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  • So the other day I was just talking my mom, right?

  • And I said, Mom, do you remember when I was young?

  • I used to always tell me that you're tone deaf.

  • That could be exactly like you.

  • And so for the longest time I grew up believing I was told that because I mean my singing could bring down the rain as well.

  • And so I told my mom, I said, Wow, I must be toned up like you because my singing is so bad Until I discovered this article and the article said that singing and a good voice can be cultivated and it can be practiced to Mama's it.

  • Mom, you told it, destroyed my dreams.

  • I wanted to be a pop star.

  • Ariana Grande.

  • And now all I can be is just a tactic speaker.

  • Oh, what's the hold such power, don't they?

  • You know, it's amazing how we are gifted with the ability to speak words.

  • What's can add if I ask and encourage is can give us so much confidence in so many ways.

  • And, you know, I'm sure there were times before in your life that something someone said to you or a word or a phrase that was so life changing.

  • And that's the whole reason why we love holding onto quotes right and making it as our own motivation of mantra and often times as well.

  • So many times I would say that the result of our behaviors are dictated by the words we choose to speak.

  • And I remember this one time, or maybe a couple of times when I was in school, and I'm sure you can all relate to this because it was just one of those days that I was really dreading to go to school right as I thought.

  • Today, today's a day that I'm gonna put my my acting skills to practice.

  • And so I told my mom, Is it Mom?

  • I think I'm having a saw through it as a pounding headache.

  • Um, and I threw in some sniffles for good measure, and she was.

  • She bought into it, and I was so happy because I didn't have to go to school only to later realize that I did talk myself into falling sick because I had to see a doctor because I was really, really sick after that.

  • And so what?

  • Our parents and teachers do not emphasize to us more is that our brains works to keep us honest to what we speak with our mouths.

  • And so in so many ways as well I will bring in a body cells affected just by the words we choose to speak.

  • I don't know if you heard about this by Dr Peter Gavril, who is the father?

  • Off wave genetics managed to prove that the human DNA can be reprogrammed just by the what?

  • Sweet choose to speak now.

  • That is truly amazing.

  • Because can you imagine that you can heal your own body just by speaking the right words to it?

  • And so when I came across society, I was mind blowing, and I thought, I have to prove this theory ride.

  • And so I sought to do my only the home experiment.

  • And this is what I did.

  • I'm gonna show it to you guys.

  • So this is what I did.

  • I used green beans and I place them in three cups right now.

  • Put two green beans into each coming A label them x, y and Z.

  • So X was the one I spoke positive.

  • What's to every day?

  • Why was the one I didn't say anything to, because was my control.

  • And that was the one.

  • I spoke really nasty things to it every single day.

  • And so by day four, this is how it looks like.

  • So acts on Day four has grew an inch.

  • Why, as you can see, sprouted some leaves, so it's not too bad.

  • And is that what is not doing as well as the other two?

  • And by day five, this is how it looks like.

  • So ex grew a lot more.

  • Why was kind of catching up and Zach Well, if I zoom into Zach's, this is how you see that was actually growing upside down, whereas roots for growing up and that shit was going down.

  • And, you know what's interesting was that heavy J pot on my script is that was this.

  • I would tell it that you are lost and you have no sense of direction.

  • You are ugly and you're twisted.

  • And so it was actually doing what I tell it to do every day.

  • Um, and by day 10 this is how it looks like, says, truly amazing to see that X is the one has definitely leading the pack and as that looks like is the one that was limping the most.

  • But I'm just a skeptical and as inquisitive as you guys.

  • And I just had to do this again.

  • And so I did.

  • I did it again.

  • And this time I name it X Wan Wai Wan and Zach one.

  • And I did the same thing again.

  • Put two green beans into each cop.

  • Say good things to x one Say nothing to y one and say really horrible things Is that one?

  • And by day six, this is how it looked like.

  • And by this time I was thinking, Oh, gosh, this is this is not going well, right?

  • Because it looks like that one was the one that was video.

  • I thought, my theory is not looking.

  • I have to scrape my entire tax talk.

  • I thought, OK, you know what does?

  • Calm down.

  • Let's wait a few more days and this is how it looks like a day 11 again excellent seems to be leading, whereas that one seems to be the the one that is the weakest looking.

  • But I just had to do this again.

  • And so I did I name it this time X to why?

  • To exact two.

  • And by this time, you guys this morning.

  • Okay.

  • Where is she going with this?

  • And you see right.

  • And this time I put three green beans into each cup.

  • And by day five, this is how it looks like.

  • Everyone's pretty on par, as by the time they it day, it came an ex to actually grew up so much more.

  • But it is amazing to see that this simple home experiment worked.

  • And, you know, even when I was doing it, I wasn't sure it was gonna work scientifically.

  • I was praying in all my days that it would work.

  • And it did.

  • When it did over and over again, I was completely mind blown.

  • Just isn't it fascinating to see the impact off our words on these plans?

  • And, you know, our human cells and plant cells have got so much in common.

  • So can you imagine that you fag off all the words that you have ever spoken?

  • And although what's that?

  • We have ever eggs opt into our lives and how much has affected us?

  • To this day?

  • There's also a rail of famous study done by Dr Emoto very similar experiment.

  • But instead of using plans, he used water on.

  • What Dr in Motor did was that he took some water, bottle them up, spot good things to some bottled water and spoke bad things to the other bottle water.

  • He then froze these bottles up and then observed the water crystals that were formed under the microscope.

  • And this is what he found.

  • Now the top three pictures are bottled water that were exposed to words off negativity and that bottom three pictures are what the crystals that were exposed to to what so positive And even from this you can see the vast difference and how beautiful are not so beautiful.

  • The water crystals are form, and so is indeed super fascinating to Cedars.

  • And and now we understand right that positive words of fat is in a positive way and negative words of factors in a negative way.

  • Now my question is this.

  • If this is such a simple understanding, off positive words and negative force and how it affects alive and it seems like it's such a simple concept to apply now lies, why, then other people who are still not leaving the life that they truly desire, What other people who are still not achieving the successes that they truly want?

  • Why are there people who still wake up every single day feeling so lousy and so depressed, even though they just a tender a motivation of stamina two days ago?

  • What are they not doing right?

  • And so I want to share three points with all of you today to help you create and crowd better dialogues with yourself and with other people around you.

  • And my first point is this be creatively descriptive.

  • I'll give you scenario example.

  • You're about to walk up on stage just like what I did.

  • Or you're about to give a really big presentation in front of your entire claws, right?

  • And you're backstage waiting for your turn and and and you start to feel this ball of energy that's in you that slowly turning into this ugly giant monster ball of nervousness right in your heart rate is starting to quicken.

  • You are.

  • Your palms are starting to get sweaty, and your and the cold sweat is something to break out on your forehead, and you feel like you're gonna puke any minute right now.

  • And what you usually tell yourself is this Okay?

  • You can do it.

  • I'm calm.

  • I'm calm.

  • I can do this right.

  • But instead, in all my experience is off doing this.

  • It almost never is a CE effective or as immediate as I wanted it to be.

  • And so instead of saying what you used to say, save this instead.

  • Okay?

  • I'm calm and relaxed right now.

  • My heart rate is slowing down.

  • My breathing is steady.

  • And every time I inhale, I in here relax, ation and calmness.

  • And every time I exhale, exhale, nervousness.

  • And so what I just did right there was to give very specific visuals do how exactly it would look like and be like when I am relaxed.

  • And I did the same thing to my plans.

  • I did not just say you will grow up to be a beautiful plan.

  • Instead, I said you will grow up to be the most beautiful planning the will You will have roots that are grounded and stadi u have a stock that is so tall and straight.

  • And can we stand any pressure at all.

  • And you will have Liza off the most vibrant green in color.

  • And that was how I talk to my plants every single day.

  • Now, you do not want to know what what nasty things I say it is that every day, because it's equally as descriptive.

  • Um, yeah, it waas not not for this China is tat eggs, not Pat s X ray.

  • Um and so and so That was how I talked to my plants every single day.

  • And And, you see, the power of all was really come from where we were able to transform a conceptual vague idea off and relax.

  • Or I'm smart or a beautiful two more descriptive visual of how exactly it would look like and be like and feel like when you are smart or relax a beautiful our brain interprets what we say very, very literally.

  • And so the more specific, direct and descriptive visuals that you can give your brain, the faster and easier it is for your mind to be in your desired state.

  • And one good way to do this is to ask yourself what must happen in my fees, eulogy, my emotions and my biology.

  • When I'm relaxed Now, my second point is this.

  • You need to give your brain a compelling reason why you want to be in your desire state.

  • You need to convince or been why you want to be relaxed.

  • So my grandfather his name is Younggu Pong.

  • He is one of Malaysia's first few cycles to ever make it to the Olympics.

  • He was in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and also in the 1968 Mexico Olympics.

  • So he really is quite the star in our family.

  • And one day, a few Yes, ago, as he was driving back home, um, he suffered a stroke.

  • Now he was all alone.

  • He could start to feel numbness in his legs and and part of his body, and he didn't know what to do about.

  • All he knew was that he had to get to the hospital.

  • And so when he was at the doctor's really surprise right there, wondering how did this man managed to drive himself all the way to the hospital and walk himself right up to the front of the reception and check himself in?

  • Because the stroke that hit him was rather serious.

  • And so we asked my grandfather what went through your mind when that happened.

  • Now, he said, Well, I didn't know what was happening, but all I knew was that I needed to get to the hospital because I didn't want to die alone in my car.

  • Now that's a pretty compelling reason to tell us if you have to make it right.

  • And so the next time when you're about to common stage and you want to be relaxed, see this instead.

  • I need to become and relax.

  • Right now.

  • I want to be that cool, calm and collected speaker because I want to deliver my talk.

  • Well, I do not need nervousness because nervousness will not help me in ST I need a witness and it relaxes ation because that will help me.

  • That will help me to be that engaging speaker that I want to be.

  • So you need to give your brain a very strong reasons why you want to be in your desired steak.

  • So my thought and find a point is this.

  • Repetition is key.

  • Our brain uses repetition as to learn right to to search for patterns and consistency as a way to make sense of our environment, and I'm sure you've all experienced before that when when you heard a song and the entire day the matter, he was a stocking your hit.

  • No matter how much you try to get it off, you just kind.

  • Repetition is a most powerful tool to imprint something in our minds and to keep it there.

  • And there is also a study done by the University of California in 2009 that showed that Ah week message that was repeated twice becomes more valid than a strong man says.

  • That was repeated once.

  • And this is really a phenomenon that is called the illusion off truth effect, which say's that we have a tendency to believe that something is true.

  • We repeated exposure to it.

  • And so if what you truly desire is to be natural, really calm and relax mint before a big presentation or before a talk, then this needs to be incorporated into your daily Southtown and not just right before you come on stage.

  • And so what?

  • That is immense power in our woods and speaking it doesn't matter if you're talking to yourself or if you're talking to someone else.

  • All woods have a pervasive impact on how well a life will leave and how well we function as human beings.

  • And I'm sure that if we're completely honest with ourselves, there were times before in the past that our bad moods are directly linked through choice.

  • All what's we use.

  • A full blown argument with a loved one might happen just because of something someone said out of anger.

  • And my dad, always a anger is a short word of danger, and I cannot agree more.

  • Um, what's what's can leave to you?

  • What's can also limit you.

  • What's can heal what's can kill.

  • Words can give us that strangle that hope that courage.

  • In our weakest moments, ancient scriptures say words can speak life and death.

  • And, you know, President Kennedy didn't say, Let's try to put a moon, a man on the moon He said, Let's put a man on the moon.

  • Mutton do.

  • The king didn't say.

  • I think I have a dream.

  • He said.

  • I have a dream.

  • The worst we choose to speak become our self fulfilling prophecies are words become our truth.

  • And so Electra encourage all of us today to start directing our speech to where we wanna go and start declaring the outcome that we want to achieve in our lives.

  • As I was coming up with this title of my talk, I remember it This story that my dad once told me about Victor Frankel.

  • And you know, Victor Franco's one of our greatest psychiatry's and authors in the Wood and also man who survived full concentration camps during the Holocaust.

  • And in one of his boots he wrote about this young girl who, not knowing what the future will hold one day rent to a wall and wrote this today I will be happy on me tomorrow.

  • Shall I be sad?

  • And every day she would go to that wall and read this words off strength.

  • This works off hope every single day.

  • Now, how about you?

  • Why the words of strong and why the words of hope?

  • What are the power was that you choose to use every single day?

  • Thank you.

So the other day I was just talking my mom, right?

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今天我會快樂,明天才會悲傷|盧珊娜-文文 (Today I Will Be Happy, Only Tomorrow Shall I Be Sad | Lu Xanne Boon)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary