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Oh, yeah.
What is up?
I'm Ethan, your real life English food.
See, Coach.
And today I have a dynamite lesson for you from one of my personal favorites, modern family.
And in this scene, we will see the Gloria is an awful, awful singer.
Probably a lot like myself.
But, you know, I know I'm a horrible singer.
Gloria doesn't hat and we will see what happens when her husband tells her the cold, honest truth.
If this lesson and seen makes you laugh or learn something, then why don't you help us to continue making new lessons like this for you?
By hitting the like button and subscribing Downbelow aren't Let's jump in to this scene from modern family.
You're a mark in bad need The Impaired one sing but magic diamond ring Pop it by 10 diamond rings to get that mockingbird to shut the hell up.
But I wasn't gonna fill Gloria.
She was a terrible singer.
That's just taking a bath with a toaster.
Still the thought of that poor little thing stuck in there like a hostage listening to that racket days on end.
I just couldn't take it.
And if they're Billy got one.
Push every legal.
I'll tell you what Papa is going to do.
He's gonna take a turn on that.
Mike, I really I've been thinking If it's a chance to bond, I should take I Jane, that's great.
I think that the sound of my boys shouldn't be the only thing that the baby should hear.
Breaker breaker, Big J baby.
What's your 20 over?
That's so cute.
You sound like smoking there.
Ongoing High kid.
This your dad?
Jay Pritchett.
We're all pretty excited to meet you.
Just a heads up.
I might be a few years older than you're expecting, but on the plus side, we're very comfortable.
What's that?
What were you doing there?
Ah, juicy Still.
Daddy's turn leaving 17 dead and thousands without power.
J please.
He's back to the baby.
Listens to such terrible things.
Heard worse.
J do you know a good one hour dry cleaner?
And I don't mean the must be in by 10 on Lee are weekdays.
I need a coupon kind.
I mean a hard one hour.
This conversation feels like a hard one hour.
And what do you need to clean for it?
Spotless There's mustard here from Reuben's Reuben.
That's what happens when you put a narcissist in charge of snack day.
Okay, Is my turn again, baby?
Is Dermot.
Why don't we give him a break?
He probably needs a minute because he just learned about a deadly tornado.
Okay, stop calling him.
He What if he says she and you're making her upset?
I told you, that's just the shorthand I'm using, don't we?
Oh, do you really want your unborn baby to hear you fighting like this?
Studies show it's unhealthy.
Four feet is to be exposed to a stressful environment.
You're 13.
Read a comic book.
What time is your game?
Have to be there at three.
For hitting practice.
Batting practice.
Not for me, Jay.
I don't want our baby to think that he's coming into an unhappy home.
Its promise that we're never, ever going to fight in front of him.
No fighting in front of it.
Okay, Good doing going Todo No more singing.
Because you stink.
You're a terrible singer.
Come on, let's get some lunch.
I don't know.
No fighting in front of the baby.
We just made a deal that's fair because I am always in front of the baby.
You're his close to perfect.
This woman gets nothing but with one tiny little flaw, yours is when you start to sing It sounds like something got stuck in the vacuum clean.
That's your God.
That is just your stupid, stupid opinion, J But I am very angry at you, and I am gonna make a list ofall the things that I am going to scream and you ask me these babies out of me I didn't think it all the way through.
Please rise for the national anthem.
I'm gonna show you who can sing for Be rough despite all the evidence Oh, you don't like which I guess isn't so bad.
All I'm saying is I hope that God, you don't have your mother's singing voice But, man, I hope you get her self confidence way The bad you are bad.
I used to tell someone to be quiet, calm or still example She's trying to hush her baby mockingbird an American bird.
They copies the sounds made by other birds pop it by 10 diamond rings to get that mockingbird to shut the hell up shut the hell up shut up is used to tell someone to stop.
Talking north of this often is said with an angry tone and shouldn't be used If you want to communicate with a respectful manner, Shut the hell up is an even more aggressive way to say the same thing.
John was about to spill the beans when I told him to shut the hell up Here.
J is making a play on words with the famous nursery rhyme, that glorious singing.
But I wasn't gonna fill Gloria.
She was a terrible singer.
That's just taking a bath with a toaster that's just taking a bath with a toaster.
By this, J is basically saying it is a suicidal act or a very bad idea.
This comes from the concept of committing suicide by electrocuting yourself, taking a bath with a toaster.
Still, the thought of that poor little thing stuck in there like a hostage listening to that racket days on end.
I just couldn't take it.
Stuck in there like a hostage.
To be stuck is to be in a position where you can't move Example.
He thought he could fit through the hole, but now his head is stuck, and ah, hostage is a person who was captured by someone who demands certain things to be done before letting them free.
Example, the robbers took several hostages in the bank.
Listening to that racket allowed unpleasant noise or person making such a noise.
When the neighbors threw a party, he hated the late night racket so much that he called the police days on end on end means to be happening for several days in a row.
This has also said as ours weeks or years on end Example.
When he got his PlayStation for, he played on that thing for days on end.
I just couldn't take it.
If you say you can't take something, it means you can't tolerate it.
I used to be okay with her native attitude, but I can't take it anymore.
By the way, on end is a super common expression in English.
Can you think of an example?
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Write that down in the comments below.
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Then Let's get back to the lesson and the Billy got one push.
Billy, go a male.
Go here Gloria is making up new lyrics.
It is funny because a nursery rhyme would not end with killing an animal, but it is making fun of her Colombian roots.
Hey, what Papa is going to do, he's gonna take a turn on that might take a turn on the mike to take turns.
Is the alternate doing something with somebody else?
So Jay is saying that he's going to take a turn on the mike, the shortened word for microphone in order to talk to the baby and prevent Gloria from singing.
Yeah, I've been thinking, If it's a chance to bond, I should take to Bond to become close to another person by getting to know them and having things in common example.
In the beginning, I didn't like Aaron, to be honest.
But later on in the year we started Bond, I think that the sound of my boys shouldn't be the only thing that the baby should hear.
Same pitch to be on the same page.
If you're on the same page or someone, it means you agree with them or are thinking the same thing.
After some initial disagreement, we got on the same page as Faras.
What name to give our baby breaker breaker?
Big J Baby.
What's your 20 over?
This is a popular term in truck driver talk from the famous 1977 action comedy movie Smokey and The Bandit, which Gloria mentions when she says Smokey and the Bandit Go Bandido is Spanish for bandit.
For truckers, Breaker Breaker is used to start a communication.
J does this for fun because the machine they used to talk to the baby seems like a truck's intercom.
What's your 20 used to say?
What's your location?
This is most commonly used in radio communication.
You're just a heads up.
I might be a few years older than you're expecting, but on the plus side, we're very comfortable Heads up.
If you give someone a heads up, you warn that person about something before it happens.
My friend gave me the heads up that I should take warm clothes when I visit her in her town.
On the plus side, used to introduce the favorable view or perspective of something that also has a negative aspect example.
The team ended up losing, but on the plus side we got to watch the game live and had a good time with friends.
What's that?
Tough womb.
When a comedian or entertainer performs in front of an audience and they don't react positively, they might say tough room.
But J.
Makes a play on words with womb because the baby is the audience, tough means difficult, and womb is the place in a woman's body where the baby grows and develops.
What were you doing there?
What were you doing there?
Sleeping J.
Do you know a good one hour dry cleaner?
And I don't mean the must be in by 10 Only on weekdays.
I need a coupon kind.
I mean a hard one hour.
This conversation feels like a hard one hour, one hour dry cleaner, a business that dry cleans clothes, particularly in one hour or less.
Dry cleaning is a process for cleaning clothes, using special chemicals instead of water.
This conversation feels like a hard one hour.
This joke is a word play with the double meaning of the word heart.
First of all, Manny the kid says that he needs his shirt cleaned in a hard one hour, which means the one hour time limit is hard or not flexible.
Makes a joke, saying that this conversation feels like a hard or difficult hour, and what do you need to clean for it?
There's muster here from Reuben's Reuben.
That's what happens when you put a narcissist in charge of snack day, spotless without any spot or stain.
In other words, perfectly clean example.
The kitchen was spotless when I finished cleaning and mustard, a thick yellow or brown sauce, usually in on hot dogs or sandwiches.
Reuben's Reuben A.
Reuben is a type of sandwich.
This is funny because his friend's name is Reuben, and he got everyone Reuben sandwiches for snack Day.
And this is also why man, he calls him a narcissist narcissist, someone who loves and admires him or herself, especially his or her appearance.
Too much snagged A snack is a smaller amount of food that you eat between meals like some cookies or a fruit in USA.
It is common in schools to have a snack day every week, where students take turns bringing food for everyone.
Why don't we give him a break?
Why don't you break?
Why don't we give him a break?
Why don't we give him a break.
To give someone a break means to give somebody arrest from something.
It can also mean to stop treating someone in a strict or difficult way.
Okay, stop calling him.
He What if he says she and you're making her upset?
I told you, that's just the short hand I'm using.
Don't know shorthand.
A short or quick way of showing or saying something.
NYC is shorthand for New York City jumped down someone's throat to react angrily to something that someone says or does, and with a verbal attack example, he asked her a very some question, and she jumped on his throat.
Had to be there at three for hitting practice.
Batting practice.
Not for me.
Batting practice.
A practice session in baseball consisting of hitting the ball with a bat.
No fighting in front of the baby.
No fighting in front, no fighting in front of doing way.
The twinkle, the oscillating brightness that is released from a light.
For example, a star Gloria is trying to sing the classic nursery rhyme, twinkle, twinkle, little star, but it seems she's confusing the song with another one.
Mary had a little lamb because you stink.
You're a terrible singer.
A slightly less aggressive version of saying suck as in, she sucks it.
Singing to stink or suck in this case means to be bad at something example.
They usually play well at the start of the game, but they stink at the end.
No fighting in front of the baby.
We just made it to make a deal, to come to a formal agreement.
Often in business example, I can't believe they made a deal with that oil company.
They really have no ethics left Example.
We made a deal with our son.
If he doesn't pass his math exam, he has to wash the dishes for a month.
He was close to perfect.
This woman gets nothing, but with one tiny little flaw, yours is when you start to sing.
It sounds like something that stuck in the vacuum clean.
That's your God.
You're as close to perfect as a woman gets.
The base expression here is to be as good as it gets.
But note that you might replace good for another adjective.
If something is as good as it gets, it means they can't get any better.
Example The Godfather is as good as a movie gets.
You probably know the famous Oscar winning Jack Nicholson movie As Good as it Gets by a different name in your native language flaw.
A small fault or weakness.
She's a great example of a leader, but I'd say one of her few flaws is that she's a bit sensitive at times.
Vacuum cleaner, an electrical machine that cleans floors, rugs, et cetera by second qtr and dust.
I didn't think it all the way through Thinks something through to carefully consider the possible results of doing something.
To think something all the way through achieves the same meaning, but with an added degree of emphasis example.
I bet she now No, she didn't think it all the way through when she decided to quit her job.
Please rise for the national anthem rise.
Generally, the word means to move upward.
In this case, as a command to pay respect to the national anthem, it means to stand up.
Another common cola Cation, you probably know, is Sunrise National Anthem.
An Anthem is a formal song of loyalty, praise or happiness.
A national anthem is a song recognized as a country song.
In this scene, Gloria sings the Star Spangled Banner, the national anthem of the United States.
Despite all the evidence, this'll is gonna be rough.
Used to say that something is going to be difficult or will not end well example, man, this is gonna be a rough week.
They want me to make a presentation in English despite used to say that something happens or is true, even though there's something that might prevent it from happening or being true.
Despite having the best team, Barcelona didn't win the Champions League.
Don the time of day when sunlight first begins to appear.
Example, we arrive before dawn.
Rockets red glare.
A rocket is a device that shoots into the air and also used to be used as weapons.
A glare is caused by a strong light, so we can imagine that during a battle many rockets shooting could cause a red fiery glare.
The sun's glare is making it difficult to drive.
You're a mark in bad need the bad one sing but magic diamond ring Pop it by 10 diamond rings to get that mockingbird to shut the hell up.
But I wasn't gonna fill Gloria.
She was a terrible singer.
That's just taking a bath with a toaster.
Still, the thought of that poor little thing stuck in there like a hostage listening to that racket days on end.
I just couldn't take it.
And if that Billy got one, push every legal, I'll tell you what Papa is going to do.
He's going to take a turn on that Mike, I really I've been thinking If it's a chance to bond, I should take I J.
That's great.
I think that the sound of my boys shouldn't be the only thing that the baby should hear.
Breaker breaker, Big J baby.
What's your 20 over?
That's a cute just like smoke in there.
Indeed of ongoing high kid This your dad?
Jay Pritchett.
We're all pretty excited to meet you.
Just a heads up.
I might be a few years older than you're expecting, but on the plus side, we're very comfortable.
What's that?
Tough room.
What were you doing there?
You sleeping?
Ah, juicy Still.
Daddy's turn leaving 17 dead and thousands without power.
J please.
He's back to the baby.
Listens to such terrible things.
Heard worse.
J do you know, a good one hour dry cleaner.
And I don't mean the must be in by 10 on Lee are weekdays.
You need a coupon kind.
I mean, a hard one hour.
This conversation feels like a hard one hour.
And what do you need to clean for it?
There's muster here from Reuben's Reuben.
That's what happens when you put a narcissist in charge of snack day.
Okay, He's my turn again, Baby.
Is Dermot.
Why don't we give him a break?
He probably needs a minute because he just learned about a deadly tornado.
Okay, stop calling him.
He What if he says she and you're making her upset?
I told you, that's just the short hand I'm using, don't we?
Oh, do you really want your unborn baby to hear you fighting like this?
Studies show it's unhealthy.
Four feet is to be exposed to a stressful environment.
You're 13.
Read a comic book.
What time is your game?
Have to be there at three.
For hitting practice.
Batting practice.
Not for me, Jay.
I don't want our baby to think that he's coming into an unhappy home.
Its promise that we're never, ever going to fight in front of him.
No fighting in front of the baby.
Okay, good.
No more singing.
Because you stink.
You're a terrible singer.
Come on, let's get some lunch.
I don't know.
No fighting in front of the baby.
We just made a deal.
That's not fair.
Because I am always in front of the baby.
You're his close to perfect.
This woman gets nothing.
But with one tiny little flaw, yours is when you start to sing.
It sounds like something that stuck in the vacuum clean.
That's your God.
That's just your stupid, stupid opinion, J But I am very angry at you, and I am gonna make a list ofall the things that I am going to scream at.
You sweetness these babies out of me.
I didn't think it all the way through.
Please rise for the national anthem.
I'm gonna show you who can't sing for despite all the evidence of the conference.
Oh, you like which I guess isn't so bad.
All I'm saying is I hope that God, you don't have your mother's singing voice.
But, man, I hope you get her self confidence try to get some sleep, Doctor.
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