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  • has this ever happened to you?

  • You're going about your day minding your own business when suddenly realized you're completely and utterly out of Fitz and the tantrums.

  • Where did they all go?

  • Maybe you lost some battling your never ending to do list, trying to justify your life choices to your mom on the phone?

  • No, Mom, it's not porn.

  • It's just a bunch of free videos with my body and occasionally my feet that people can watch online or dodging that guy from tinder who sent you five messages to many about how much he loves anime.

  • Regardless, today I'm gonna walk you guys through my lazy makeup, hair, jewelry and outfit ideas for days when I want to look cute, but really can't be bothered to give a fuck.

  • So first up here are some easy and comfortable outfit ideas.

  • My go to lazy day outfit is always addressed.

  • It looks fancy, but it takes so little effort to throw on because you don't have to match your top, and your bottom minidresses are especially nifty if you haven't bothered to shave in a while, not the body.

  • Here is anything to be ashamed of, but you know how it be sometime in two days.

  • Patriarchal society.

  • We love gender standards.

  • Throw on some boots or sneakers to dress it down and stay comfortable on your feet all day.

  • If it's a tighter or shorter dress, I liketo layer on an oversized jacket, so I feel a little more cozy and bundled up and relaxed.

  • I don't think you guys have ever seen me and leggings before, because I really don't wear them on a day to day basis.

  • And I have a personal vendetta against Athleisure.

  • But I wanted to include some expert cozy outfits for you guys here.

  • I paired some high waisted leggings with cropped hoodies to stay comfy but not lumpy but keeping my waistline defined.

  • Here's another outfit with those same leggings.

  • I swapped out the hoody for an oversized T shirt and layered the denim jacket on top to make the outfit look less like pajamas and more put together.

  • And finally, here's a fall option with a balloon sleeve cardigan that's just as comfortable as a hoody but looks along with stylish.

  • Another tip is to look for pants that have a stretchy waistband but looks deceivingly tailored, thes fuzzy stretchy plaid pants have been my favorite for years because they feel like leggings, but the plaid pattern makes them look kind of like dressed hands.

  • I recently got these tan pleaded plants plants pants, which looked like a business person in the front but feel like stretching pajamas in the back, thanks to the elastic, even with a plain white T shirt, this outfit is simple and comfortable and loose and stretchy, but still looks like I put in way more effort than I actually did.

  • And my final tip, when all else fails, is to wear all black.

  • You can pretty much throw together any texture and any silhouette with a black outfit, and it will still manage to look asleep if you want to take it up a notch.

  • One of my favorite styling tips is to do an all black outfit and then add one contrast in accessory and then Wham, bam!

  • Yes, ma'am, you will look put together in no time, ready to deal with the rest of the shit your day has to offer.

  • Now, you might be wondering Ashley, what jewelry are you wearing with all those outfits and oh ho ho do I have the answer for you.

  • A good set of jewelry is one of my favorite ways to make my outfit look a lot more put together with really minimal effort.

  • Recently, I have just been throwing on a simple set of gold earrings and a little gold choker, and it just dresses up any outfit.

  • It's such a no brainer in the morning when your brain is still buffering.

  • Oh, where did you get this lovely set of gold jewelry?

  • Ashley.

  • Oh, I'm glad that you asked.

  • I actually designed this jewelry, and it's launching today, which is crazy and exciting and cool.

  • I've been wearing them in a lot of my videos and instagram posts, but I haven't been able to share the news with you guys yet.

  • So, yeah, you can buy these if you want now, which is super cool, and I made them what I wanted to create.

  • A collection of jewelry that's vintage inspired but at the same time is wearable enough for every day and just something that, like elevates your everyday outfit a little bit.

  • Everything in the collection is under $30 many of the pieces are under 25 as well.

  • So I think I found the perfect balance for you guys between something that is affordable and something that's really well designed and high quality, if I may say so myself.

  • Next up, here's an ultra quick version of my everyday makeup tutorial.

  • Be warned.

  • I'm not a very good of you to your room, but I tried my best.

  • Right now I am bare face in my bathroom to show you guys my one minute makeup tutorial Hey, might make up for when it's like 9 p.m. On a week night.

  • And that cute guy sends a snapshot.

  • But you don't wanna open it quite yet because you know that you can see when you open the snapshot.

  • You don't want to be too big a delay between when you open it and when you send a cute selfie back.

  • But it's like a little bit cringing in today's society to use one of Snapchat filters.

  • Obviously try to make yourself look good, but at the same time, you haven't gotten to the point where we actually like except acne is something normal and cute.

  • So you have to put on makeup to make yourself look presentable, like 99% of the time when you open the guy's photo.

  • It's just a slightly pixelated photo of spaghetti.

  • He ate for dinner anyway, and there's no need for you to reply.

  • So there wasn't any point.

  • And that's the makeup that we're doing right now.

  • So I have all of my makeup or Hillary's laid out.

  • We're gonna start the timer.

  • Hey, Siri, set a timer for one minute.

  • Okay?

  • Your time ever sit for one minute?

  • My serious, an Australian man?

  • Because I want to get used to asserting myself around male voices and not feeling bad about it.

  • Okay, my time We're starting.

  • So first we got Araujo because my eyebrows are a little bit lacking.

  • This is a tinted one from benefit.

  • And if you kindly put enough brow gel on it, like, kinda makes up for the fact that you don't have your brows penciled in shit is 1/4 than I thought.

  • This is taking awhile.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • You know what?

  • The banks cover most of what you got concealer.

