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  • All right, ladies and gentlemen, this is an exciting smartphone.

  • It's an unusual smartphone.

  • It might be a smart bone that you've never heard of.

  • Well, it's from a brand that's a little lesser known Right now they're called Red Magic.

  • They're part of another brand of smartphones, Nubia.

  • But this is the gaming centric, gaming focused brand within the brand.

  • What you need to know is that this smartphone in front of me has some features on it that I've never seen in a smartphone before and, most importantly, released the thing.

  • I'm most excited to check out the display 144 hurts on a smartphone display.

  • I thought we were done at 1 20 Of course, we're not done because gaming smartphones exist that went gaming exists.

  • 144 hertz exist.

  • Will I be able to notice a difference?

  • I don't know.

  • I've been using 1 20 of course, on the latest Samsung stuff, so I'll do a comparison.

  • This is the new Red Magic five g Look.

  • Att tthe ian Boxing experience.

  • My goodness.

  • Cyborg status over here.

  • Back of the package Qualcomm snapdragon 8 65 5 G built in 6.65 inch 1 44 Hertz AMA led screen Turbo Fan Liquid Cooling There's actually physical fans on the inside of this smartphone Sony 64 megapixel, ultra wide trip of camera.

  • It has gaming shoulder triggers built right into the smartphone so it doesn't require some kind of external attachment.

  • There is an external attachment you can get for it if you want actual tactile buttons.

  • But this has touched sensitive shoulder buttons similar to a controller.

  • We're gonna test those out to EA Sports inspired RGB strip gaming stereo DTs 7.1.

  • Now you know I love to test the audio on smartphone, so we'll do that as well.

  • DDR five RAM plus U.

  • F s 3.0 storage and a 45 100 million power battery.

  • Now that's the only kind of surprising spec if you're going for the powerhouse status.

  • If you're trying to say we get the 8 65 we got the 1 44 herds display.

  • You're gaming your lights out.

  • You might want I don't know, a 1,005,000 far better, but whatever, I'm nitpicking.

  • It's got some cool specs.

  • Now this one is eclipse Black in color.

  • Eight Gigs of Ram, 1 28 Gigs of Storage.

  • All right, let's get this ghost in the shell type of sideboard type of Annam, a situation off the top and look at the phone.

  • Red Magic five G and you can see it's got the gamer aesthetic going on.

  • As you expect in a device like this, you have the red and the black and a gray.

  • It kind of reminds you of a sports car or something.

  • And here at the top, in tiny little lettering, it says, powered by Nubia.

  • So again, a sub brand of Nubia here is the triple camera set up, a kind of small little setup not extending too far outside of the shell of the smartphone itself.

  • And then the five g indicator this Red Magic logo in the center that's actually going to glow.

  • It's also some paperwork in the package.

  • Sim Card Tool is in there as well, a black and red USB cable because it's got to go with the whole I mean, check it out.

  • You have to have the whole aesthetic going on black and red and the cable in the phone, and then the last thing in the package is going to be this power brick.

  • This is an unusual phone and have this X on the back, this sports car style of design.

  • And then things get even more strange as you flip onto the side of the unit.

  • You can see here you have this grill in an unusual place.

  • No, it is not a speaker girl.

  • This is an actual exhaust area for heat because the phone is a running hot.

  • Well, it's trying not to run hot, obviously, but your gaming a lot and it's heating up, and you wanted to continue to perform at its top potential.

  • So this has extra cooling added, and it's not just on that side.

  • It's going to be over here on this side as well.

  • So both sides have these vents and actual active cooling that you can turn on or off.

  • When I get into the settings here, I'll show you how you could do that on this side.

  • You're also gonna have your volume up and down.

  • You're gonna have your power switch, and I kind of appreciate the fact that they moved it down the chassis year.

  • Since it is such a large phone, it's a little easier to reach.

  • You can also notice your shoulder buttons up here in the top.

  • Touch sensitive little grooves in there for where you touch and you're kind of you're just be holding it like this when you're gaming.

  • This could be this could be cool for games like pudgy shooter games.

  • Also, racing games.

  • I suppose you put your accelerator over there and so on, and you can actually map these things.

  • So if you're if you're wondering, hate is does the game support this?

  • When you start the game up, you pull down a little software indicator of the area of the screen.

  • You want these shoulder buttons to activate, so if there's a button down in the bottom right corner, you want to have mapped to the right shoulder button.

  • You could do that left shoulder button.

  • Same story.

  • Bottom of the device is goingto have your speaker port as well as a USB tight see connector.

  • This is also where you're going to insert your SIM card and then on the top.

  • Believe it or not, you're still going to see an analog headphone Jack.

  • This is probably a feature that's important to gamers out there.

  • They want no late and see no lag.

  • They wanna plug ahead set in So they've included a headset here.

  • There's this port.

  • This is going to be utilized for certain accessories.

  • Control is that there's a dock actually, that's gonna use this particular port and then at the top here, this is your game mode switch.

  • So all you're gonna have to do to pop into gay Motors, just switch this over, and then it's going to enable all kinds of various settings that you might want while playing a game, like the ability to quickly disable phone calls.

  • Put the phone into 144 hurts and so forth whatever settings you want with one switch, which is kind of cool, because on mobile games you might not have that much time to go in and reconfigure each time.

  • So as Faras unlocking his concern, there's an inn display fingerprint scanner.

  • Now I want to show you something real quick with the screen.

  • With the display by default, the 1 44 hertz is actually not enabled.

  • You have to jump in here and head over to screen.

  • Refresh rate where they kind of warn you that if you are going to utilize 1 44 hurts, then be aware you're going to drain even Maur battery Now, normally, I would think, Hey, you should have this thing in its top potential spec straight away out of the gate.

  • But I actually don't mind this in this particular scenario because they do have that gay boat which can shoot you straight into 1 44 Hertz.

  • And on top of that, you're not going to even be able to take advantage of 1 44 hurts in many, many apse.

  • So I kind of understand it.

  • But of course, for the purpose of his video, we got to check out the 1 44 hurts.

  • The screen picture is smoother, they say silky smooth.

  • In fact, what can I say?

  • I mean, can I notice a difference 1 44?

  • I don't really know.

  • I think when I head into the settings here, I mean, it's very smooth and very snappy.

  • You pair won't 44 hurts with snapdragon 8 65 and you're in business, obviously, but it's gonna be I mean, I'll just for the purpose of it since we're here.

  • I haven't s 20 ultra sitting here, so why don't we do the same thing?

  • Just jump into settings real quick.

  • Okay.

  • Settings, Both phones get the focus.

  • Real quick settings, both phones, three fresh re fresh race.

  • I mean, obviously you're not gonna be able to tell the difference.

  • One thing that's obvious to me here, having these two phone side by side is the fact that this one is actually surprisingly bright.

  • It's about as bright as the S 20 ultra.

  • And also it's almost the exact same form factor as well.

  • Now, granted, the S 20 ultra.

  • No top embezzle, very little on the bottom.

  • You have the single little hole punch on the top.

  • You're getting a better screen to body ratio.

  • Obviously, on he s 20 ultra how much that matters to you.

  • I mean, it's tough to even cross shop these phones, since the target audience is a bit different.

  • Though I guess a lot of gamers would be interested in the S 20 ultra.

  • But I have to say just the screen in general, from a brightness perspective, it's comparable to me.

  • It depends, of course, on which frame you have open at a particular moment and how bright that that frame happens to be.

  • But I would say, certainly when you're looking at icons at Full Blast, they're very similar from that standpoint.

  • Anyway, I'll get the S 20 altar out of here now.

  • One of the things I'm excited about on here is the audio.

  • Apparently, they paid a lot of attention to the audio.

  • It's best taken advantage of inside of the game mod.

  • And since this is such a gaming centric smartphone, I think we should just jump in there right away by clicking this tiny little red switch up at the top and boom, just like this.

  • You catch the animation red magic, and this is where your games are going to live, along with the various settings that you have for those games that are inside of this game mode.

  • And then you see a little indicator in the bottom left for your cooling fan and a button for your dazzle light.

  • If I flip this around real quick, you'll see the Red Magic logo there is actually already glowing.

  • Now a lot of the magic happens when you swipe in from the right hand side.

  • You can see your CPU clock speed GPU clock speed.

  • You have a bunch of different settings here for the fan for the screen.

  • Refresh whether or not you wanna block calls messages.

  • You can turn on for the shock, which is supported in certain titles.

  • Pudgy Mobile included.

  • There's just a bunch of different gaming centric settings that you can have within this game space that can automatically load when you click that simple button right there, or it's actually more like a switch.

  • Same with screen brightness.

  • You could have everything.

  • The screen brightness goes up, the fans turn on, the refresh goes up and your calls get turned off all within one click.

  • Oh, and by the way, the cooling fans actually work.

  • So if I put this up to my year, I was curious.

  • At first I was.

  • I was skeptical.

  • It's like, Is that Is that really?

  • And I don't know if you're gonna be able to hear it or not on the microphone.

  • I'll give you a chance at it.

  • I mean, it's very unlikely.

  • You weak, you can even hear it.

  • To be honest, it's it's super quiet, but there is a kind of like a small little hum to it, which indicates to me an actual physical fan in there, blowing a little bit of air out, giving you that, giving you that high clock speed on your snapdragon.

  • 8 65 All right, so let's go ahead and boot up Pub ji and what I'm going to show you here is how you map these shoulder buttons.

  • Tow any game that you want to play.

  • Oh, and by the way, there's an actual rumble to it with the 40 Aspect.

  • Wow thing again, this is optimized.

  • Turn down for saying this is optimized for game type experiences, possibly movie type experiences.

  • It's a kind of DTs.

  • It's like a surround type of environment.

  • You're probably not going to see as much of a benefit on things like music.

  • It'll sound like a more typical smartphone speaker.

  • There's a thick way pull out from the right hand side and we hit the touch button and check this out.

  • If I want to move my right trigger over to say where the punch is Boom.

  • No problem.

  • Left what I want to put left.

  • Oh, I don't know.

  • How about this other one right here.

  • The other punch touch.

  • Sensitivity low, normal, high on each one.

  • You turn the buttons off completely and you can turn vibration feedback on it off.

  • That's a haptic feedback.

  • And as you can see now, I don't need to reach there with my thumb so I can keep my thumb somewhere else, right?

  • I guess on the under the joysticks.

  • I'm a plate pub G in a while.

  • Oh, man, I've been playing so much call of duty lately that I forgot.

  • I forgot.

  • You can't put you can't put your parachute back.

  • It's a real parachute.

  • It's not a glider.

  • So once you pull it, it's out.

  • I totally forgot.

  • Called duty.

  • Got my brain.

  • Am I gonna make a year?

  • Yeah, we'll make it.

  • Okay.

  • Cool.

  • Somebody's already shooting at me.

  • That's not good.

  • Those are them.

  • That some loud gunfire on there?

  • T weren't lying above the audio over here.

  • Is there anything I need to remember how to play this game right now?

  • I got a pan.

  • I got a pan right now.

  • Okay, fine.

  • We'll finish.

  • Oh, and let's go try it out.

  • I'm gonna die.

  • I'm gonna die really hitting me here.

  • We're gonna try and get him with the pan real quick.

  • Yeah, Yeah.

  • Oh, good.

  • Oh, my.

  • That's not what I expected to happen.

  • Wow.

  • All right, well, yes, it's the very first round on a brand new account, so that's a Baader who that is.

  • But anyway, better chance to hear that audio again.

  • More that.

  • Yeah, I'm telling you, it's Ah, it's cool to to see some smart phone company paying attention to the sound and trying to give a better experience when you don't have the headphones on.

  • I know most people are wearing headphones, but sometimes I just don't want to wear headphones.

  • Whether it's a video I'm watching or game that I'm playing toe have that more immersive experience, or at least the option for it.

  • It's kind of cool.

  • So to back out of this mode, all you do is click the switch in the other direction and you're back to a regular phone.

  • The styling is gonna be really specific.

  • It's for a particular type of individual, so it's gonna be for a particular buyer that's into this kind of aggressive look, I'm not saying that I'm not I'm just saying that not everybody will be.

  • It's certainly not subdued.

  • It's not making any excuses.

  • It's It's coming right out front and telling you what it is.

  • It's a gaming phone.

  • We have gaming smartphones now.

  • It sounds good.

  • It obviously games.

  • Good.

  • One more curious question we have to address, obviously before we take off.

  • What about the cameras?

  • Now, I know it's not the main focus for a device like this, but you still got your still gonna want to take a picture here and there.

  • So is it going to be any good?

  • I don't know.

  • Well, pulled out the trusty remote here, and we'll try to capture a one ex real quick.

  • That's a one X.

  • What else does it have?

  • It has a three X.

  • It has a five X Now, of course, we're in the digital land, but actually, it doesn't look very bad.

  • Uh huh.

  • Ah, well, I mean, you can tell it's a digital zoom.

  • At that point, that one looks kind of used.

  • Voiced, a texture and a remote control.

  • This one looks really good.

  • Actually, these to look really good.

  • We'll do a selfie real quick as well.

  • Oh, you know, I got to turn off the beauty mode real quick.

  • And 321 even phones where I feel in 2020 where I'm curious about the camera performance where I'm thinking to myself, Man, how much focus did they put into it?

  • Because they don't really have to.

  • But then you remember that so many of these smartphones are sharing similar components, in particular the camera sensor, which in this case comes from Sony.

  • So it's kind of hard to screw it up too much in this case, both on the front camera and some quick samples on the rear camera.

  • They look usable, and I think, for a gamer, for a person who's interested in this type of power, who's interested in this type of styling right here, and the lighting and the shoulder buttons do not starting your journey with the camera anyways, so if it could take some decent photos, that should be good enough anyway.

  • There it is, something different, something you might not have known about, and certainly one of the fastest smartphones I've ever tested.

All right, ladies and gentlemen, this is an exciting smartphone.

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你從未聽說過的最酷智能手機...... (The Coolest Smartphone You've Never Heard Of...)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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