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>> Cuidate.
>> Cuidate.
>> Cuidate.
>> Cuidate.
>> What do you mean cuidate?
>> Cuidate means protecting yourself.
>> Cuidate means taking care of who you're with.
>> Cuidate means being in control.
>> Cuidate means being careful.
>> What does it mean to be careful?
Being careful means deciding whether or not to have sex.
Sex doesn't just happen.
>> Being careful means knowing how to talk to your partner about sex before you have it.
>> Being careful means knowing how to protect yourself
and your partner if you decide to have sex.
>> Being careful means knowing how to walk away if you can't protect your partner or yourself.
>> And if you're not in control or careful, you can get pregnant, an STD, or HIV.
>> What's HIV?
>> HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus.
That's the virus that causes AIDS.
>> HIV and AIDS can be treated.
And there's no cure right now.
>> And once you have it, you really have it.
>> What does that mean?
>> There are drugs that can treat AIDS,
but you will need to take them every day for the rest of your life.
>> HIV and AIDS can hurt your family, your future, and your dreams.
>> Anyone can get HIV.
You can get HIV if you're a boy, if you're a girl, if you're gay,
if you're straight, or if you're rich or poor.
>> You can get HIV if you're Latino.
In fact, Latinos and African Americans are now getting infected with HIV more than ever before.
>> How do you get HIV?
>> HIV is in blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk.
You can get it from having unprotected oral, anal, or vaginal sex.
>> You can get HIV if you're using an infected needle if you're doing drugs.
>> You can get HIV from getting piercings or tattoos with used needles.
>> But you can't get HIV from hugging, sharing food, shaking hands, or from using a toilet.
>> The only way to know if you or someone else has HIV is to get tested.
>> You can't tell if someone is infected with HIV just by looking at them
or because they tell you they don't have HIV.
>> It's better to know.
Get tested to protect yourself and your boyfriend or girlfriend.
>> Get tested.
Show that you care.
>> How else do we take care?
>> Talk to each other.
Your parents, your brothers, sisters, friends, aunts, uncles, or another adult you trust.
>> Talk to your boyfriend or girlfriend before you have sex.
>> Make sure you're really ready for sex.
>> If you're not ready for sex, learn how to say no, and don't have sex.
>> How do we know if we are ready for sex?
>> If you're ready to deal with what can happen
after having sex like getting pregnant or an STD.
>> If you know how to protect yourself and your partner, and you know how to talk about it.
>> If you know how to use condoms correctly.
>> And if we are ready for sex
>> Then use latex condoms every time you have sex.
Any type of sex.
One time is all it takes to get pregnant, get an STD, or get HIV.
>> Use a latex condom if you're on the pill or using birth control.
Birth control protects you from getting pregnant,
but it doesn't protect you from STDs or HIV.
>> Protect your boyfriend or your girlfriend.
Have sex with only one partner.
>> Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
>> Cuidate!
[ Music ]
>> Cuidate!
[ Music ]
>> Cuidate!
[ Music ]
>> Cuidate!
[ Music ]
>> Cuidate!
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