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I'm a new job and I'm hit Bill and its tip Tuesday on Show Me the curry dot com that today's tip is how to chill wine without watering it down or diluting it, especially white wine.
You know, every once in a while you want to have a glass, and we don't haven't you?
Don't put you forgot to put it in the fridge fridge and you know, cool it down and white wine.
Birthday is good when it's chilled.
So, uh, and you don't want a water it down by putting ice.
Oops, Grant.
So here's a great tip.
We have some grapes over here.
You washed him, and we just keep it in the freezer and just keep it.
Comes in all the time like ice cubes, like they're just sitting your freezer.
And whenever you need him there, there, Right, So all you do is, you know, pour yourself a glass of wine, you know, and just break off some grapes, hopes and just add them to the wine.
Look at that and this act says ice cubes and chilling the wine.
But also it keeps the wine chilled.
So even if you have a chilled bottle of wine already thought about it in advance, and it's already chilled.
If it takes you a while to drink that wine by the end of it, that wine does get warm.
So if you have this and you keep it in there, it'll just keep it chilled all the way through your whole lesson one.
And then you just get the great exactly for Children.
I know you can keep this in your fridge all the time, but this makes a great snack like a summer snack.
Frozen grapes.
They don't freeze all the way through so they won't break your teeth or not that solid.
But it's like a nice soft freeze, so kids love them.
They just chew on him in the summer months, Another added, Wait Langston, share all of this particular grapes, washed them, put them in the Ziploc and just keep them in the freezer.
And when you want, just take it out and add it right?
So, cheers to that.
And if you have a tip out there that you'd like to share with us and our viewers, please email it at tips at Show Me the curry dot com it's t i P s at showed me the kree dot com and join us again on another Tuesday for another tip from Show me the way.