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Hi, everybody.
My name is Alicia In this lesson, I'm going to talk about some common contractions, and I'm also going to introduce their pronunciations.
Hopefully, this can help you sound a bit more natural.
I've divided today's lesson into a few key groups, so let's take a look at each group individually and then talk about some more general contractions.
Okay, let's get started with the first group.
The first group I've classified as the to be contraction.
So these are AM R and is related contractions, especially when the subject is a person.
So let's review I am contracts to I'm I'm so I am I'm I'm Ah, you are contracts to your remember This is why I o u apostrophe r e not why oh, you are.
That's the possessive form.
Your your we are contracts to were were weird.
Is the pronunciation were they are contracts to their There they are, They're there.
He is contracts to He's, he's, he's she is contracts to She's she's It is contracts to It's it's this one has an apostrophe.
It's it's no apostrophe is the possessive form, something belonging to an object.
It's and finally, that is contracts to that's That's okay.
So here's our first group.
Let's move on to a little bit more challenging, perhaps using wood to make the contracted form.
Also, I'll talk about the past tense and the negative form here too.
So first I would I would contracts to ID ID you would contracts to.
So you'll see.
We just keep this d sound here.
I'd you'd we would becomes weed weed.
They would becomes Vaid.
They'd he would becomes, he'd he'd she would becomes shed.
It would becomes it'd This one's tricky.
It'd it'd it'd is the pronunciation it that would becomes vapid.
I've added that would be crazy.
That would be impossible.
It would be good if it would be good that it did so.
These are all the present positive forms of contractions with would, However, when you make a negative form, you just need to use.
Wouldn't would it to do that, so wouldn't is wood plus, not when you attach wouldn't to your subject.
You don't need to make any change to the sound of the subject.
Just make the change here with the not part, so I wouldn't You wouldn't We wouldn't.
They wouldn't.
He wouldn't.
She wouldn't.
It wouldn't that wouldn't That's so.
There's no change to the subject.
Pronunciation were only making the change here.
So that's four negative when you want to make the past tense.
When you want to use wood with a past tense expression, we just use wood.
Plus have I'll put this here.
So would, plus, have becomes, would have would have becomes the pronunciation here.
So again, there's no actual change to the subject.
Like I mean, the pronunciation of the subject of the sentence we just attached would've.
So this would become I would have you would have.
We would have.
They would have.
He would if she would have, it would have that would have.
So we're just changing this part here would plus have to create the past tense.
So this is it may be a key point with wood, and the same thing applies to could and should.
So with could and should we use the same rule?
So I couldn't if I could have, For example, I shouldn't if I should have same thing there.
So that's a quick overview of the pronunciation of contractions with wood and a little bit about could and should as well with the past form and the negative form too.
So let's continue on to the next group, which uses Will will eso first we have I will, which we contract too ill.
Next is you will which becomes you'll we will becomes wheel.
They will becomes veil veil he will becomes hell Hell, she will.
She'll she'll it will.
Tricky becomes it'll it'll it'll that one's tricky.
It'll, uh and then finally will not will not remember in the negative form will not is won'th on maybe one more just to match the others battle battle that will that will and that will becomes battle.
So these are some common contractions with will Please be careful especially with this it and that those might be difficult to say.
It'll battle Okay now, though, let's go on to kind of some general ones.
I just made a big group of general sounds to consider Ah, in American English.
Uh, these are kind of the pronunciations we use in everyday speech, so Let's look at the 1st 1 Want to want to becomes Wanna What do you want to do?
A Juana Juana What do you want to becomes?
What do you want?
Similarly going to becomes gonna was very soft and sound gonna gonna I'm gonna gonna And sometimes in fast speech We've dropped the g sound I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna becomes a minha That's okay.
Can not Can not becomes Kent Can't I can't.
I can't, I cannot.
Sounds quite formal.
It's not incorrect, but it sounds quite formal.
Next one, let us let us Usually we say, Let's let's so to do something together.
A suggestion.
Then let me let me becomes Lemmy.
Let me borrow your pen.
Let me use your computer.
Let me let me give me similar to let me becomes Gimme.
Give me a minute.
Give me your lunch, for example.
Give me you me and let me We use those, okay?
Ah, the next.
This is a little bit more broad when you need to use the present Perfect tense.
We have this thes two patterns are quite common.
The subject This is very simple.
Subject plus half or subject plus hat plus has sorry the subject plus have or subject Plus has.
So for example, I you we they have he she it has, for example.
So when the subject is, for example, I when we attached have to this we just make it a sound I've We've you they've there's a V sound I've been to France You've eaten that they've never been here.
For example, it's this sound I've However, when we use has because the subject is he she or it we make an s sound So, for example, he's just becomes s he's he's never been there.
She's never even that It's never been found for example, just a simple s sound But when we use have it's a sound I've I've So please try to use that okay onto the next group again.
Ah, some kind of similar points.
They just sort of change depending on the subject.
1st 1 had not had not.
So I had not heard this news for example, this becomes hadn't hadn't hadn't hadn't similarly has not has not so again a present perfect example.
But this is a negative has not is hasn't hasn't here have not again a present perfect example this time a negative haven't.
I haven't finished my homework yet.
I haven't finished teaching this lesson yet, so hasn't.
Haven't hadn't.
This is a past perfect expression.
Okay, good.
Let's go on to the last group again.
Quite similar expressions with some very small changes.
So here I have somebody is or has I have a slash here?
Because we use the same pronunciation for both of these s o somebody is and somebody has we used the same pronunciation, which is somebody's somebody is So somebody is in the room.
Is somebody is in the room.
Somebody has taken my bag.
For example.
Somebody has taken my bag.
Somebody's in the room.
Both of these used That s pronunciation.
So how do you know the difference?
You have to listen for grammar one and just context as well.
So somebody is in the room.
Grammatically somebody has in the room is not correct.
That's an incorrect sentence for grammar.
Therefore, we know the correct sentences.
Somebody is in the room.
Somebody has taken my bag.
Somebody's taken my bag.
I know somebody is taking My bag is grammatically incorrect.
So my brain, therefore applies has in that situation.
So we need to think about this.
Ah, when we're listening as well, it takes practice, I think, to get the hang of it so similar here, just as we did with somebody.
We use the same rule for someone and something.
So someone's someone is becomes someone's.
And someone has also someone's same thing with something Something is and something has both become some things.
Something's not right.
Something's gone wrong.
So we used the same pronunciation.
But these air two different grammar points.
So you need to listen to the grammar of the whole sentence.
Something's gone wrong.
Gone is the past participle form.
Something's gone wrong, so I know it must be something has gone wrong.
Something is wrong.
Wrong is just an adjective.
Something is wrong.
I know.
Therefore it must be is not Has so listen for the grammar of the sentence overall to find the correct meeting.
All right, but those are quite a few common contractions.
I hope that they were helpful for you.
And don't forget to review this part with could and should as well.
This would be it here.
Of course, if you have any questions or If there's some other contractions that you have questions about, like how to make them or the pronunciation, Please let me know in the comments section of this video.
Of course, if you have other questions or other feedback, please feel free to let us know about that, too.
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Thanks very much for watching this lesson and I will see you again soon.
Bye bye.