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  • {♫Intro♫}

  • Compared to a human lifetime, timescales in space are enormous.

  • So it's easy to imagine that our Galaxy is basically frozen during the handful of

  • decades

  • that we're alive.

  • After all, generations and generations of our ancestors have looked at

  • the same planets and constellations that we see today.

  • But, that being said, galaxies are really dynamic, and the Milky Way is changing all

  • the time.

  • In fact, in your lifetimelet's call it a hundred years

  • it will undergo some pretty amazing changes.

  • For one, it will probably growlike, a lot.

  • According to a 2018 paper, spiral galaxies like ours

  • are steadily expanding at around 500 meters per second.

  • That's roughly twice the speed of a jet!

  • And if this rate also applies to the Milky Way, that means it will grow

  • about one point five billion kilometers over the next century.

  • That's not just a statistic, either.

  • This number can also teach scientists about galactic evolution in general.

  • See, the fact that these galaxies grow wasn't a total surprise.

  • For years, scientists have known that, every once in a while, they can eat up smaller galaxies

  • that get captured by their gravity.

  • But that 2018 paper was important because it confirmed that this isn't

  • the only way these neighborhoods get bigger.

  • They also expand because new stars are being bornand in a pretty odd place, too.

  • In this study, researchers observed two spiral galaxies like ours.

  • And after calculating how stars on the fringes were moving, they concluded

  • that these galaxies were growing because stars were being born on their edges.

  • Models had predicted this, but it was hard to prove they were right just by looking at

  • the Milky Way

  • since, well, we're inside it.

  • So by looking at other galaxies,

  • scientists were able to confirm their hypothesis.

  • This finding was mainly strange because most stars form toward the center of their galaxy.

  • So this paper demonstrated that there can still activity way out in the galactic outskirts.

  • That means that, even if it never interacts with another galaxy,

  • the Milky Way will likely keep growing while you're alive

  • as long as it has enough gas around the edges to make new stars.

  • Of course, at this point in its life, our Galaxy is making stars pretty slowly,

  • churning out maybe one or two a year.

  • But that means that in the course of your lifetime,

  • it could gain around a hundred new stars!

  • Now, sure, for a place with at least a hundred billion stars, that's barely a sprinkling.

  • Things have slowed down now that our Galaxy is well into adulthood,

  • at a healthy thirteen and a half billion years old.

  • It's a long ways from its wild youth, about nine billion years ago,

  • when it was forming around a dozen stars a year.

  • Still, from a human perspective, a hundred new stars is nothing to scoff at.

  • And besides, understanding that number can also teach scientists how the Galaxy has evolved.

  • Because the thing is, the Milky Way's star formation hasn't just tapered off

  • it's been more of a rollercoaster.

  • After that peak around nine billion years ago, star formation dropped to a tenth of

  • its previous rate.

  • This shutdown happened around the same time that our Galaxy formed its thick disk.

  • Scientists aren't exactly sure how the two events are connected,

  • but they think it's possible that the formation of this disk stirred things up

  • and made the gas so hot that it stopped condensing into stars.

  • Fortunately, star formation has picked up again since then

  • although these days, things are pretty quiet.

  • Still, that's relatively normal for older neighborhoods, like ours,

  • that don't have a lot of interaction with other galaxies.

  • Even so, the Milky Way is popping out the occasional new star,

  • as regions of dust condense and ignite.

  • And over the course of a century,

  • our Galaxy is likely to have dozens of new studs of light.

  • Finally, the Milky Way won't just gain things during your lifetime.

  • It will also lose some.

  • After all, the Milky Way's new stars are just the recycled remains of old ones

  • and in the next hundred years, it will likely lose about as many stars as it gets.

  • Two or three might even explode as supernovas.

  • This will only happen to the really massive stars, but when they die,

  • they'll spew their contents into space, and some of the elements from their cores

  • will be incorporated into new stars.

  • As far as we know, the most recent supernova in our Galaxy blew up around 140 years ago.

  • But a 2006 estimate suggests that, on average, the Milky Way has seen a supernova explode

  • around every 50 years.

  • So in a sense, it seems like we're kind of overdue for some fireworks.

  • And scientists may have found the next culprit.

  • They have their eyes on a triple-star system nicknamed Apep,

  • which is about eight thousand light-years away and seems to be on the brink of explosion

  • at least, based on what we can see of it.

  • One of its stars is releasing streams of charged particles at a speed that suggests

  • it's at the point of collapse.

  • Thankfully, because of the way the star is oriented, it shouldn't do any harm to Earth

  • even if we see evidence of that explosion soon.

  • And either way, cosmicbrinkscan be human lifetimes,

  • so it's hard to say exactly when this thing will go.

  • We might not see evidence of its explosion for another thousand years or more.

  • Whether or not the Galaxy lights up with a new supernova in the near future,

  • the Milky Way is far from the frozen river of stars that you see on a dark night.

  • In your lifetime alone, dozens of stars will blink in and out of existence,

  • and the whole Galaxy will likely push its own boundaries by more than a billion kilometers.

  • And it's not just cool to find events in space on the scale of our lives.

  • Understanding these short-term events also helps us get a handle on

  • how galaxies evolve and sort out what it's like to be in the galactic middle age.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

  • The universe is super fascinating

  • and can also be surprisingly accessible, and we love getting to explore it with you.

  • If you want to support the show and help us keep making more free content like this,

  • you can go to

  • {♫Outro♫}


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銀河系在你一生中會發生的3種變化 (3 Ways the Milky Way Will Change During Your Lifetime)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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