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-Demi, we're back.
You are very outspoken and have a lot to talk about
involving mental-health issues
and taking care of yourself mentally.
What is the importance behind that, right now especially?
-The importance behind taking care of your mental health --
it's just -- it's so important right now
because we're alone with our thoughts right now.
Some of us are at home alone.
We don't have -- Some people don't have family with them.
They don't have pets.
And so, really, it's just them and their minds.
And those voices in your head can get really loud.
I call them roommates.
And, you know, the roommates in your head --
they can be just as annoying as a real roommate, you know?
Exactly. So you have to learn how to quiet those voices.
And a lot of times, it helps with meditation.
It helps with whatever -- if you have a higher power
that you believe in.
It helps with any -- Playing with animals,
like, whatever you can do to continue to grow
spiritually and emotionally
while we're stuck in these houses.
You know, I think now is going to be a huge --
a critical point for humanity, actually.
If we don't change from this, it would be so sad.
You know, we all have to use this
as an experience and a chance to grow.
And it doesn't mean we have to write
a "New York Times" best seller during this quarantine.
But it's just do little things every day.
-What is the FaceTime things that you're doing?
Is that a nightly thing or do you check in with your buddies?
-Yeah. So, there's, like, this giant FaceTime group chat
that my manager started, Scooter.
And he just called like 30 random celebrities.
And it's actually really funny, because the first night
that I got on, I answered the phone,
and it was Bill Clinton on FaceTime.
He was the, like, "guest of honor."
All of a sudden, I see Ariana and Katy Perry
and all these celebrities and Scooter.
And every night, it's somebody new.
It's, like, guest of honor.
-Do you freak out at anyone?
-I freaked out over Mark from "Love is Blind."
-[ Laughs ] -Yeah.
It's just really funny, because you can't really get
anybody on there in the entertainment business
that would be cool because everybody on that chat
is in the entertainment business.
So, like, you have to get somebody that's either, like,
a politician or from a reality show.
Like, I think we had somebody from "Tiger King" one night.
Like, it was just -- It's so wild.
It's like, "Who's going to be next?"
-That's so cool. -Yeah.
-Well, everyone who has come on my show --
and, again, thank you for coming on --
has mentioned a charity or somebody they're working with.
You want to talk about hashtag -- Is it #cut50?
-Yes. I want to talk about #cut50,
because it's so important that everyone is treated equally
during this pandemic, including inmates,
you know, especially the vulnerable ones
that are more susceptible to this disease than other people.
We're talking elderly.
We're talking non-violent offenders.
It's people that are really at danger,
and we need to support them and give them the rights
that they deserve as fellow Americans.
And that is what #cut50 helps with.
And, you know, I want to do whatever I can possible
to help everyone and treat them equally.
And I think just spreading that word of equality,
whether it is for people that are in prison right now
or people that are homeless and need shelters,
like, it's just -- It's so important that we
come together as a country and as a planet,
you know, that we come together
and we support one another and we're there for everyone.
-And, so, there's a petition that we're going to put up
a link to that you can click on that and sign the petition
to get them the attention that they need.
-Yes, definitely.
And that's a really, really great way
of spreading the awareness.
And you can send it to your friends.
Try to get everyone to sign it, as well.
-So cool. Pal, I love you. I miss you.
I'm so happy to see your face. I'm so happy you're well.
And next time, we'll be, hopefully, in the studio.
-Yes. Love and miss you, too.
And I miss the pickles that you made.
They were literally the best pickles that I've ever had.
I'm not even kidding.
I tell everyone about your pickles.
-Did you hear, everybody?
-Everybody, Jimmy makes the best pickles!
-There's no one here to brag to. Oh, my gosh.
That just made my whole year. -Oh, my gosh. The best.
I need the recipe. -I love you, pal. Thank you.
-Love you, too. Talk to you later.
-Bye-bye. -Bye.