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it is for 25 in the afternoon.
We started preparing for this a long time ago because I said this would be easy video.
Somebody had to period correct what we're doing today.
At the end of every single year, people in human beings and all the creatures of like, just cannot help but do 10 year challenges the last 10 years.
There's a 10 year comparison.
You know, No one cares what you look like 10 years ago, but you know, we do care about how far computers have changed.
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What we've got right here was the pinnacle of PC power in 2009.
Ish I don't know exactly when they're released.
Some of this hardware came out, but 2009 thereabouts.
We actually had to do some digging.
The source.
Some of this hardware we actually planned on doing this video the beginning of this year, but the end of the year Still 2019 9 years is still So what we got here for hardware, In case you're wondering, a Q 9400.
So this is a court to quad four chord.
No hyper threading on it was L J 775 When I think the socket is we have got a gigabyte G A dash is G 41 m dac e s to El Revision 1.1.
It's Patriot Ram And how much is it?
How much ransom?
Their gig.
Four gigs, four gigs, 800 megahertz.
I think Kinki duds DDR two now for the GPO actually reached out to a B J So huge shout out to Jacob LBJ for sending this over this It was a really weird conversations like this is gonna sound really weird, but I need a graphics card and he's like okay.
That's not that weird.
It's like I need a 98 100 GTX.
He's like, Hold on, let me see.
And then he texts e mails me back together.
We got one.
Like what?
You think?
Yeah, we got a 98 100 GTX.
Plus, I don't know the plucks plus the notes, but there is.
And then we had to go through sourcing the cable because then we realized it only had ah Devi eye on it and a PS two pork.
So it's actually not P s two s video.
Now, this is not technically a period correct power supply.
When Phil brought this PC over to the studio last year, it had, like, one of these in it.
So I was like, for the love of God replace it.
But we even labeled this one p s super pretty shitty.
Unit 1000.
What's 18,000 TV?
It's 100 plus rated, perfectly efficient.
Now, our comparison system, what we decided was Mmm, it's doing it again.
We're hoping we could get through this video without I mean, I did touch it so it could the motherboard.
So what we did that's I thought that was the power like, Anyway, this one keeps artifact every now and then, so we're hoping we'll get to the test without dying with a backup plan.
If it does, it's a little bit newer of a car in about a year and 1/2.
Newer, it's a 77 50 from AMG.
Here's what we're comparing it to.
We decided we would take what was considered, like, some of the best hardware you can get at the time.
Not including, like the ex platforms.
I think X 58 might have been out around that era.
We're taking it and comparing it to a budget system from 2019.
There is why I'm doing this is a lot of you are still running pieces that air that old.
This is basically the budget build we built earlier this year with our help of our friends, friends at Micro Center.
But what we did was we took out the second gen rise and 2600 that was in here.
We put in the brand new third Gen Risin 3400 g.
But we're pretty convinced, actually, in some of these test that if we ran the AP you would probably still be more powerful than that system, but to keep things a little bit more like apples to apples in the sense that we have no graphics card God's cards.
If you see if you were ready that see if u with the bottom and graphics card from in video right now in 2019 which happens to be the GTX 16 50.
Not a super and out of 16 60 or any of that stuff.
50 and we are running it off oven N v M E S s d.
Now that might make you go.
Wait a minute.
Is the budget schism while you're running in India?
Me, You will see why, as we move forward with this test, But as of right now, because of Jen for PC Ieast being a thing because of a MD and the X 5 70 Chip said, and all the Gen four suffer PC Gen three p.
C i e.
For X stuff or four by whatever stuff is way cheaper than it has ever been.
In fact, I just bought filet 500 gigabyte Envy me Scratch Dr 9 70 Evo from Samsung for $70 off Amazon.
Trust me when I say what we just went through to get Windows installed and updated and games is painful because that's actually running a newer hard drive.
It's a two terabyte Baracoa to drive from C Gate, and it's a 72 100 rpm drive.
If you were doing this truly period, correct, we'd still be installing everything.
Not doing this today.
This CPU is over.
Clocked 24 gigahertz.
All core.
The GP was also over clocked plus 100 on the course.
So 100 megahertz and 500 on the memory Phil and I talked about this offline was like should overcome this.
I feel like it's fair because it's something you can do with the hardware.
He was like, Yeah, go for it.
