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  • -Demi, we're back.

  • You are very outspoken and have a lot to talk about

  • involving mental-health issues

  • and taking care of yourself mentally.

  • What is the importance behind that, right now especially?

  • -The importance behind taking care of your mental health --

  • it's just -- it's so important right now

  • because we're alone with our thoughts right now.

  • Some of us are at home alone.

  • We don't have -- Some people don't have family with them.

  • They don't have pets.

  • And so, really, it's just them and their minds.

  • And those voices in your head can get really loud.

  • I call them roommates.

  • And, you know, the roommates in your head --

  • they can be just as annoying as a real roommate, you know?

  • Exactly. So you have to learn how to quiet those voices.

  • And a lot of times, it helps with meditation.

  • It helps with whatever -- if you have a higher power

  • that you believe in.

  • It helps with any -- Playing with animals,

  • like, whatever you can do to continue to grow

  • spiritually and emotionally

  • while we're stuck in these houses.

  • You know, I think now is going to be a huge --

  • a critical point for humanity, actually.

  • If we don't change from this, it would be so sad.

  • You know, we all have to use this

  • as an experience and a chance to grow.

  • And it doesn't mean we have to write

  • a "New York Times" best seller during this quarantine.

  • But it's just do little things every day.

  • -What is the FaceTime things that you're doing?

  • Is that a nightly thing or do you check in with your buddies?

  • -Yeah. So, there's, like, this giant FaceTime group chat

  • that my manager started, Scooter.

  • And he just called like 30 random celebrities.

  • And it's actually really funny, because the first night

  • that I got on, I answered the phone,

  • and it was Bill Clinton on FaceTime.

  • He was the, like, "guest of honor."

  • All of a sudden, I see Ariana and Katy Perry

  • and all these celebrities and Scooter.

  • And every night, it's somebody new.

  • It's, like, guest of honor.

  • -Do you freak out at anyone?

  • -I freaked out over Mark from "Love is Blind."

  • -[ Laughs ] -Yeah.

  • It's just really funny, because you can't really get

  • anybody on there in the entertainment business

  • that would be cool because everybody on that chat

  • is in the entertainment business.

  • So, like, you have to get somebody that's either, like,

  • a politician or from a reality show.

  • Like, I think we had somebody from "Tiger King" one night.

  • Like, it was just -- It's so wild.

  • It's like, "Who's going to be next?"

  • -That's so cool. -Yeah.

  • -Well, everyone who has come on my show --

  • and, again, thank you for coming on --

  • has mentioned a charity or somebody they're working with.

  • You want to talk about hashtag -- Is it #cut50?

  • -Yes. I want to talk about #cut50,

  • because it's so important that everyone is treated equally

  • during this pandemic, including inmates,

  • you know, especially the vulnerable ones

  • that are more susceptible to this disease than other people.

  • We're talking elderly.

  • We're talking non-violent offenders.

  • It's people that are really at danger,

  • and we need to support them and give them the rights

  • that they deserve as fellow Americans.

  • And that is what #cut50 helps with.

  • And, you know, I want to do whatever I can possible

  • to help everyone and treat them equally.

  • And I think just spreading that word of equality,

  • whether it is for people that are in prison right now

  • or people that are homeless and need shelters,

  • like, it's just -- It's so important that we

  • come together as a country and as a planet,

  • you know, that we come together

  • and we support one another and we're there for everyone.

  • -And, so, there's a petition that we're going to put up

  • a link to that you can click on that and sign the petition

  • to get them the attention that they need.

  • -Yes, definitely.

  • And that's a really, really great way

  • of spreading the awareness.

  • And you can send it to your friends.

  • Try to get everyone to sign it, as well.

  • -So cool. Pal, I love you. I miss you.

  • I'm so happy to see your face. I'm so happy you're well.

  • And next time, we'll be, hopefully, in the studio.

  • -Yes. Love and miss you, too.

  • And I miss the pickles that you made.

  • They were literally the best pickles that I've ever had.

  • I'm not even kidding.

  • I tell everyone about your pickles.

  • -Did you hear, everybody?

  • -Everybody, Jimmy makes the best pickles!

  • -There's no one here to brag to. Oh, my gosh.

  • That just made my whole year. -Oh, my gosh. The best.

  • I need the recipe. -I love you, pal. Thank you.

  • -Love you, too. Talk to you later.

  • -Bye-bye. -Bye.

-Demi, we're back.

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黛米-洛瓦託透露了她在社交場合與名人FaceTim的情況。 (Demi Lovato Reveals Celebs She's FaceTiming While Social Distancing)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary