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  • imagine being able to travel at the speed of life.

  • Really short commute, huh?

  • But think of this.

  • You travel 186,000 miles in just one second.

  • In other words, it would take you just a second to go around Earth.

  • 7.5 times it seems like an awful waste of endless opportunities to make.

  • Why not travel to space?

  • But first things first.

  • Let's figure out how fast the speed of light is spoiler.

  • It's very fast.

  • It's the speed in which light travels in a perfect vacuum, and it's 671 million miles per hour.

  • It takes sunlight, on average, eight minutes and 17 seconds to travel all the way from the sun to Earth.

  • Why don't we humans explore space at the speed of life well insured.

  • The laws of physics make it impossible.

  • Let's ignore this insignificant detail for now and imagine we can move at the speed of light.

  • The moon is almost 239,000 miles away from our planet.

  • This distance is the same as 30 Earth's placed side by side.

  • If you were traveling to our planet's natural satellite at the speed of light, it would take you just a bit more than one second to reach your destination for comparison.

  • If you decided to drive to the moan without breaking speed limits and about 65 miles per hour, it would take you almost 3700 hours, which is 154 days, or more than five months.

  • Venus is the closest planet to work.

  • On average, the distance between The Morning Star and our planet is 25 million miles.

  • That's 1000 times as long as the distance around her.

  • Still, while traveling at the speed of light, you'd need just two minutes before you landed your spacecraft on Venus, it might be just enough time to munch on a big burrito.

  • On the other hand, if Venus was on the other side of the sun, it would take you 15 minutes to reach in.

  • And that time is enough to have a proper meal.

  • If you had to use a car trip to Venus would take you almost 400,000 hours, which is about 44 a half years.

  • The smallest ever observed distance between Earth and Mars is 35 million miles.

  • The average distance is around 140 million miles, and the greatest distance reaches 250 million miles, which is 1000 times the distance from Earth to the moon.

  • Anyway.

  • Let's imagine it's your lucky day and you have to travel the smallest distance.

  • Then you need a bit more than three minutes to step on the reddish Martian sands.

  • If you travel to the Red Planet by car at a speed of 65 miles per hour, well, you're gonna want to bring a big lunch.

  • You would spend 540,000 hours, which is more than 62 years in your vehicle.

  • Better change your oil while you can.

  • The average distance between Mercury and Earth is 48 million miles, which is 10,000 times as long as the distance between Los Angeles and New York traveling at the speed of light.

  • It's been almost 4.5 minutes to reach your destination.

  • You can watch to official movie trailers during this time by car.

  • Oh boy, you would need 740,000 hours, or more than 85 years to make a one way trip.

  • It's time to travel to our one and only son, which is almost 93 million miles away from Earth.

  • But when you travel at the speed of light, this distance doesn't seem so huge anymore.

  • It would take you just a bit more than eight minutes to get to the sun surface out.

  • It's hot.

  • Eight minutes.

  • It's almost enough to watch a YouTube video.

  • Traveling by car is another story.

  • You would be stuck in it for about a 1,000,000 1/2 hours.

  • It makes 165 years in space.

  • Way too long.

  • You visited all the nearest sites, and it's time for longer trips.

  • How about traveling to Jupiter the distance between this planet and earth Berries, with the smallest being 365 million miles and the greatest more than 600 million miles?

  • Let's assume you don't have to travel that far.

  • Even so, you'd need about 32 minutes to reach the largest planet in the solar system.

  • That time is enoughto have a nap, but if you went by car, you would spend several lifetimes to cover the distance, which is 150,000 times as long as the Mississippi River.

  • To be precise, it would take you almost 650 years.

  • Wow.

  • Jupiter is by no means the furthest you can go.

  • Saturn is about 750 million miles away from Earth at his closest.

  • That's 3000 distances from our planet to the moon.

  • And still, if you traveled at the speed of light, you wouldn't even have enough time to watch your favorite movie.

  • Thean Tire Journey would take a bit more than an hour by car.

  • You would spend more than 1300 years to reach Saturn.

  • That's what I call a long haul flight.

  • Better hope they have meal service and some entertainment.

  • And now let's use that speed of light to the fullest and go to Uranus.

  • Get your spaceship thoroughly checked because you'll have to travel 1.6 billion miles.

  • That's the closest Uranus has ever been to Earth.

  • Thanks to your lightning fast speed, the trip wouldn't take too much time.

  • Just a bit more than two hours by car home, you'd need almost 3000 years to reach Uranus.

  • It's 150,000 times as long as the Apollo 11 mission.

  • Be careful.

  • At one point, you might get bored with your ability to move at the speed of light.

  • You could even travel to the outskirts of the solar system toward the Orc Cloud.

  • Rumor has it the Ord Cloud might contain more than a trillion.

  • That's 2,000,000 comments.

  • You need three years to reach that far away place.

  • That's enough to see all the movies on your two watch list.

  • Read at least 100 books or write your own one.

  • Now don't even consider driving to the Ord Cloud.

  • It would take you millions of years to reach your destination.

  • You can also visit the closest to Earth Star other than the sun.

  • Proxima Centauri is more than 24 trillion miles away from our planet.

  • That's 24 with 12 zeros.

  • No worries.

  • I get confused, too.

  • But if you decide to set off on such a journey, be ready to spend four years to get there.

  • A road trip to Proxima Centauri would take 44 million years.

  • Your trips get longer and longer.

  • You're about to visit the center of our home Milky Way galaxy.

  • The thing is really big.

  • More than 100,000 light years in diameter and another 1000 light years thick.

  • By the way, remember, one light year is the distance.

  • Light travels in a year, and it's about six trillion miles.

  • Plus, the Milky Way galaxy is home to 400 billion stars and even more planets.

  • To get to the center of the Milky Way, you would have to travel a distance of 25,000 light years.

  • Even at the speed of life, it would still take you guess what?

  • 25,000 years?

  • My car.

  • It would take a bit longer.

  • Make up a number that's still too small.

  • But say you're getting ambitious.

  • Why not visit the closest to earth, large spiral galaxy?

  • That'll be the end drama to galaxy.

  • In this case, you need to pack as many supplies and entertainments as possible because the trip would take 2.5 1,000,000 years.

  • Me, I think long before this point I just bail and go visit Niagara Falls.

  • If you learn something new today, then give the video alike and share with a friend.

  • And here are some other videos I think you'll enjoy.

imagine being able to travel at the speed of life.

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如果你能以光速旅行會怎樣? (What If You Could Travel at the Speed of Light)

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary