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  • maglev space shuttles.

  • Funicular sze seems like we've seen it all, but this is the bright side, and few people know there were and still are types of transport that you could Onley imagine in your wildest dreams.

  • How about jet powered trains or bicycles with sewing machines installed in the Don't believe me.

  • Hey, my mother doesn't either, but have a look anyways.

  • Number one hobble hobble The Philippines are famous for their motorcycle taxis, tricycles and Motorola's, but hobble hobble stands out a lot.

  • A normal motorbike can only take a driver and a maximum of four people, and even that with a sidecar hobble hobble is an ingenious and pretty dangerous motorcycle tinkered in a way to carry up to a baker's dozen or 13 passengers it as either an extension of the seat to the rear or a T shaped cross beam to see the passengers.

  • It's now banned in the country, but what a sight it must have been.

  • Now if they had just serve food during your trip, then you could gobble gobble on your Hubbell Hubbell two.

  • Ice Angel.

  • This half boat, half ice car is the only winner means of transportation to Madeline Island, the largest of the Apostle islands and Lake Superior during warmer months.

  • It's not a problem to catch a regular ferry, but when the water freezes over, ice angels hit the road.

  • They have air propellers at the back, one wheel at the front and sleds along the hall to evenly spread the weight over the ice.

  • By the way, it has another name, but it's also taken by another curious transport number three.

  • Wind sled Ramon Lair.

  • Amending an Antarctic explorer set out on another expedition in December 2018 with a team of four people himself included, and their mode of transportation was wind sled.

  • The name pretty much describes it.

  • It's a sled and is propelled by wind.

  • Clever.

  • The explorers had two big tents on either end of the sled and all their equipment laid out either inside or between them.

  • No propellers here, though.

  • The winds tug the sled with the help of kites.

  • Four.

  • Amphibious, A one of a kind swimming bus cuts the waters of the river moss and Rotterdam, the Netherlands on land.

  • It's nothing much just your typical tour bus rolling across the town, but then it goes, splash right into the river and you see why it's so special.

  • A similar amphibious bus should have replaced a ferry across the River Clyde in Skyland, but never did because of technical issues.

  • And while we're on the topic of land transport traversing waters, here's the exact opposite Number five Land Boat.

  • It's unclear if it ever existed at all, but the weird vehicle with described in the popular Science magazine issue of April 1924 it is said to have looked like a twin seated boat with two levers.

  • They served as oars.

  • Either of the passengers could row, and a single pool took the land boat.

  • Several strides forward with all the cars around, though it didn't catch on.

  • Thankfully, number six Bamboo train.

  • No, it's not.

  • A train made of bamboo in its native Cambodia is called nori, and it's basically a platform on wheels that travels on rails in the harder to reach regions.

  • Normal trains do not go there any longer, and these things are cheap and easy way to travel across the country.

  • Just make sure not to fall off its speed.

  • A nori can reach 30 miles per hour, which could result in a nasty case of railroad track rash.

  • Seven.

  • Coco Taxi Native to Cuba.

  • This peculiar transport got its name from the coconut, which it resembles a lot.

  • It's basically a mope ed with a shell made of fiberglass in plastic and two seats one for the driver, the other for the passenger.

  • It's nimble, fast and mostly cheap, although it's mainly made for tourists number eight mitad to a party bus at its finest, while certainly looking the kind my tattoos are the most affordable public transport in the capital of Kenya.

  • Nairobi Thes colorful painted buses with loud music blaring inside are barely legal.

  • Yet all attempts to ban them failed.

  • People simply have few other options to commute hand.

  • Let's admit it.

  • They're a tourist attraction on their own.

  • A kun, um, a tattoo number nine gas powered stroller.

  • Incredibly, for a short period in the 19 twenties, there was a motorized stroller that could reach the speed of four miles per hour, which is a rather leisurely jog.

  • At best, it looked like your ordinary baby carriage, but had a nurse chauffeur standing on foot rest attached to 1/5 wheel that had a motor geared to it.

  • Probably convenient, but I imagine it didn't catch on because of the backfire the engine would occasionally give.

  • Four babies Number 10 Jet Powered train Have you ever wondered why trains couldn't have jet engines like airplanes to move faster?

  • Well, several countries thought the same in the 19 fifties and invented a couple of trains with jet engines attached to the top.

  • The machine's indeed travel faster, but it turned out the amount of fuel they burn outweighed all other advantages, which were a few to start with.

  • The cost of one ride was too much, so the projects were scrapped.

  • But they weren't the only attempt across trains and planes number 11 rail plane back before jet engines were invented.

  • George Benny Remember that name?

  • Suggested a rather weird idea.

  • He made a prototype of a wingless plane that rode along a monorail above it and was stabilized with rails below.

  • A motorized front propeller allowed the rail plane to reach the speed of 120 miles per hour, according to banning.

  • Alas, even though the revolutionary idea gained a lot of interest across the globe, it couldn't find enough funding, and the project was closed.

  • Alas, so much for Bennie and the Jets.

  • Speaking of which Number 12 jet powered motor bike, the thing invented in 1949 look more like a bicycle with a huge exhaust pipe than a motorbike.

  • But it reached an impressive speed for the time of 70 miles per hour.

  • The reason for its failure was the market was the same cost of fuel anyway.

  • In 2019 a California based company introduce its very own jet powered motor bike that flies.

  • Now that's a hefty raise of steaks.

  • If you have a spare $380,000 lying around, you can test it for yourself.

  • Anyone, anyone.

  • Bueller.

  • 13 family bicycle.

  • This contraption is known as the goofy bike and certainly lives up to its name.

  • It was invented by Charles Steinle, off in 1939 and was the only one of its guy Goofy by could carry all his family of four.

  • But perhaps the most peculiar feature was the sewing machine right in the center of the contraption.

  • 14 Dog Mobile.

  • Ever heard of dogsleds?

  • Well, in the same 1939 a certain Z wigs 80 year old dog trainer thought it was time for a dog sled to evolve and created his mutt mobile.

  • It looked like a love child of a car and a hamster wheel.

  • The driver control the car well.

  • A dog sitting in a huge wheel behind him walked Iran generating energy.

  • The idea proved impractical, though, because the dog couldn't ring nearly enough juice for the car to move more than a few yards.

  • Hey, how about suspending a cat out in front to motivate the dog?

  • I wonder if they tried that 15 Shiva Express.

  • If you ever fancied riding a train with the comfort of a bus, look no further than Ecuador.

  • Achieva Express is a bus on rails equipped with all you might need, including a bathroom and a bar, and you can see almost the entire country from its top.

  • Passengers are encouraged to climb onto the roof to take in the views.

  • 16.

  • Suspension monorail.

  • Remember the rail playing?

  • Yeah, this thing probably inspired it.

  • Face in Germany's whooper Tall, the oldest suspension monorail is 120 years old.

  • The carriages move along railways above the streets, and although the speed isn't high, it's a cool thing to have a look at anyway.

  • 17 Dinos Fear.

  • So there was this huge wheel inside of which ran a pair of velociraptors away.

  • It's not a dino sphere.

  • Sorry, Wrong page.

  • Anyway, Dinos Fear was still a huge wheel.

  • Only inside it was a driver who leaned out from the side to see ahead.

  • The wheel could accelerate to 30 miles per hour, although I personally would risk it.

  • The concept on Lee had a working prototype but was never mass produced, which can't be said about its cousin.

  • Number 18 Mono wheel, largely similar to Eunice cycle mono Wheel, was and still is a rather popular transport.

  • It has a single big wheel, hence the name inside of which sits the driver working the pedals just like you would on a bicycle.

  • The wheel is rather thin, so you don't need to lean out to see what's in front of you.

  • And a motorized version of a model whale can reach the speed of 60 miles per hour, which is quite serious.

  • And there you have it, as the old saying goes.

  • If at first you don't succeed, try, try again and then quit.

  • You don't want to look like a Dang, fool.

  • Hey, if you learn something new today, then give the video will like it here with a friend and hear some other videos I think you'll enjoy.

  • Just click to the left or right.

  • And remember, stay on the bright side of life.

maglev space shuttles.

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如果把火車引擎換成噴氣式引擎會怎樣(還有17種不可思議的車輛)? (What If a Train Engine is Replaced with a Jet Engine (and 17 Unbelievable Vehicles))

  • 2 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary