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  • Hello everyone.

  • I mostly live in an attic in Oxford,

  • so you'll forgive me for being completely outside my environment tonight.

  • I'm afraid I'm not going to be terribly

  • funny like the previous speakers.

  • That's partly because psychiatrists aren't very funny people.

  • Freud famously said that there's no such thing as a joke.

  • But, no, actually it's because that

  • my topic tonight doesn't lend itself very well to jokes

  • and my topic is actually a very serious topic.

  • It's depression.

  • Now, most people think of depression

  • as a mental disorder that is a biological illness of the brain.

  • Today, I'm going to argue that the concept of depression

  • as a mental disorder has been over extended,

  • has been unhelpfully over extended to

  • include all manner of human suffering.

  • And, more controversially,

  • that depression or "depression" as broadly understood,

  • can actually be good for us,

  • an idea that I explored, that I developed

  • in my recent book "The Meaning of Madness."

  • Now let us begin by thinking very broadly about depression.

  • There are important geographical variations

  • in the prevalence of depression.

  • And these can in large part be accounted for

  • by socio-cultural rather than biological factors.

  • In traditional societies, human distress is more likely to be seen

  • as an indicator of the need to address important life problems

  • than as a mental disorder requiring professional treatment.

  • For this reason, the diagnosis of depression is correspondingly

  • less common.

  • Some linguistic communities do not have a word,

  • or even a concept with which to talk or think about depression.

  • And many people in traditional societies

  • with what may be construed as depression

  • present instead with physical symptoms,

  • such as fatigue, or headache, or chest pain.

  • So, for example, Punjabi women,

  • who have recently emigrated to the United Kingdom

  • and given birth find it baffling

  • that a health visitor should pop around

  • to make sure that they haven't developed post-natal depression.

  • I mean, not only had they never

  • conceived of giving birth as anything but a joyous event

  • but they don't even have a word

  • with which to translate the concept of depression into Punjabi.

  • Now, in modern societies such as the UK and the USA,

  • people talk about depression very freely,

  • very readily, very openly.

  • As a result, they are far more likely to interpret

  • their distress in terms of depression

  • and also far more likely to seek out a diagnosis of the illness.

  • At the same time, groups with vested interests,

  • such as pharmaceutical companies

  • or indeed, so called mental health experts

  • promote the notion of "saccharin happiness" as a natural,

  • default state and of human misery, of human distress

  • as a mental disorder.

  • The concept of depression as a mental disorder can be useful

  • for some of the more severe intractible cases

  • that are treated by hospital psychiatrists.

  • But probably not for the vast majority of cases

  • which are relatively mild and short-lived

  • and easily understood in terms of life problems,

  • human nature or the human condition.

  • Another non-mutually exclusive explanation

  • for the important geographical variations

  • in the prevalence of depression

  • may lie in the nature of modern societies themselves

  • which have become increasingly individualistic

  • and divorced from traditional values.

  • For many people living in our society today,

  • life can seem both suffocating and far removed,

  • lonely even and especially amongst the multitudes.

  • And not only meaningless but absurd.

  • By encoding their distress in terms of a mental disorder

  • our society may be subtly implying

  • that the problem lies not with itself, but with them,

  • fragile and failing individuals that they are.

  • Now, of course, many people prefer to buy into this

  • reductionist, physicalist explanation

  • rather than, I suppose, confront their existential angst.

  • However, thinking of human distress in terms of

  • a mental disorder can be counterproductive

  • because it can prevent people from identifying

  • and addressing the important psychological

  • or life problems that are at the root of their distress.

  • Now, all of this is not to say that

  • the concept of depression

  • as a mental disorder is bogus,

  • not at all,

  • but only that the diagnosis of depression

  • has been overextended

  • to include far more than just depression,

  • the mental disorder.

  • If like the majority of medical conditions

  • depression could be diagnosed according to its etiology

  • or pathology, that is, according to its cause or effect,

  • then such a situation, such a problem

  • would never have arisen.

  • Unfortunately, depression cannot as yet be diagnosed

  • according ot its etiology or pathology

  • but only according to its clinical manifestations or symptoms.

  • Given this, a doctor cannot base a diagnosis

  • of depression on anything so objective as for example

  • a blood test as in malaria,

  • or a brain scan as in stroke

  • but only on his subjective interpretation

  • of the nature and severity of the patient's symptoms.

  • If some of these symptoms happen to tally with

  • a diagnostic criteria for depression,

  • then, you know, bingo, the doctor is justified

  • in making a diagnosis of depression.

  • Now, the problem here

  • is that the definition of depression is circular,

  • the concept of depression

  • is based on the symptoms of depression,

  • and the symptoms of depression, in turn,

  • are based on the concept of depression.

  • Thus, it is impossible to be certain

  • that the concept of depression

  • maps onto any distinct disease entity.

  • And, particularly since a diagnosis of depression

  • can apply to anything from mild depression to depressive psychosis,

  • and depressive stupor

  • and overlap with a number of other mental disorders,

  • including anxiety disorders, dysthymia,

  • and adjustment disorder.

  • One of the consequences of our many of symptoms approach

  • to diagnosing depression is that two people

  • with absolutely no symptoms in common,

  • not even depressed moods,

  • can both end up with the same diagnosis of depression.

  • For this reason especially

  • the concept of depression has been attacked

  • for being little more than a socially constructed dustbin

  • for all manner of human suffering.

  • Now, let us grant, as the orthodoxy has it

  • that every person inherits a certain

  • compliment of genes that make him or her

  • more or less vulnerable to developing depression

  • or a state that might be diagnosed as depression

  • during his or her lifetime.

  • And let us also begin to refer

  • to this state rather than depression

  • as the depressive position

  • to include both clinical depression

  • and milder forms of depressed moods.

  • A person enters the depressive position if the amount of stress

  • that he comes under is greater than

  • the amount of stress that he can tolerate

  • given the compliment of genes that he has inherited.

  • Now, genes for potentially debilitating disorders

  • such as depression tend to pass out of a population

  • over time, over a very, very long period of time -

  • we're talking hundreds of generations -

  • because affected people have fewer children

  • or fewer healthy children than non-affected people.

  • The fact that this has not happened for this - depression -

  • suggests that the genes are being selected for

  • despite their potentially debilitating effects

  • in a significant proportion of the population

  • and therefore that these genes

  • must be conferring some important adaptive advantage.

  • Now, before talking about what important adaptive advantage

  • these genes could be conferring

  • I think it's important to note that there are other instances of genes

  • that both predispose to an illness and confer

  • an important adaptive advantage

  • and the most quoted or most studied example is usually

  • I would say sickle cell disease.

  • In sickle cell disease, red blood cells assume a rigid sickle cell

  • that restricts their passage through narrow blood vessels.

  • This leads to a number of serious physical complications,

  • and in traditional or historical societies

  • to a radically curtailed life expectancy.

  • At the same time, however,

  • carrying just one allele of the sickle cell gene

  • prevents malarial parasites

  • from reproducing in red blood cells,

  • and thereby confers immunity to malaria.

  • The fact that the genes for sickle cell disease

  • are particularly common in populations from malarial regions suggests

  • that at least in evolutionary terms,

  • a debilitating illness in the few can be a price worth paying

  • for an important adaptive advantage in the many.

  • Now, what important adaptive advantage

  • could the depressive position be conferring?

  • Now if I've made you fall asleep, I hope I haven't,

  • but If I have made you fall asleep then please wake up now

  • because I think this is going to be the most interesting part of my talk.

  • So what important adaptive advantage

  • can the depressive position be conferring?

  • Just as physical pain has evolved to signal injury

  • and to prevent further injury,

  • so the depressive position may have evolved

  • to remove us from damaging, distressing, or futile situations.

  • The time and space and solitude

  • that the adoption of a depressive position affords

  • prevents us from making rash decisions,

  • enables us to see the bigger picture,

  • and in the context of being a social animal,

  • to reassess our social relationships.

  • Think about those who are meaningful to us

  • and relate to them more meaningfully

  • and with greater compassion.

  • In other words, the depressive position may have evolved

  • as a signal that something is seriously wrong

  • and needs working through and changing

  • or at least processing and understanding.

  • Sometimes we can become so immersed

  • in the humdrum of our everyday lives

  • that we no longer have time to think and feel about ourselves

  • and so lose sight of our bigger picture.

  • The adoption of the depressive position

  • can force us to cast off the Pollyannish optimism

  • and rose-tinted spectacles that shield us from reality;

  • to take a step back,

  • to reevaluate our priorities,

  • and to formulate a realistic or the modest plan for fulfilling them.

  • Now although the adoption of the depressive position

  • can fulfill what I would unfortunately call

  • such a mundane purpose,

  • it can also enable us to develop a more refined perspective

  • and deeper understanding of ourselves,

  • of our lives, and of life in general.

  • From an existential stand point,

  • the adoption of the depressive position

  • obliges us to become aware of our mortality and freedom

  • and challenges us to exercise the latter

  • within the framework of the former.

  • By meeting this difficult challenge,

  • we are able to break out of the mold

  • that has been imposed upon us,

  • discover who we truly are,

  • and in so doing, begin to give deep meaning to our lives.

  • Many of the most creative and insightful people in our society

  • suffer or suffered from depression

  • or a state that may or would have been diagnosed as depression.

  • They include the politicians Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln.

  • The poets, Charles Baudelaire, Elizabeth Bishop,

  • Hart Crane, Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath, and Rainer Maria Rilke.

  • The thinkers, Michel Foucault, William James,

  • John Stuart Mill, Isaac Newton,

  • Friedrich Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer

  • and the writers, Charles Dickens, William Faulkner,

  • Graham Green, Leo Tolstoy, Evelyn Waugh

  • and Tennesee Williams

  • and the list just goes on and on and on.

  • To quote Marcel Proust,

  • who himself suffered from very severe depression,

  • "Happiness is good for the body,

  • but it is grief which develops the strength of the mind".

  • (Applause)

  • I take it that the clapping is for Marcel Proust.

  • Now you see, people in the depressive position

  • are often stigmatized as failures or losers.

  • Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.

  • If these people are in the depressive position,

  • it is just because they have tried too hard,

  • or taken on too much

  • so hard and so much

  • that they have made themselves ill with depression.

  • In other words, if these people are in the depressive position,

  • it is because their world was simply not good enough for them.

  • They wanted more, they wanted better

  • and they wanted different.

  • And not just for themselves, but for all those around them.

  • So if they are failures or losers,

  • this is only because they've set the bar far too high.

  • They could have swept everything under the carpet

  • and pretended, as so many people do,

  • that all is for the best in the best of possible worlds.

  • However, unlike most people, they had the strength

  • and the honesty to admit

  • that something was amiss,

  • to admit that something was not quite right.

  • So rather than being failures or losers,

  • they are all the opposite.

  • They are ambitious, they are truthful

  • and they are courageous

  • and that is precisely why they became ill.

  • To make them believe that they are suffering from some mental disorder

  • or some chemical imbalance in the brain

  • and that their recovery depends entirely

  • or even mostly on popping pills

  • is to do them and to do us an immense disfavour.

  • It is to deny them the opportunity

  • not only to identify and address important life problems,

  • but also to deny them the opportunity to develop

  • a more refined perspective and deeper

  • understanding of themselves

  • and of the world around them

  • and therefore, to deny them the opportunity

  • to develop their highest potential as human beings.

  • Thank you very much.

  • (Applause)

Hello everyone.

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【TEDx】TEDx馬裡博爾--尼爾-伯頓--《憂鬱的解剖學》。抑鬱症對你有好處嗎? (【TEDx】TEDxMaribor - Neel Burton - The Anatomy of Melancholy: Can depression be good for you?)

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    Jeng-Lan Lee posted on 2021/01/14
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