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Hey geograpeeps!
You guys asked for another Q& A video, so I asked you to ask me questions on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
So let's just jump in.
rihanna_fanta_banta27 says "Do you know about the New Zealand All Blacks?"
Oh, you mean - (does the haka). May have heard a little bit about them.
Tanner Wilson says, "Your thoughts on more people wanting to visit Antarctica on vacation?"
Do it, but don't get cocky, okay?
That place was never meant to be a tourist trap.
Scott Carl Wild says "which currency do you think has the best artwork/design?"
I think I actually read an article in which they voted on this,
and they all agreed that the New Zealand $5 banknote was the most attractive banknote,
with Sir Edmond Hillary, the guy who climbed Mount Everest,
and on the back, a little penguin and here there's a little transparent slot.
You know what?
Yeah. This is a pretty good looking bank note.
It's pretty cool. I like it.
I really like it.
Although I have to admit, the guy on the $50 Barbadian banknote looks so thug.
He's all like, "Yeah, you know you wanna come here, son."
cindy_wb says "Planning on cutting your hair?"
New Year's Day.
Genevieve_dibz99 says "Favorite type of dog?"
Airdale Terrier.
Anthony Grigorian says "Did you feel the New Zealand earthquake?"
You know what's funny, I believe the earthquake happened
as I was flying home from New Zealand, so it was literally like:
Dum Dumi says "You favorite singer/band?"
Ah man, there's so many.
It really kinda depends on what mood I'm in.
Recently I've been getting a lot more into instrumental bands that don't incorporate vocals.
Of course you can't go wrong with 2 Cellos, and if I'm feeling a little light-hearted,
then maybe Lindsey Stirling?
As you guys know, I've been more into progressive metal these days,
so Apocalyptica and Pellican have up there.
Now, once every so often I might feel a little bit of old-school soul stuff, and if that's the case,
I gotta go with Sam Cook, Doney Hallaway, Odis Redding, Bobby Bluebland.
On a typical day where I just feel kinda chill and just wanna listen to something classical,
of course you can't go wrong with Rachmaninoff or Liszt or Sibelius.
Ezio Bosso and of course who doesn't like Andrea Bocelli.
New school stuff - you can't go wrong with Ryan McKnight,
Carolina Chocolate Drops,
I might go for some James Morrison.
Or of course my boy Gavin Degraw.
Ron Pope, Ben l'Oncle Soul, my go-to kareoke songs are Billy Joel,
Bon Jovi, and that one Vanessa Carlton song.
Eh, there's a lot more but I'm not gonna get into that.
It's gonna take too long.
Francisco Montesdeoca says "what food from what country have you ever wanted to try but haven't had the chance to yet?"
I've never tried straight-up Arctic Inuit food.
Like whale blubber or seal or anything like that.
I've always wanted to try this one fruit I heard of that's only found in Puerto Rico,
I think it's called like quenepas.
Joonatan Pötinen says "how many countries have you been to?"
This many.
Emma Falk says "who is the most interesting person you have met on your travels?"
Probably the former prime minister of Finland.
Steph_G97 says "do an Irish accent."
(with Irish accent) Well Steph, that's actually not quite a question but -
I used to skype a lot with my intern Potter, as you know, he's from Ireland.
I know there's a lot of different types of Irish accents
There's Dublin, there's Cork, there's Limerick, but this is the type of accent that I'm most accustomed to.
When I've listened to Potter talk.
I love hearing him talk, it's very endearing.
Potter, come to Los Angeles.
I'd love to see you here.
Kaleb Bright says, "Hey dude, met you in Christchurch."
Oh hey Kaleb! I remember you.
"What did you think about the things we did?"
Dude, those ducks loved you.
Dean Taylor says, "how would I know if I'm suffering from memory loss?"
Sorry, what?
Ryan Conner says "which starter should I choose for Pokemon Sun and Moon?"
I never made it past the first generation.
But let's see what this is.
The heck - this is Pokemon?
It's like the artists are just getting lazy now.
It looks like Hello Kitty diaharrea-d over Pokemon and put a bunch of happy stickers all over it.
I don't know. Choose the stupid-looking owl thing because emo cat is gonna backstab you
and floppy brain-damaged seal is gonna be useless on land.
He's only useful in water, so, I don't know, choose plant owl.
This pillow is crooked. What the -
adrientrem says "Please, I'm your biggest fan, answer this question."
Daniel Sobczak says "what is your favorite spot to visit in the USA?"
"Why? (I know, you're a global traveler, but just looking for goof ideas for road trips here lol)."
Okay, I'm gonna assume you're talking about the continuous 48.
And not Hawaii and Alaska.
I've been to over 30 states in the country.
And I have to admit, probably the most memorable part that I've ever been to was Monument Valley in the southern valley of Utah.
I know everyone goes to the Grand Canyon -
but seriously, go to Monument Valley.
You will feel like you are walking amongst stone giants, it has all these amazing eroded rock formations.
You know, scoop a piece of red sand and put it in a plastic bag and keep it as a souvenir.
And you get to go to Navajo Nation, it's like a completely different country. There have their own president,
time zone, language, they even have their own radio stations.
Now A LOT of you guys asked me questions about what I think about American politics
what do I think about Trump? What do I think about the elections?
Yada, yada yada.
Here on Geography Now, I try specifically to avoid talking about politics,
let alone my country's politics.
Because that's like opening up a can of worms, except these worms transform into
venomous snakes and cobras and basiliks and Godzillas.
All I'm gonna say is that right now is really not a good time
for all the squabbling. We need to come together, both Democrats and Republicans,
to cooperate, and that's the only way things are gonna move forward.
A lot of you guys also asked about CalExit.
What do I think? It's not gonna happen.
Theoretically, it kinda maybe could,
but I believe by law all states are
perpetually contracted to the US, and the only way to leave is to create a whole new amendment,
which takes 2/3 of both the house and senate to approve of,
which is not gonna happen.
Do I believe California could possibly split up in separate states in the future? Maybe, I don't know.
But actually leaving the union? I don't think so.
Speaking about my country, I have a little message for my fellow American geograpeeps.
So, US geograpeeps, are any of you in middle school or high school and do you wanna win money for your school?
Yeah, I bet you do!
Well Samsung has given me the honor to take part in this cool project called the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow contest.
Let me ask you something. Do have an idea on how science, technology, engineering, arts, or math can improve your community?
And do you have a project idea that you really want to get started, but you need some help or funds?
That's where Samsung comes in.
Samsung is giving away free money and resources to schools all across America, encouraging using STEAM subjects to improve their communities.
So what do you do? You go to your favorite teacher and ask them to submit your school and sumbit an entry
to this link right here, I'll put another in the description box.
And remember, the last day to submit is Novemeber 30th, 2016.
So go ahead, submit, Samsung wants to help you out. Thank you, Samsung.
And with that being said, thank you for your questions.
This was fun. Finland is coming up! Stay tuned!