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  • Hey there buddies! My name is Hilah, and you are watching Hilah Cooking and today Hilah

  • will be cooking some home fries for you to eat with you ketchup and your bacon and your

  • eggs, so they are super-easy, and I will show you a little trick, and then you can make

  • them all the time. Let's get started and I will show you my tricks.

  • Okay, so you can use any kind of potato you want. You can russets. I have some little

  • red ones here because they are just so cute I couldn't resist, but the thing is you have

  • to cook them before you fry them like any good French fry they are twice cooked. So

  • what I did with these is I boiled them yesterday for maybe 10 minutes until they were good

  • and soft, and then put them in the fridge and let them chill out. Usually I will microwave

  • them the morning of because I don't normally think ahead, but today I did, so you're in

  • luck. Now I am gonna cut them into maybe like half inch cubes. I like a good, hearty-sized

  • hash, or home fry, God, what am I talking about. Okay.

  • So yeah, that's good, then you got a lot of surface area. You can get a big, crunchy bite

  • there. Okay, I am gonna do that with the rest of these, and I am gonna put in, I don't know,

  • what is that, about a tablespoon of oil. Holy Mackerel! It's moving around like a jellyfish

  • it's so hot in there. I don't know what that means. It kind of reminds me of a jellyfish

  • though. Okay, so this is hot as a motherfuh. I am just gonna throw these in, and I am gonna

  • step on back. Oooh! And the other thing about hash browns is you don't want to crowd them

  • in the pan because you want to make sure everybody gets to touch the hot oil. So you know what?

  • That's a mess. Take it easy.

  • Just give it a little shake and everything is moving freely. I am happy about that. Okay,

  • now I am just going to let these cook until one side is all toasty and then I will flip

  • all over and let the other side get all toasty, maybe like eight minutes total I guess, eight

  • to ten, we'll see, 306. Synchronize watches and go. Okay, so it's been about three minutes,

  • whoa! Stir these little puppies around, and they are getting really nice and brown. I

  • like them extra crunch. So you can cook them as long as you want to, but I recommend extra

  • crunchy, and this is where you get to be a little nitpicky, well, I do, kind of make

  • sure that everybody has got their unfried side down, get down. These are looking mighty

  • good, mighty good. Something about home fries that makes me talk like an old hillbilly.

  • Okay, so I've had these on high the whole time. I am going to go ahead and keep it there.

  • Take that natural gas company. All right, now everybody is flipped, everybody is cool.

  • Let everybody hang out for another few minutes.

  • Take a chill pill. All right, these are done. I just set off my smoke alarm, and that's

  • how I know, so I am going to turn them off, and put them on a plate and eat them with

  • some ketchup. Oh, my God! I love the way pepper smells in a skillet. Whooo! What's up hot

  • babies? You hot. Okay, now I am going to taste them. I am using chopsticks because all my

  • forks are dirty, wha, wha. Mmmmmm. Mmmm. Mmmmm. Mmmmm! Man I love home fries! Okay, so I wrote

  • up a little dealy bobber about home fries on the website at, so check

  • that out, and I will see you sometime soon friends! Have a great day!

Hey there buddies! My name is Hilah, and you are watching Hilah Cooking and today Hilah

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年菜來點洋味吧!家常薯條製作大公開 (How To Make Home Fries | Extra Crispy Home Fries Recipe! | Hilah Cooking)

  • 3447 221
    nckuba posted on 2015/02/17
Video vocabulary