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  • Welcome back.

  • I don't know what you did since the last video,

  • but I went and got a haircut.

  • Thank you.

  • In this video, I am going to do something important,

  • a key feature here.

  • What I want to do is take data from the client, the latitude

  • and longitude, and send it to the server

  • and have the server receive it.

  • Ultimately, the point of this is for the server

  • to eventually save that to a database.

  • But I'm not there yet.

  • I just want to say, the client executes its own client side

  • JavaScript, gets the latitude and longitude,

  • and sends that data to the server and the server

  • can just console log it.

  • I'm going to need to look at three things

  • in order to do this, I'm going to need

  • to look at a concept known as a routing,

  • how do I set up a route in express.

  • This is the place, the end point for the API, the address

  • at which I will send the data to and later also make

  • a request to receive some data.

  • I need to look at adding JSON parsing to express.

  • I need the route when it receives

  • data to understand that data as JSON

  • and make it readable in my code.

  • And then I also need to look at adapting the fetch function

  • to specify a POST request, a request that is posting data

  • or sending data to the server.

  • Let's start with the route.

  • So I want to set up a route on my server.

  • So the way that I do that is by specifying

  • this particular route, will either be a Get or a POST.

  • In this case I expect a POST request,

  • so I am going to go and say

  • Now, once I have a post, I want to specify both the address

  • where I want to receive that POST, as well as a callback

  • function where I'm going to look at the information coming in

  • and send a response back.

  • So let's set up that address, let's

  • set up the endpoint for this particular route.

  • Where I want to receive the post.

  • And I could call it anything I want, like Unicorn, Cupcake,

  • Rainbow.

  • Let's call it Rainbow.

  • All right, I'll give it a name that's maybe more appropriate.

  • I'm going to call it API.

  • API because what I'm really doing here

  • is setting up an application programming interface.

  • This is my API for clients to send data to me.

  • Next, I'm going to set up a callback, request response,

  • and I'm using the ES6, JavaScript ES6 arrow syntax.

  • Just sort of a nice, clean way of putting this in here.

  • So the function is here and it has two arguments, request

  • and response.

  • The request variable hold everything

  • that's contained within that request, all the data that's

  • being sent, any information I need

  • to know about that particular client that's

  • sending the information.

  • The response is a variable that I can use to send things back

  • to the client.

  • So I'm going to need ultimately to do stuff there,

  • but for right now, I'm just going

  • to say console.log request, and I'm just

  • going to leave it like that because let's at least see

  • if we can get this working and see if we can see

  • something console log there.

  • The next step is to have my client send something

  • to this particular endpoint with a post.

  • I can now move over to the client code

  • and setup the post itself using Fetch.

  • So I want to fetch my post over to slash API endpoint.

  • So the client code, remember, this

  • is confusing, server and index.js, client

  • and index.html.

  • I'm going to move over here.

  • This, what I'll do is I'll choose

  • to send this latitude and longitude as soon as I've

  • received it.

  • This is what I did in the previous video.

  • And so now, what I can do is I'll setup--

  • I'm just going to make up an object called Data,

  • and what I want to send is the latitude and longitude

  • inside of an object.

  • So that's what I want to send.

  • So you might think all I need to do if I were just

  • doing a regular Fetch, right?

  • I just wanted to fetch something, that's

  • a Get, regular Get request like I did in previous videos,

  • I would then just say this.

  • Hey, fetch me the stuff from slash API,

  • and I might actually do that a little later when I just

  • do a Get request and get the data that's in the database.

  • But right now, what I want to do is send a POST.

  • In order to send a POST, I need a second argument here,

  • which is just a JavaScript object.

  • I'm going to call it options, and that way I

  • can set it up separately as a variable and kind

  • of examine it more closely.

  • The first property that I need to put in options

  • is the method that I'm using.

  • And that method is a POST.

  • Now, there's a lot of information

  • that you can put here under Options.

  • And if you want to look at all the possibilities,

  • I refer you back to the MDN web docs.

  • There's a nice page here about fetch

  • and we can kind of see all the stuff.

  • OK, what mode and cash and credentials,

  • but really what I need, what I want, the key thing that I want

  • is body.

  • So the body of the POST request is where I'm

  • packaging up all of my data.

  • And you can see here, even though there

  • are different ways to send the data, what I want to do

  • is send it as a string text.

  • I want to stringify, take the JavaScript object data

  • and make it into a JSON string.

  • So I want exactly this right here.

  • And there's one other piece that's important.

  • I am specifically sending data in JSON format.

  • So it's useful to specify that in something called a header.

  • A header is something that can be packaged along with any POST

  • or Get request that's moving between client and server,

  • and it's a way of adding some additional meta information.

  • You can read more about this also on the Mozilla docs.

  • Headers have a name, a colon, and a value.

  • And so the one that I want to use here,

  • I can actually just go and grab it

  • from here, which is this content type application JSON.

  • I'm going to grab this and I'm also

  • going to put this here in my code.

  • So even though there's more that I could put,

  • I the basic pieces that I need are,

  • hey, I want this data to get sent as JSON.

  • I want to tell you that it's going to be JSON

  • and I want to post it to the API.

  • So now we're good, right?

  • So I get the location data, I put it

  • into a JavaScript object, I package it as a POST,

  • and I send it to my endpoint.

  • And in the server, I receive a console log.

  • Let's see what happens.

  • So I'm going to say node index.js to run the server.

  • I'm going to go back to the browser,

  • I'm going to refresh my page, I probably

  • should put some console logging in the client to see--

  • but presumably now, it's sensing the server.

  • I don't see an error here, I go back to the server--

  • whoa, so this is good news.

  • It console-logged something.

  • Oh, as you might have noticed, there's a ton of information

  • as I scroll through this, crazily.

  • While there might be points at which I

  • need to examine certain aspects of all of the metadata that's

  • part of the request, all I really want to look at

  • is the body.

  • So let me now say console log request.body.

  • Now, one thing I should mention, by the way,

  • is notice how I have to re-run the server

  • every single time I change it, there is a utility

  • that I could use called Node Mon or node monitor,

  • and I could install it as a global node module.


  • And if I choose to use it, I can say now, Node Mon for node

  • monitor index.js.

  • And anytime I change the code it's going to rewrite the--

  • sorry, anytime I change the code,

  • it's going to rerun the server.

  • So, for example, I'm going to go here

  • and say, console.log, I got a request.

  • And over here, you'll notice it restarted the server.

  • Sometimes you could run into trouble with this

  • if you're doing a lot of things at once

  • and I often prefer to manually stop and start the server.

  • But for right now, this might be useful.

  • So let me leave that there for right now.

  • Then I'm going to go over here and hit refresh.

  • And presumably it sent the data--

  • oh, it must have sent the data.

  • Presumably it sent the data.

  • I'll go back to the server.

  • I got a request.

  • Undefined, undefined.

  • Why is it undefined?

  • I forgot one of the steps that I told you about.

  • So I did two of them, right?

  • I set up my route called API to receive the request.

  • I also modified the fetch function

  • to send data as a POST.

  • What I did not do was add to my server

  • the ability to parse any incoming data as JSON.

  • The way to do that is with the express function express.json.

  • So, similarly to how I used express.static to say,

  • I want to host--

  • I want this server to host static files,

  • I'm going to say express.json because I

  • want this server to be able to understand

  • incoming data as JSON.

  • So In the code I want to do just like I did up

  • here, app.use express.static, I'm going

  • to say app.use express.json.

  • And then I can actually put some options in here

  • to control or limit what is possible in terms

  • of receiving data.

  • So all of that is documented here on the Express website.

  • Let's add just as an example this limit.

  • So Limit allows me to specify the maximum size of anybody

  • that's coming in.

  • So I'll say a limit.

  • Let's just say one megabyte as a kind of starting point.

  • So this protects against flooding my server

  • with huge amounts of data, potentially.

  • There's more to protecting your server than just that,

  • but we're seeing an inkling of this here.

  • All right.

  • So now we can see Node Mon has restarted

  • my server a bunch of times and I should

  • be able to go back to the webpage and hit Refresh.

  • And it's going to get the latitude and longitude,

  • and now I should see the server--

  • ha-ha, I got a request and I got the latitude and longitude.

  • So the server has successfully received the data.

  • This is what I wanted to do in this video.

  • So in a way, I'm done.

  • Oh, that's exciting.

  • What I've actually done here is pretty

  • terrible in that it is required that you complete a request.

  • So if a Get request or a POST request

  • is coming into the server, I need

  • to do something to complete it.

  • The nicest thing to do if I'm trying to be polite here,

  • which it's good for your server to be polite and send

  • a response back.

  • But at a minimum, I can just say response.end.

  • So this is required to do something.

  • What I think that I would like to do which makes more sense

  • is say response.json, which is a function that will send data.

