Ifyou'rethetypeofindividualthatisinterestedinthatparticularaspectofthiscase, thenyou'veprobably, at a certainpointbumpedinto a scenariowhereyourdeviceisoverheatedinsomefashion.
I gottogowith a nostalgiclikechildhoodthing, whichislike, Whatmyno, nowouldmakelike a like a pastthewithmeatsauceProbablyAh, rigatoniorsomethinglikethis.
I can I can.
I can I canrollbacktheclock.
I canloseitfor a minute.
Youknow, withtomatosauceintheCitrusandthe l don't theypassedthatnotovercookedItalians.
What's goingon?
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