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  • I want to speak really English from your first lesson.

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  • Hi, everybody.

  • My name is Alicia.

  • In this lesson, I'm going to talk about phrase a ll Verbs with back.

  • Let's get started.

  • Okay.

  • First, I want to introduce a group of four verbs that shares Ah, one common point.

  • That is this These four verbs all have the meaning of moving with the rear part of something forward.

  • So if you imagine a car, the front and the back of a car like the front side and the back side of a person, if you imagine all of these verbs share the meaning of making a motion in some direction of moving in some direction, However, the rear part is the part that is like the forward moving part.

  • So we usually walk with this part of our body moving forward.

  • But when we move with the rear part forward, it means this direction.

  • So we're moving back in a backwards motion.

  • So these four verbs all include that meaning I want to mention that first thes that will talk about later.

  • Don't include that meaning.

  • So these four include that meaning plus some proposition that tells us the direction of that movement and the relationship of that movement as well to something else.

  • So with that in mind, let's take a look at these four phrase over mes The first phrase a ll verb here is back into back into so back into means moving with the rear part forward.

  • Yes.

  • So this kind of motion plus moving into a space so to back into something you're backing into an enclosed space.

  • So imagine with a car, a lot of thes will be very, very useful for using with a car.

  • So an example of this would be this one.

  • He backed into the parking space he backed into the parking space.

  • So you imagine, with a car backing in the rear, part of the car moves in to the parking space.

  • That means the rear part of the car enters the parking space first.

  • So we use the phrase a ll verb to back into.

  • You'll notice here too.

  • This is the past tense form backed.

  • He backed in back to the past form off back.

  • So he backed into the parking space tells us that he moved with the rear part of the car forward into the parking space.

  • Okay, so now let's look at the opposite of this to back out of something.

  • So since we have out here we have in before this shows us this is the the opposite direction.

  • Then however we don't use back out to we use back out of, please be careful here, back out of.

  • So this means to move out of a space to move out of a space.

  • So an example sentence might be the question in this case.

  • Can you back out of the garage?

  • Can you back out of the garage?

  • So again, this means the rear part of the car is moving forward.

  • However, instead of going into a space, the motion is coming from space.

  • So we're backing out of a space that means from a position inside a room in this case, a garage.

  • The back of the car moves first out of the garage, so backing out of something to back out of a garage or to back out of a parking space as well.

  • Okay, now let's move along to the next phrase over back on to back onto this is quite different from back in or back out to back onto means, to move backwards on top of something.

  • So again, when you're driving a car, for example, you might use the expression he backed onto the sidewalk.

  • So this means the rear part of the car moved first, and as it moved, it moved on top of something else.

  • So there's movement and movement onto another thing.

  • He backed onto the sidewalk.

  • Or he backed on two, maybe a bicycle, for example, So movement backwards and on top of something else.

  • So this might happen to you when you're using a car or another vehicle.

  • So let's move on to the next phrase over which is backed away from back away from is a phrase a ll verb.

  • You might use more to talk about your body, the motion of your body than you would a car.

  • So this means to move backwards in a direction opposite to something else.

  • So by this I mean, there's maybe another person, or there is something that you want to move away from.

  • And again, the rear part of your body moves first.

  • So if you imagine that that that there's something like in front of you here in front of the front part of your body and you want to move away from it.

  • But you maintain this direction with your body.

  • We use the phrase will verb to back away from to talk about doing that.

  • So an example sentence.

  • They backed away from the fire.

  • So you imagine there's a fire like you're camping, for example, and you move in This way, you can say you backed away from the fire.

  • So to back away from might be something you used to talk about your body more so than to talk about a car, perhaps, but this means moving in an opposite direction from something else.

  • Okay, so let's move along then, to the next three, which do not belong to this group relating to that kind of rear facing motion.

  • These air very different, actually.

  • Let's first begin with this expression to back off to back off.

  • So to back off means to remove oneself from a situation that's one or to move away in fear.

  • So this 1st 1 to remove yourself from a situation this is often said in response to a person who's getting involved in a situation.

  • You want that person to go away from the situation.

  • Eso It's commonly used as a command like back off.

  • It means go away or stop bothering me.

  • Maybe you're working on a project, for example, and someone tries to come share opinions or criticize your work or something.

  • You're not ready.

  • You can say back off.

  • I'm still working on this, for example.

  • So it's used often.

  • Thio give a command to someone.

  • Actually, we also use this to express fear, like if someone threatens us or we're afraid of something on and we want to kind of move away from the situation we can use back off as well.

  • Let's look at an example here, Back off and let us deal with the problem.

  • So this is related to criticism like, Ah, we don't need you to be involved, so let us handle it.

  • That's kind of the feeling of back off.

  • We don't need you.

  • Please go away.

  • So to back off in this way refers to leaving a situation.

  • Okay, let's move along to the next one, which is back down to back down from something means to admit a mistake, to admit a mistake.

  • Or it can mean like to stop supporting something These air actually kind of connected.

  • To stop supporting something is like to stop supporting an opinion, kind of.

  • So when you admit a mistake, you stop supporting that mistake is kind of the idea here.

  • So an example of this could be my neighbor won't back down.

  • He accuses me of being noisy.

  • So the neighbor, in other words, is wrongly accusing the speaker of being noisy.

  • But the neighbor won't back down.

  • That means the neighbor refuses to admit a mistake.

  • There were few.

  • He refuses.

  • He or she refuses to admit that there's something wrong, refuses to stop supporting the opinion.

  • So my neighbour won't back down.

  • He won't stop.

  • In holy words, he continues to accuse me so to back down.

  • It's like, yeah, kind of removing your support for something you said.

  • Or like some behavior you had in the past.

  • Okay, lets move along then, to the last phrase a verb for this lesson, which is to back up to back up.

  • This is used in terms of to back up, someone to back up another person.

  • This means to support someone verbally so verbally means with your word to support someone verbally is to back someone up so you can split this to back someone up.

  • So an example of this could be my colleagues backed me up when I made a complaint.

  • So my colleagues supported me.

  • When I made a complaint, I made the complaint and my colleagues verbally or they shared some words to support what I was saying.

  • In other words, so to back someone up means to support them.

  • Keep in mind, this is very different from to be a backup.

  • To be a backup means to be a substitute for something.

  • It has a very different meaning here.

  • So to be a backup, that's something very different from two back someone up.

  • So keep that in mind and try to pay attention to the situations where those two words are used.

  • All right, so those air, hopefully a few new ways that you can use the verb back.

  • Of course, if you have any questions or comments or want to try to make a sentence, or maybe you know a different way of using the verb back, please feel free to do so in the comments section of this video.

  • Off course.

  • Don't forget to give the video a thumbs up.

  • If you enjoyed it, subscribe to the channel if you have not already and check us out in English.

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  • Thanks very much for watching this lesson and I will see you again soon.

  • Bye bye.

I want to speak really English from your first lesson.

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7個最常見的帶 "back "的動詞:back up,back off,back in...... (7 Most Common Phrasal Verbs with ‘BACK’: back up, back off, back in...)

  • 12 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary