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Welcome to show me the curry dot com.
I'm hit Bill.
I'm a new job.
And today we're gonna show you how to make macaroons.
Now, this is a recipe that's very dear to my heart.
I found my grandma's recipe book and believe it or not, stated 1954 on all these wonderful, wonderful recipes holding up pretty good.
I'm gonna have to do something about it.
Make sure nothing happens to it.
Really, really fabulous.
This sun is for her.
So let's get started with the macaroons.
This is a really simple recipe.
We're gonna need half a cup off dry shredded coconut, half a cup off walnuts study that we've chopped and we've got conflicts over here.
This is approximately one cup, but we're going to do I'm gonna put it in this bag and I'm gonna crush it till it becomes about half a cup.
So basically, we need half a cup off crushed cornflakes, and we need half a cup of sugar, half, half, half can't get easier than that.
And we need one large egg and we're not using the whole leg.
We're just using the egg white.
So we have the white in here.
We've cracked up in an egg.
Here's a yoke part we'll use for something else.
And this is only the white.
Now, this is a very quick recipe.
So first things first we got her oven preheating at 350 degrees Fahrenheit and it is ready for us to go.
And I'm gonna start whipping the second till it gets for me.
Keita, About 30 seconds and I'm a dyed in the show.
And we're gonna beat this until the sugar gets well incorporated and the egg whites get nice and fluffy.
Okay, this is ready.
And while he was doing that, the oven is hot.
We've got tray over here with parchment paper.
If you don't have passion people, you can just lightly or moderate or oil it on.
This is ready to go going toe.
Add the rest of the ingredients to the eggnog.
Just gonna push down the sides Here.
Here's the conflicts Walnuts, coconut Just hold it till everything is well incorporated and it all comes together and you don't overmix it once it comes together like this.
So here is a melon baller.
But you can use anything you like, really just a school.
Andi, Just gonna take a little bit and just put it in there.
So this recipe makes approximately 10 good size macaroons.
But if you want to cut them down smaller size, you can make right about 15.
But it's up to you.
How long?
So it's gonna go into the oven right now.
It's gonna go into the middle of the oven for 12 minutes, But keep an eye on because everybody's ovens are different.
So at the very end of its kind of keep a close eye on it, Okay, Ours out of the oven, they look fantastic, but I was, since we made them a little taller and bigger.
They cooked for about 14 minutes.
But again, if you make them smaller size, you know we'll be about 12 minutes.
But way about a cooling rack over here, and we're gonna transfer them.
Let's see if you notice the bottom, it's got a nice golden color to it, and that's exactly how you want it.
You don't want it over Burt, but you do want the nice caramelization on the bottom.
We're gonna let these cool for about 10 or 15 minutes and give it a try.
So our macaroons cool down, they look fantastic.
And then he's really good.
You already had a little sneak peek, and we're gonna have another sneak peek right now s so you guys can see it's so light and airy.
It's just incredible.
And when you break it open beautifully, light inside.
Now this is Oh for you.
But one thing is so different from your traditional macaron, which is usually only coconut, and you bite into it and it's still yummy.
It's coconut.
But this one has, like different levels of texture, different levels of flavor.
And it's just really light and airy.
And you don't feel like you know you're weighing yourself down eating this yummy.
Mm hmm.
Chris Delicious in the Complexes gives a wonderful lunch to the whole thing.
Really, really good.
So we hope you get a chance to try this delicious recipe out.
It's super easy.
It's super delicious.
Everyone will love these and hope you join us again.