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  • the white shark or the great White is pretty mysterious, too.

  • Scientists.

  • They're generally solitary animals.

  • They're found all over the world, but not in large numbers.

  • They're relatively long.

  • Gestation period could be part of the reason why conservationists call them vulnerable, meaning they face a high risk of going extinct in the wild.

  • Although great whites are apex predators who will eat just about anything, those who study them say they should be respected but not hunted.

  • Every time I see one around the vital still get that little buzz, you know whether it's fear with its love, with its hyper say sauce That's whatthe.

  • Ever since I saw my first great white shark stayed with me for the rest of my life, I've been working with him for 25 years.

  • To be in the water with a great white shark is an absolutely awesome experience.

  • When you go in the water, you know you're not just going into their world, you're going and what only going to have to accommodate you in the world, and that's the difference.

  • We really need to do as much as we can to conserve it at risk of extinction.

  • Absolutely It's not just sharpness of killing him, killed by catch and most sadly, and I think most wastefully, they killed for just defends its not an enemy.

  • And I think more and more people are beginning to realize this.

  • If these boats were having a negative effect on them and conditioning them, they wouldn't have a seasonality because nobody wants to see these shocks harmed.

  • To be in the same environment as an animal that could catch, cure and consume you quickly is that would want to and to have tolerated is amazingly humbling.

the white shark or the great White is pretty mysterious, too.

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研究大白鯊 (Studying Great White Sharks)

  • 4 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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