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First I think it is going to be a place where there are a lot of people, it's going to be
我來台灣之前. 我對台灣的了解不深. 之前以為台灣只是一個很髒, 人多,工廠多的地方,
dirty, it is going to smell like tofu everywhere, its going to be just a chaos of factories
並且到處都有臭豆腐的味道,. 我完全不了解這個地方。
everywhere, and no. I had no clue where I was going.
我覺得生活在城市裡卻離單車林道那麼近是很特別. 景色非常漂亮.
Being in the city and being so close to the trail is unique I think. And the view at the
台灣真的很繁忙, 我騎車的時候每個人都在上班,
end was just perfect you know. You have the industry, you have people working, and I am
right there just riding my bike you know? It's awesome. It's really peaceful I think.
It was crazy. Like roots and nice dirt and rocks. Mountains are huge; we were driving up the hill.
當時候下雨, 但是不會很冷, 是一個很完美的騎車環境.
Obviously it was raining but not too cold, perfect conditions for riding.
我認識了一些很棒的車友. 有一些不住在台北, 但為了騎車他們專程來到這裡,
And I met all these crazy riders you know? Even from outside of Taipei they were coming
just to ride because they ride every weekend and all of a sudden we show up. The only thing
他們很樂意與我同行, 並且很高興我能一起參與。
they want is to ride with you and they are proud that you come to their trail.
"A sunny day here in Taiwan"
Lezyne 邀請我來今年的台北展.
Everyone from Lezyne asked me if I would be interested to come to the bike show in Taipei.
我沒來過台灣所以我不能放過這個機會. 我終於可以與Lezyne台灣的朋友碰面,
Obviously had never been here and wanted know how is the show, and take the opportunity
as well to meet the crew here at Lezyne Taiwan. Because I am with Lezyne from almost day one.
我很期待看Lezyne 每天怎麼運作
I wanted to see how it works,
"factory tour"
and what is behind those doors.
很舒服的工作環境, 工廠的設計很漂亮, 這裡的人很棒.
Work conditions are perfect, beautiful building, people are just amazing. I can't believe the
Lezyne 台灣同事對我十分熱情
Taiwanese team from Lezyne are really nice. I'm really surprised how everything is so
我覺得這裡每一件事物, 每一個人 都很棒.
perfect and everyone, the team is connected in between the U.S. and here, how they work
看到美國跟台灣兩個地方密切的配合, 同時合力設計產品
on products and I am really impressed. Really high engineering.
Today when I saw that pump like all black and we could laser the name of my signature
今天我看到 Lezyne 雷雕我的簽名和標誌在打氣筒上,真得很酷。
and my team logo on it, it was cool. Its not every day we could do stuff like this I would
從來沒有想過我的名子可以在打氣筒上, 這真的很難得
never imagine I could have this on a pump. *laughing* its nice.
And tonight we are going to check out the night market, and I am really excited about this.
他們忘了去掉骨頭(CG 把骨頭一起吃進去)
"they left... they forgot the bones."
*coughing* "it's spicy"
很高興可以見到期待我來台灣的Lezyne同事與粉絲們。 真得很棒。
Definitely to meet all the Lezyne Crew and all the fans who were expecting me to come to Taiwan was definitely something really cool.
我在這裡學到很多, 對我的粉絲更了解, 對台灣也更了解。
I could learn about the country, about my fans here and, yeah! I learned a lot about Taiwan.