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So exactly one year and one day ago, probably one year in two days ago.
By the time you guys see this, we did a video about us retesting the 2400 g from Andy because, um, reasons and stuff.
So here we are, retesting it again one year later because, you know, one of the most common things I've seen people say with the launch of ah, radio on seven, and with the increasing prices of video and whatever, however, you guys wanna look at that, I'm just not gonna buy a graphics card, and then they do like the Superman pose because they're standing on righteousness.
And so I thought, Well, what kind of performance will you get today?
With the latest gains more games have launched since this card ID card.
It's inside the Vega inside their little little bitty guy.
So I thought, What kind of performance we get with today's titles in 2019 by running the 2400 G now being the J that I am, I don't condone running your stuff at stock.
I always recommend over clocking if you're brave enough and you have the cooling headroom.
So that's why we're running our 2400 G over clocked.
I'm running four gigs on it.
So multiplier 40.
Running our memory at 29 33.
Admittedly, I would love that to be higher.
Unfortunately, I can't get it higher.
Keeps crashing.
The memory were running, though.
Is 16 gigabytes of G skills flare ex?
Technically, they're 3600 dims, I believe, but we can't get anywhere near that.
Um, maybe more tweaking is needed later, but I digress.
We're also running our graphics clock frequency at 1600.
I want to say something like 1200 factory.
It's our graphics.
Graphics clock is over.
Clocked week can't really get that too much higher right now any bit higher, Even like 20 megahertz.
We get black screens when we tried to load into windows rather that not too much has changed.
Actually running manual voltage of 1.4 on the CPU.
We're running a graphics core voltage at 1.225 and we're running our demon voltage at 1.35 And this is where this is where we landed.
We didn't just timings or any of that stuff.
I didn't adjust the fan curve.
None of that.
Nothing has changed.
Other than those settings I just showed you.
Oh, it's really good.
It's running at 4.29 million mega mergers.
That's good.
OK, so we're gonna d'oh dirt rally here and it's kind of funding the second dirt rally is going to come out.
But this is a game that we've kind of tested in the past with, like, a pea use and laptops and subsidize kind of want to sort of give me something somewhat consistent for me to sort of test with.
So you can see right now we've got everything showing here CPU usage.
This is our core frequency right here.
So we're getting 62 MPs, though I mean, remember, guys, we have no graphics card installed right now.
This is impressive.
More so than my driving.
Obviously, I meant to do that.
So the F B s is pretty solid.
The windshield wipers.
Ah, you Well, go ahead, pull it back slightly on the clock.
All right, So we moved on a battlefield.
Five clearly.
Dirt rally wasn't exactly my speed, but I want to see right now what happens when we play Battlefield five on this track for medium or low.
80 p.
Yeah, we're gonna go ahead and just adjust this ourselves too.
Let's go and start with medium.
How's that?
All right.
So it's probably hard to see because you guys are watching a 30 f p s video, but you could see the counter on the left.
There it's 40 41.
Motion blurs on.
We're gonna obviously have to tweak this little bit, cause 60 f.
S is clearly that number that we're going for, especially in a shooter.
You could probably get away with lower F PS and, like emos, are games where it's just story based, like resident evil and stuff like that this would clearly present a disadvantage.
It's not very smooth experience so far.
Anyway, so 20 f p.
Because everything's on ultra now.
So let's just go low, low, low.
Can you go with everything at low?
We're getting 52 f p.
S right now.
I don't think this is gonna work.
Uh, did my setting somehow.
I guess it's time for us to maybe play with the resolution scale now.
Okay, well, we're getting 70 f ps and 7 20 Well, we were second anyway.
It's just friendly.
I'm on fire.
I'm on fire.
Oh, the tanks on me.
You know, they got stuck to the train.
All right, so you're gonna drop the resolution down to 7 20 p and low settings.
You can get pretty close to 60 MPs in battle for five with no graphics card.
Okay, So our settings right now, in terms of video in a teepee custom with mixture of medium, medium, off on son shadows on any conclusion the TV off, trying to say depth of field level of detail.
I'm gonna go medium on that as well.
Test elation, off screen, space reflections, nothing really reflecting on the screen.
I think motion blur off vignette blur off pure hair.
Of course.
Off and there 30 40 f p s.
I mean, we are looking off quite into the distance, right?
Oh, she's going to a rave.
Run a rave?
Yes, we're going to rave.
It's pretty consistent.
Now, about 40 f.
S 39 40.
So can we get that number higher?
We're still sitting in the thirties, so I don't know if I would necessarily call that an amazing gameplay experience.
But this is the kind of game that I was saying that you could You could technically play at this F.
P s, I think and not feel to gimp because you're playing a single player game.
I mean, I don't feel like I couldn't play this if I want to play the story.
If I had a choice between playing a game or not, this still seems like the right way to go about it.
So let's see if we drop it now, too.
7 20 just like we did last time.
So I mean, the f PS increases riel, right?
