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  • DAVID MALAN: We've seen how with languages like Python

  • can we implement business logic on a server and, even if we want,

  • generate web pages.

  • And we've seen, on the browser side, the so-called client side,

  • how you can render information or data to users.

  • And with CSS can we style it, and with JavaScript can

  • we even make it interactive.

  • But when building a business or any application that

  • is interacting with users, where is all that data being stored?

  • Well, if you're running your own small business,

  • you might simply be using a spreadsheet.

  • Of course, spreadsheets, whether they're implemented

  • as Microsoft Excel, or Google Spreadsheets, or Apple Numbers,

  • generally stores data in rows and columns.

  • And if you're like me, you probably use that first row

  • to represent the names of the columns and the types of the data

  • that you're storing.

  • And as you continue to add more and more data to that spreadsheet,

  • you probably, like me, continue to add row after row after row.

  • And meanwhile, if you've got so much data or so many different types of data

  • that it doesn't really belong in one sheet,

  • you might actually create a second sheet or a tab

  • along the bottom of the screen, for instance, in which you

  • can store additional data as well.

  • So indeed, Microsoft Excel allows you to store data relationally, so to speak.

  • You might have one sheet with customer info, another sheet with invoices,

  • another sheet with products, or any number of other types of data.

  • And you can relate those to another by somehow having some commonality

  • among them, some identifier, some name, some customer ID or the like.

  • And so data that tends to be stored in rows and columns

  • can have these relationships.

  • And you can do this certainly in the cloud these days

  • as well with Google Docs, simply a web-based version of the same.

  • But when designing your spreadsheets, or more

  • generally, your data's schema, the design thereof,

  • there's a number of questions you need to consider.

  • What data do you want to store?

  • And where do you want to store it?

  • And what type of data is it, in fact?

  • Because whether using Excel, or Numbers, or Google Spreadsheets,

  • odds are you sometimes configure the columns to be displayed or formatted

  • in some ways.

  • Numbers might be displayed with or without commas.

  • Numbers might be displayed with dollar signs or some other symbol.

  • You might separate one field from another

  • using special symbols or punctuation.

  • So these are all configuration options in a spreadsheet that might

  • be among the first decisions you make.

  • In fact, let's consider a sample spreadsheet

  • wherein I might want to represent users in some web application.

  • All of us have, of course, registered for websites or applications

  • these days.

  • And what are some of the questions you're asked?

  • Well, you might be asked for your user name by some application.

  • You might be asked for your actual name.

  • What else might you be asked for?

  • Perhaps your email address.

  • And perhaps if you're buying something, or registering

  • for something, or someone that needs to know a bit more about you,

  • perhaps they'll even ask you for your address, maybe your phone number,

  • or perhaps even your age.

  • So you can certainly imagine there being even other fields that you need.

  • But let's consider now what types of data each of these fields is.

  • Now, what should a user name be?

  • Well, by definition, this should be a unique value that belongs to you

  • and only you on a system.

  • For instance, if I'm registering for a website

  • and that website is storing some data in, for instance, a spreadsheet,

  • I might ideally try to claim Malan if it's available.

  • My name meanwhile, of course, will be just

  • David Malan, which someone else can certainly have as well.

  • Hopefully my email address is only mine.

  • And that, too, will be stored in a column of its own.

  • And then my address, for instance, here on campus, 33 Oxford Street, Cambridge,

  • Massachusetts, 02138.

  • A phone number by which I can be reached, 617-495-5000.

  • And then my age shall be--

  • well, we'll leave that blank just for now.

  • So notice how each of these pieces of data is just a little bit different.

  • Some of them seem to be numeric.

  • Some of them seem to be alphabetic.

  • Some of them even have some punctuation therein.

  • Now, you might or might not in a spreadsheet

  • care to display this data a bit differently.

  • Indeed, the only number that I'm sweeping under the rug

  • here is, in fact, my age.

  • But hopefully I don't need one or more commas in that value.

  • So there isn't really any need for special formatting here.

  • But it turns out that when you're actually

  • building a website or software-based application,

  • you're probably not storing your data ultimately in just spreadsheets.

  • You might graduate eventually from being a small shop to needing more than just

  • Microsoft Excel, or Numbers, or even something

  • cloud-based like Google Spreadsheets.

  • Why?

  • Well, you have more rows than those programs can generally handle.

  • In fact, on your own Mac or PC, odds are,

  • when opening up big files, whether a spreadsheet or any other document,

  • sometimes you might actually feel that.

  • The computer might start to slow, and you

  • might start to see a spinning beach ball or hourglass

  • because you start to hit the limits of what

  • a local computer can do with just client-side software,

  • like a spreadsheet tool.

  • And so eventually you might actually need to use a proper database.

  • And a database is really just a piece of software

  • that can absolutely run on your Mac or PC.

  • But very commonly it runs on a server or somewhere else

  • in the cloud to which your own software connects.

  • For instance, if you're building a website or an application

  • in a language like Python, you can, in Python,

  • write code that talks or communicates with that database to pull data down

  • and to send data back up.

  • But spreadsheets are wonderfully straightforward.

  • It's just so intuitive how you store the data in rows and columns

  • and just more and more rows as you have more and more data.

  • And so what's nice about some databases is that they mimic exactly this design.

  • There exists in the world what are called relational databases.

  • And indeed, this is among the most common ways to store data relationally.

  • The jargon is a bit different in the world of databases.

  • You no longer call these things spreadsheets.

  • We call them databases.

  • And we don't call the individual tabs sheets.

  • We call them tables.

  • But we continue to call the structure of the data therein

  • rows for each additional piece of data and columns

  • for the different types of data that we have.

  • But in a relational database, such as Oracle, Microsoft Access, SQL Server,

  • My SQL, Postgres, or something smaller and lighter weight called SQLlite,

  • the burden is on you, the designer of the database,

  • or the programmer, or the business person

  • to actually decide on what types of data you are going to store.

  • Because the database, in order to handle more and more data

  • than a typical spreadsheet can support, needs a bit of help from you,

  • needs to know what type of data you're storing so that it can search it

  • more efficiently and sort it more effectively

  • and make it easier for you ultimately to add and remove data

  • from that particular database.

  • So in other words, you can do all of the same operations.

  • But generally, in a database, you have so much more data,

  • you're going to need to have the database help you help yourself.

  • So what does that actually mean here?

  • Well, let's consider some of these fields here.

  • Were we to migrate my spreadsheet with many, many, many rows of users,

  • for instance, to a proper database relationally,

  • I'm going to have to make a few more decisions as well.

  • And it turns out that I need to choose various types for these columns.

  • And generally, in a database, you only have a limited menu of options.

  • So let's take a look at what those might be.

  • Here in many relational databases are just

  • some of the data types that are available to you;

  • an integer if you want to represent something like 1, 2, 3, or perhaps

  • even a negative, a real number, otherwise known as a floating point

  • value, for instance, in Python that actually

  • has a decimal point and perhaps some numbers thereafter,

  • numeric, which is more of a catch-all and might handle things like dates

  • and times that are numbers in some sense but have some more

  • formal structure to them, and then the more general text, when you just

  • have words or phrases, characters or whole paragraphs

  • or more that you might want to store as well in some column.

  • And then lastly, you might have the cutely named BLOB,

  • or binary large object, when you actually want to store zeros and ones,

  • that is to say binary data, like actual files in your database.

  • However, you needn't do this typically.

  • You can actually store files, of course, on a file system on your own hard drive

  • somewhere on the server, but that option exists for you.

  • Now, this happens to be the list of data types supported

  • by the simplest of relational databases, something called SQLite.

  • And as its name implies, it actually supports a very specific language

  • via which you or anyone can request data from the database and store

  • data in the database, or update it, or delete it.

  • And that language is called SQL, structured query language.

  • SQL is a language via which you can do exactly

  • that, retrieve data from a database, put data into a database, and so much more.

  • It's an alternative to the pointing and clicking with which you're probably

  • familiar with something like Microsoft Excel, or Google spreadsheet,

  • or Apple Numbers, where it's really you, the human,

  • doing all the work via a graphical user interface.

  • Now, to be fair, in all of this spreadsheet programs

  • are there functions or macros that you might

  • be able to write so that you can program in those environments

  • but with some limitations.

  • And indeed with SQL and with SQL databases, more generally,

  • that is databases that understand this language, can you

  • achieve far higher performance, can you store far more data,

  • and nonetheless get at it quickly.

  • So it's sort of the next evolution of what you might otherwise do only

  • within your own computer spreadsheet.

  • But many other databases, Oracle, SQL Server, Microsoft Access, MySQL,

  • Postgres and more, support more than these data

  • types that allow you to help the database help you even more.

  • Because the more the database knows about your data, the smarter decisions

  • it can make at a lower level below these abstractions

  • and storing that data so that, when you have a question,

  • it can answer it quickly.

  • And so how might you refine what we mean by integer?

  • Well, in some databases, you might want to tell it

  • that this is just a small integer in this column one

  • after the other, row by row.

  • Or maybe it's just an integer somewhere a little bigger

  • than that, or perhaps a big int, which means it can be even larger.

  • Now, these actually map to very well-defined values.

  • If you think back to how we considered data itself is stored in a computer,

  • it's ultimately with zeros and ones or bits.

  • And indeed, an integer, so to speak, generally takes up

  • just 32 bits or four bytes.

  • But, of course, that few bits actually translates,

  • if you do a bit of the math, to four billion possible values.

  • So if you were to specify that a column in your database

  • is of type integer, that means you could type in the number from zero

  • all the way on up to four billion, or if you want negative numbers,

  • from negative two billion roughly to positive two billion as well.

  • But beyond that three billion or four, you're out of luck

  • if you're only using 32 bits.

  • Now, that might seem huge.

  • And that is a good problem to have if I have four billion users, or sales,

  • or anything in my database.

  • But for certain large companies these days, having four billion

  • or more records of some sort, transactions or logs,

  • not at all uncommon.

  • And for those purposes does there exist big int,

  • a bigger data type that uses 64 bits or eight bytes via which

  • you can count much, much, much higher, so high

  • that I'm not even sure how to pronounce that number.

  • But indeed, it should be large enough for almost all of our purposes.

  • So ultimately, it's not enough to say that the field in a database

  • is an integer but to specify just how big maximally that integer can be.

  • Now, fortunately, I think for my age we could probably get away with small int.

  • But indeed, with a small int, you typically have 16 bits.

  • So even then could your user be as old as 65,535 years old.

  • Now, what about real numbers?

  • These are floating point values with decimal points.

  • And here, too, you have fewer choices, typically, but along the same lines.

  • A real number would typically take 32 bits,

  • which allows you only some amount of precision, some number of digits

  • after that decimal point.

  • If you want to go even further and be ever more precise

  • can you use twice as much space, 64 bits or eight

  • bytes, and use double precision instead.

  • Well, it would seem that we sort of start with an OK

  • value and an even better value here.

  • But what's the trade-off, as there always is?

  • Well, it's fine if want to be able to count higher,

  • whether with integers or real numbers.

  • But you are literally going to pay a price.

  • Because if you want to count higher than four billion

  • in the context of integers, you're going to have

  • to spend twice as much space from four bytes to eight

  • in order to store those values.

  • And if you're never actually going to use values larger than four billion,

  • you're just spending twice as much space as you need to.

  • And if you don't really need to store floating point

  • values to terribly many digits of precision, you're just wasting space.

  • Now, for small databases, this might be inconsequential.

  • But for the Googles, and Microsofts, and others of the world

  • to deal in gigabytes and terabytes of data, all of these bits and bytes

  • will surely add up.

  • As for numeric, more of a catch-all numerically, so to speak,

  • whereby you have Booleans, zeros or ones, or false and true values,

  • dates which comes in a prescribed format, typically

  • year, year, year, year, dash, month, month, dash, day, day.

  • Indeed, even though across the world there

  • are different formats and different communities for representing dates,

  • in SQL do you specify them exactly in that format only.

  • Date time adds to that a space followed by hour, hour, colon, minute, minute,

  • colon, second, second, whereby if you want to store both date and a time,

  • you should store it in exactly that format in your database, even though,

  • thanks to code, whether Python or SQL itself,

  • you want to display that date in a geographically

  • localized and conventional way, you nonetheless

  • store it in this way in your database.

  • Now, sometimes you need to fight against the imprecision that's

  • inherent as a risk with real numbers.

  • And so you can use the so-called numeric data type

  • to specify a so-called scale and precision.

  • That is two numbers that specify really how many digits

  • you ultimately want to support.

  • So if you want to store things like dollar amounts,

  • maybe to cents or hundreds of cents, two or four decimal

  • places, can you specify exactly that, and you

  • will get exactly that much precision.

  • As for time and timestamp, well, time is quite simply hour, hour, colon, minute,

  • minute, colon, second, second.

  • But timestamp's a little more interesting.

  • It, too, can be used to represent time.

  • But as with many languages, Python and JavaScript among them,

  • it does so typically by remembering or counting

  • some number of milliseconds or seconds from a particular point in time.

  • In fact, some years ago, it was conventional to simply start

  • counting time from January 1st, 1970, the so-called epic as opposed

  • to say 0 BC or AD.

  • Unfortunately, it turns out that you generally represent these timestamps

  • with four bytes or 32 bits, which gives you access to four billion

  • or so possible values.

  • And it turns out that in the year 2038, we

  • will have run out of bits with which to represent time.

  • So if you recall the so-called Y2K problem when we ran into this issue

  • around the year 2000, so have we rather painted ourselves

  • into a corner in many systems by not allocating enough space

  • to get us past that year.

  • Well, what's the solution invariably going to be?

  • Well, use more space and, thus, cost.

  • But that is inherent in many systems.

  • And it's one of these things that us humans will have to address.

  • How about text?

  • Well, text can, too, come in multiple forms.

  • Whether it's English or any other language,

  • you might have different lengths thereof.

  • And so within the world of text values and databases,

  • need you specify typically how many characters

  • you want to store in that column.

  • And this is distinct from something like a spreadsheet program

  • where you can probably keep typing and typing or pasting as many characters

  • as you'd like.

  • A database, in so far as its purpose in life is to give you better performance

  • and more scalability than a spreadsheet allows,

  • wants you to tell it a bit more.

  • It's going to ask you to decide whether you

  • want to store a fixed number of chars.

  • So char followed by a number here represented at its end

  • means how many characters exactly shall you store in every cell in this column.

  • Now, why might that be applicable?

  • Well, in the US, for instance, for states,

  • we have a standardization of two characters

  • for every state in the country.

  • And so you might say char (2), thereby allowing

  • you to store CT for Connecticut, and FL for Florida,

  • and MA for Massachusetts and so on, because you know that every value is

  • going to be that finite length, two.

  • But sometimes you don't know the max length.

  • And indeed, in my own table of users, my own name might have D-A-V-I-D

  • and a space and M-A-L-A-N, so 11 for me.

  • But your name might be shorter or longer.

  • Or some user that hasn't even registered for our website

  • yet might have an even longer name than that.

  • So varchar, or variable number of chars, exists, too,

  • where you can specify not a fixed number of characters

  • to use but a maximum upper bound, perhaps something like 30,

  • perhaps something like 300, or some number of characters

  • that you decide that's going to be the upper limit of any human I actually

  • see in my sight who might have a name as many as that characters.

  • But varchar is smart and the databases that use it,

  • because it will use that many characters maximally.

  • But it's not going to waste space.

  • In fact, if you're using 30 characters for every name in your table,

  • well, it's only going to store as many characters are

  • necessary, perhaps plus a bit of overhead or accounting

  • to keep track of that value.

  • But that way you save space but still can handle large text or large strings.

  • Lastly, if you have particularly large text, whole paragraphs, or essays,

  • or documents that someone might paste in,

  • or the contents of an entire web page that you want to search,

  • well, you can have a text field more generally,

  • which tends to support tens of thousands or more characters in total.

  • But it does so in a way that's not quite as efficient.

  • Rather than keep it right in the column itself, so to speak,

  • it puts it somewhere else on the server, the result of which

  • is that you can fit more room over here, so to speak.

  • But it takes more time and effort to go search or find that data, so,

  • again, a trade-off of space and time.

  • But here, too, as with integers and real,

  • you seem to have multiple choices, one of which at first glance is better.

  • After all, why use char ever if you could also just say varchar

  • with that same amount?

  • For instance, for those two character codes for states,

  • why not just say varchar and not just char (2)?

  • Well, it turns out that if you promise the database

  • that every cell in your column will use exactly the same number of bytes,

  • it turns out that you'll have very straight or justified edges,

  • in some sense, conceptually for that column.

  • For instance, if every cell in a column takes up

  • exactly the same amount of space, then you might know,

  • if you start numbering the bytes that are represented by those cells,

  • this might be byte zero up here and then two characters away

  • will be address two, and then four, and then six, and then eight.

  • And if you think back to how algorithms like, say, binary search

  • are implemented, as soon as you have the ability to know arithmetically

  • where the next value, or the last value, or, best yet, the middle value

  • is, numerically can you jump right to it in so-called constant time,

  • thereby enabling something like binary search and ultimately logarithmic time.

  • So this is a powerful thing.

  • If you commit to the database that all of your values

  • will take up the exact amount of space, the database

  • can search that value faster for you.

  • Varchar, unfortunately, is rather akin to having only a left justified column,

  • whereby you might have data that looks very straight on one edge

  • with all of the characters left aligned.

  • But because the length of those characters vary,

  • this cell might be this wide, and this one this wide, and this one this wide,

  • and this one this wide.

  • And as such, because you have a very ragged edge, so to speak,

  • you can't just do simple math and add two and add two

  • to get to the next value in that column.

  • So in the worst case, if a column is only a varchar,

  • the best the database can do by default is just linear search,

  • or big O of n, which, recall, was notably slower than something

  • like log N or logarithmic time.

  • So the more help you can provide to the database the better off you are.

  • But of course you don't want to air too far on the other side

  • and say, oh, well, I'm going to have char 300 for every cell

  • in my Names column, because then you're using 300 characters by definition

  • for just David Malan who needs just, say, 11.

  • So lastly is there this thing BLOB, binary large object,

  • which can only store binary data, which can be used for images or files.

  • But those, again, tend to be best stored somewhere else on the system.

  • So with these possibilities in mind, how might we

  • go about designing the schema for this data?

  • We already have the names of my columns.

  • And I've already gone ahead and put in one sample row.

  • So let's consider in the context of all of those SQL types

  • which ones apply here.

  • Well, for user name, something like Malan,

  • it's probably not numeric because that's not

  • something I'd be so inclined to type.

  • But it probably is text.

  • But within text we have the choice of char or varchar

  • or larger blocks of text, more generally.

  • So what should this be?

  • Well, this one depends.

  • A user name tends to be fairly short.

  • Because after all, we humans probably don't want to type very long strings

  • just to log into some site.

  • Historically, maximal values of eight characters was common.

  • But that tends to be fairly constrained.

  • And you can no longer express very much of your name

  • if you tend to have a long name yourself.

  • So here we might say something like char, because we know it will be small.

  • And we'd like to be able to search on this field efficiently,

  • especially to log someone in fast, but probably not quite as

  • short as eight, so maybe 16 or 20.

  • Or if it's hard to guess there and you want more dynamism,

  • maybe you would say varchar of something like 255.

  • Why that value?

  • Well, recall that with eight bits can you count 256 possible values.

  • But if you start counting at zero, you can only go as high as 255.

  • And historically have many databases had limits of, say,

  • 255 for a varchar, though that's no longer the case.

  • But you'll still see this very commonly.

  • So what's the best answer?

  • I don't know.

  • It depends on your data or someone else's.

  • For here, I'll go ahead and leave it as varchar (255)

  • just to give myself flexibility.

  • But a very good argument could be made for char of some smaller value

  • or even varchar of some smaller value, too.

  • As for name as well, I'm not really sure what this one should be.

  • I don't know how many characters your own name has.

  • Something like 11 is probably too few, even

  • though it satisfies my name just fine.

  • 30 feels a bit [? type. ?] And frankly, I

  • bet if we Google longest name in world, something

  • tells me there's someone out there with quite a few characters, hopefully

  • no more than, say, 255.

  • But there, too, we might want to do some due diligence.

  • With email, too, this seems to be easy.

  • This, too, is just characters, even though you could certainly

  • have numbers.

  • I don't know how long the maximum email address will be.

  • But frankly, it's probably going to be variable in length,

  • so I'm going to go with a default.

  • Why 255?

  • Again, it's probably way more than we need.

  • But varchar is smart.

  • It's not going to waste that many bytes.

  • It's just a reasonable upper bound in the absence of better intuition.

  • At least we're being consistent.

  • Now, address, that might be decently long,

  • especially if it's going on envelope on, say, multiple lines.

  • But here, too, this is probably just text, and so I'll go ahead here

  • and say this, too, 255.

  • Phone number.

  • Finally, a number by name.

  • Well, what should a phone numbers field be?

  • Well, we had integer, or real, or, more specifically, small int or integer,

  • or big int.

  • But the funny thing here is even though a phone number is indeed

  • called by us humans a number, it's really

  • just a symbolic representation of a unique identifier for someone's phone.

  • And so these hyphens might be common in one community or culture.

  • Maybe you'd have parentheses or even pluses for country codes.

  • So frankly, very quickly does even a phone number not become so much

  • a number but a textual string.

  • So here I have some discretion.

  • And maybe I could be presumptuous and assume

  • I'm only going to have customers or users for now,

  • say, in the US for whatever business constraints.

  • And so I might say, you know what?

  • This is a candidate to actually do something like char, say, 10,

  • three-digit area code, a three-digit exchange, and then four digits

  • thereafter.

  • But that doesn't leave room for those hyphens, so I could make a char 12.

  • Or frankly, if they're just going to be there all the time,

  • why don't I leave them as char 10 and just

  • get rid of those values in my data?

  • Or alternatively, I could support parentheses or pluses as well.

  • It really depends on how I want to store the data.

  • But I like the idea of a textual type, something like char or maybe varchar

  • as opposed to an integer.

  • Because at least if I've called certain communities

  • or out from some businesses, sometimes you have to type unusual numbers.

  • At least in other countries, for instance,

  • if we generalize beyond this data set here do you

  • type zero to actually connect to someone local.

  • And the problem with zero is that, mathematically, it's

  • meaningless to start a value with zero.

  • And unfortunately, a computer takes that to heart.

  • And if you were to store phone as an integer

  • but a number were in some community to start with a zero,

  • your database would probably just get rid of it.

  • In fact, try that yourself in Microsoft Excel, or Apple Numbers,

  • or Google Spreadsheets.

  • And depending on how you formatted the column, you can type as many zeros

  • as you want followed by other digits.

  • And odds are, when you hit Enter, those zeros are gone.

  • As for age, here we perhaps finally have a compelling candidate for a number.

  • Small int should probably get the job done.

  • Integer would work as well, or big int, but increasingly wasteful.

  • But you know what?

  • Even here it's not that obvious.

  • I probably shouldn't even use an integer type here at all.

  • Why?

  • Well, I might indeed ask a human for his or her age upon registering.

  • The catch is that age might change the next day or the day

  • after, or the day after, because, of course, time is advancing.

  • And unless I also stored the date and ideally

  • time at which the user registered, I can't really

  • even do any math to figure out, oh, you registered a year ago.

  • Let me assume your age is that plus one.

  • So what would have been better from the get-go than age?

  • Probably just something like date of birth, DOB.

  • And, of course, in SQL do we have the ability

  • to store dates, even date times.

  • So here we probably have a better candidate

  • for exactly one of those numeric types, so to speak.

  • Now, we've only just begun to scratch the surface of available data types

  • and data we might want to store.

  • In fact, our spreadsheet or database could contain even more types.

  • But now let's just suppose that we're happy with our types.

  • And the goal now at hand is to start searching our data

  • and storing that data in an actual database.

  • I've been using here Google Spreadsheets just to lay out my schema

  • sort of as a worksheet, if you will.

  • But now let's graduate to actual SQL syntax

  • and suppose that this same data is stored

  • not in Google Spreadsheets or any other but in some database

  • elsewhere, a piece of software running somewhere else on my own computer

  • or somewhere in the cloud that knows how to organize this data, still

  • in rows and columns but in such a way that I can use this new language, SQL

  • or SQL, in order to access my data.

  • So what are the fundamental operations that

  • SQL supports, or a relational database, more generally?

  • It turns out that throughout computer science is there

  • a pattern of operations that many different systems support.

  • In the world of databases, you have fairly crassly

  • what's called CRUD, the ability to create data, read data, update,

  • and delete.

  • But more specifically, in the context of SQL, this new language, our last,

  • you have the ability to create data, select data, a.k.a.

  • READ data, update or insert data, a.k.a.

  • UPDATE, or delete or drop data, a.k.a.


  • So whereas in SQL you have these very specific terms,

  • they are just representative of a class of operations

  • that you might see throughout computer science.

  • So how do we go about using SQL?

  • Well, short of buying and installing something like Oracle

  • or downloading something free like MySQL,

  • we can simply use something that's indeed, by definition,

  • lighter weight called SQLite.

  • SQLite is an implementation of SQL, this database language,

  • via which you can install it on your own Mac or PC,

  • and it uses not special software or servers but rather just a file

  • on your own Mac or PC that stores all of those tables

  • and, in turn, rows and columns.

  • It thereafter creates an abstraction of sorts

  • as though you have a full-fledged server running

  • on your own machine with which you can communicate using SQL.

  • Now, any number of programs can be used to actually talk to a SQLite database.

  • You might use a purely textual interface, so-called command line

  • interface, using only your keyboard.

  • Or you might use something graphical, a GUI, a graphical user interface.

  • In fact, one of the easiest programs to use

  • is this one here, DB Browser, freely available for Macs,

  • for PCS running Windows, or Linux, or any number of operating systems

  • as well.

  • In advance, I've gone ahead and opened up a database in a file whose name ends

  • in .sqllite or also commonly .db.

  • This then is, again, just a file, a binary

  • file filled with zeros and ones that collectively

  • represent patterns of rows and columns and the tables that contain them.

  • And if I open this program, I see all of the tables or, if you will,

  • sheets from our old spreadsheet world.

  • This happens to be a database all about music.

  • And indeed, I have a table about musical albums and artists, customers

  • and employees, and genres, and invoices, invoice lines that

  • represent actual songs bought, the types of media involved,

  • and playlists and playlists tracks via which users can actually

  • customize those songs, and then lastly, the tracks or the songs themselves.

  • In other words, someone else on the internet

  • has gone to the trouble of aggregating all of this data

  • about music and their authors and organized it into an SQL database.

  • Now, how?

  • Well, if you look to the right here, you'll

  • see a number of esoteric commands all involving CREATE TABLE.

  • And indeed, CREATE is one of the four fundamental operations

  • that SQL supports.

  • And without going into the weeds of how these tables were created,

  • they were created in such a way that the author had to decide on every table's

  • columns' names as well as their types.

  • And that part is interesting.

  • For instance, let me go into the Albums table here and expand this one now.

  • Here I have Album ID, and Title, and, curiously, Artist ID.

  • But you'll notice in the Album table we have no mention of artist's name.

  • In fact, if we follow the white rabbit here,

  • we see in the Artist table that, oh, in Artist do

  • we have an artist ID and name.

  • And indeed, if we keep digging, we'll see that in each of these tables

  • there's not quite as much information as I might like.

  • In fact, IDs, whatever those are seem to be more prevalent.

  • And that is because, in the world of databases,

  • and perhaps even some of your own spreadsheets,

  • it's conventional and daresay best practice to normalize your data.

  • You indeed should try to avoid having redundancies within tables and even

  • across tables.

  • Now, what does that mean?

  • Well, consider our own spreadsheet of users

  • that we're trying to get into a database.

  • I had a column there called Address.

  • And I proposed that my own address was 33 Oxford Street in Cambridge,

  • Massachusetts 02138.

  • Now, it turns out that there's quite a few other people at my workplace,

  • and so they might have that exact same address as well.

  • And in fact, that address doesn't really lend itself

  • to very nice printing on envelopes because all I did

  • was separate things with a comma, not actually hit Enter.

  • And in fact, because everything was all in one column,

  • it would seem a little difficult to search by, say, zip code.

  • Find for me all of the users from Cambridge, Massachusetts in 02138.

  • Well, you could do it sort of searching free form

  • all of the values in some column.

  • But it wouldn't be particularly clean or efficient because you'd

  • have to look at and then ignore all of those other words and numbers, 33

  • Oxford Street, Cambridge mass, if you only care about that zip.

  • So before we forge ahead, let's see if we

  • can't infer why this database is seemingly, at first glance,

  • more complicated than you might like.

  • Well, if I go back into my spreadsheet here, what really should

  • I have done with Address?

  • I probably should have quantized that value

  • into streets and then city, then state and zip code,

  • not having just one column but several.

  • In fact, here, what I've gone ahead and done is separate out Address

  • into Street and City and State and Zip.

  • And for each of those have I specified a very precise type.

  • I've gone ahead and proposed that Street is still varchar (255), as is city,

  • because I don't really know an upper bound, so we'll at least be consistent.

  • For state, I've hopefully been smart in at least assuming users are in the US.

  • I've said char (2) for just that two-character code.

  • And for Zip, too, I'm preemptively trying

  • to avoid a mistake with even Cambridge whose zip codes start with a zero.

  • Where I had to specify again that that's just an integer,

  • I might actually lose mathematically that first digit.

  • But by storing it as a char with five characters and no hyphen or four others

  • can I ensure that that 02138 remains exactly that.

  • But here, too, we have a bit of inefficiency.

  • Imagine if more and more users from my own building

  • register for this particular application.

  • You might have again and again these exact same values

  • if all of my colleagues are in the same building.

  • And here, as with programming, as soon as you

  • start to see a lot of redundancy, the same data again and again,

  • there's surely an opportunity for better design.

  • This is correct.

  • My colleagues might also live here if we added

  • their names and their distinct emails.

  • But they don't necessarily need to have the same exact text stored

  • again and again.

  • So what might you do in this case even in the world of spreadsheets?

  • Well, on the sheet, I might just rename this actually more explicitly to users.

  • And you know what?

  • Let me go ahead and create another sheet in my spreadsheet world

  • and call this, say, Cities.

  • And my cities might actually have a city name and perhaps a state and a zip.

  • But in this leftmost column, I could be smart

  • and start to assign each of these cities some unique ID or identifier.

  • And so here might I have just a unique identifier, typically an integer.

  • City might again be varchar (255).

  • And State might, again, be char (2).

  • Zip Code, meanwhile, can stay as char (5).

  • But now what I can do is presume this, that if Cambridge, Massachusetts,

  • 02138 is in this sheet or, if you will, table let's arbitrarily but reasonably

  • give it a unique identifier as one.

  • And if I were to add more cities here, like Allston, Massachusetts and its zip

  • code, I could sign it a unique ID of two.

  • Because now that I have this data, here's

  • where you get that relational aspect.

  • I can relate this sheet or table to my other as follows.

  • Back in this table now can I go ahead and delete much of this redundancy

  • here and actually go ahead and say city is not really a city but it's a city

  • ID.

  • And here now it can be a proper integer, because the city

  • in which all of my colleagues live is the exact same one as mine.

  • Now, here there's still an opportunity for improvement, to be fair.

  • Because if all of us are in the same building,

  • maybe that should be factored out as well.

  • And if I really wanted to go down this rabbit hole,

  • I could add another sheet or table called,

  • say, Buildings and factor out also that 33 Oxford Street, give it a unique ID,

  • and only store numbers.

  • So in short, the more redundancy and the more waste

  • that you end up having in your data, the more opportunities there

  • are to, so to speak, normalize it.

  • To factor out those commonalities and create

  • relations between some pieces of data and others

  • and the convention in computing is to do, quite simply, numbers.

  • Why?

  • Well, it turns out it's a lot more efficient to just relate some data

  • to others by relying on small integers.

  • Four bytes is not all that much.

  • And in fact, inside of a computer CPU are

  • small registers, tiny pieces of memory that

  • can be used on the most basic of operations;

  • additions, subtractions, and comparisons for equality.

  • And so with small values like integers can you

  • very quickly reassemble or relate some data to others.

  • And so here we have a general principle of database design

  • to normalize it by factoring things out.

  • And so if we go back into our musical database,

  • you can perhaps infer why the author of this data did that preemptively.

  • They have their albums having album IDs, a number like 1, 2, and 3, a title,

  • which is the actual title of that album.

  • And then to associate those albums with artists,

  • they've used not the artist's name but an ID.

  • In this way can an album have the same artist as another

  • without storing that artist's name twice.

  • Moreover, if the artist happens to change his or her name,

  • as is not uncommon in the musical world, you

  • can change that name in just one place and not

  • have to scour your tables for multiple copies.

  • And so if we continue this logic, we'll see in more and more tables

  • that we have this principle of naming the data but then assigning it an ID.

  • And if you want to relate some of that data to another,

  • you simply store the ID, not the actual values.

  • Of course, this is decreasingly useful as we go, because now some of my data

  • is in this table, and that, and this other table, and here.

  • And so while very academically clean and refined, it doesn't anymore

  • seem useful to the data scientist in front of his or her computer

  • that just wants to answer questions about data.

  • And yet it's all over the place, whereas before, with Excel,

  • you could just pull up a window.

  • But that's where SQL itself comes in.

  • SQL does not just prescribe how to type your data

  • but rather how to query it as well.

  • And in this particular program here, DB Browser,

  • I can actually go over to this tab here for Execute SQL.

  • And I can begin to execute those actual commands, SELECT,

  • and CREATE, and UPDATE, DELETE, and others and actually see the results.

  • What SQL allows you to do is express yourself programmatically

  • using a fairly small language, albeit new, that

  • allows you to create temporary tables, just the results, just the result

  • sets, so to speak, that you want, only those rows that you care about.

  • So for instance, if I want to see all of the albums in this database,

  • well, in the world of spreadsheets, I would just double click in and peruse.

  • But in the world of SQL, I'm actually going to type a command.

  • I'm going to go ahead here and say SELECT star, for give me everything,

  • from the table called Album, and then semicolon to finish my thought.

  • I'm going to go ahead and click the graphical Play button here

  • to execute this command.

  • And you'll see suddenly that here are all of the albums

  • apparently in this table, 347 of them in total in this particular database.

  • And notice that all of the titles are in one column,

  • the Album ID is to the left, and the Artist ID, of course, to the right.

  • Well, if you're now curious who is the artist behind the album called

  • For Those About to Rock, We Salute You, well, I

  • can just make a mental note that the artist ID is one.

  • And you know what?

  • With SQL, it turns out you can use predicates.

  • You can qualify the data you want.

  • You don't have to say, give me all.

  • You can say, give me this.

  • So how do I do that?

  • Well, I can actually say SELECT star from Artist, the other table, where--

  • and here comes my predicate-- artist ID equals one, a semicolon again to finish

  • that thought, hit Play, and voila.

  • It turns out it's AC/DC, the artist behind that particular album.

  • Of course, this felt a bit manual.

  • And this seems no better than a spreadsheet wherein

  • now more of the work seems to be on me.

  • But SQL's more expressive than this.

  • Not only can you create, and select, an update, and delete data,

  • you can also join data from one table and another.

  • So in fact, let me go ahead and do this a little more explicitly.

  • I want to go ahead and select everything from that original album table,

  • but I'd like to first join it with the artist table.

  • How?

  • Well, I want to join those two tables, this one and this one,

  • kind of like this, conceptually, so to speak.

  • On what fields?

  • Well, in Album, I recall there's an artist ID.

  • I want that to be equal to artist.artistid.

  • In other words, if you imagine this hand to be albums and this hand to be artist

  • and the tips of my fingers each represent those artist IDs,

  • we essentially want the SQL to line up my fingers

  • so that I have on the left my albums and I have on the right the artist.

  • And every one of my rows now has both.

  • Let me finish my thought with a semicolon here and hit Play.

  • And voila, now we see even more information but all together.

  • We see that album number one, For Those About to Rock, We Salute You,

  • has an artist ID of one and clearly an artist ID of one but a name.

  • Well, what's happened?

  • Well, both of these tables have kind of been concatenated together but joined

  • intelligently such that the artist IDs in both tables

  • line up on the left and the right.

  • Of course, at this point, I really don't care about all these numbers.

  • And I definitely don't need the temporary duplication of data,

  • so I don't have to just keep saying star,

  • which is the so-called wild card, which means give me everything.

  • I can actually instead just say, give me the title of albums

  • and the names of the artists by specifying with commas

  • the names of the columns that I actually want.

  • And if I now click Play, I get much simpler results,

  • just the titles of albums and just the names of those artists.

  • Now, how else can we express ourselves with SQL?

  • Well, there are other keywords besides WHERE and besides JOIN.

  • You can also group values by something and specify that they must all

  • have something as well.

  • For instance, let me go back to my data here and consider

  • which artists have multiple albums.

  • Well, if we consider the results that we had earlier do

  • we have AC/DC as the artist behind For Those About to Rock, We Salute You,

  • but also behind Let There Be Rock.

  • Moreover, this band Accept has multiple albums as well.

  • And if we scrolled further, we'd probably see others.

  • So if we'd like to see those bands, those artists that have

  • multiple albums, how can we do this?

  • Well, what if I somehow collapsed all mentions of AC/DC into just one row,

  • and next to that row I put an actual count?

  • Well, I could refine this query as follows.

  • I can say, yes, join these tables together, but then

  • collapse them, if you will, based on grouping some common value.

  • Let's go ahead now and group the data by name

  • so that any artist that appears multiple times

  • will effectively be collapsed into one.

  • But I'd like to remember how many rows got collapsed into just one.

  • And so rather than select the albums themselves this time,

  • I'm going to select the album's name and then the count there of,

  • thereby specifying show me the name and show me the count of that name

  • before we grouped by.

  • If I go ahead now and finish my thought and click Execute,

  • I'll see that, indeed, AC/DC had two names and Aaron Goldberg had one.

  • And if we keep scrolling, we'd see all of the bands' names

  • that had one or more albums and the count for each of those.

  • If I want to filter out now maybe those bands that

  • only had one hit album in this database, I can instead say,

  • you know what, go ahead and group by the group's name,

  • but then show me only those bands having more than one album.

  • Well, here, too, can I simply filter my results saying literally quite

  • that, having some number count name greater than one, semicolon.

  • Hitting Play now and you see the results immediately eliminate all

  • of those bands that had just one album.

  • And now if I scroll through, we'll see all those bands

  • that had two or really more.

  • And so with SQL can you begin to express yourself

  • certainly more arcanely than you could with just

  • a click of the mouse in a spreadsheet but ever so much more powerfully.

  • But the key is to build these queries up piecemeal.

  • Indeed, this now already looks quite complicated.

  • But we began by just selecting all data and then refining, refining, refining,

  • thereby working at this level and only getting into the weeds

  • once we knew what we wanted.

  • Notice now just how fast these operations have been.

  • Indeed, at the bottom here do I see that 56 rows were returned.

  • How fast?

  • In one millisecond.

  • And indeed, even though it might take me longer

  • to describe in English what it is I want, in fact,

  • the computer can find this data so quickly.

  • But that's because we've done at least one thing already.

  • This data is already organized with these proper types.

  • And it also has a few other key characteristics as well.

  • When storing your data in a SQL database,

  • you're also asked to answer some questions.

  • For every table you're asked to specify effectively what,

  • if any, is this table's primary key.

  • These are key words in SQL that you can apply

  • to some column that says, hey, database, this column

  • is my primary value that uniquely identifies every row in this table.

  • In the context then of our user spreadsheet

  • with which we began this discussion, that identifier for City

  • was a primary key.

  • I might very well have used a city's name

  • as unique or perhaps even the zip code.

  • But far more efficient, especially if you

  • want to avoid ambiguities or duplication,

  • is to just use that integer.

  • And so here a primary key is almost always a numeric value, at least

  • in the most optimized layouts of data.

  • But it guarantees to the database that there will be

  • no duplicates on this particular value.

  • But more powerfully, you can define in one table a column to be a primary key,

  • but then in another table that same value to be a so-called foreign key.

  • In other words, throughout this example in the actual SQL database,

  • I had Albums in one table and Artists in others.

  • And that Artist table had an Artist ID column

  • that was within that table known as a primary key.

  • But when you saw that artist ID in the Albums table,

  • it was contextually there a foreign key.

  • Now, beyond semantics, this is an actual and valuable property.

  • It ensures that the database knows how to link

  • and how to link those two columns efficiently.

  • Moreover, you have even fancier features available to you when you declare keys.

  • You can also tell the database, you know what?

  • If I ever delete this artist, go ahead and delete all of that artist's albums

  • as well.

  • And you can configure a database automatically

  • to have this so-called cascade effect whereby data is updated

  • and your data is consistent at the end of the day based on those relations,

  • if you will.

  • Now, in columns of data can you also specify

  • that every value's got to be unique.

  • It doesn't necessarily need to be your primary key,

  • but it might still be unique.

  • Like what?

  • Well, in our Users table that we were creating on the fly,

  • an email address might, by human convention,

  • be unique, assuming I don't share it with someone else.

  • But using an email address, multiple characters, many possible characters,

  • tends not to be the most efficient way to search on data.

  • So even in my Users table might I have added for best practice

  • a numeric column as well, probably called ID, as my primary key.

  • But I might still specify when moving that data from my Google spreadsheet

  • into a SQL database that, you know what?

  • Please ensure that this Email column's unique

  • so that I or some other programmer doesn't accidentally

  • insert duplicate data into this table.

  • And moreover, the database then can search it

  • more efficiently because it knows how many, if any, there

  • are of any one value.

  • There's one and only one maximally.

  • Lastly, there's this keyword here, index.

  • Well, the other feature you get so powerfully from proper databases

  • is the ability to search and sort values efficiently.

  • But the database doesn't know a priori how to do either

  • on the data you care about.

  • Because only if you tell the database what data you plan to search on

  • and sort frequently can it help you in advance.

  • And so if when creating a database table you tell the database server, go ahead

  • and index this column, what it will do is use a database structure,

  • a tree structure not unlike our so-called binary search trees,

  • that pulls all the data up in an artist's rendition thereof,

  • thereby ensuring that it doesn't take as many steps

  • to find some email address or something else because you

  • have indexed that particular column.

  • It won't store it linearly top to bottom or left to right.

  • It will store it in a two-dimensional tree

  • structure of some sort, often known as a B-tree, that

  • allows you to grab the data in hopefully logarithmic and not linear time.

  • Well, turns out there are even more features you

  • get from actual databases like SQLite.

  • Well, you have the ability to specify when creating a table, please go ahead

  • and auto increment this column.

  • Well, what does that mean?

  • Well, I very manually a moment ago assigned

  • Cambridge the unique identifier of one.

  • But why should I, the programmer, even have

  • to worry or care about what the unique values of my inputs are?

  • I just need that that key exists.

  • I do not need to care about what that value is, just that it exists

  • and it's unique.

  • So you can tell the database on its own, please go ahead

  • and, any time I add a new row to this table,

  • increment that value automatically.

  • You can also specify to a database, please

  • ensure that no values in my database are null that is empty,

  • thereby ensuring that a bug in your code or some missing user input

  • doesn't accidentally put into your database

  • a row that's only sparsely filled with real data.

  • The database can help you with these things just as Python can as well,

  • but it's a final layer of a defense before your data.

  • And then functions as well.

  • SQL itself is a programming language.

  • It might not necessarily have as high ceiling as something like Python,

  • as much functionality.

  • But built into SQL are any number of functions.

  • If you want to select the average revenue

  • across any number of purchase orders, you can use the average function.

  • And in MySQL Query can I select data but pass it into one of these functions

  • and get back an answer without having to paste it into, say,

  • a spreadsheet, let alone calculator.

  • I can count rows just as I did.

  • I wanted to count the number of albums that a given artist had,

  • and COUNT was a function supported by SQL.

  • You can get maxes and mins.

  • You can get summations of value and so many more

  • features built into this language.

  • And while the tool you might use might not

  • be DB Browser, perhaps it's just a textual interface or even something

  • even more graphical, it ultimately is just

  • executing on your behalf the SQL queries and handing them off to the database

  • for execution.

  • Now, with all of these features that you get with the database,

  • it all sounds too good to be true.

  • You can scale, you can eliminate redundancy,

  • and you can still select all the data you want.

  • But unfortunately, you have to start to think harder

  • about the design of your system.

  • Because databases are sometimes vulnerable to mistakes, if you will.

  • Consider, for instance, something like Twitter

  • that tends to keep track of how many times something's retweeted.

  • Or consider an app like Instagram, which keeps

  • track of how many likes or upvotes or views some post has gotten.

  • On the most popular or viral of media, those counters,

  • those integers might be getting incremented ever so quickly.

  • If you and I both happen to view or like something at nearly the same time,

  • well, that interface from us into the system

  • might actually trigger some instruction on some server

  • somewhere to tell Instagram's database to increment some value.

  • But how does a database go about incrementing a value?

  • Well, if the value of views or the value of counts

  • is somehow stored in a database, a column of type integer,

  • and you go ahead and execute a SQL SELECT in order to get that value,

  • and, for instance, 100 people before me has liked some post,

  • well, the value of that result comes back as 100.

  • I then do some math in my code, perhaps Python.

  • I increment the 100 to 101, and then I use a SQL UPDATE, as you can,

  • to push the data back into the database.

  • But suppose both you and I anywhere in the world

  • both happen to like a post at the same or nearly the same time,

  • as can certainly happen when posts are especially popular.

  • Unfortunately, a computer can sometimes do multiple things

  • at once or at least in such rapid succession

  • that it appears to be at the same time, but a race of sorts

  • can happen, a race condition, if you will, as follows.

  • If both my button and your button is pressed

  • at nearly the same time and that induces execution of code on Instagram server

  • that selects for both of us the current count of views,

  • suppose that both of the threads, so to speak, both of the SQL operations

  • that select that data both come back with the value 100,

  • each of the blocks of code serving our requests

  • go ahead and increment that value to 101 and then, via SQL UPDATE,

  • pushes that value back to the database.

  • Unfortunately, because both you and I induced an evaluation of that math

  • at nearly the same time, what the database might end up storing

  • is not 102 but 101.

  • In other words, if two people's input is triggering a race to update data,

  • the database had better keep track of who and when asked for that update.

  • Otherwise, you lose data.

  • Now, in the case of tweets or likes, it's probably not all that problematic.

  • Though, frankly, that is their business.

  • But you can certainly imagine that with banks or financial institutions, where

  • the numbers matter ever so more, you certainly

  • don't want to accidentally lose track of some dollars.

  • And so how do we go about solving this in the case of a SQL database?

  • Well, it turns out that there is fairly fundamental primitives or solutions

  • you can use.

  • Consider a metaphor in the real world, such as, say, a familiar refrigerator.

  • And suppose that you and your significant other

  • happened to both like something to drink at the end of the day, like some milk.

  • And so you go ahead when you get home, and the other person's not,

  • and you open the fridge and you see, oh, darn it, we're out of milk.

  • And so you close the fridge and you head downstairs

  • and you walk to the nearest store.

  • Meanwhile, that other person comes home and, wanting some milk,

  • opens the fridge, and darn it if we aren't out of milk as well.

  • And so that person now heads out, perhaps in a different car,

  • in a different route, and heads to the store, some other store to get milk.

  • Fast forward some amount of time and both of you

  • come home, and darn it if you don't now have twice as much milk as you need,

  • and it does go bad.

  • And so you've both ended up buying milk when really only one of you needed to.

  • And this is similar in spirit, but now you've

  • got more data than you actually wanted, but it's not the right amount of data.

  • So why did that happen?

  • Well, both of you, like Instagram, inspected the state of some value

  • and made a decision on it before the other person

  • was done acting on that information.

  • So in our very real world of milk, how could you

  • go about avoiding that conflict, that race, to restock the fridge?

  • Well, you could quite simply grab a pen and paper and leave a note,

  • so to speak, on the fridge telling someone else, gone for milk,

  • and hopefully they then would not do the same.

  • Or perhaps more dramatically you could lock the refrigerator in some sense

  • so that they can't even get into it and inspect that state.

  • But ultimately, you need your act of checking the fridge

  • and restocking it to be what we'll call atomic.

  • And databases can and hopefully do provide atomicity,

  • that property, the ability to do multiple things together or not at all

  • but not be interrupted by someone else's work.

  • And in fact, in the database world, these

  • are generally known as actual locks whereby you say to the database,

  • don't let anyone else write to this table or row

  • until I am ready to release or unlock it.

  • That, of course, though, tends to be a very heavy-handed solution.

  • Say don't let anyone else touch this data.

  • Better to do it on a more fine-grained control

  • so that you don't slow your whole system down.

  • And so SQL databases tend to support what are more finally known

  • as transactions whereby you can execute one or more commands again and again

  • and again back to back but make sure that all of them

  • go through it once before, say, your commands

  • that your user input induced actually is allowed to get executed.

  • Now, honestly, even in the most high-tech

  • of places like Instagram and Twitter, this is a hard problem.

  • Because at some point, even waiting for my operations

  • to complete before yours can go in can be a challenge

  • and a bottleneck for everyone else.

  • And so in the case of the most viral of posts, what can systems these days do?

  • Well, you could just kind of wait and write

  • that data back to the database that is updated eventually.

  • And indeed, another property of databases

  • is known as just that, eventual consistency, a property that says,

  • don't lose any data, but only eventually make sure it's reflected on the server.

  • Eventually get the value right, but do get it right.

  • And so what Instagram and Twitter and others might do

  • is just cache or buffer that data, waiting until things have quieted down

  • 'til the post is no longer viral or most users have gone to sleep.

  • Now, that alone might not be to the best of solutions,

  • but it avoids having to get the highest powered and most expensive hardware.

  • Of course, in other contexts, that might be the better solution.

  • In the world of finance, sometimes it comes

  • down to the actual length of cables or distance from some server to another

  • to ensure that the data gets there so fast

  • that you don't run into these sorts of challenges.

  • So databases can solve this, but the developers and designers

  • that use those databases need to know how to do it and that they should.

  • Lastly, there's another challenge as well,

  • unfortunately all too commonly done these days

  • because folks just don't defend against it via common mechanisms.

  • It turns out that a bad actor somewhere on the internet or your own network

  • can potentially, if you're not careful, trick

  • a database into executing commands that you didn't intend.

  • For instance, suppose in the context of Python

  • you have some code that looks a bit like this.

  • Here is a program written in a mix of pseudocode

  • and Python that's designed to allow a user to input

  • the title of an album for which they want to search.

  • And so here I use the Python function INPUT to prompt the user for just that.

  • On the left-hand side do I clear a variable called Title, and then

  • assigned from right to left, the user's response to that variable.

  • Then suppose for the sake of discussion there is some function called EXECUTE

  • whose purpose in life is to take input that itself represents a SQL command.

  • That SQL command might be this, so like star from Artist

  • where Title equals something.

  • Now, what is that something?

  • Well, if I have the user's input in a variable called Title,

  • I can use the plus operator in Python, not to add but concatenate

  • two strings together, coding them singly and completing that thought.

  • The problem, though, with SQL is that user's not really to be trusted.

  • And whether the user's input is coming from a keyboard on a Mac,

  • or PC, or perhaps, more compellingly, from an app or website,

  • you probably should not trust all your users.

  • Because suppose that your user typed in not the album name for which they

  • want to search, Let There Be Rock, but rather they type something

  • like Let There Be Rock, semicolon, DELETE,

  • thereby using SQL's apparent DELETE command in order

  • to trick your database into executing not one but two

  • commands, a SELECT and DELETE.

  • And indeed, this is what's known as a SQL injection

  • attack, the ability for an adversary, a bad actor

  • out there, to somehow trick your database and your code

  • into executing some command that you didn't intend.

  • How is that possible?

  • Well, some of these characters are dangerous, so to speak.

  • A semicolon in SQL tends to separate one command from another.

  • It finishes your thought.

  • And if you yourself don't anticipate that some human, this bad actor,

  • might type in themselves a semicolon when they really

  • shouldn't be typing SQL at all, you might mistake that semicolon

  • for the actual terminus between one command and another.

  • And if you just blindly pass it into your server

  • and let it execute as usual, you might execute not just that SELECT

  • but that DELETE or anything else as well.

  • And in this way can an adversary not only delete data from your database

  • but maybe select more than you intended, or update or insert.

  • It's ultimately up to you to defend against these threats.

  • So, how?

  • Well, it turns out that there are libraries, code written by other people

  • that, frankly, via very easy-to-use functions,

  • just make it easy to sanitize or scrub, so to speak, user's input.

  • What do these libraries or these functions typically do?

  • Honestly, they just escape, so to speak, these dangerous characters.

  • Something like a semicolon or perhaps a single apostrophe that

  • might, in SQL, have some special and dangerous potential meaning,

  • they just escape them as by putting a backslash, a special character in front

  • of them so that if the human were to type in Let There Be Rock,

  • semicolon, DELETE, that would actually be interpreted safely by your database

  • as a search for an album called Let There Be Rock, semicolon, DELETE,

  • which of course most likely is not the name of an album.

  • So that query would probably not return or select any results.

  • But more importantly, it would not be tricked

  • into executing two SQL commands.

  • Rather, it would execute only the SELECT but with a nonsensical value.

  • Lastly, consider what a database is.

  • It's really a piece of software running on some computer

  • somewhere, be it on my own Mac, or PC, or some server in the cloud.

  • But if you have just one database, as I seem to keep presuming,

  • you have this so-called single point of failure,

  • again, just as we had in the world of cloud computing more generally.

  • And so with something like data where you don't want to lose it

  • and you certainly don't want all of your web servers or apps

  • to go offline just because one server, your database server, has gone out,

  • it's time to revisit the architecture or topology of systems more generally.

  • Something tells me that it's not going to be

  • sufficient to have just one database.

  • You probably want two.

  • But if you have two databases, now how do you decide where to put the data?

  • Do you put it here, or over here, or maybe in both places?

  • If you put it in both places, though, you're then using twice as much space,

  • so already we've opened a can of worms.

  • To solve one simple problem, don't be a single point of failure.

  • But that's going to cost you some time, or some money, or certainly space.

  • So what can you do if you're architecting

  • a system that has now not just web servers but, say, databases?

  • Well, odds are you're going to want to have not just the one, pictured here

  • as a cylinder, as this convention, but you're probably

  • going to want to have a second as well.

  • But of course, if you have two of them, odds

  • are it's not sufficient just to store half of your data on one

  • and half of your data on the other, because, of course,

  • you've not solved the single point of failure.

  • You now just have two single points of failure because half of your data

  • could be lost here or half of it here.

  • So odds are you're going to want to start having backups of data.

  • But you don't want to necessarily have to waste time restoring

  • from backup, especially if you want to maintain

  • as many as five nines of uptime.

  • So odds are you're going to want to have these databases really

  • be duplicates of one another.

  • And whenever you write data to one database,

  • you should probably write it to the other in parallel.

  • So, yes, admittedly, you have just spent twice as much space

  • and, frankly, twice as much money.

  • But at some point those sorts of costs are inevitable.

  • But there's other ways to scale here, too.

  • You can, of course, hit a ceiling on vertical scaling

  • even when it comes to databases.

  • After all, if a database is just a program running on some server

  • and there is only so much RAM or disk space or CPU in that server,

  • eventually you're not going to be able to store as much data

  • or as quickly as you want.

  • So what can you do?

  • Well, you could, for instance, shard your data

  • and have not just two but maybe four or more servers and put all of the users

  • whose names start from A to M on one half of your cluster of servers,

  • so to speak, but maybe everyone else from M

  • to Z based on, say, their last name can go on the others.

  • To shard a database means to split the data in some predictable way

  • that you can repeat again and again.

  • But even there, too, even if only the As through Ms are going to the left,

  • you want to make sure that you still have that backup or replica.

  • And this arrow suggests that they really should be intercommunicating,

  • not unlike load balancers we've seen.

  • But there's another way you can scale your databases as well.

  • You don't have to have databases doing both reading and writing.

  • To read data from a database or any server means to take it from its memory

  • and read it into yours.

  • And to write means to do the opposite, to save it.

  • Well, what you can do actually in the world of databases

  • is also replicate your databases multiple times.

  • And you might have connected to these two primary databases

  • multiple other databases that are just copies in one direction and not both.

  • And what you might then do is use these two primary databases not only to read

  • but to write, abbreviated here RW.

  • But these other databases down here, which

  • are just copies of the ones to which they're connected,

  • are just called read replicas.

  • They exist solely for the purpose to read from them again and again.

  • When might this make sense?

  • Well, in some contexts, like social media,

  • like Facebook, it's probably the case that there

  • are more reads than there are writes.

  • That is to say you probably know more people who post more content than you

  • but you probably still read or look at theirs.

  • And so if the data for your business follows

  • that pattern whereby writes are maybe common but reads are way more common,

  • you can do exactly this model and replicate again and again, honestly,

  • as a tree structure for efficiency so that it doesn't all

  • have to replicate one at a time.

  • But then you can write software, be it in Python or something else,

  • that writes data only to these one or two servers but reads

  • from any number of them as well.

  • But this, too, is a bit of a rabbit hole, because at some point

  • you want to have this redundancy not in one

  • location but others, east coast and west coast, one country and another.

  • And at that point, you might actually run into the limitations of time.

  • Because after all, it takes a non-zero number of milliseconds or seconds

  • for data to travel long distance.

  • Consider after all how long it might take

  • data to go from Cambridge, Massachusetts to somewhere in Japan.

  • That's far longer than it might take to just go down the road to MIT.

  • So here, too, we can revisit all of the problems we saw in the world of cloud

  • computing and servers more generally.

  • They're back to revisit in the context of databases.

  • But with databases, you care ever more that these things not go down,

  • or if they do, that you have spares, backups, or replicas.

  • Because now that we're storing our data in this centralized place,

  • we have to think hard not only about how we're scaling computationally

  • but how we're scaling in terms of our data as well.

  • So consider where then we began.

  • We started by laying out data in a spreadsheet, be it Microsoft Excel,

  • or Apple Numbers, or Google Spreadsheets.

  • From there we considered what types of data

  • we might store there so that if we want to upgrade,

  • so to speak, from a spreadsheet to database,

  • we know what types we can specify.

  • And in SQL, whether implemented in SQLite, Oracle, or MySQL,

  • or something else, they tend to be standard types that

  • tend to be common across platforms, albeit with some variations,

  • so that we can think hard about these types

  • and then ultimately help the database help us be performant.

  • Because if I know that I'm going to be searching or selecting based

  • on certain data, I can tell the database, for instance,

  • to make it unique or at least index it.

  • And then using SQL constructions like SELECT, and INSERT, and UPDATE,

  • and DELETE, and yet others can I manipulate that data and get

  • at it even faster, frankly, than the human me could with a mere spreadsheet.

  • But with the design of any system, as with databases,

  • we start to open new cans of worms and new problems

  • as we start to explore more sophisticated challenges.

  • But here, too, many, if not all, of these problems

  • can be solved by simply reducing the problems to first principles

  • and consider, what is the problem to be solved?

  • How is our data represented?

  • Where is it stored?

  • And consider ultimately what business constraints or legal constraints

  • we have when manipulating that data and consider what tools of the trade

  • are available to us.

  • This then is database design and, more generally, design unto itself,

  • not just focusing on the correctness of implementing solutions to problems

  • but the efficiency and the scalability as well thereof.

DAVID MALAN: We've seen how with languages like Python

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2019年律師用CS50--數據庫設計 (CS50 for Lawyers 2019 - Database Design)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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