  • I just slept on the side of my face where I have any acne dream.

  • Charles is screaming right now.

  • This blending job is like, so lackluster.

  • That's his son above the pyro acne too.

  • What the fuck that was one minute.

  • Okay, you know what?

  • We're gonna go for a two minute makeup tutorial.

  • One minute goes a little stick flush, because we don't have time.

  • Thio, my little glossy a cloud pizza usually use a tiny bit, was highlighter Stick to a little bit on the nose and then if we can't d'oh my eye later Fuck!

  • You're not meant to do eyeliner in the viewfinder.

  • And there's two minutes.

  • OK, here is what we got.

  • You know, it's not perfect.

  • It's not some James Charlotte level glam, but my face is looking natural.

  • My skin is looking a little clear.

  • I have a little bit of a rosy flush going on, and that's really the most you can ask for.

  • In literally two minutes.

  • I want to show you guys one quick alternative to this look.

  • So I've seen in all of the, like, quick makeup tutorials that I watch that you should put on a bold red lips to you automatically make yourself look more put together.

  • But if you are an eater and a talker like I am like pretty much all women are.

  • Then you know that having let's take on is just way too high maintenance throughout your day.

  • I have this really dark red.

  • Oh my God, I have a really dark red tinted lip phone from milk.

  • So if I layer this up enough, it turns into kind of a dark red lip stain now looks like a little glossy red list.

  • But this is so much less high maintenance than a regular lipstick you can like you can talk to you could, like, rub it off and doesn't look patchy or anything, which is a godsend.

  • So yes, tinted little's slash lip stains for the win.

  • Nobody has said for the Wind since, like 2008.

  • Who am I?

  • And lastly, let's talk about my last minute hairstyles.

  • I do when my hair just is not cooperating or I just haven't bothered to wash my hair for like five days because you guys know once you get long hair, it is like a mission, and sometimes my biceps are just not up for it.

  • So my first hairstyle, when my hair is utterly and completely hopeless, is to literally just separate my hair into and do two simple braids.

  • It literally takes, like, three seconds.

  • I'm gonna secure the end with one of these in elastics.

  • I prefer these two big, chunky elastic because they just look a little bit more dainty and streamlined at the end of your braid.

  • And repeat that on the other side, Elastic.

  • Oh, shit.

  • And then to make it look a little bit less Pippi Longstocking, we're just gonna judge him up, get your fingers in there and mess it up a little bit so that it looks more relaxed.

  • I like pulling apart the sides, especially at the bottom, so it makes your hair look thicker, too.

  • There we go.

  • Super few super simple people literally always compliment me on these two.

  • And they're like, Oh, you're here So cool.

  • It's like, thank you.

  • It took me five seconds, and I did it because my hair was super junky that day.

  • I didn't want people to notice if my hair is really gross and I am truly out of fucks, you know, I'm about to throw my hair into a messy bun.

  • So I've got one of these viscous and Bennu.

  • I mean a scrunchie.

  • I think that name is too old.

  • I'm sorry.

  • I find that they grip my hair a lot better.

  • Especially if you get a velvet one or 1/4 everyone, because the fabric has, like a good grip to it.

  • And that makes sense.

  • So my hair tends to not slip out of the bun is fast.

  • I'm gonna separate my bangs in my little front tendrils bring up the rest of my hair.

  • I don't slick this back too much because I don't want it to look like a ballerina bun.

  • I wanted to look a little bit more textured and spontaneous.

  • Then I twist my hair around itself.

  • Put the hair tie on, Georgie around until it looks halfway decent.

  • There we go.

  • Looks like a bun on top of my head.

  • Applying approximately the same method.

  • We can also D'oh!

  • Ah, high ponytail, a k a.

  • The hairstyle that I wore every single data high school when I was too lazy to wash my hair before Ariana Grande a made it cool.

  • The key for ponytails for me is to like make sure that when I'm looking straight forward at somebody, that hair still peaks off the top of my head like that is how high it needs to be.

  • Otherwise, I look like a little bold egg.

  • And let's be honest, if I'm at the point where I'm doing a high ponytail, I probably have not had time to style my bangs and wash them and make them look cute.

  • So I am gonna pin them back with a bobby pin and expose my forehead.

  • Scandalous.

  • Now, this is the real trick that I use when my hair is greasy as fuck, because when it slicked back what you could really see all the grease buildup on your scalp.

  • So I take a little headband.

  • Or you could even use like a ribbon from one of the many gifts your suitors has left at your doorstep.

  • I just tie it twice in a knot.

  • It's a little floppy bow, and this way the headband covers up all of your greasy roots, and no one is the wiser and my last hair style, if you could even call it that is really simple.

  • It's literally just putting bretz in either side of your hair.

  • Where'd you get those breasts?

  • Ashley?

  • Oh oh, I may have designed them is well, and they're also available is part of my jewelry collection.

  • Oh, well, how or if you have bangs and you want to keep them back, you could also pin them back with these hair clips.

  • And there you go.

  • Then your greasy bangs are out of your face, but in a stylish way.

  • I've got to film an outro because I am a disorganized mess this week, to be honest Depression, headache going strong mental health hanging on by a thread.

  • Love that for me.

  • I hope you guys enjoyed visiting hope again.

  • If you want to check out the jewelry, he will be linked below.

  • I'm excited.

  • I really hope you guys enjoy it.

  • Otherwise, thank you for watching you guys next week.

has this ever happened to you?

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如何看起來可愛,當你的f*cks的 (how to look cute when you're out of f*cks)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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