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  • it's really hot.

  • I can't really, Chuck, That's great, man.

  • You drink all of you all as you tell Ryan's back.

  • That's because I really I need his expertise on this 1 may be the most skeptical I've ever been.

  • I made a video a little while ago on a case for these airpods.

  • It brought wireless charging to your airpods.

  • That was a cool case.

  • The video was a hit.

  • It was a great accessory for this particular product.

  • So I went down the rabbit hole of looking at the various airpods cases.

  • And of course I bumped into this bizarre, strange air pod case called Zen Pod.

  • This is a combination air pod case slash fidget spinner.

  • I was not gonna let that sink in for a minute.

  • It Zen Zen.

  • I can see how that plays a role in the name because it Zen, you know, like the feeling this isn't Zen like you're, like, calm and cool and collective Will the fidget spinner Isn't it supposed to calm you?

  • So this is his input.

  • I'm excited to see this thing.

  • Are you really, though?

  • I mean, if it exists, we need to know about it.

  • You can see on the back here.

  • Zen pod spinning case.

  • Apparently, it's actually a hot product like people are buying.

  • This really surprises me.

  • It's also 30 bucks.

  • We showed off the best selling wireless earbuds.

  • The earbuds themselves were $18.

  • This case is 30 more.

  • Actually, it's it's smarter than I thought it was gonna be.

  • Very.

  • It's almost just a little bit bigger than the actual airports.

  • Looks like a button.

  • Give us.

  • Obviously it's not.

  • It's a fidget spinner, always making you feel physically it looks like has a leather feel to it, Uh, which could be expensive.

  • So maybe that's why it's 30 bucks.

  • But it's expensive, right?

  • Right, Let it.

  • It's expensive.

  • Is it getting cheaper?

  • Looks nice.

  • Black Preserve the cones will.

  • That's it.

  • That's all you get in a case that is gonna cost you 30 bucks is an insane product.

  • Uh, sounds pretty cheap.

  • That's not real leather.

  • And you see at all why is that?

  • $30?

  • What a nightmare Smell that you know, that's satisfying them.

  • Just a snapshot.

  • That's cool.

  • Did you see Snapchat snaps?

  • Happy snapshot Snapshot smelling Hello?

  • Yeah, I mean, it's homer.

  • 30 bucks take that right now it feels so for this.

  • Lookit, there's you'd spinner and do it right over here.

  • What?

  • Look where this is like where this part meets the lid that looks like it's going to rip tear.

  • It's very thin.

  • Doesn't look well, mate.

  • I agree with everything in that region.

  • I agree.

  • It doesn't look well.

  • Me.

  • It doesn't matter which way it goes, I guess.

  • Doesn't matter.

  • It's just a case right now.

  • If it's what snug er, slugger.

  • Second folks through there, you can see the Charger thing now.

  • It feels a lot more quality, like it feels like.

  • Feel it, touch that, actually, kind of like how it jumps up a little bit.

  • When you open it, they slide up a little tiny Oh, that's kind of cool.

  • So this is what you're supposed to do with your airpods because you weren't annoying enough were in the airport, your air pods that you need to be also spending them around and it works.

  • It's smooth, and that's the end of the radio.

  • Folks know.

  • Listen, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this this is garbage like this is a bad way to spend 30.

  • This is a bad way to spend 30 money with thing.

  • You try it.

  • Tell me this.

  • Then why are so many people find and use your the one that people are buying these things?

  • Why?

  • I'm just saying that you get a lot of weird accessories that pop up in the apple ecosystem because the ticket prices of the stock products is already high enough.

  • You think you charge a premium that the accessory market can can assume a similar margin?

  • I agree.

  • They could have given you re a leather for 30 Apple products already be insensitive.

  • SB on its whose fidget spinning.

  • And, yes, I think this might be the end of this product today.

  • You ever you ever spun your fidget?

  • No, I don't.

  • I don't fidget spinner time that I'm busy guy.

  • And good luck.

  • I think you'd be wasting your $30 on this thing.

  • You can't recommend this for 30 bucks is off way.

  • Talked about each other.

  • Did a pizza Go get a pizza, you know, where do you put your pizzas?

  • Jack knows my pizza.

  • Well, you come.

  • It will come into your life time.

  • I say it's junk.

  • Don't spend $30 on it, Ryan says.

  • It's the best $30 you could ever did not.

  • I did not say the word Review it, you know, do you side with?

  • I think it's all right.

  • I would use it.

  • But not for 30 bucks.

  • How much would you pay?

  • Will Tambo like five bucks?

  • Yeah, five or 10 and they even even there.

  • It's a bit of noxious.

  • You're spending your headphones around.

  • So it's an official recommendation from Ryan and thank goodness for me and will tell you it's not to waste your money this up so is brought to you by Nor VPN.

  • We'll use the hair on box therapy, and we think it's pretty dope.

  • Keep your data private.

  • Get all the Netflix regions and protect yourself from hackers.

  • Links down below.

  • Is it okay with the dogs here?

it's really hot.

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別犯AirPods這個錯誤... (Don't Make This AirPods Mistake...)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary