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As the world passes into the second half of the 20th century after the birth of Christ, Western man is confronted for the first time in history with the problem of whether his world and his works will outlast the century.
Whether his culture will survive.
Dissatisfaction and boredom with the daily routines of life are increasingly apparent, no matter how streamlined the design of modern living everyday tasks in the 20th century are often regarded with this taste.
In this age of tension, Man is assiduous and eager in his search for re lax ation.
Too often unhappy with himself, he drips into easy avenues of escape creatively.
Reflecting the anxious temper of the times is modern art and impatience with traditional forms and limitations had launched the 20th century artist on a restless search for new ways of expression on for new techniques.
Today's wide acceptance of modern art indicates that the public to shares that restlessness during the past 50 years, all the arts have had to accept the triumph of the machine.
Traditional forms of painting and sculpture have no function in our streamlined existence.
If they are to find a place in the civilization of the next half century, the visual arts must effect a compromise with the machine.
Mental illness and the breakdown of the individual personality have become the medical professions.
Great new problems multiplied and magnified.
The insecurity of modern man has been tragically demonstrated in the catastrophe of total war.
Ondas 20th Century Reaches the halfway point Scientists dream of unifying the basic concepts of the universe continues to occupy the genius of Professor Albert Einstein.
More than any other group of individuals, the world's great scientists, like physicist J.
Robert Oppenheimer, realize the grave responsibilities of our new knowledge.
Science has profoundly altered the conditions of man's life.
Both materially, didn't ways with spirit as well has extended the range of questions.
Which man has a choice?
This extended man's freedom to make significant decisions?
No one could predict what vast new continents of knowledge the future of science will discover.
But we know that as long as men are free to ask what they will free to say what they think, free to think what they must, science will never regress.
Freedom itself will never be wholly lost with application of this scientific knowledge has a direct bearing on the everyday life and habits of the average man.
Wait, how science will shape his future and how modern industry can bring nations and individuals ever closer together is revealed by R CH chairman David Sarnoff.
In the next half century, people will see as well as here around the world.
Pocket sized radio instruments will enable individuals to communicate with anyone anywhere.
Newspapers, magazines, mail and messages will be sent through the air at lightning speed on reproduced in the home.
But material progress alone has not solved the problems which still plagued mankind with all the advantages provided him by the industrial age.
He is nonetheless today in need of those higher concepts which can lead him to the happiness and peace of mind that he is eternally seeking that a spiritual renewal throughout the world is on its way.
And that man, once more is becoming aware of the worth of contemplation, is the belief held by the great French philosophers.
Jack Maritime Man succeeds more and more in mastering matter, but we are still in a pre historic age as we got the application of the Gaspar's principles of justice and love to social existence and through the life of nations.
In this age of fear, war and tension, men still hope they are halfway to a world of peace and harmony.
Today, this hope is embodied in the organization of the United Nations for survival rests now more than ever on honest cooperation among nations in the second half of the 20th century, man must determine whether or not future generations shall live in freedom.
On that piece time marches on.