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Hey, attack late here and welcome back to another episode today.
I am giving you a desk tour.
The centerpiece of the desk tour is going to be my cup of tea or coffee or whatever drink that I'm usually drinking.
I believe in good hydration wherever I'm at, and so I will always have a cup of water or some liquid wherever I am sitting.
Not a lot of you may be imagining that I have some insane desk set up, but the reality is is pretty simple, not.
Don't let that simplicity throw you off, though.
This simplicity takes actually many years to get right, and a lot of people end up by tons of random stuff that they don't really need and ends up.
Just take ample out the space, using up a lot of energy, just complicating their lives.
And a lot of that this is not really needed.
And if you could do it right, you can get very simple.
That's set up just a way.
I'm doing it now so beyond the cup of tea that I might always have the second thing that a lot of people have been asking me about and I want to highlight is this light and this light is really going to be the second centerpiece of my entire desk set up.
It is probably the most expensive thing I have here.
Okay, now, this light is amazing.
This is the bank you'II reading light.
And I have a link for this in the description below, along with links to all of the other stuffed out recovering in this video.
This light when I first got it, I must have said wow, like audibly five times or so because I was just absolutely impressed by this light.
For a long time I have been using just a normal standard desk lamp.
It was very dame yellow, and it couldn't cover a lot of area, and it was just very difficult to use in the evening when he came home.
It was very difficult for me to get any paperwork done because that lighting is just so difficult to get right.
This light is one of the things that I wish I had gotten much earlier.
And even though it's kind of expensive comes in about $190 currently, I think it is worth every single Penny.
So let me tell you why I think it is so great.
So first of all, you can see that the angle of this light is very good.
And they specially designed this for the digital era for computer usage such that it has a wide angle of lighting areas such that it can provide you that ambient light.
This lady also has white balance and you continued from say, like a daylight, very white light to like a yellowish tungsten light.
Whatever you need to match the ambient light in your current room and also has a sensor such that it can detect the white balance in your room and match that you can also adjust the intensity of the light to just perfectly match whatever you need.
So overall, this light has just made me very productive.
I can start doing paperwork in the evening, even in the daytime.
I just use it to just brighten up my workspace and yeah, over.
I just haven't been as impressed with the product as this in a very long time.
So, overall, this light is great.
It's fantastic.
I can highly recommend it.
Why don't we come in for a closer look at my desk.
Now the computer that I use is a 15 inch MacBook Pro, and it's great.
The only problem is, is pretty expensive.
So if you want, you can think about getting the 13 inch.
But for me, the 15 is just big enough, such that I don't even need a monitor.
Now let's take a look at this keyboard.
The standard Mac book Pro Keyboard is fine.
It like it's pretty usable, actually, and the trackpad is pretty good, too.
If I'm being more about and I'm going to just use these and they're fine.
But sometimes when I really want to type a lot and for general better comfort, I'm actually going to take one of these magic keyboards from Apple and just overlay it.
And what I would do is I will run a special program on my computer and known as Caribiner, and this program will essentially disable the building keyboard whenever it detects that there's an external keyboard by Bluetooth being connected.
Let me just show you this other keyboard, though this is the bigger magic keyboard from Apple, and the funny thing is, I believe that these keys are actually better than the smaller keyboard without the num pet.
I actually used this at work where I do even more typing.
So I keep the good one at work and then went on my home.
I use this one.
They're both very similar, actually.
But this one has even better keep pressing distance.
So for you guys out there who want to copy a similar set up actually recommend taking the bigger keyboard with the key pet.
The keys just feel really good on this.
And you should know that I'm the type of guy who has been traditionally extremely picky with keyboards.
I will absolutely not type on the normal keyboard.
And, you know, I see a lot of other people out there using, like, mechanical cue boards and stranger economic you boars.
And I encourage you guys to give this one a try, because I think this is going to stop all of your problems.
I mean, I could type extremely fast on this, so I recommend this one.
Let me show you guys the mouse that I use this is the most I used.
It is a larger tech m 500 I find that It works really well for me, actually, and you may have noticed a few things.
Number one is courted and actually like courted the mice because it means that I don't have to mess around with batteries.
I've tried the wireless mice before.
It is kind of cleaner, but you just end up having a lot of frustration until you figure out that it's are the batteries and then you can switch the batteries out and just have to always carry around.
The extra set batteries is a complete pain, and over I works find the other great thing is actually has thes two buttons on the side.
I programmed thes to correspond to brightness control so I can easily change the brightness of the screen.
And so I want to emphasize again that lighting has been very important for me.
I will always be adjusting the brightness of the screen, and so that is why this light has been so impressive for me.
I can use it to adjust the ambient light around me and over.
I like the shape of it.
I like how it's kind of a larger miles such that it fits my hand and avoids having finger paint.
You know, we can take a look here.
Another mice.
This is the standard Apple mouse.
And contrary to what you might think, this mouse has been actually a pretty poor experience for me, even though it's like named Brandon everything from Apple, because it doesn't really match my hand well, so it ends up hurting my fingers.
Actually, when I'm using it and then just doesn't have any buttons really write it has, like, one or two buttons or something like that.
Now, also mentioned, I've also tried apples trackpad before, and that's even worse.
It's essentially, like just a flat pad, and you use it like a track pad pretty much like this, and you know that ergonomically is just pretty painful to use, and it's just hard to use it to do anything.
Why don't I show you what else I have here?
So let's take a look at us, be courts.
Okay, Uh, now, this is very interesting to think about because this is something I just recently actually began paying attention to.
I have here a Volvo you SBC hub, and this one takes this one USB seaport and expense into three USB ports.
You also have HD am I?
You have Ethernet here.
You have power input, and then you have memory card readers here.
So it seems like it does a lot.
And then I have a power court here, and you may be wondering, why don't I just take this power cord and plug it in to the power input here, which I can certainly do.
And now I only have to pluck this one thing in.
Well, the reason I don't do that is because I realized that this device were actually limit the amount of power that is available to the Mac book.
Pro Apple even sells a very similar one where you can plug the power into this USB C multi poor adapter.
The fact is that none of these was sufficiently power.
Mac Book Pro 15.
The Mac book Pro 15 at least needs 87 watts of power.
These will give you less than that.
Like this will give you 60 watts.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think that your laptop will actually start limiting its own performance.
So what I like to do now is just give my laptop a clean line of power.
And so what you want to always be thinking about is the flow of power.
And this is a USB three port.
It can really only power one high powered USB three device.
So what are these three things that I have connected here?
Well, one is a standard lightning cable for, say, charging iPhones.
One is another cable for charging like my camera.
And so if I were to plug in both the iPhone and my camera at the same time, both of them aren't going to be getting enough power.
And that might be okay.
You know, if I'm just charging them, it would just take longer.
This last port I have connected to a U.
B two hub.
I don't really recommend this too much because this USB two, this one expands this port into three more hubs.
And the only reason I do this is because I need this micro USB kit port and I use this to down like audio files and stuff and then from one of these are connected to my mouse.
So that's my own USB port set up.
It's pretty strange.
You don't necessarily need like this USB two poor.
If you don't need, like, all of this stuff, you could just pluck them astray.
Then this device is kind of nice, because I can use it to also put the memory cards.
If I need to sew, it just does a lot.
So look at my other accessories.
In addition, I will have to your speed drives.
I might back everything up onto this one, and then once a month, I will back everything from this drive onto a second drive.
So I have dual backups.
I used my own backup strips using our sink.
And for those of you who don't know what are saying is it's essentially a copy.
But it can detect which files already exist and are the same and then avoid copying those.
So it's ideal for making backup.
Assure the script with you guys in the description.
The other thing to note with USB cables is just to make sure that you're paying attention to us.
Be two versus USB three.
Like when I was looking through my stuff, I realize that one of my U.
P C two USB adapters was actually USB two point now and the data speeds were just very slow.
Taking a look at my desk.
It's a standard I ke a desk, and that works fine for me and at work.
I have a standing desk and for those of you who may be wondering a lot of people, actually, I've seen they may have standing desks.
They don't really use it that much.
And I found out for myself, too.
I've tried using the standing desks, but if I'm on my feet, it's actually kind of difficult for me to concentrate.
I'd like to just sit down their house and me get more into the zone.
So in my personal opinion, I think that standing desks are overrated.
Taking a look at my chair just standard Costco imitation heir own chair.
Pretty nice.
Pretty sweet.
The last interesting thing, maybe to talk about my headphones, their wireless Bluetooth noise canceling, I find that the sound quality is very good.
It's amazing, actually, you can get one of these by working at Google.
They don't really sell this stuff, so get a job there if you want one of these headphones.
I also have a pair of Aeropostale user can actually maybe when I'm on the go or from picking a jug.
And lastly, I just have baskets of tools, papers, pens, tape, scissors, random stuff that I might need throughout the day in the back.
Um, I'm not really sure how to organize this any better.
If any of you guys have ideas, let me know.
Like I got like, extra credit cards.
I got, like, multi tools, funny little toys, tape souvenirs for the books, cash a box for random receipts, tissue paper.
Just lost a random stuff in the back here.
So that's my laptop setup.
I like to keep things simple.
If I can.
If I'm at work, I'm going to have a very similar set up to all this.
And then I might actually have a second computer like, say, a Mac Pro, where I can do additional work that door for me, please share your desk set ups.
In the comments below, I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys have set up.
If you like the video, give it the like and subscribe and I'll see you next time.