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Hello, subscribers.
Hello others.
David Hoffman, filmmaker.
And I'm about to show You an extraordinary clip by a woman who is nuts about MSG and the effective MSG on every person and on some people.
Really bad serendipity.
I'm at the beach with my family, and she's playing with her kid and my kids not to play with her kid.
And I said, What were you?
And she said, Well, I'm a scientist and my child has a reaction to MSG, which is so bad that people thought she was autistic when she was not.
And I said, Really, like, What's MSG a witty and get it, she said, everywhere with a simple market.
So I put that my go pro and I said, There, look, when you take me to the supermarket and show me the MSG in products off, we go into the supermarket, we go and you're about to see her showing me where Emma's she is, and a little scene at the front showing what her daughter was like before the mom got her off MSG.
So I don't know what your feelings are about MSG, but I've avoided it ever since, and I look at the labels.
Now when I see just how often it's there.
This is Brooke.
When she was three years old and diagnosed with autism.
Too loud sounds in her brain is how she described her agony.
Okay, go ahead.
You can get out.
And you are hearing Katie trying to understand her.
Katie is Dr Katherine Reed, a top Silicon Valley biochemist and the mom of Brooke and four other kids.
Brooke suffering is more than I could live.
So she tried all the traditional approaches to autism, hoping for a cure, but none work.
But Mommy has already tried to figure out what you want.
Applying her background in protein chemistry, Katie began experimenting with Brooks.
Diana, are you excited about school?
To her shock, she saw that Brooks autism behaviours were linked to many of the foods commonly consumed in the American diet.
Your favorite friends are so one by one, she removed each offending food and brooks autism just disappeared.
All right, so we're in front of a Safeway store and I want to show and share with you what I discovered where MSG was hiding.
And I found an absolute health benefit by removing MSG from our diet, and I just want to share with you.
Where is that musty in our food?
I can't Well, M and M's Eminence.
Yeah, so I'm It's definitely okay.
So, you know, MSG is actually in any gluten or lack or casing product to, so this is gonna have milks.
And for sure, we're gonna have case are MSG because we're gonna have processed milk in here.
What do you mean?
Well, I mean, it's skim milk.
And so because the milk is pasteurized, its gonna be its process, and it's creating MSG.
Yes, because you're breaking down the casing protein, which contains a lot of atomic acid, and the free go atomic acid is MSG.
So really, any pasteurized milk is going to contain MSG, and this also has artificial flavors, which is another in a big MSG component.
What's his artificial flavors?
It's a good question, you know, And that's what I came to start asking myself is you know, what am I eating?
And I found the artificial flavors or natural flavors really doesn't tell you anything about what the food is and artificial flavors is is another way of having a lot of atomic acid in our foods, which is a mystery.
Natural natural flavors is natural, but there's a lot of things that are natural that are not good for us.
But glue.
Atomic acid is a natural, occurring amino acid, and this one doesn't even say natural.
This one says Artificial.
This is a no no.
I'm trying to avoid an mysteries I would never Eminem's.
There's not much candy in the market that I could ease.
Why are they putting MSG so many?
What's the reason that Emma's cheese Emma's gene is something that makes people think that the food tastes good?
It's an addictive component in food, and it's a neuro transmitter, so it excites our neurons, and it makes us think, Wow, this food tastes great.
And that's exactly the reason why people would put MSG in the food.
And at some point you put too much MSG in.
The food doesn't taste good, so food manufacturers will often put as much as they can possibly put in to give them a competitive edge over other food manufacturers, because people get addicted to the food and we'll continue to buy it.
So there's a competitive or marketing advantage to putting at musty in food.
But there was a health, you know, association or negative health association with MSG a while back called, you know, the Chinese syndrome and so forth.
And so food manufacturers were trying to think of another way to put it in the food without it being a blatantly label, this MSG.
And so there's about 50 different ways that MSU could be labeled.
And you really have to look at these ingredients and dissect every single one and say Wow, okay, that's another code word for MSG.
Okay, so this is an interesting one.
And here talk about just being blind.
So we've got sliced peaches.
Let's just see if slight speeches, you know in above itself is labeled.
Okay, so this is peaches water in sugar.
The issue with canned is the can tin or the 10 of the can doesn't taste very good.
So often the can Manufacturers will coat their cans with some chemicals, sometimes msg almost often at MSG.
So you really have to source your can and the people were.
The food manufacturers are putting food in the can have to say Oh, this candidate was not coated with MSG, so we're not even sure.
Even though this label says nothing that is a code word for Emma, she I'm not even sure because of the can.
So containers again should be inert and cans not necessarily innards in terms of not giving recipients are putting acceptance in our food.
Let's see if we can find a rice cake that doesn't contain MSG here because, you know, that's something that I typically try to.
D'oh so whole grain brown rice.
I could eat this.
That's it.
That's all that's in there.
And that's the thing is like the simpler the better.
Keep it simple because you know anything.
Usually more than five ingredients are gonna have investigated many crispy rice cakes.
Okay, let's strike that.
You know, it's really a lot of time is about market O.
All of a sudden, I see the ingredients, and it's got more than five ingredients, so I know likely going to be in trouble here.
So off sugar rice pieces, um, corn with germ removed.
There we go, natural flavors.
There is that word natural flavor, and so I know it contains MSG natural flavors, really has been a way to disguise the amount of mystery that's going in food because there was such a heightened health alert MSG that I think food manufacturers air trying to find more clever ways to market and have their food tastes good cause M mystery is an addictive, you know, component and foods.
Um, and they want to make the food tastes good.
The MSG is hitting the neurons right on our tongue.
It excites them, and it makes us think, Wow, this food's great.
And when Pringles, like, really was doing the marketing about, you can't just eat one.
They weren't kidding.
You are addicted and you're going to consume more now.
Milk products would be fine.
Well, milk products, I would say I'm not doing any milk products because of the casing in there.
And the process casing is really generating a lot of free MSG or atomic asset use.
So cheese, sour cream, milk yogurts.
I'm completely steering away from all milk products.
It's very discouraging, but you can't have a milk product when so much is milk.
Yes, milk and glue, right?
So there's so much That's gluten Also is gluten connected MSG again because gluten has a protein contains a high amount of atomic acid, and it's always processed.
You're breaking down that protein into free go atomic acid.
And again, Freebo atomic acid is the same as a mystery.
There is something called Oxy grow that is sprayed on conventional fruits and vegetables.
Oxy grow contains industry, so even with fruits and vegetables, if you want to remove the MSG, you have to go to the organic cause it's forbidden to do that on the organic section.
Can you wash it off?
That's a good question.
It's actually grown with that.
And so you you know that it's penetrating some of the cell walls and the membranes in there, and so you know it's gonna be absorbed in there, and I don't know how much, but it's one of those things where they're spraying it.
It's hard to know how much is penetrating the skin.
His raisins, raisins, yeah, no raisins and figs.
If they're organic, are, you know, great amount so that the so again it's because it's conventional.
It's gonna have a lot of pesticides or the oxy grow on there.
So it's interesting that even though this is labeled as you know, crazy ins.
Cherry juice infused something it does have.
What we were trying to say before was the natural flavor there.
So this one even has MSG, so it's not even just your cranberry.
Urge your Cherries, so it's got natural flavors.
Citric acid is another one that contains MSG, and that's another one that surprised me.
Could citric acid?
Actually, it was something that I thought was preserving the food and preventing it from yellowing.
But because it's process from corn and under acid conditions, the corn protein is a contaminant and the protein gets broken down.
You got a lot of MSG in your citric acid banana chips and says banana flavour.
So if it was banana, they would say Banana banana flavor.
You can pretty much guarantee that's got MSG in it.
And so anything.
Banana flavor, raspberry flavor, natural raspberry flavor.
Just another code word from Mr On.
And I do think each individual will have a certain sensitivity, but I think every single individual will have a toxicity to chemistry.
It's about what that is to certain people, and often people don't realize that they're earning experiencing a toxic effect, and it could be by chronic inflammation.
It could be headaches.
It could be symptoms already experiencing.
They have no ideas associated with MSG.
And so I do believe that every single individual has a toxic threshold to MSG, and it will.
There's no law against MSG.
No MSG is FDA approved, a cZ being safe.
And there's a lot of studies, you know, um, showing its contract controversial effects.
You know, I think there's been a lot of people who have gone out of their way to show that it's safe, but often times those were the ones that are the ones that are sponsoring it are the food manufacturers that are saying that it's safe.
And so you really have to look at who's sponsoring these scientific studies because somebody who has a a benefit financial benefit for the reason from the results typically won't be an unbiased study.
So this is the local market, and what I love about New Leaf is that it makes a lot of my health food choices for me.
It has waited out many of the options that I would not choose his options again.
I'm keeping off the gluten products and so cookies are going to be, you know, one of my my no no list.
They make my Uncle Reed products.
They do have gluten free products, and again, you have to be very careful when you say gluten free.
We're still looking for MSG, but gluten free allows me to know that I least I don't have the gluten component, which is a big MSG component.
Duties is A is a very popular, gluten free brand, but it's really your wonder bread equivalent, and again, it's not keeping it simple.
I know picking it up.
I've got a lot of ingredients that I'm sorting through here.
So evaporated cane juice, whole eggs, tapioca starch so far.
Okay, vegetable oil, lemon, Fla.
I'm not even sure what that is.
Maybe it's a typo, maybe lemon flavored.
I'm not even sure what lemon fluid flee.
Vito is lemon peel sugar Lemon oil.
Okay, Baking powder.
It's a baking.
Powder can often have some processing that will have MSG in it.
Now we're getting into him like mono calcium phosphate, vanilla extractive of the vanilla bean, less a thin is gonna have a processing that's got chemistry and xanthan gum again the processing unfortunately contains, um, and mystery on molasses is s o these things air, you know, process, sort of suppressed processing.
Oftentimes will have either generating mystery or have mst contaminate in it.
So yeah, and you know, really, that's a lot of ingredients for something that's a muffin that's gluten free.
I mean, you know, muffin should be coming down to Okay, let's just see what fits.
Lemon, you know, put some London with some flour sugar.
Let's call it a muffin eggs, you know, But that's a lot of ingredients, and here's an interesting one is juices.
So you know, a doll is a very popular kind of health brand, and a lot of these juices you have to be careful will contain MSG, and it's not fortified orange juice.
Amidu should just contained juice.
You know, a lot of it's fortified, and once you get into that fortified vitamin area, you have no idea, and I typically find that we do have some reactions there.
So this one orange juice simple Okay, I'd buy that one.
We like strawberry banana juice again.
It's fortified, and so when you're getting into these vitamin fortifications, you just don't know where that source with that sources.
Let's see if this tea So, um, honesty, ingredients, purified water, fair trade, organic black tea, natural flavor to balance acidity.
Know you call him up and it's gonna have a mystery.
A lot of the cookies again.
It's got the gluten product.
You know, the the T O chocolates.
Often times the dark chocolates are fine.
And so this one's got cocoa, beans, sugar, cocoa, butter, chili powder, actually, cayenne pepper or cayenne powder Ground vanilla being cinnamon oranges s an orange essential oil.
So that's something that I can feet.
And, um, potato chips are interesting, too, because I want the organic.
Remember, I was talking about the organic, and there's only one brand of organic potato chips that does not contain MSG.
One kettle you won and it il.
And here's another one.
It says No MSG, But do not let that fool you know where.
Mystery does not mean that it does not containment in exchange for this one, it does, but oftentimes manufactures will say no MSG when what their meaning is that they don't add MSG.
But whether that adding a plutonic acid, it's the same thing so very big marketing gimmick, but this brand contains ingredients.
Where are those ingredients organic potatoes, organic, safflower or some flower oil?
Sea salt.
Now that's is different, for example than, you know, organic salt and fresh ground pepper where now you're getting into a little bit.
More ingredients here and the brown rice flour Cecil Organic Black Pepper The onion Powder, Yeast Extract Yeast Extract of another code name for M s Tree Why would you put yeast extract in a potato chip?
I don't know, but they have, and it's MSG.
There's some really good local products here that are gluten free that are and don't contain a mystery.
So a lot of these gnome academia butters, This is a great brand nut Butters are excellent source of proteins and minerals, and so and these are great for kids.
Lunch lunches.
And yes, look at that organic Raum, academia and organic raw cashews, you know, keep it simple and this stuff is just great, cause it travels well.
Nuts are good, organic nuts, great organic seeds.
And that's a lot of where my food sources are coming from.
You know, this go raw brand sprouted organic buckwheat groats routed organic sunflower seed, sprouted organic flax seeds, sprouted organic sesame scenes, organic reasons.
Organic date, Wonderful life, pumpkin bar.
So a lot of these go raw brands I love him and they're great for kids.
Snacks, lunches and go, Yeah, yeah, this one's great goji Berries.
Barberis, mulberries, golden raisins, cocoa Nibs, cashews and pistachios all organic, wonderful.
And so a lot of this local sort of.
And here's a cookie you're asking about cookies.
Pineapple macadamia with coconut and coco certified organic.
And so they're ingredients.
Organic unsweetened coconut, guava nectar, macadamia nuts, coconut oil, lemons, pineapple, cocoa and pink salt.
So there are things on the market that I could eat that are actually treats.
And so bread?
So, um, down this aisle, there are some gluten free crackers on the market that contain no industry also, and so this one's a good one.
And if we go to the ingredients that says, um, rice, flour, sesame seeds, tamari and you have to be careful about tomorrow because that contains gluten sometimes.
But this is saying it's certified gluten free, so there are ways that you can have tomorrow without the gluten sesame seeds cane juice, and that's why So you're some crackers on the market that, um, I can eat all the other ones.
They have gluten, so I stay away from those cans.
I'm not doing cans because I don't know the source of the can.
The tomato sauces are really challenging, I'm finding almost sometimes you have to just choose between you know, your two evils here, but organic ville, the marinara sauce.
I believe this is the one that I can eat.
So all organic.
So it's got tomato puree tomatoes.
You know?
No now.
So if it's labeled as an ingredient organic tomato, that's fine.
But what if it says, um, all you know, 100% organic organic foods?
That does not mean that that food item does not contain a mystery so organic, all natural.
Those things don't mean anything with respect to your MST load.
And back to this has got onions, olive oil, a guava, nectar, garlic, basil and oregano, and the thing with tomato sauces and any prepared food item something labeled spices that doesn't list out what those spices are.
You can guarantee it contains MST.
Food should not be proprietary.
The proportions should be proprietary, but not the ingredient listening.
So if somebody's saying spices and I called up the food major fractures, I'll say you know what's in spices or say Well, it's proprietary.
Sorry, it shouldn't be proprietary with the ingredients being proportions and how you prepare it should be proprietary.
So again, you know, I stick with my organic spices, and as long as it just has that organic spice in, you know, I'm using that a lot to flavor my foods because that's where you often get into trouble when it's prepared foods.
And it says that spices were rice is normally I'm buying.
Rice is in the bulk section, especially at newly, because they have such a high turnover.
I know it's fresh, it's local, or they tell you the source here.
They're not telling me the source necessarily.
And so what I like about the bulk food section is they tell me the source.
There's ah, wonderful brand here again.
Keep it simple.
Is this brand right here against is on my list of Yes, I can eat And, um, organic brown rice pasta.
Keep it simple.
Organic brown rice and water.
Beautiful, Beautiful.
Oh, here's another one.
My no notice.
I know.
I'm going back and forth between my No, no.
Listen, I cannot find a single chicken broth on the market that does not contain a mystery.
Every single, every single one contains chemistry.
So when I read to Merrick Extract yeah, and to marry at any time that something extract, it's like, you know, why not just have the term Eric?
So you get a little suspicious there, but it says chicken flavor.
Well, why would you be putting chicken flavor in a chicken?
You know so MSG and every single one of these chicken broth seven misty on it So I make my own roasted chicken.
Get the sauce and broth and make your own So honeys, you know, raw honey, it's not processed.
That's that's one of my treats, especially for Brooke, is, you know, a nut butter honey sandwich, and so local honeys will actually provide you a little bit of allergy benefits or guarding against allergies.
And so he doesn't even say is 100% fine.
Crystal raw local honey.
Keep it simple.
Yes, so you know if it's organic lentils, organic beans, organic rice.
Um, it's on my guest list.
And the longer the grain rice or the wild rice more nutritious, the rices.
And so the keen Wa the millet, you know, as long as it's organic, you know, this is where I have a lot of my options and notice Here were when it's this one's roasted okay, so roasted as soon as this roasted It's considered process, and they don't have to legally tell you where it's coming from.
And with nuts and seeds, you can have rancid ity, you know, and the breakdown of the proteins in there.
So you want to have a CZ locals possible for freshness.
And so, as soon as it's roasted, you do not guaranteed us the words coming from now.
Organic whole cashews is is raw, so it's gonna tell us where it's coming from.
And, oh, this is I'm sorry.
This is roasted.
Still, we're still in the process.
Here we have raw pumpkin seeds, every rock.
So this is saying it's coming from hoping Organic farms.
You can tell you know exactly where it's coming from.
Organically grown raw pumpkin seeds from Colorado.
It has to tell you where it's coming from, and it's non pasteurized.
That's wrong.
So the raw, organic nuts and see it's great sources of minerals and vitamins, and I'll start to think Tease.
You just want to be careful that it contains no natural flavors.
See where we're gonna find these ingredients.
Oh, here we go.
Organic black tea from Darjeeling.
So that would be on my approved list.
I just want to make sure it doesn't have.
And it's one thing.
Get into these, like flavors.
Vanilla, apricot, white T.
Let's see where where do we see organic ingredients like I was so white tea and natural flavor.
So no, no, no.
So that's, Ah, goddamn mystery in it.
Salsas and promises.
I have found a couple of brands that don't contain any MSG, and but you really just want to be careful about this citric acid.
So here's one I can eat.
It's organic.
It's a local brand organic salsa, and it's just got the ingredients are really hard to read My there, right?
Organic tomatoes, organic onions, organic cilantro, although it makes me dizzy reading.
It's good.
Organic garlic, organic habanero peppers, organic lemon juice, organic human, sea salt.
You know, wines.
You know I do drink.
They have, like the sulfates and some things that other people are may be allergic to, but it doesn't have the gluten, so beer has, you know, the gluten in it.
So I end up not doing just normal beer, but wines at a mom, A great, you know, because it's the bean and it's fresh, raw, organic, or you can steam it even but soy products again.
They have a lot of atomic acid, and it's almost always prevented or processed in some way.
So you're getting a lot of MSG with these soy products that are gluten free, but not necessarily the healthiest.
So organic eggs, frozen fruits and vegetables we actually use on frozen fruits quite a bit in our smoothies.
Um, it's just fruit.
And, uh, again, we still this is they switched through anything around here.
Still, you're looking for the organic label.
Of course, making it frozen doesn't make it any.
So forget.
Include Berries, you know, keep it simple.
And this is where I spent 90% of my time is right here.
You know, the fruits and vegetable section, meet sections and just getting a variety of fruits and vegetables.
That organic is where I live.
Organic Medjool dates, cranberries, grapes, strawberries.
I mean, all of this as long as it's organic.
This is my happy I'll organic lemons.
You know, you just This is where you get a lot of your vitamins and nutrients are antioxidants to anti inflammatories is here.
You don't I can't eat meat.
And what I do is just through the grass fed so that your knowing that there's no antibiotics and things like that in your meat products.
Um, I wanted to just point out to a bread.
This this food for life brand is a great brand.
It's got that Xan thumb xanthan cellulose.
Oh huh.
Brown rice flour, filtered water, millet flour, blood course of fine fruit juice concentrate.
Pineapple, peach, pear, tapioca flour, fresh yeast Say it's not yeast extract.
It's fresh yeast.
Um, and this anthem cellulose should be on my throwing.
Questionable, but it's one of those things, right?
I'm not seeing a reaction and myself for Brooke that I'm I've been doing that one.
Let's see if this has the xanthan.
Also, what would a reaction for myself?
It's a headache, and normally I get a lot of more mucus production and allergies for Brooke.
You know, a lot of these autism symptoms are coming back, so she, you know, if it's just a small amount, typically focus will be the first thing to go if it's enough of a dose with food item that you know, for example, if I've accidentally given her juice has natural flavors, you know that's enough to put it.
Um, a pretty serious reaction machine loses her language ability.
She can't think of her words just deteriorates right in front of you.
It takes 2 to 3 days after exposure to see the reaction in about four or five days for it to completely come back to baseline.
So it's not an insignificant reaction.
It's not like that.
So and it's, you know, it's one of those things were like Three days is where its maximum sort of exposure, where they most manifested symptoms are there.
But yeah, that's the deterioration of language.
You can tell it's just impacting her ability for her brain to process, and it's not fun to observe.
So there's only one reason my food manufacturers are adding this significantly, and it's because it's making us addicted to our food, and I discovered how addicting it is when you try to go off of it.
It's very challenging.
You're going through withdrawals because you are addicted to your foods, and it's it's challenging for people to remove it from their foods.
But once you do, you have a whole new palette for what really food is.
So I want to redefine food, and I'm really hoping that other people see the benefit in their health.
In doing so, like I did, Katie reads experiences with MSG have made her a provocateur.
She wants to share her discoveries with the hope of helping others to contact her.
Send her an email at Katherine l.
Read at gmail dot com.