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(upbeat music)
- Hi Everybody!
Today I'm going to make authentic gimbap,
seaweed rice rolls.
So rice and delicious colorful ingredients
rolled in seaweed paper and cut into bite-sized pieces.
We call this "gimbap," delicious.
It's a really really these days,
the weather is awesome.
Soon everybody wants to go on a picnic.
This is a perfect dish for picnic.
Let's start!
I'm going to transfer this rice to large bowl.
Add half teaspoon salt,
sesame oil around one or two teaspoon.
And let's mix.
Smells so good, sesame oil.
I'm going to let it cool.
In the meanwhile, let's prepare
all the ingredients.
Cut into...
Instead of a carrot you could use artificial crab stick
because for the red color.
But today I'm going to really follow the authentic way.
One and half cup, get little bit salt.
And mix this.
Let them sweat.
My rice is all a little cooled down, still warm
but I don't want to make it dry
so I'm going to wrap this one
while I'm preparing other ingredients.
This is danmuji, yellow pickled radish.
I cannot make gimbap without this,
made with daikon and then it's sweet and also salty
and a little sour.
Crispy, like a pickle.
Little bit left over like this.
And then...
This a cookie cutter.
I'm boiling water to blanch my spinach.
It has long stems.
This is good to make gimbap.
It takes only 30 seconds to one minute,
just until spinach is withered.
Okay, I'm going to turn off.
(water running)
Squeeze out the excess water.
We are going to season this.
Garlic cloves, minced.
Salt and sesame oil and mix.
Today I'm using skirt steak.
It's beef, but you can use a ground beef,
but usually I use ground beef
but today I'm going to make
a really special upgraded gimbap.
(water running)
So trim the all fat.
Skirt steak is really delicious, whatever you make.
But in the gimbap it's really really tasty.
I'm going to use my knife so that
it's not going to shrunk much.
And one garlic.
This is a large garlic, so you may use two garlic cloves.
So a little sweet and salty I'll make this.
Ground black pepper and sugar
and mix.
Let's make egg.
(cracks egg)
Some salt.
Let's cook.
Put some cooking oil here.
And then I'm going to lower the heat.
Just wipe off a little bit like this.
I use hands but you guys can use spatula.
So I'm going to let this sit here
and still little, little cooking.
So meanwhile I'm going to stir-fry other ingredients.
Carrot and beef.
Which one first?
Carrot first.
So another pan, add some cooking oil.
The water is coming out because we salted a little bit.
I just did exactly 40 seconds, stir-fried
and then let's put it just right next to spinach.
Beef, over medium-high heat.
Okay, done, turn off.
Our egg's cooled down.
So cut this thin strips.
This is seaweed paper, "gim."
I use five. Roast this way over low heat.
Bamboo mat to make gimbap.
So I've been using this for a long time.
But if you don't have this, you still can make gimbap
just using your hand, I'll show you later.
Then gim has a shiny part and rough part.
The shiny part down, so let's do this.
And then rice.
This rice is a little less than one cup.
It's going to be a really nice size.
And spread the rice really thinly.
As you see, there's around two inches I'm just leaving out.
Two inches.
Just press down so that when it's made
it's not going to fall off easily.
Like that.
Carrot, how 'bout that.
It depends on your mood, choosing which one first.
Yellow, danmuji, egg and spinach.
Just lift this together and then this edge part
is going to edge part of the rice.
So that exactly the ingredient is going to be in the center.
And then just tightly grab like this.
And then, this guy, lift.
And then roll it with your right hand.
Again, like this.
Can you do that?
Wow, so pretty, eh?
And the next one, spread the rice with rice scoop first.
And then, later using your fingers like that.
In Korea we always make this special gimbap
on the So-poong Day.
"So-poong" means my Korean children's school picnic day.
And then we make extra delicious gimbap for teacher.
So for my own children plus teacher.
So I used to make this for my children's teacher.
In Korea when I lived there, the beef was so expensive
but on So-poong Day, like picnic day is exceptional.
I buy the best best quality beef and make this nicely
with a lot of effort and then to make really pretty
and then give it to my children's
"Oh, give it to your teacher!"
(upbeat music)
My last gimbap, as I told you,
if we don't have mat "Oh I cannot make gimbap without this."
No, you can make it.
So I'm going to show you just using my hands.
When I travel usually I just use my hands, like this.
And beef.
Juicy, juicy.
Look at this guy.
Press, press.
Okay, done.
To make more shiny and tasty I usually add some sesame oil.
So when you cut this, you need a little wet cotton cloth.
I'm just using paper towel because
you need to keep cleaning the knife.
This is my lunchbox.
When I was in high school
I used to use this kind of lunch box.
And then, just lift this, transfer here.
And then even when I travel, when I open this one,
it still look really appetizing,
so I usually sesame seeds.
(foil crunches)
So before I go on a long trip,
I always make this lunchbox like this, cooking foil.
I always prepare one apple for dessert.
This gimbap is very easy to eat.
Simply you can pick it up, even you can use your hand.
Or just chopsticks like this.
(upbeat music)
Very very delicious.
Today we made Korean classic gimbap.
Enjoy my recipe.
See you next time! Bye!
(upbeat music)