So 74.
I mean, the F.
P s is very good.
Okay, You could play apparently as the ninja known as Laura Croft or Lara Croft.
Angelina Jolie.
Whatever you wanna call her 7 20 p is obviously looking like it's our sweet spot right now for this.
So I'm out of here.
Okay, So we switched over to doom because, um, you heard me say this before.
I'm gonna say it again.
Doom, in my opinion, is the pinnacle of ah allowing low and hardware to give you an amazing experience.
But in terms of settings real quick, we'll just go and show you.
Um, we are running, of course, Vulcan, because Vulcans important.
We're running ethics A a to take some of that V ram stress off motion blurs off.
All this stuff is off.
That's not needed.
Advance for running a mixture of medium settings here.
Actually, pretty much medium preset is what we're running.
Okay, so, 50 MPs Now, this is the kind of game where you would definitely want Hi, M p.
Because it's a twitch here, right?
Like a lot of fast turns and shooting and shooting of things.
And I mean, it does look like it drops down to the thirties here, obviously.
And someone like this dynamic lighting like a sexy coming up through here, you're gonna need that arm.
So what if we go ahead and drop this toe low?
Now was low.
Look like I mean, it's not the prettiest thing, obviously, because we've got it at low.
But it's funny, because that's if you look at the game quality on a lot of consoles.
Now, even Xbox one s is and, uh, the PlayStation for pro and all that stuff.
If you compare it to PC, it's still equivalent to eat either between medium and low on PC.
So I'm going to put us at 7 20 p like we were previously on some of the other titles and see if we get there.
I'm expecting a pretty good result 65 to 70 f.
P s.
Like I said, this is again no graphics card.
It's always It always blows my mind that that's where we are now, when AP you can actually give you 7 20 p gaining performance 82 f p.
Now this is this is perfect for the person that wants to build a system now doesn't have a lot of money for a graphics card, but it's a good enough CPU.
So where if you add a graphics card to it, it's not like you've got a cheap Athlon or something like that that, you know, you could easily bottleneck the CPU by going with a higher NGP.
Later, you could even add, Ah, high end like 10 80 year 10 e t t.
I to this CPU and not really bottleneck it.
I mean, you would have some sort of performance impact, but it's not gonna be like a huge, diminishing return where if you got something like a dual core like a Pentium anniversary edition or something like that, you can easily add a graphics card to this and not necessarily bottom like, in fact, to give you an idea of just how fast this CPU actually is.
When it's over clock to four gigs, we'll go and compare it.
Thio going.
It's an adventure right now.
If you could see how that sort of stacks up.
So so the bench ar 15.
It's going thio.
Remember, we are over clock, so I'm looking to see how a comparison or two around this 47 70 K range.
That's Ah, four core eight thread Intel CPU with hyper threading.
Yeah, it's quite a few years old, but remember that CPU also cost over $300 whereas this one comes in at less than half of that, including an I G P you can actually game on if you tried to do the same test with any sort of Intel CP right now that has a GPU inside of it, like a 1900 K, even even with iris pro graphics or whatever, you're not gonna get anywhere near this level of performance effects.
Do me a favor.
Comment down below.
If you'd like to see us do a comparative head to head on the latest Intel Iris graphics with thes am de fries and a fuse.
Here we are.
We're finishing our test right here where we are over clock to four gigahertz and an 846.
That's a little bit lower than the 8 66 we actually got in our previous test.
It's important to remember that this is not the same system.
It's not the same motherboard.
It's not even the exact same memory.
We can't get this memory as high as we're able to in the past.
Don't know lie.
It's not the same operating system installed.
There's a lot of variables in there you need to keep in mind.
But what you can learn here is that you can actually build a gaming system in 2019 that utilizes the 2400 G and still play modern titles.
If you're willing to drop the resolution down to 7 20 that's designed for someone that's trying to get by.
Somebody wants to play games, can afford a GPU yet but wants to sort of future proof themselves or make themselves more future ready too pretty a GPU in there, we could take something like the 16 60 t I and stick it in here or something like the Rx 5 90 have no problems whatsoever.
Get amazing performance, as we've already shown, and then your CPU is still going to be an amazing eight core.
Will eight Logical cores, a forecourt eight thread with the SMT or a simultaneous multi threading on MD, giving you a great CPU at an affordable value.
So we talked about this in the past is like our third or fourth video talking about this over time.
And as you can see, it still maintains relativity here in 2019.
And with the new rise in two 3000 Siri's coming out later this year.
I expect to see good stuff coming with the next Gen Hopefully some next in Vegas stuff.
Maybe coming out with a pews are guys.
I'm gonna go.
If you want to see us, do more tests with this.
Let us know what you would like to see us do with it, and we will go from there.
Thanks for watching guys and is always close to you in the next one.
Staying power.
All right, guys, we're gonna go if you want to see us to.
I guess we visited the printer printer.
They don't see us to do the moors.