
>>CARLOS: Jalapeno works too, yeah, it depends how much heat you want.
>>HILAH: Do you notice much of a flavor difference between the two, or is it just a heat difference?
>>CARLOS: It's the heat. It's just the heat.
>>HILAH: Okay. And I am going to leave the seeds in.
>>CARLOS: Excellent.
>>HILAH: [laughs]
>>CARLOS: Muy bien senorita.
>>HILAH: Gracias senor [laughs]. Oh, you know what my friend told me. She said that like
sort of a slang term, like, senorita doesn't just mean young lady, but it kind of implies
you're a virgin also. Is that true?
>>CARLOS: Kind of, yeah, yeah.
>>HILAH: Okay, so I am really just a senora. [laughs]
>>CARLOS: Ohhhhh. Actually senora is when you have kids already.
>>HILAH: Oh, okay. So there's. . . .
>>CARLOS: Yeah, like mother is a senora.
>>HILAH: Right.
>>CARLOS: Even when she was married. I might be wrong on this one, but when you marry,
you are senora, become a senora, you're not a senorita anymore.
>>HILAH: Okay, all right, and I'll put some lime on here just to keep it from
getting brown.
>>CARLOS: On the avocado, yeah.
>>HILAH: You ready for me?
>>CARLOS: Yeah. And you can throw any of the other ingredients. Like guacamole without
the tomato.
>>HILAH: Yeah. Do you want some salt?
>>CARLOS: Salt. Yeah. With the filling now.
>>HILAH: Cool! So we'll move on to the salsa.
>>CARLOS: Like the salsa, si, si senorita.
>>HILAH: Gracias senor. Okay, so for the salsa.
>>CARLOS: Yes.
>>HILAH: All right we have tomatoes that we cut in half and just scooped the seeds out.
Didn't even peel them.
>>HILAH: And some onion.
>>CARLOS: Yep.
>>HILAH: Some big chunks here. So we'll put that in, and the garlic now too?
>>CARLOS: Yes, you can throw like four cloves, yeah.
>>HILAH: Okay.
>>CARLOS: And chiles are as hot as you want your salsa, yeah.
>>HILAH: How hot do you think?
>>CARLOS: I think that'd be medium probably. That's good.
>>HILAH: Okay, so these are our chiles de arbol, or chile arbo.
>>CARLOS: Chile de arbol since you have already serranos in the avocado mix, you don't have
to do it to hot.
>>HILAH: Okay, but it's a different kind of flavor.
>>CARLOS: It's different flavor yeah.
>>HILAH: And then just like water to cover it?
>>CARLOS: Yeah.
>>HILAH: It's pretty fun bossing me around, huh?
>>CARLOS: Yeah. [laughs]
>>HILAH: [laughs] Okay, some salt?
>>CARLOS: Salt, yeah, yeah.
>>HILAH: Just guessing here. [laughs]
>>CARLOS: Excellent, comino, how do you pronounce that in English?
>>HILAH: Cumin?
>>CARLOS: Cumin, okay.
>>HILAH: Does that look good?
>>CARLOS: Yeah, that's good. Just a pinch of oregano.
>>HILAH: Okay.
>>CARLOS: Just pour it in.
>>HILAH: Okay so we're just going to boil this until it's all soft.
>>CARLOS: Yes.
>>HILAH: Awesome!
>>CARLOS: And then a few minutes.
>>HILAH: It's been like 10 minutes maybe?
>>CARLOS: Probably yeah, yeah, yeah.
>>HILAH: I wasn't checking the clock,
>>CARLOS: Me neither.
>>HILAH: Okay, but. . .
>>CARLOS: Two drinks. Yeah.
>>HILAH: [laughs] It was two drinks worth of time, but the tomatoes were really soft,
the onions are soft.
>>CARLOS: And the chiles are probably . . .
>>HILAH: Probably soft, yeah, yeah. They seem soft.
>>CARLOS: Yeah.
>>HILAH: So I am gonna puree it with this guide, hopefully not burn myself. Okay. Is
that foamy?
>>CARLOS: Yeah.
>>HILAH: It seems like it's smooth. You want to add that?
>>CARLOS: Yeah. Some tomato puree for color.
>>HILAH: Cool! So we're ready to assemble.
>>CARLOS: Yeah. Enchiladas now.
>>HILAH: Piece of cake!
>>CARLOS: We got to make the enchiladas now. And so with tortillas, and now we'll mix some
cotija and queso fresco in this bowl.
>>HILAH: Okay.
>>CARLOS: And we'll go from there.
>>HILAH: So I just microwave these to soften them up.
>>CARLOS: Well, that's good.
>>HILAH: It's not very traditional probably.
>>CARLOS: That's fine.
>>HILAH: Okay.
>>CARLOS: I don't mind.
>>HILAH: Don't be mad.
>>CARLOS: No, no, no.
>>HILAH: [laughs]
>>CARLOS: No senorita, no. Some paprika, and . . .
>>HILAH: And neither of these is really a melting cheese?
>>HILAH: Okay.
>>CARLOS: But the consistency is good and cotija is salt, a little salty, and queso
fresco is creamier, so it's a good mix.
>>HILAH: But it's still. Oh, yeah, it crumbles. Kind of. . .
>>CARLOS: Yeah, it does crumble. So we're going to come over here and actually the cotija
probably is going to stick to the fresco.
>>HILAH: Is that enough?
>>CARLOS: And we have a little bit more.
>>HILAH: So like equal parts.
>>CARLOS: Yeah, kind of 50/50 thing. All right, and that's good .So now can I use the filling.
>>HILAH: Okay.
>>CARLOS: Yeah, spread it out, a little bit more. All right, and then the
next one, and roll them up.
>>HILAH: Oh, okay.
>>CARLOS: Excellent!
>>HILAH: [laughs]
>>CARLOS: And now we're going to put some crema.
>>HILAH: Okay, and that's Mexican sour cream?
>>CARLOS: Mexican crema, si, it's Mexican sour cream.
>>HILAH: So it's a little thinner.
>>CARLOS: Yeah, just a little bit on top, and then kind of spread it out. Spread it
out on top, and a little dab in tomato sauce, be generous yeah.
>>HILAH: Okay. Ah, this is good.
>>CARLOS: There you go. Perfect! Perfect!
>>HILAH: [laughs]
>>CARLOS: That's the way to go. And now we're going to top them with cheese, muy buen provecho.
>>HILAH: We're done?
>>CARLOS: We're done.
>>HILAH: Except for the eating part.
>>CARLOS: Yeah.
>>HILAH: Okay.
>>CARLOS: And you can try those.
>>HILAH: Okay. [laughs]
>>CARLOS: They're probably hot. No crying please.
>>HILAH: I don't cry.
>>CARLOS: Okay.
>>HILAH: I am not a crybaby. You have to try it too though. Tough guy.
>>CARLOS: Tough guy. [laughs]
>>HILAH: [laughs] Oh, that's so pretty. Look at that. Cheers!
>>CARLOS: Cheers!
>>HILAH: Mmmmmm hmmm.
>>CARLOS: MMmm hmmmm.
>>HILAH: Mmmmmm. Good job!
>>CARLOS: Excellent!
>>HILAH: That is excelente.
>>CARLOS: Umm hmmm!
>>HILAH: We should have some more.
>>CARLOS: Ummmm hmmm.
>>HILAH: Mmmm hmmm!
>>CARLOS: Yeah.
>>HILAH: Yay!
>>CARLOS: Good.
>>HILAH: Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
>>CARLOS: Anytime.
>>HILAH: All right, this dude needs another drink, so . . .
>>CARLOS: I need two more.
>>HILAH: [laughs] So we're going to go, but I hope you try this. If you have any questions
about the recipe, leave a comment below and I will try to answer it or I will call up
Carlos and be like, "Ahhhh," I'll cry then when people ask me questions that I don't
know the answer to. [laughs]
>>CARLOS: Excellent!
>>HILAH: Okay. Bye!
>>CARLOS: Bye!