  • I can also say response.send for just a short message

  • as a string, but I want to send maybe

  • an object back with some data in it.

  • So I'm going to do response.json,

  • and then I would say--

  • I could say like status.

  • I'm just making this up.

  • Success.

  • And then maybe I'll just repeat back what was said to me.

  • This is the therapy server, it listens and then

  • it just repeats it back to you.

  • So I'll say latitude, lat, longitude, lon.

  • So this is what I want to send back now as JavaScript.

  • OK.

  • So then in the client I need to do something to receive this.

  • So if I go back to index.html, what I have here

  • calling the fetch function is where I'm sending the data,

  • and Fetch returns a promise.

  • So I can just say dot then, and then handle the response.

  • Response console.log.response.

  • All right.

  • So let's take a look at this in the browser now.

  • I'm going to hit refresh.

  • It's retrieving my latitude and longitude,

  • it's going to send this to the server,

  • and then here we are, the response.

  • Oh, boy.

  • Look at this.

  • Lat is not defined.

  • Let's look at my code back on the server-- oh, yes.

  • These aren't a thing.

  • Remember, everything is in request.body.

  • So what I could do is say data equals--

  • I could put this in another variable.

  • And then I could just say data dot--

  • I could just say, data.lon.

  • OK.

  • There we go.

  • Let's try this again.

  • So the server should be restarting now

  • any time I make changes because I'm running Node Mon,

  • then I could just go back to the client and hit Refresh.

  • And there is, the response.

  • Now, this isn't what I was looking for.

  • And if you recall from when I first looked at the Fetch

  • function in this whole series, when Response comes back

  • after a Fetch call, it comes in as a data stream.

  • So it's up to you to specify how you want to read that, is it

  • text, is it a blob, is it json, and I

  • want to read this as JSON.

  • So I've got a handle that in the client.

  • And I could use another dot then,

  • but it might be nice to make this an async function, right?

  • This callback inside of get current position can actually

  • be an async function with the async keyword,

  • and then I can use--

  • wait, so I'm going to say const response equals await Fetch API

  • options, then const json.

  • I'll just maybe call it data.

  • There's a wait response.json, and then console log that data.

  • OK.

  • Now I didn't change anything in the server,

  • even if I did, Node Mon going to rerun it for me.

  • Now I should be able to refresh here.

  • Data has already been declared.

  • I'm reusing-- I already use data up here,

  • so let's just call this json.

  • One of the nice things about using or let

  • is it's going to enforce these kind of things to not by action

  • use the same variable.

  • And there it is.

  • Status success and latitude and longitude.


  • We have completed this feature to review.

  • We have now a server that hosts a static file.

  • So when I go and load the server into my browser,

  • I see index.html.

  • The JavaScript HTML locates the latitude and longitude,

  • sends that with a POST to the server, the server receives it,

  • console logs it out, and sends it back saying, I got it.

  • That handshake is complete, the data is exchanged.

  • Usually when I finish these videos

  • I like to give you a little exercise to do, so here's one.

  • The goal, what I'm going to do with the next video

  • is actually save the latitude and longitude

  • along with a timestamp to a database

  • so that I can keep this history of all of my latitude

  • and longitudes over time.

  • Two steps along the way to using a database is, number one,

  • just make a variable, a variable like an array.

  • Every time you get that latitude and longitude

  • save that latitude and longitude into an array.

  • That is persistence.

  • Of course, once you quit the server and restart the server,

  • it's lost.

  • So another thing you could try to do,

  • and this requires some detective work,

  • is look up the Node file system package.

  • Maybe you could use the node file system package

  • to save all of the stuff in that array to a text file.

  • And you can always load that text file, maybe it's JSON

  • format, maybe it's plain text, maybe it's even CSV.

  • Also, while you're doing this, whether you're

  • saving the latitude longitude to an array or a text file,

  • you might want to add a button to your HTML page

  • so that every time you click that button that's

  • when you send the latitude and longitude to the server itself.

  • So this is something that you can really start with,

  • and I will actually implement this and have two examples that

  • show it just storing it an array and then saving it

  • to a local JSON file.

  • But what I'm going to come back to in the next video

  • is a bit more direct.

  • I'm going to use a database node package called NeDB to actually

  • save to a database, and I'll talk about what a database is

  • and what some of the advantages are in the next video.

  • So see you there.




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2.3 使用fetch()的HTTP Post請求--在JavaScript中使用數據和API工作 (2.3 HTTP Post Request with fetch() - Working with Data and APIs in JavaScript)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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