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give him a warm welcome, Dr Jordan.
Be Peterson.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
It's very nice to be here and to see you all come out two spend a couple of hours thinking about difficult things.
There seems to be an appetite for that, which is really something.
So let's exploit it.
So I started working on the ideas that I outlined in 12 Rules for life.
Well, a long time ago and really started when I was about 13 I I was a junior high school student, and, um, I met this librarian who's kind of eccentric person, very well educated person.
And she we are used to hang around with my delinquent friends in the library, which tells you how eccentric the librarian was, because that's not normally the place where the delinquent kids hang out, you know?
But she talked to us like we're adults, and that was ah, what would you call it?
A refreshing.
That was refreshing experience.
And ah, she knew that I'd like to read.
And she started giving me real books.
She gave me one day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, which was the first book published by Al Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the Soviet Union.
It It's a story about the day of a political prisoner in a work camp and brave new world and 1984 an animal farm and a kn Rand's books, which was quite interesting because she was the wife of our member of parliament, who was the only member of the opposition in our province.
And he was a socialist, an NDP new Democratic Party leader, as a matter of fact.
And But despite that, she gave me in Rand's books because she thought that I should be exposed to the other side of the argument.
So I read, Atlas shrugged and, um, the Fountainhead and, well, she was the first person who help me discover literature, Let's say, and while at the same time I got interested in what had happened in Nazi Germany and I wrote an essay about that when I was about 13 or 14 about our schwitz and what had happened there, and I never read that really never left my mind, I would say I think I read Victor Frankl's Man's search for meaning at that point, which is a book I would highly recommend.
I have a reading list on my website.
By the way, at Jordan, be Peterson dot com.
And so there's a variety of books there that have really influenced me, and and I put them up for other people's use Anyways, I never what what I learned about Auschwitz and about Nazi Germany never really left my mind and because I couldn't understand how people could act that way, how they could not only be possessed by an ideology to the degree that the Germans were very civilized country Germany, you know.
So it was, I suppose, even a more spectacular shock that something so catastrophic happened there.
There wasn't just the ideological possession.
It was the cruelty and the gratuitous cruelty in the service of that ideological possession that I couldn't understand.
It didn't couldn't establish a relationship between my own being and and those patterns of action.
And as I got older, that concern transformed itself into an obsession.
I would say not so much with what had happened in Nazi Germany, but with, I think, what happened, what was happening as a consequence of the collectivist philosophy per se, which you might think of something that manifested itself both on the right in Nazi Germany and then on the left in all the multitudinous and catastrophic communist regimes that characterized the bulk of the 20th century on their insane, murderous nous.
And that probably culminated for me in the 19 seventies when I read Alexander Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago, which is another book that everyone should read because in some sense it might be the defining document of the 20th century.
The fact that everyone in the West isn't familiar with that book is actually a a signal of our catastrophic moral failing.
I would say, Um, I started writing this book called Maps of Meaning in about 1985 although I had been working on variants of it before that, and what I was trying to understand was maybe the psychological motivations for the Cold War, something like that.
Many of you were old enough to remember what it was like in the 19 eighties.
We just went and visited the house in in Reykjavik, where garbage Kevin Reagan met, which was quite something to see when they decided they were going to bring at least some of the insanity to a relative halt.
Thank God the eighties were a very contentious time.
You know, the Cold War I sort of peeked into two times.
It peaked in 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis.
I don't know if you know this, but I visited a nuclear missile site in in Arizona 10 years ago.
It was a decommissioned missile site.
Intercontinental ballistic missile.
Intercontinental ballistic missile has very large rockets and can go halfway around the world and its ballistic, which means it has the same function as a bullet.
The bullet is ballistic because once you fire it, it's gone.
You don't control it after it.
It leaves.
So once you launch a ballistic missile, it's launched.
There's no calling it back.
And they told us they did a simulation launch, which is very eerie thing.
And so to launch a nuclear missile, there's a big console that sort of looks like the star trick control, uh, control model, Let's say, and one person stands here and one person stands about 20 feet away, each have a key around their neck and put the key in the lock simultaneously and then turn it for 10 seconds.
And at the end of 10 seconds, the missile is gone, and that's that.
And they both have their keys in the lock in 1962.
So and we came close again in 1984 when I don't know if you know this.
But the Soviet missile detection system signaled the launch of 45 missiles from North America, and a single Russian soldier decided that it was a false alarm and refused to push the button would have resulted in major retaliation.
He just died about a year ago.
You can read about him on Wikipedia anyways.
I read Soldier Nixon in 19 seventies and and that made me me, even, I would say, more obsessed with what was happening in in on the world stage.
I was trying to understand why it was that the systems of belief that we inhabited, let's say one, typifying the Soviet Union and and similar states Maoist, China, North Korea, wonderful places like that versus the West.
We each had our own way of construing the world.
The ways of construing the world were set at odds with one another, and the fact that they were set at odds with one another appeared to be so significant that we'd armed ourselves with 50,000 harder hydrogen bombs on each side.
Something like that.
I don't know how much you know about a hydrogen bomb.
You know, you know about atomic bombs.
You know that a hydrogen bomb has an atomic bomb for the trigger, right?
So So, like the atom bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima.
That was something that was a vision bomb.
Not standard atomic bomb, the first generation.
But hydrogen bomb is incontestably more powerful than that, and we were producing them in the tens of thousands.
It's not like we don't have any now, but it was really some insanity in the 19 eighties, and people seem to have a very itchy trigger finger.
So I was very confused about this in two ways.
One from a psychological perspective.
Because by that time, I did study, decided to study psychology instead of political science, which is my original major.
I get I got disenchanted with political science because I didn't believe that people were fundamentally motivated by economic issues.
I still don't believe that that's true.
They're motivated by whatever they're motivated by.
It can't be captured by economics.
Not not precisely.
It's very curious about what it was that was so important about a belief system that people would risk putting the entire planet to the torch to ensure that their particular motive construing the world prevailed is interesting psychological problem.
What was so important about belief system that would justify destroying everything that's there, risking destroying everything?
Because that was certainly the situation we put ourselves in.
And more to the point, I guess, are equally to the point.
I was interested in two other things.
One was Were these differences in belief systems just arbitrary?
And that's actually a postmodern question.
I didn't know that at the time.
No, because you might say the postmodernists do say there's a very large number of ways of interpreting the world, and it isn't obvious how you determine which of those ways are correct.
And so perhaps you can't determine that any of them are correct.
And then, as a consequence of your inability to determine if any of them are correct, then you have to turn to something like power dispute to establish which interpretation is going to take precedence, I would say in a nutshell, that's a post modernist theory now that's tainted to some degree with Marxist preconceptions, but we won't get into that.
But that's basically the idea.
It's an idea with a certain amount of justification.
There is a very large number of ways of interpreting the world, and it isn't obvious which way or ways are right or why they're right.
So it's a complicated problem.
And so I was curious is like, Was this merely a difference of opinion?
The West had a certain set of axioms that it was acting out in the world.
And there Soviet Block and the rest of the communist countries have another set of axioms, and they were both arbitrary and it was a matter of power.
Or was there something deeper at stake?
That was question number two.
Question number three was.
Was there an alternative to brutal combat?
Was there an alternative way of solving the dispute to brutal group combat?
Something like that?
And because I always believed that if you understood the problem that you could solve it, in fact that if yes, if when you analyze the problem, a solution didn't emerge from the analysis than you actually didn't understand the problem.
And so I thought if I delved into the problem deeply enough, then maybe I could figure out what might constitute a solution.
Assuming there was such a thing because I couldn't.
I knew after writing a fair bit of it that we were that there was a real problem because you can get belief systems that are locked in combat.
And then obviously the terrible consequence of that is the combat.
But then I also knew, and this was probably more from reading Nietzsche than anything else that if your belief system collapses, you might say, Well, I don't want to fight with you about whose belief system is correct.
I'll just let my mind go.
But the problem is, if you let your belief system go, then you're swamped by nihilism and hopelessness, and and that's not helpful.
First of all, it's very It's not helpful psychologically because it produces emotional pain and anxiety and maybe at unbearable levels.
You can't have a pointless life.
It's it's, it's it's a suffering.
A pointless life is pointless suffering, and people can't sustain that without becoming demoralized.
That's only where they start demoralized, bidder, cruel, resentful, angry, hostile, murderous, genocidal.
Like all those things follow one from another.
If if things were sufficiently hopeless, can't just let your belief system go.
But if you're locked into it and there's another one that you're competing with, then the the Consequences war, it's like So what is it?
Nihilism on the one hand and war on the other?
That didn't seem like especially given outcome of like, say it the Third World War that neither of those seemed like acceptable alternatives.
But I couldn't see any other.
I couldn't see that there was anything else other than those two alternatives.
And so that's what I tried to layout in in this book.
Maps of meaning.
Most of the thoughts that I expressed in 12 Rules for Life, not all of them and in the lectures that I've done that have become popular on YouTube were all developed during the 15 year period that I worked on that book and I worked on it.
I would say obsessively, really.
I wrote about three hours a day, and I thought about it for pretty much 12 other hours, and so I was thinking constantly he was.
It's not obvious why, but while I told you why, for some reason all that manifested itself to me as a cardinal problem.
But I concluded and tried to lay out the rational for this, that the fight between these two belief systems.
But let's let's look at the belief systems.
It's not communism versus the West.
It's not communism versus the free market.
It's different than that.
It's collectivism in its far right form, let's say the far right form of the Nazis and the far left form of the radical leftist the Communists.
That's collectivism versus individualism.
That's the fundamental conflict.
And there are variants of the collectivist viewpoint, but it doesn't matter.
They can be grouped under the rubric of collectivism.
There's important differences, but we don't have to get into that.
But the Western take wasn't collectivist.
It was individualist, and the central idea of the West was that although people are obviously obviously aggregate into groups and many different groups, because all of you are members of very of many different groups ethnicities, genders, sexes, races, family groups, community groups, you could be grouped a very large number of ways, and and you tend towards the adoption of something approximating a group identity because, you know, you take care of your family and you're a member of your community and you have a certain amount of justifiable patriotism in relationship to your state group.
Identity is definitely part of who you are.
The question is, what's the fundamental defining characteristic of who you are?
And the collectivist definition is that you are the avatar of a collective, and that's fundamentally who you are.
But the Western perspective is not that the Western perspective is that despite the fact that people have an individual level and a collective level, the individual level is to be regarded as paramount.
You're to be treated above all else, above all, as an individual.
And I looked into that very deeply, and I thought, that isn't arbitrary.
It's actually correct.
That's the right way of looking at the world.
And then you might say, Well, what do you mean the right way?
And of course, that's the right question, because that is the question, if some things the right way of looking at something, but why is it the right way of looking at it?
But I want to put a little spin on that, too, because usually when we talk about individual ism in the West, at least in the modern world.
Maybe, let's say for the last 50 years or something like that, maybe it's after World War Two.
I don't know exactly the parameters.
It doesn't matter.
Certainly since the 19 sixties, when we think about the tradition of individuality in the West.
We think about the tradition of individual rights, and there's a problem with that, because the fundamental individual tradition of the West is not.
Individual rights and rights have a problem writes, are sort of like your privilege compared to other people.
I have these rights and don't tread on them.
That that Wall's me off makes be privileged in some, since it means that I have the right to do things, have the right to pursue my own interests.
I have the right to pursue happiness, for example, that's explicitly laid out in the American system, the rights or what is special about me, and so when you look at individuality or individualism from that perspective, you can think about it as a selfish idea.
And it's often criticized by collective ists precisely for that selfishness.
But the fundamental idea of the individual in the West isn't predicated on rights, even though that's important.
It's predicated on responsibility, right?
So your role as an individual in the West isn't to be the bearer of rights of intrinsic rights, even though that was important.
Your responsibility as an individual in the West is to bear the responsibility of an individual, and it's in bearing that responsibility that you set yourself right and your family right and you keep the state on track.
It's not from expressing your rights.
It's from shouldering your responsibility.
And I would say that the reason that you have rights in the West is so that you can shoulder your responsibility.
It's not the other way around.
It's so that you can do what's best on your behalf and in that manner.
Do what's best on your family's behalf and in that manner, contribute to the degree that you can to the community and that if you do all those things simultaneously, which means to accept the responsibility for that, then things move ahead as well as they can move ahead, which doesn't necessarily mean well because life is very difficult and there's no sure way through it there's only less bad approaches.
That might be a way of thinking about it, and the least bad approach you can manage is to shoulder your responsibility as an individual.
And that's the.
And I would say that one of the things that drives the collectivist ethos, which is often formulated in terms of compassion for the oppressed, which is something we'll talk about a little bit later, is actually a deep desire to at all costs avoid that responsibility.
And it's no wonder, because the responsibility is overwhelming.
Say the world fundamentally is a tragic place, right?
It's a place in which each of us is broken and it's contaminated by the ever present reality of betrayal and malevolence and to shoulder the responsibility first for even admitting to that.
And second, for assuming that you are duty bound, let's say to do something about that well, that's a task that anyone who has his or her eyes open should be leery of accepting.
And I would say, Well, perhaps there's no credible reason for accepting it, except that every other alternative is worse, and so that's a brutal fact.
So the antidote to collectivism is individualism, but it's not.
The individual is um, of privileged person with rights.
It's the terrible burden of the individual who determines that he or she will shoulder their responsibility to that most.
So I developed that idea in maps of meaning, huh?
That and I made a lot of lectures about that book, many of which are on YouTube, some of which have become widely viewed, I would say, by hundreds of thousands of people now.
And so that's and that course always had a dramatic effect on my students and their most typical comment.
There's two classes of typical comments that I got from students about my maps of meaning courses, and it's the same comments that I get from people now when they come and talk to me about my lectures.
The first comment is, and this is about maybe 1/4 of the people is that watching the lectures are taking the course, enabled them to put words to things they knew they knew but didn't know how to say.
And so and that's fine because that was that was actually an explicit purpose of the writing and the course, and the second is that it helped people straighten out their lives and That's also not that surprising to me, because a lot of what I integrated into that book and the lectures and then the lectures that were also associated with my personality course were ideas from the great clinical psychologists and psychiatrists of the 20th century.
There was a dozen of them or so or maybe 20 who were all outstanding geniuses of slightly different types who learned all sorts of things about how people could put themselves itself together properly as individuals.
And if you learn about those things, they're actually really helpful.
That's not surprising because they sit at the core of a Nen tire domain of science and art, Let's say, devoted to improving people's individual lives, I wove the responsibility idea into 12 rules because that's really what it is.
In some sense, it's a call to the voluntary adoption of maximal individual responsibility, and it's a psychological work, not a political work.
Now I think the reason that it's attracted so much political attention, let's say some of which good longer referred to in the introduction is, well, there's two reasons one is because I took what might be regarded as a political stance about Cem compelled speech legislation in Canada.
I never regarded that as a political move because I regarded the legislation itself as something that wasn't a political move.
I regarded it as an attempt by the politicians to jump outside their domain of acceptable conduct into the philosophical or even the theological realm.
Because you don't mess with the idea of free speech in a Western country.
And there's very sophisticated reasons for that.
And it doesn't matter what your reasons for doing it are.
You don't go there.
And so but it happened to be the more radical leftists that we're pushing this forward, and because I objected to it, then it was in their interest to assume that I must be the worst sort of right wing, um, die hard, I suppose, because otherwise they'd have to contend with my actual arguments.
And so it's simpler just to shoot the messenger than to contend with the arguments.
And, you know, if you stand up and say there's something wrong in a place like Canada, where most things aren't wrong, that it's reasonable also for people to assume there must be something wrong with you because most of the time there isn't anything wrong with the country, and so a certain amount of testing is a reasonable thing for people to do.
I guess the other element of this that's political in some sense, though, is that within the collectivist viewpoint, this is something that's very interesting with regard to free speech.
I didn't really figure this out till a couple of weeks ago.
All the radical leftists and you see this, particularly in the United States now, Although the Americans have a very strong tradition of free speech, the radical leftist are opposed to freedom of speech.
But that's not really writes, not the way to think about in the radical leftist collectivist view of the world.
There's actually no such thing as free speech.
It's in worse criticism than opposing it, because the collective ists believe that you're nothing but an avatar of your group.
First of all, there is no you.
You're defined by your group membership, and then the world is a landscape of groups, each vying for predominance, and that's what there is.
And it's and so when you say that you're speaking your mind, that isn't something that you can do from the collectivist viewpoint What you're doing is acting as an unconscious avatar of the power demands of your group.
There's no you.
There's no free speech.
There's no your opinion.
There's no facts, for that matter.
Everything is to be viewed in relationship to the power struggle between groups that even in principle, cannot communicate.
And so the other reason that I detest let's say the collectivist viewpoint is because I see that it leads nowhere but to conflict, because if people cannot speak as individuals between groups, then all they can do is submit or fight.
Those are the options, right?
Negotiation, capitulation or warfare.
Those are the options and the only process that allows for negotiation in the absence of capitulation or conflict speech, because we can talk over our differences and that discussion is going to be contentious because we actually have differences.
But compared to the contentiousness of not talking over the differences, it's a walk in the park.
You know, I saw something quite remarkable when I was in London a month and 1/2 ago.
I was on this political show and one of the things they did in this section that didn't have anything to do with me was to show a bunch of clips from the the the There's a Question period that the British have evolved where the opposition Congar oh, after the prime minister and the woman that was appearing with me on the show, had written a book about that called Punch and Judy, if I remember correctly.
And they showed a bunch of clips of English MPs attacking the prime minister and the prime minister's response all the way from Thatcher forward was absolutely vicious in the way that well educated British people could be vicious, which is very impressive form of viciousness and was no holds barred verbal combat.
And you might think, well, isn't that horrible?
Because it certainly rife, Let's say, with micro aggressions, but it's not horrible because none of them had their hands around each other's necks, right?
It was all civilized.
It was.
Everyone was standing where they were supposed to stand, and they were hurling invective and making criticisms and making accusations and defending themselves and all of that.
But it was all contained within the peaceful confines of this of the House of Parliament.
And that's a miracle, really.
It's a miracle and the British are particularly good at that.
And so you leave free speech alone because the alternative to free speech is capitulation or conflict.
And unless you want one of those or both and you might, then you don't interfere with the mechanism that enables people people to state the nature of their reality and to clarify that and to negotiate with others.
Even though that negotiation is painful and emotionally demanding and threatening and anxiety provoking and aggression, instigating and all of those things.
Because the alternative is far worse, I wove the idea of individual responsibility through through 12 rules.
Well, we might say we might begin by thinking about how that's related to the idea of free speech.
It's like you have to find your way in the world.
Let's say with all of your peculiarities, your idiosyncrasies and your differences, and the way you do that is by acting in the world.
But the way you prepare to act is by thinking and really what you're doing when you're thinking it's a philosopher named Alfred North Whitehead, who said something very intelligent about thinking.
He said that the reason we think it's so that our thoughts can die instead of us right, and it's a Darwinian idea.
So the way animals adapt to the world across time is that animals produce variants, variant offspring, many of them and most of them are unsuccessful and die.
But a few of them are successful enough in that time and place to reproduce.
And so the animal keeps living across the millennia, varying slightly as it does so to adapt to the transformations of the environment.
Human beings do the same thing, but we also have figured out how to abstract that.
And so what we do when we think is that we produce a fictional world that's a simulation of the real world, and we populate that simulated world with simulations of us.
And then we let those simulations play out in the simulated world and the ones that are successful.
We embody and act out in the ones that run successful.
We abandoned and let die.
And we do that when we're thinking in dreams.
And we do that when we think in stories.
And we even do that when we think in words.
Although it's not as obvious when you argue internally, which is what you do when you think you have an avatar that manifests itself as one point of view and then avatar that manifests itself as another and you let them engage in conflict and the one that loses you let go off.
That's a sacrifice.
And if you're discussing something with someone and it's important, then you both put your viewpoints forward and you analyze the consequences of the dispute.
And then you walk away with any luck wiser than you were, so that you can embody a motive being that's more likely to be successful.
And you do that in part in large part, by exercising your freedom of speech.
And you might think, Well, why freedom of speech and not freedom of thought.
And the answer to that is Don't be thinking that you think because thinking is very hard and most people can't think at all.
And even if you can think you're not very good at it, I mean, think about what you have to do.
Technically, to think.
First of all, you have to formulate the problem.
That's hard enough, and you have to formulate it Precisely.
Then you have to generate multiple potential solutions to the problem, and then you have to let those solutions argue themselves into, ah hierarchy internally.
And so you have to be able to tolerate that stress, right?
You can't just be one thing if you're going to think, because thinking isn't just saying that what I think is right, that's not thinking at all.
Thinking is questioning whether or not what you think is right is right, and that's really hard.
It's very demanding, and so and you can do that to some degree.
But you're not as good at it as you think, even if you're a pretty good thinker.
Mostly, the way you think is by talking and you talk, and mostly when you talk and think it's contentious, as you know, if you've ever had an intimate relationship with someone, because an intimate relationship, if it has any worth at all, is a place where there's tremendous contention.
But it's bounded within something approximating mutual respect and the willingness to continue to play the game across time.
And the reason that an intimate relationship is contentious is because life is very, very difficult and people are different, and we face extraordinarily complex problems together, like how to make a living and howto how do operate property in their careers and how to rank order the importance of our careers and how to manage our domestic economies and how to discipline our kids and whether or not to have kids and how to enter middle age and how to grow old gracefully and howto live productively and where to vacation and all of these things, which are extraordinarily difficult problems occur.
The only way that we can solve them is by butting heads to some degree and communicating freely about what the possibilities are and negotiating a solution.
And that's thinking.
And in order to do that thinking, you have to be able to speak freely, and you certainly have to be willing to offend someone.
I mean, of all the stupid questions I've ever been asked by journalists.
The question.
What makes you think you have the right to offend someone by what you say is by far the most miraculously ignorant?
And I say that because, well, you know, it just it just it just sets me back on my heels to some degree because I think, Well, what's your claim here?
Your claim is your first claim is we could hypothetically discuss something important without one of us getting upset.
It's like that's not gonna happen.
If you ever discuss anything important with anyone, including just discussing it with yourself, not only are you going to get upset, you're going to get so upset that you probably won't even do it.
You know, you think, well, I have a difficult problem.
What do you what's your first reaction?
Well, I'm going to sit right here and think about that.
It's like, No, that isn't your reaction.
Your reaction is to go play a video game or watch a YouTube video or vacuum your bedroom or do the dishes or whatever you can do not to think about that.
That's what you're going to do.
So you know, And then if you're gonna have a discussion with your wife or your husband or your kids and it's about something important, it's like if you're a normal person, your heart rate goes up and it's like it's demanding and then you have to think it through, and then you're probably wrong and you're going to stumble over your words, and God only knows if you're going to reach a solution and you can't tell if it's going to mean the end of your damn relationship.
Like the catastrophe lurks everywhere when you're discussing difficult issues and the rule is something like, But you can't offend anyone, it's like, Well, then, Okay, fine, then you never get to talk about anything that's important with anyone ever including yourself.
It's like that's supposed to be the rule.
Then you think, Well, even if it's not quite that bad, it's like, Let's say so Here.
I'm addressing about 850 people, something like that.
It's like, What's the probability that I could talk about anything that any of you would ever want to listen to for more than about 15 seconds?
You know, that would grip your interest without me offending at least one person in this room with each sentence.
There's 1000 people in here, you know, and some people are unbelievably easy to offend.
There's that.
They're just looking for a reason to be offended, so so there's that problem.
But if we're going to deal with things that are that are solid and contentious, and why talk about things that we already all agree on.
We've already solved those problems.
We could only really talk about things we don't agree on.
It's the only thing worth talking about.
Well, of course, everyone's gonna be offended.
And so for a journalist to ask that it's like, What the hell's with you?
What what planet do you inhabit?
Don't you understand that your entire discipline is predicated on not only your right to offend someone but the responsibility that you have to offend people?
It's like That's it's thinking is an offensive act, which is why tyrants hate it, right, Because one of the rules and tyranny is I don't think why, because I already know all the answers and you're supposed to accept my answer, says the tyrant.
And so there's no need for your thinking.
And you might be saying, Well, my life isn't going as well as it could And the tyrant says, Well, you don't get to think that because in my utopian tyranny everything's perfect.
And if you're suffering, that means you're politically suspect because you're suffering your inability to recognize that the utopia has already manifested itself.
Your unhappiness is actually a political crime, but if you just keep it to yourself.
Well, we'll let you keep your head.
But if you have the the if you're driven to the extreme where you have to express the fact that you're unhappy, perhaps that your child doesn't have enough to eat, then it's off to the gulag with you and all your family is well, because there'll be no thinking here.
And even if there is, they'll certainly be no talking.
Here's something that happened recently in Venezuela.
This is worth thinking about for all the people who harbor collectivist utopian dreams.
The Venezuelan government.
About two months ago, this was reported in the New York Times, which is not a newspaper.
I would say that would be intrinsically biased against Venezuela said that it was now illegal to diagnose the cause of a child's death in a Venezuelan hospital as starvation because the Venezuelans Venezuelan government's answer to the problem of Children starving was to make it illegal to notice it in hospitals.
And that's a tyranny right?
That's a place where thought is not allowed.
That's a place where free speech is not allowed.
So it seems to me that that's not a good place to go to say the least, and we've gone there many times in the last 150 years, and we should perhaps think very hard about whether or not we ever want to go there again.
The first rule in 12 rules for life is stand up straight with your shoulders back and I want to tell you a little bit about the world in which that rule applies and it's our world.
But it isn't necessarily the world that you think of when you think of our world.
Although it's the world, you know.
That's funny, cause it's a world, you know, But you don't know.
You know it.
It's a world that presents itself to you in literary foreman in mythological foreman and symbolic form.
And you all understand it.
But you can't articulate it.
Um, but I can articulate some of it.
How many of you have seen the Lion King?
Okay, how many of you haven't?
Okay, so that's a better question.
You guys should see The Lion King because obviously there's something wrong with you.
So so and in.
Anyways, I want to tell you about the world of The Lion King now one of the things I want you to notice is that when you go see that movie or when you show it to your kids when you watch it at home, I don't care what you fall into it.
And that's very strange because first of all, it's not a world.
It's drawings, right?
It's animated drawings of a world.
It's very low resolution, and the creatures aren't human.
They're animals.
You've all noticed that, no doubt, and the world is magical because things happen in it that aren't the sorts of things that obviously happen in the real world.
But you don't care about any of that.
You don't care that the animals talk.
You don't care that the lions or kings all of that makes perfect sense to you.
And that means that which is a very strange thing, which it means that the manner in which the characters air represented and the world that they inhabit is somehow familiar to you.
Because otherwise you wouldn't fall into it.
And you wouldn't even and you'd notice that what you're doing is so strange because it really is so strange.
So imagine the opening of The Lion King.
So what happens is that the camera pans over the great African plain and you see all the animals gathering right.
They're all coming together.
And there's this kind of thrilling black gospel music going on in the background with an African beat.
And so and it's really well done the opening of that movie, and then you the camera pans up like like it's revealing something.
And you see this structure that's known in the movie as Pride Rock.
And so it's this structure that rises up above the plane, and it's shaped like the mountain, essentially, although it's not, it's just a rock, but it's it's a high place.
It's a place that you can that you can view everything from right.
So it's a place that it's a place from which you can get an overview.
It's a place from which you can see and, uh, you're introduced to the king's little bird, whose name I don't remember at the moment.
And he's the eyes of the king.
And so the king is obviously something that has eyes because he has a bird in the bird, can fly around from up above and see everything in report to him.
So whatever the king is is associated with the bird, just like Horace, the ancient Egyptian god was associated with the Falcons.
For exactly that reason, Falcons can see better than any other creature by the week, better even than human beings, and we have very good eyesight.
So the king is the creature who can see, and the king is a lion.
And the reason the lions of King is because the lines at the top of the food chain, that's part of it.
But the line is a solar beast.
He has a main.
He's associated with son.
He's associated with.
The daytime is associated with power and majesty and strength.
And it's not a mouse.
That's king, right?
It's not a rat.
It's it's a it's a lion.
And you think, Well, he obviously the lion is king, You know, everyone knows that even though animals don't have kings in case you didn't notice, so it's not self evident that it should be the lion.
And then the lion is on the rock in the sun, right, so the rocks sticks up above.
Everything else in the lion is there, and the lion is Ah ah, paternal line and he has a mate, and the scene opens with them giving birth.
And so it's a nativity scene, and so, and that's painfully obvious.
If you watch it with a little bit of detachment, it's intimate.
E scene and Rafiki, Who's the shaman priest, lifts up the new Messiah to the sun, and when that happens, the music swells and all of the animals go.
Don't on their knees, and it's a very and then the there's a drum beat and the the words The Lion King come up on stage and it's beautifully done.
It's beautifully done.
They they pan up to the revelation of the lion cub to the sun two or three times, and it's really it's really emotional moment.
It's because all these levels of symbolism lock in at the same time.
You have the the environment, the field where all the animals gather so all the animals are gathering to review the revelation of something transcendent.
And the revelation of what's transcendent is the birth of the new hero to the king and queen on the rock above the plain.
And there's a universal truth in that, which is why the animators worked as hard as they did to make that scene and why it opens what was one of the most spectacularly successful movies of all time.
And the the way the filmmakers do it is when Rafiki holds up the with the infant Simba, the clouds break and the sun shines on.
And that's the culminating moment.
And that's the revelation of the identity of the newborn hero with the consciousness of the sun.
And so we're light creatures.
Were daytime creatures were visual creatures, right?
We're not.
We don't we're not nocturnal.
The night is when we're unconscious.
The day is when we're conscious, and the terminology that we use that's associated with the furtherance of our consciousness is illumination and enlightenment.
And so there's a tight relationship between waking up and letting the light shine in and developing and consciousness.
And the association between the rays of the sun and the lifting up of the infant is the association, the ancient association between the hero who defeats the forces of darkness and the sun itself.
And you all know all of that, Which is why that opening works and why it sets the scene for the rest of the movie.
and what's the rest of the movie?
Well, we could think about the landscape.
First of all, there's a scene where Simba's father takes him up on top of pride rock and tells him that his kingdom, that he's the king and that his kingdom extends a CE faras.
The light touches so the landscape is a place with a pyramid in it.
There, at the top of the pyramid, on a plane that's circumscribed by the light and outside, the light is darkness.
And so the the mythological landscape in which this story reveals itself is light versus darkness or order versus chaos.
And the reason for that is because that is our landscape.
We inhabit pyramidal structures, those air hierarchies of other hierarchies.
I think in our society those air, mostly hierarchies of competence, way inhabit hierarchical structures on a plane that's defined, defined by our understanding, surrounded by what we do not comprehend.
And that's the universal human world.
And that hierarchy itself is a cooperative structure that enables us to live with a certain amount of peace and productive ity together, and also to establish a value system with whatever is that the pinnacle of the hierarchy regarded as whatever's most valuable.
Now think about what happens in The Lion King.
It's a it's a voyage into what's most valuable.
It's an examination of what's most valuable now.
The Old Kingdom is threatened by scar.
Scar is the evil king of the evil brother of the King.
The king is the pier, the entity that inhabits the pinnacle of the pyramid.
The king always has an evil brother, and you know that as well.
And the reason for that is that there's no hierarchy that's so pristine that it isn't threatened by corruption and scars presented as a resentful intellect.
And that's a very common trope as well.
That's the evil scientist idea.
It's not the only only the evil scientist idea.
It's the mad scientist.
It's the evil genius God, how many movies with a mythological substrate have come out in the last 20 years that prominently feature an evil genius?
It's like there's dozens of them.
There's an inexhaustible hunger for that representation.
I mean, in the Last Avenger move, you had Thanatos, right?
He's basically the spirit of death, who is an evil genius who thinks that mass extinction is the answer to the population problem of, let's say, the world something to think about very seriously.
Well, the reason for that is that this estate is always threatened by malevolence.
Always, the hierarchy can always become corrupt and tyrannical, and that those the the forces of malevolence, let's say they're conspiring behind the scenes tend to tell every hierarchy towards tyranny and the proper attitude to take towards that universal truth is to stay in the light and keep your damn eyes open.
And so well, what happens in The Lion King is that the evil brother overthrows the rightful king, and that again, is an unbelievably common idea.
You see that idea Echo throat, the mythological landscape for centuries, and the reason for that is it happens all the time.
That's what happened in Nazi Germany.
That's what's happened in most of the tyrannical societies of the world, and most societies in the world are tyrannical.
There's always the possibility that the hierarchies that we live in will become corrupt and counterproductive, and there's multiple reasons for that.
But they're summed up in the malevolence of the arrogant intellect.
Something like that.
That's it.
That's a very common idea.
That's the character of Milton's Satan, by the way, because he's the ultimate in arrogant intellect.
Milton's Satan is the figure who believes that his knowledge is sufficient to do without the transcendent to do without the idea that there's something beyond or that there's still something to learn.
All I know is all that I need to know, which is exactly the belief of the fundamental tyrant.
The evil brother of the King kills the king.
Simba loses his father well, that's another common idea because everyone loses their father.
In some sense, people grow up and become cynical as teenagers, and the reason they become cynical as teenagers is because they see that the corruption of the state is sufficient to undermine their confidence in the benevolence of the state.
And they get cynical prematurely, because what the hell do you know when you're a teenager?
But you're encouraged in your cynicism frequently in our culture, which is a very bad idea.
No, I mean, even though it is the case that the structure is always threatened by malevolence, let's say human weakness.
Simba ends up fatherless and lost and alienated from his kingdom, just like King Arthur.
It's the same story The King is often the rightful king is often dissociated from his kingdom and forced to occupy a domain that's outside the kingdom.
And that's what happens.
He loses his father, and what happens he's He adopts the lifestyle of an impulsive adolescent.
That's what happens.
And so he's out there in no man's land, with his useless teenage friends doing nothing of any good except living for the moment.
And that's the nihilistic retreat from the corrupt state.
And no wonder.
And you might say, Well, if the state is corrupt, why should I participate in its maintenance?
Why should I do anything that's useful if all I'm doing is furthering the development of a corrupt state?
And I would say the message in the most pathological university disciplines, the activist disciplines.
That's exactly the message that they're particularly putting out two young men, which is you live in a corrupt patriarchy.
And that means any attempts that you make to further yourself in this life as an individual with regards to your family, another corrupt, patriarchal institution with regards to marriage or career, that all that is is furthering the corrupt patriarchy.
Everything you do that you think is good in the productive sense is actually doing nothing but contributing to this catastrophic, tyrannical patriarchy very demoralizing, but also opens the door for you to be a CZ, useless as you possibly can, because and there's always a temptation in that direction because it's easier and you can justify it by saying, Well, if I did anything productive, all we would be doing is furthering the dominance of the corrupt system anyways.
And if you haven't met people who think that way, then you haven't met very many people because that's an unbelievably common way of thinking.
And it's an excuse.
But it's It's also, ah, logical reaction to the confusion of competence with power that's part and parcel of the collectivist landscape.
So Simba grows up, so to speak, gets older at least playing this impulsive day.
Game Rule seven in my book is do what is meaningful, not what is expedient.
And, of course, Simba's lifestyle outside the rightful kingdom is nothing but expedience.
It's impulsive pleasure, and that lasts until until what, until his old girlfriend shows up Nella and she's being dealing with the catastrophe of the state and maybe That's because women the demands of family fall heavier on women, at least initially, and so they're more sensitive to the catastrophe of the state.
Nella shows up and says to Simba, What the hell do you think you're doing?
You're useless.
I like to you when you were a kid, here you are, you're completely useless and everything's falling apart and the state has become corrupt and there isn't enough to eat.
And there's things that need to be done.
And he falls in love with her, of course, probably because she criticizes him and and then he's deeply ashamed of himself because she rejects him because he's useless, and so she should reject him because he's useless.
And if she didn't then he'd never figure out why it was useless and do something about it.
And that's when he meets his father.
Remember, there's an initiation scene there.
The wise old baboon, who was supposed to be a fool in the early drafts of the movie, guides him down underground so that he can reflect upon himself, which is what he does in a pool down in the underworld and what he sees reflected in his own face.
is the spirit of his dead father.
Mature face symbol looks like this, right?
He looks like a deer caught in headlights. 00:55:11