So that's what we're running on this system.
And apparently I'm still choking the intake from that last video we did.
I should probably fix that.
There we go.
So we decided on some test that we're gonna run here.
We're gonna keep it all fairly period.
Correct for this system, because what we really want to see is how far has hardware come since 2000 and nine?
We already know a system from 2009 cannot run modern titles today because of the fact that it is far below the system requirements.
So rather than even just show the obvious of duh, you can't play red dead redemption to with this system talking longest time, nobody complain.
But they actually fixed on their books.
We want to see is how far a budget system not a bottom dollar system but a budget system.
The system would probably coming around 600.
So bucks, um, versus something that was considerably more than $600 at the time.
So here the test, we're gonna run, we are gonna be running three Mark Vantage because that is the three D mark.
That was from that particular era counterstrike source.
Even though that is several years predating this quite a few years, actually, we think counterstrike source engine is I feel like it was kind of like Vulcan and what it is now in its optimization and just how good it looks, how good it ran.
We're also gonna be running left for dead two.
We are going to also be running world of warships in the world of warships.
is going to be just a modern title that we're throwing in there because one, it's a free to play title.
So chances are someone on a system like this who can afford to upgrade it would probably play a lot of free to play games.
I'm kind of curious as to how this system would do on a modern ish free to play title, and it still looks really good.
Some curious is how we're on that hardware in terms of synthetics.
Will be running Cinna Bench ar 15.
Do you even download our 20?
Okay, we'll be doing sentiments are 15.
We're not gonna wait for that download.
We can actually overpower that hard drive with the Internet here.
And then all hell breaks loose because that's a state a two system not, say the 360 gigabit per second.
We think it's a 2 to 1.5 per second, and we're not getting the full 1.5 gig per second because that's also the system Dr doing all kinds of other things on.
But we actually downloaded three D mark 06 even though 06 is much older, it has the it's the very What's it called again?
Kanda, Whatever has the big do that comes out with, like, the big Gap Ningun Just, uh, So we're just gonna do that one for the hell of it.
So those are the test we're gonna run, We're gonna set up the camera.
We're into everything side by side.
It's not even showing level.
I'm getting blood.
Land mines is locked at 300 it's also you're showing decibels Video stress test begin videos dressed.
All right, s o the settings on this.
We've got to tell him it's 1920 maternity, all settings maxed out four times.
It's already there's there's a huge difference.
I'm in the 1 20 thirties and urine?
Yeah, I'm engine locked.
So what we're expecting here is given the clock speed that this card is gonna be running at and the fact that these titles is sold that we're gonna be hitting F ps caps of the engines that were playing within before I ever get near maxing out even a 16 50 to 96.
62 10.52 So which this That's just cause this is Capt.
And it was capital time where years actually fluctuated.
That's apparently what's in the middle of all those numbers is about 2 10 way conjoined.
A server that's already up.
Yes, he bought it about tonight.
Into the guy.
Got what is happening.
What game is this?
Also getting?
100 and 30 f B s.
I'm getting 296.
Wait a minute.
Okay, I I think I got it.
Oh, God.
Too much for me.
Over the tank.
I think it's you.
It's my crashed in the Oh, God.
Girls were inverted.
Ah, okay.
Your card might be Minsky's Feats Bears Battlestar Galactica.
Bearsbest falls black there.
So we also are gonna be testing, like, loading times.
We're gonna be, like, comparing loading times and stuff to us.
That's why we're synchronizing our kicks.
All right?
32 anything.
You also past you.
You got to change your resolution, Didn't you?
Oh, well, d'oh.
But look how far it falls in this.
Like, this is still a difficult test to run CPU wise, I think.
I bet you it's that single thread goodness of, like, stuff from this era gotta be.
Here comes the big dude 00 yes.
Powering through it.
Just the fact that that card is even still able to go.
That car's on its last legs.
Oh, crap.
Oh, this was one like Bloom was like thing really.
Character like that model is so bad, they literally got a dude chasing a chick.
That's right.
She's secret agent, right?
They got the boob.
Jiggle it.
So I mean, the test doesn't look great on your system, because it's it's intentionally stressing that that card, because it's supposed to at that time, like they were never meant to run this good.
That's why they look weird when they're at highest.
Oh, did you crash again?
All right, shut down your system.
While mine finishes, we're gonna open up that card and check the thermal placed.
All right, well, I score on that one.
We got him up and running now with 77 50 which is a 2000 February 2000 and 11.
11 is a February 2012 GPU.
So it's eight year almost eight year old card.
So my three d mark score was a P 34,329 years is a 7392 GP score.
98 versus 67.
70 to wait.
So we talk about fact that you literally have 30,000 Maur score.
Yeah, just over 30,000 more.
All right, we're gonna take a break from deep use for a second.
Okay, so we're going to send a bench ar 15.
Okay, so we'll do.
We'll do it twice.
Single core.
And, uh, why don't we give my hard drive sometime?
So what do multi core and then single court, Right.
123 go.
Uh huh.
I was looking at mine, and I was like, Okay, doing too bad.
I hate you for the work.
So you got a 36 100 x 12 6 core, 12 thread.
All right, so my 839 verses here to 84.
All right.
Single court gods to interview for hours, right?
You know, in hindsight, this video, it seemed like it would've gone quickly, but I didn't really think about how long the test would take to do.
Honestly, it still blows my mind that that we can even run the same exact software and the same exact operating system on computers after 10 years apart.
Bishop, this is this is this is an abomination.
Don't know.
What I'm saying is, like, I feel like if we started with in 2009 and did a computer from 1999 that none of the suffer would work like the gap from back then was way bigger than the gap is Look how long that square is taking.
I love how Hey, Intel was the first troll.
Because look, Cor, I 7965 and then Vietnam to export night 65 My God, my 70 70 former know that Scales will look like 74 witches.
Yeah, and I got no look, which is just under half of that.
And I'm just above half of your total core count like score, so Okay, well, mine's faster.
All right.
Air creating files.
All right, Let's try left for dead.
Something that you should actually be able to play.
Oh, God.
Pull me out.
Told me I jumped out the window.
You're getting You're getting, like, 45 50 MPs.
All right.
Well left for dead.
Playable, but enjoyable.
Six times slower on this computer.
so keep in mind, too.
If the 9800 GTX plus had not died, it would be even worse.
What is that?
So the 99 9800 GTX plus is 26% slower on average in the 77 50 across the board, according to user benchmarks.
Okay, so we're doing world warships here, and we're just doing a training room.
But this, um, the engine cap is basically 75 f p s for this particular title, but we chose it once again because the more modern title free to play title and I find a lot of people older systems play a lot of Indian and free to play games because they don't know might update their systems.
They also have 60 70 bucks to throw in a modern game either.
Okay, so 75 FBs versus 20 if you zoom in on my ship, is it?
Is it scary looking with those guns?
It's so cinematic crater at 15 FBs.
Hey, look at this little guy doing over here.
I got a pickle.
But what do you have to do now to get it up there?
So obviously turn off?
I'm just gonna go very low.
Just straight.
Very low.
And then what happens?
Hey, I got 100 and something when I I mean, Okay, so could you play it and feel like I've been honestly, first clients to it?
Doesn't look too.
Didn't know it's a pretty game or what way one guns.
You still this?
No, You gotta leave it like this.
Write in the bow because he moved forward.
Oh, you just work.
Could be you're gonna die.
Maybe today is a good day to die if you know where to put your shells.
That's what you do to E m e.
Look at this video Probably is just all over the place and stuff we were dealing with.
Obviously a whole lot of hardware type problems.
We just want to see what would happen.
Because Phil had access to this 10 year old computer and we were like, Let's do something with it.
And that's what we thought of to d'oh.
What I think I'm gonna do my next misstated Alice stupid overpowered armor.
Hey, wait.
What I think I want to do for the next part of this video is I want to see if we can update that computer in a in a way, that makes sense.
I think Justin SSD alone with a little better graphics card, will get us some pretty good results.
This is what we just had here, So anyway, Oh, wouldn't test We forgot to do is a boot time test.
Let me sink this friendship or quick.
Well done.
Let me try the rear turret.
I wonder if I can actually kill this ship and shut down before you do.
Hey, the lights are still on.
Shut up and joking about it.
It's still literally on 321 Is your memory reading a dual channel into leave New isn't a relieved there we Oh, actually, that's not as bad as I thought it be.
But you also have a password.
The anyway.
I mean, yeah, SST is important.
All right, guys, Thanks for watching.