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- Hello lovely people, and welcome back to
the Sims Let's Play series, that I have yet to name.
Suggestions down in the comments below, thanks.
I'll get on that.
With the current corona (groans) disaster?
That's generally kind of scaring all of us at the moment,
I've been playing a lot of Sims.
'Cause when you can't really control the outside world
or what's kind of gonna happen to your health,
it's really helpful to at least be able to
be in control of a little bit of someone else's life.
And I say a little bit because when I loaded up
the game today, for somehow, for some reason,
Jessica has become part of the Good Timers.
I don't know, I don't know how she did that.
This Let's Play is basically,
my wife and I are making Sims of each other
and then I made our dream house
and maybe I went a bit overboard in the garden.
And now I'm gonna make us have lots and lots babies
in the really easy way that you can do in the Sims.
Which, I mean, we haven't even started
trying in the real world,
but I imagine it's not gonna be particularly easy.
So this Let's Play is instead about me living out
my lesbian fantasies, dream come true.
Also, great thing, I get to name the children
the way I want to, because there are a lot of names
that I really like and my wife says no really strongly.
So let's get started with trying to have
our very first baby, really easily.
Can't wait, not jealous at all.
Okay, welcome back to the Kellgren-Fozard household.
I may or may not have gone slightly overboard
on doing the garde.
Why did I put that in there?
I've always wanted a garden that looks a bit
like a National Trust one.
There's a wishing well.
Wish for a child, yes.
Did it not like that?
What's happening?
Oh, I didn't mean wish for a...
Oh, a bundle of joy.
Huh, what a farce, the wishing well foisted
an evil child upon Jessica.
Surely the result of another poor parent's wish
to be rid of the brat.
That is not how I saw this game going.
Gilbert, he's called Gilbert.
Does he have an evil face?
Gilbert, my evil child.
Okay, let's give him a little makeover though,
that's probably a good idea.
You know what, I feel Gilbert should be living up
to his name right now.
So, I've decided that the best thing Claudia and I can do
as good parents, is to help Gilbert to live
his true evil dreams.
So I've given him a little makeover, here we go.
Looking lovely, looking lovely.
I've given him the true evil child in horror movie haircut,
of course, with the sweep to the side.
Always, every child in a horror movie has a side parting,
that's how you know they're creepy.
And sorry glasses wearers, but he is wearing
some lovely round glasses here because every small child
in a horror movie does, that's how you know they're evil.
He's looking very much like "Brahms: The Boy",
if you've seen that particular horror film,
or like he's in "The Omen".
And he is rocking what we like to call colonial chic,
slash banker on a Sunday.
For formal we've given Gilbert a morning suit,
because obviously he has to be level of formal
above everyone else.
And then moving on, we're gonna be showing off
his delightful athletic wear.
Where he will be sporting...
I don't really know how to make athletic wear kind of evil,
but I think this works, it works.
We've got him in some beautiful fury bunny slippers,
because there's nothing we can't face except for bunnies.
Five stars to whoever got that reference,
if you didn't, I'm a little disappointed.
For his party wear, Gilbert is of course rocking
a kind of weird interview with a vampire,
why is there a child in this kind of look.
And again, we're quite a few levels above formality
in what others would be expecting.
I also realize, and I'm really sorry about it,
that sometimes I also arrive at parties
a couple or maybe three levels too formal for everyone else.
And I'm really sorry about that,
I don't mean to be an asshole.
I just, I don't know how to do relaxed.
I mean, I'm relaxed, I'm just relaxed in a ballgown.
For swimwear, Gilbert will be wearing
some beautiful sunglasses, even while in the pool.
For hot weather wear, he is of course wearing
a sweater-vest, because how do you be evil
in the summertime?
Make everyone else feel too hot just by looking at you,
good job Gilbert, good job.
And for cold weather he's rocking,
yes, a delightful rainbow T-shirt.
Because even though Gilbert is evil,
he still supports everyone in the LGBTQI+ umbrella.
So that's our lovely son, Gilbert,
and I think he and I actually look quite cute together.
I had to give myself another hairstyle,
thanks to everyone who suggested this.
She's got hearing aids on both sides,
she's looking lovely, but you couldn't see them
with my original hairstyle.
You can't with this one either that I'm wearing
on my actual head, anyway.
So I've got my hair up.
Ooh, no there are some flowers.
Now, since Gilbert is going to be our evil child,
living his own life, doing his own thing,
I'm still gonna go ahead with the plan for making
a non-evil child.
So, little Sim Jessica and little Sim Claudia,
let's try for a baby.
And Gilbert, you can amuse yourself
in some other evil way.
What are you going to do now?
Oh, he's in there.
Still having a very suggestive conversation.
Go take a pregnancy test, The Sims.
(gasps, mumbles)
Only the minute you find out that you're pregnant,
that's when the baby bump comes.
(gasps) We're expecting.
Claudia, why don't you join the game with Gilbert?
Oh, I think I'm going to start cooking.
Aw, there Claudia is, having a great time,
bonding with little evil Gilbert.
Happily chopping away at my salad,
for some reason still wearing my coat.
This is very exciting for me,
'cause (giggles) I can't carry a baby in real life
but my Sim can.
So look at here, she's just gonna live out my dreams for me.
And I'm thinking about how we should probably
get things for the baby, and also for Gilbert.
Oh, you know what we should do after this salad,
let's make Gilbert do his homework.
Claudia is putting Gilbert to sleep,
he's evil but she still loves him.
It's not a normal...
You know, what you'd expect from a child's room,
but that's just 'cause Gilbert's not into that stuff.
He's got his on the wall because that's the only
decoration he needs, all he cares about is the time.
Making time to crush people's dreams.
I added a little science kit as well,
because you know, he needs to know how to create potions
to take over the world.
Mind control, all that kind of stuff.
I've got big dreams for him, super villain type dreams.
Good morning everyone.
Claudia and Gilbert are playing a lovely of chess together.
I have to say, I'm really enjoying how my night gown looks
with a pregnant belly.
The Sims.
I think it's a good idea to get us jobs.
Maybe I could just still be, (snickers)
I'd just still be a YouTuber.
You know what?
I think I'm gonna make Claudia a gardener,
because then she will be really happy.
Well, if gardening is currently a thing,
why don't we both do some gardening together?
I always really like giving her a gardening career
every time I play with little Claudia,
'cause it just makes her so happy, as it does in real life.
Like currently, right now, she's dug a hole
to make a vegetable patch to help herself calm down
in times of worry and stress.
Okay, currently we are planting
our beautiful little vegetable garden.
My God, I hope ours looks like this one day,
it's so nice, look at it.
And I'm recording myself while doing it to make a video.
Which is pretty much what happens in our actual garden.
Claudia does all the work and I just videotape her doing it.
That's not true, I do stuff.
Honey, sell the honey?
Are we gonna sell this honey?
Please sell the honey, honey.
So I spent the rest of the day
editing that lovely garden video for everyone to enjoy.
No one, I don't think I have any followers in The Sims yet.
And Gilbert's home from school,
he's gone straight to the refrigerator
because I'm a bad mother who did not feed my poor child
before he left for school.
Okay, Claudia, please help your son with his homework.
Aw, and Claudia and Gilbert are friends now.
Well, this must be third trimester, yes?
I might create some kind of parenting club.
Yeah, this Let's Play is just all about
my obsessing parenting.
I completely forgot that it was TV season premiere.
Special night.
So actually we're all staying up
and we're just staying on the sofa
watching this premiere of what is supposed to be
"Game of Thrones" together.
No, what do they call it?
Game of Llamas.
Oh my God, is this like "Grey's Anatomy"?
I've got a bit obsessed with "Grey's Anatomy" recently.
I'm finding it weirdly helpful during this time
of medical crisis to be watching a medical show
about crises, who gets in that many problems?
What are you even saying?
We're just chatting.
Ooh, there's a monster under your bed, Gilbert.
Go make friends with it.
It's a friend for you.
Don't you worry, Gilbert, mum's gonna come
and sort it all out.
Everything's fine.
Oh, oh. (chuckles)
That's a lot of outfit changes there, Jessica.
Okay, just the same thing, sure.
To be fair I do actually want to make a look book
that's just pajama focused, so yeah.
Oh, and Gilbert's trolling the forums.
All right, lovely.
It's happened, I've gone into labor. (shouts softly)
I mean, I'm still putting away the dumplings.
Hi, hello.
Pretty sure labor's more intensive than this.
Okay, I'm still excited, it's loading.
Here we go, let's have a baby.
(humming) Wait, I know why I'm uncomfortable,
what's wrong with you?
Oh, you got stung by bees. (giggles)
Sorry, I was making her...
I was making her spend time with the bees.
Come on, Jessica.
You're supposed to be having a baby, not chatting.
Oh, okay, walking through walls.
(gasps) Here it is, here it comes, oh my goodness.
- [Crowd] Yeah! (cheering and applauding)
- Is it gonna be a girl, is it gonna be a boy?
Which name should I pick?
People left lots of names on the last video,
and my favorite one...
What? No wait.
My favorite one only works if it's a girl.
Or does it?
My favorite one was Clementine.
Which I think is an adorable little girl's name,
like you'll call her Clemmy, it will be really cute.
It's a boy.
Of course it is.
You know what?
I really like the name Clementine, so...
No, no, I can't, no.
All right, let's look at names people gave for last video.
Oh, you know what?
Okay, so I liked Clementine.
But someone has suggested Constantine for a boy.
Okay, we're going with it, I think Constantine
is actually really lovely.
And it is just the type of name that Claudia would not like.
So here we are, living out my child-naming dreams.
(applauds softly) Aw.
We had a baby boy, that's nice, there we go.
Okay, we have Gilbert and Constantine.
Our beautiful, beautiful children.
Here's hoping Constantine doesn't also turn out to be evil.
He smiled, he can't be evil.
He's gonna be a good boy, right?
Oh my God, okay let's do the outro.
It's definitely not four hours after I started
filming this video. (laughs)
So there you go, thank you so much for joining us
for this episode of the Let's Play
that currently has no name.
Please do leave suggestions in the comments down below.
In this episode, we had our lovely children,
Gilbert and Constantine. (laughs)
I mean, you know, it's not what I was expecting.
Every Sims game I play in which Claudia and I have children,
they seem to all be girls.
Not this one, not this one.
Apparently we have two boys and one of them, he's not great.
We love him all the same because that's parenthood.
I hope you've enjoyed this episode,
I hope it's given you a little bit of a giggle.
Because wow boy, do we all need a giggles right now.
We really, really do.
I hope you tune in for the next episode.
If you would like to name a child,
please do leave it in the comments down below.
Something that goes with Gilbert and Constantine. (laughs)
Whatever that is.
And I'll see you in my next video. (smooches)
(upbeat jazz music)