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  • October was kind of a bittersweet month for space scientists.

  • NASA successfully fixed problems with two satellites, the Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-Ray Observatory,

  • but they also had to say goodbye to two more.

  • Last week, both the Kepler Space Telescope and Dawn mission

  • ran out of fuel and came to an end.

  • But over their 16 cumulative years of operation,

  • they showed us that our universe is even more amazing than we'd imagined.

  • Here's some of what we learned.

  • NASA's Kepler Space Telescope was originally going to be called FRESIP,

  • which stood for FRequency of Earth-sized Inner Planets.

  • But thankfully, somebody changed their mind and named it after the famous astronomer instead.

  • The mission launched in 2009, and it used the transit method to find planets beyond our solar system,

  • monitoring over half a million stars

  • to try and detect tiny dips in light that could indicate a planet was passing by.

  • And it totally worked!

  • Less than a year after launch, Kepler found its first planets,

  • a bunch of what scientists call hot Jupiters.

  • They're large gas giants that orbit super close to their stars.

  • We don't have any of those planets around here,

  • so discoveries like this offer huge insights into how other star systems evolve.

  • Over its two missions, the primary Kepler mission and the later K2,

  • the telescope went on to find more than 2700 confirmed exoplanets.

  • That's more than two-thirds of all the confirmed exoplanets we've discovered.

  • And along the way, it painted a picture of just how diverse our galaxy is.

  • Even accounting for those hot Jupiters,

  • most of the planets Kepler observed aren't anything like what we have in our solar system.

  • Instead, they're somewhere in size between Earth and Neptune.

  • And while it has been historically easier to find larger planets,

  • the fact that there are so many suggests our solar system could be at least a little special.

  • But not all of Kepler's discoveries were super weird and exotic.

  • It also found planets a little more similar to Earth,

  • and that could help us understand how our home got to be the way it is.

  • For example, in 2011, Kepler found the first solid evidence for a rocky exoplanet.

  • Then, in 2014, it found the first roughly Earth-sized planet in its star's habitable zone.

  • That's the distance from a star where, if a planet has a thick enough atmosphere,

  • water could exist on the surface.

  • And in 2018, the telescope may have even found the first moon around an exoplanet!

  • Unfortunately, for some time now,

  • Kepler had been running low on the fuel it needed to perform steering maneuvers.

  • And on October 30th, NASA announced that it had finally run out.

  • That means we can't point it toward anything we want to study,

  • or point it back toward Earth to send data home.

  • So now, it's just stuck in orbit around the Sun.

  • But it was a really good telescope while it lasted!

  • While Kepler was studying distant solar systems, the Dawn mission was investigating the asteroid belt:

  • the rocky leftovers from when our solar system formed.

  • Studying those leftovers gives us insight into what exactly happened those four and a half billion years ago.

  • Dawn launched back in 2007, and became both the first spacecraft to orbit something in the asteroid belt

  • and the first one to orbit two foreign worlds.

  • In 2011, it made its first stop at the asteroid Vesta, the second largest body in the belt.

  • We've talked about some of Dawn's accomplishments at Vesta before,

  • like how it studied a giant mountain on the south pole.

  • But this spacecraft did a lot more, too.

  • For example, Dawn revealed the presence of certain minerals we hadn't expected to find on the asteroid.

  • Specifically, ones with water molecules stored in them.

  • They likely came from small collisions,

  • and their existence contradicts the old idea that Vesta is just a big, dry rock.

  • Dawn also confirmed that Vesta has a layered interior with a separate crust, mantle, and core,

  • kind of like the inner planets.

  • That makes it an important piece of evidence in understanding planetary formation.

  • Because if a little asteroid has these layers,

  • that suggests planetesimals, the building blocks of planets, might have had them, too.

  • In 2012, Dawn left Vesta for Ceres, the only dwarf planet closer than Pluto.

  • It arrived in 2015, and started discovering a ton about the object's composition,

  • like that it had clays full of ammonia.

  • That's actually pretty strange because, given its distance from the Sun,

  • Ceres is too hot for ammonia to condense into a solid.

  • So scientists now think that Ceres either formed in the outer solar system and migrated inward,

  • or is partially made up of smaller bodies that formed out there.

  • Dawn also spotted an abundance of organic molecules in one of Ceres's craters,

  • which may have been formed in the dwarf planet's interior.

  • Organic compounds are commonly made by life, but don't get your alien-hunting gear out yet.

  • So far, the only molecule that's been identified is some kind of aliphatic,

  • which is a pretty simple molecule made of hydrogen and carbon chains.

  • So this might just mean that organic molecules aren't that rare.

  • During its mission, Dawn traveled nearly 7 billion kilometers and taught us a lot.

  • But it couldn't last forever.

  • On October 31st, Dawn ran out of its propellant.

  • That meant it was unable to rotate its antenna to check in with Earth,

  • so the team ultimately had to declare the spacecraft defunct.

  • It will continue to orbit Ceres for up to 50 years, but eventually, it will come crashing down.

  • The good news is, Dawn will be teaching us about the asteroid belt for years to come,

  • since the mission collected tons of data, including nearly 100,000 images.

  • The end of Kepler and Dawn is a sad moment in astronomy, but at least there's a silver lining.

  • Kepler's replacement, called TESS, launched earlier this year

  • and has already started capturing data.

  • And while it will likely be a while before another craft visits Vesta or Ceres,

  • we have plenty of spacecraft working on other asteroids.

  • That means more exciting space news is always on the horizon.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space News!

  • If you'd like to learn even more about what Dawn did during its mission,

  • you can watch our episode from 2017 about some of its other accomplishments.

  • [ ♪ Outro ]

[ ♪ Intro ]

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我們從開普勒太空望遠鏡學到了什麼? (What We Learned from the Kepler Space Telescope | SciShow News)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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