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  • way.

    (標題:終極 V60 使用技巧 - 手沖指南)

  • Today we're gonna be talking about how to brew with Harry O.

    今天我們要來介紹 如何使用 Hario V60 瀘杯來做咖啡沖煮

  • V.


  • 60.

    經由這些簡單可重覆的技巧 將會帶給你一杯很美味的咖啡

  • How to get the best results.

    我把這些技巧設計給 在咖啡廳或在家裡沖咖啡的人

  • You can throw a simple, repeatable technique that will give you a delicious cup of coffee.

    不管你是用很美麗的手沖壺 還是一般的熱水壺都沒關係

  • Now I have designed this technique to work in a cafe as well as at home toe work.


  • Whether you have a beautiful, pouring cattle or whether you just have a regular cattle, it shouldn't matter.

    我認為這部影片依然有些你會覺得有用的技巧 這也能再一次加強你在沖煮時的一些作法

  • And even if you have your own preferred technique and where brewing, I think there's gonna be something in this video that you'll find useful to just elevate what you're doing a little bit more.

    所以呢,這部影片只介紹 V60 的原因是 ...

  • So this video was focused just on the V 60 for a couple of reasons.

    這種瀘杯和其他瀘杯長的蠻不一樣的 他是一個單純的錐形體

  • It's quite a different brewer.

    不像其他例如平底的瀘杯或是 Kalita 那種 T型瀘杯

  • Two other brothers out there.

    V60 瀘杯本身並不會延遲出水

  • It is a pure can cone shape, unlike, say, a flat bottom brewer or the militar style brewers, and the brewer itself provides really no resistance whatsoever.

    但其他瀘杯通常有3個小孔 而這會減緩瀘杯的出水量

  • Other brewers typically have three small holes that will slow the water as it drains out of the cone.

    Hario V60 的出水孔較大 這表示他沒有延遲出水的問題

  • So the Harrier has a large open area in the bottom of the cone, which means it provides no resistance for those reasons.


  • I wanted to make a video just focused on this, because techniques that work here may not perfectly apply to the other brewers.

    因為用在這上面的技巧 不見得能在其他瀘杯上使用

  • So before we jump into the technique, I want to run through the list of Kit that I would recommend you have on hand before you start brewing on first.

    在我們開始講技巧前 我想先提過所有會用到的器材

  • And most obviously, you need a V 60.


  • I like the plastic ones.

    首要的當然是你一定要有 V60 瀘杯

  • They're the cheapest that really hard to break on.


  • They do a great job from muscle heat retention perspective.


  • Most of the time I actually use this, which is the Harry a drip decanter, which is a nice glass body on a plastic insert.

    我大部份時候使用的是這個 Hario V60 瀘杯壺

  • So it's all of the best bits.


  • These are actually pretty cheap now, and I recommend them quite highly when it comes to filter papers.

    這是個很好的組合而且現在也很便宜 因此我高度推薦這個商品

  • I have made a video previously that are linked down below covering the differences between the sort of Harrier filter papers out there.

    再來要提到瀘紙,我在之前有做影片介紹 有放連結在下方影片描述裡

  • I'd recommend giving that a quick watch after this one, and you gonna need a digital scale.

    這個影片包含了不同 V60 瀘紙的差異

  • Now, this thing is gonna make your life 100 times easier.


  • It's gonna make your bruise more repeatable.

    再來你會需要的是數位電子秤 這個東西會讓你的生活輕鬆一百倍

  • It's gonna take all the guesswork out of it.

    這會讓你幾乎可重現每次的沖煮 而且不用再依賴猜測

  • You want something accurate to 1000.1 of a gram, Ideally, some sort of spoon teaspoon soup.


  • Spoon dessert spoon.

    準備一支湯匙,泡茶用的,喝湯用的還是甜點用的 我不在乎是哪種,只要有就行了

  • I don't really care.

    接著你還需要一個手沖壺,我的喜好是 你用來倒入 V60 的水壺也是煮沸水時用的壺

  • Just some sort of spoon and you gonna need a kettle of some sort.

    所以呢,這表示用這種電子手沖壺 比較能夠沖出理想的結果

  • Now, my preference is that you pour the water into the B 60 from the kettle.

    那像這種一般的加熱壺也絕對可以 完全不用擔心

  • But you boiled it in, Which means something like this, which is an electric poor and kettle, is kind of the best possible outcome.


  • This a regular electric kettle is absolutely fine.

    但若使用這種單純的手沖壺 你如果是直接將壺內的水加熱那就沒問題

  • It's perfectly good you can pour from this with no real issues.

    但如果你是從加熱壺把水倒入手沖壺的話 那你的沖煮就會因為溫度降低受到影響

  • These things just straight pouring cattle's there.


  • Okay, if you're gonna heat the water in it.


  • But if you're decanting from a cattle into one of these, you're gonna lose him temperature, and that is gonna affect your brew.

    世界上最好的技術和最完美的執行沖煮 卻用在一個低品質的咖啡豆上

  • And then you need coffee beans.


  • Great technique is just gonna give you transparency on your ingredients.


  • The best technique in the world, beautifully executed but with low quality coffee will just give you a perfectly terrible cup of coffee.

    他將在你煮出來的咖啡裡佔98% 而且對於萃取本身有非常大的影響

  • Now the other ingredient is, of course, water.


  • And it's a hugely important ingredients.


  • Gonna make up 98% plus of your cup of coffee on is gonna have a huge impact on the extraction itself.


  • Now, what you want basically is good tasting relatively soft water.


  • In some cases, you can fix it with, like a britta filter.

    我會在影片下方留下一些連結 如果你想要試試自己做水的話可以進去看看

  • If your horse is a little bit hard.


  • In other cases, it might be worth buying bottled water.


  • As much as I dislike that idea, it is possible to make your own recipe water with the right combination off minerals in there.

    較便宜的選擇有手搖式磨豆機 如果你想要做點勞力活的話

  • I will leave some links in the description down below on water.


  • If you want to dig in a little bit deeper now, while this will work with pre ground coffee, I would absolutely recommend you buy a burr grander on the cheap.

    對於如何開始美好的一天來說 這些磨豆機是很棒的投資

  • And there are things like hand grinders if you wanted to do a little bit of work.

    這會讓你有多一層的控制 使你能夠拿到你買的咖啡豆裡最好的成份

  • But these days, electric burr grinders are pretty approachable, priced.


  • They are a fantastic investment in how you start your day on will give you that extra layer of control to get the best out of the coffee that you buy.

    我會建議 60 克的粉和 1000 克水的粉水比 (比例: 1:16.6666666667)

  • So let's get into the technique now.

    這只是我個人喜好上的建議 你也可以用 65 克、 70 克或是用 55 克也可以

  • Here I'm gonna recommend a ratio of 60 grams per liter or per kilo of water.


  • That's kind of a point of reference.

    我只是覺得這個建議值可以 為你的咖啡帶來較強的結果

  • If you want to use 65 70 or if you want to use 55 that's entirely up to you.

    在今天的示範中我將沖煮 30 克的粉加上 500 克的水

  • It's not right or wrong.


  • I just think it gives you a nice resulting strength in your cup of coffee.


  • In the example today, I'm gonna be brewing 30 grams to 500 grams, just enough coffee for two people.


  • I think it's a nice amount to share that.

    我可以給你看一下 30:500 粉水比的理想研磨大小

  • In terms of grind, I would recommend something that's on the slightly finer end of kind of medium.


  • Now it's really hard to communicate grande size in a video.

    但我們在影片最後會提到 怎麼調整研磨度來增加口感

  • I can show you some examples of the ideal grande size for a 32 500 ratio next to, say, some espresso grounds or next Thio something for scale.

    所以在研磨沖煮前 你需要先量測咖啡豆的重量

  • But we'll talk at the end about some tuning your grind to taste so you want to wear your beans right before you brew and grind them fresh.


  • And at the same time, you also wanna rent out your filter paper.


  • That will help remove any potential paper tastes, and it will also preheat the brewer If you have a plastic be 60 then you can probably do that with a really hot tap water.

    如果你用的是樹脂瀘杯 那可以直接用熱自來水來預熱

  • But if you have a glass or ceramic or even metal D 60 I would recommend doing that with the hottest water possible and your grounds carefully to the center off the B 60 and the once you've done that create a little well in the middle of the grounds.

    但如果你用的是玻璃、陶瓷或金屬的 V60

  • This is gonna be really helpful in the next phase, which is the bloom phase to make sure that we're evenly saturating all of the grounds.


  • You want to make sure you're using your water as hot as possible, certainly with lighter roasts.


  • If you're using a pretty dark roasted coffee, it's okay to wait 15 2025 seconds after the water is bald before starting to pour.


  • But if you're brewing something very light, the hotter the better, so make sure your scale is the road.


  • Start your timer and immediately start to port, and we're gonna gently pour two grams of water program of coffee.


  • So here about 60 grams of water.

    接著你會想確保你用的熱水儘可能夠熱 尤其當你要沖的是淺培豆的時候

  • We want to make sure that we're trying to get all of the coffee wet in that initial phase.

    如果你要沖的是深培豆,那你可以在水煮開後 等個 15 到 25 秒再開始倒水

  • If you've got a large pocket of still dry coffee, you can use more water.

    但你如果沖的是很淺培的豆子 那就用越熱的水做沖煮越好

  • But I really wouldn't use more than 3 to 1 in the bloom phase.

    倒水前請確認電子秤有歸零 然後按下計時器,同時直接注水

  • As soon as you've added your water for the kettle down and grab your brewer on begin to swell in a circular motion.

    在預浸階段我們會倒入咖啡粉兩倍的水 在這個示範裡就是 60 克的水

  • Now, what we're trying to do here is make sure that all of the water and coffee are nice and evenly mixed together.


  • Some people like to do this with a spoon and to start together.

    如果你沖時留了一些還是乾的咖啡粉的話 你可以再多加點水把他們弄濕

  • But in testing, swirling tasted much better.

    但我絕不會加超過咖啡粉 3 倍的水量

  • And you're gonna keep an eye on the slurry as you swell until you see it look nice and evenly mixed.


  • If it looks lumpy, keep swirling.

    我們現在做的是確保 所有的水和咖啡粉完美的混合在一起

  • We're gonna let it rest and bloom for up to 45 seconds.

    有些人喜歡用湯匙,但是 ... 在測試中,搖晃做出來的口感比用湯匙好

  • If you're in a cafe, you may only wanna wait 30 is the returns do diminish a little bit beyond that.

    在搖晃時,請觀察咖啡粉混合的狀態 混合到看起來像泥䊢為止

  • I certainly wouldn't wait longer than 45 seconds.


  • The theory is that we're allowing you to out of the grounds, making those grounds easier to extract in the remaining phase of our brew.

    接著靜置瀘杯等待 45 秒的預浸期結束

  • And then we're gonna we're gonna pull the rest of our water in and kind of two phases.

    如果你只想要一杯咖啡那你可能只想等 30 秒 雖然最終的強度會稍弱一些

  • Even though it's gonna be one pretty continuous poor.

    但我是一定不會等超過 45 秒

  • Here's what we're trying to do.

    理論上我們是讓咖啡粉裡的 CO2 排出 讓咖啡粉可以在後續沖煮階段完整萃取

  • We're trying to get 60% of our total liquid in in the next 30 seconds.


  • So we're gonna aim to have a 300 grams in total poured into the V 60 by one minute and 15 seconds.


  • This phase is actually really critical.

    這裡我們嘗試做的是 ...

  • Now, when you pour water into a V 60 you disrupt that coffee bed, right?

    我們在 30 秒內要試著要注入總水量 60% 的水

  • You churn it up a little bit and it seems to me that in testing there's a kind of ideal amount of germ in situations where you don't disturb the bed.

    所以我們將倒水進 V60 瀘杯 目標在 1 分 15 秒內注入總水量到 300 克

  • It all they produced very slow bruise that didn't taste that good.


  • And when encourage you to grind coarser, which will mean you extract less poor to aggressively and you create channels and pockets through which water seems to run very quickly, essentially under extracting the coffee on, making it taste bad.

    當你將水倒入 V60 時會對咖啡粉床做出擾動

  • Here we do just a little bit of agitation, but not so much that we have an uneven extraction.

    是吧,你會稍微把一些咖啡粉帶上來 在測試上我感覺有一個理想的擾動量

  • Now this means that with a smaller V 60 evil brings the one cup and say 15 to 50.


  • You actually want a gentle A poor because there's a smaller bed, which is why aiming for 60% gives you a kind of matching flow rate for the dose that you're using.


  • So once you hit 60% of your total brew, wait, you'll see your cone is pretty full, and that's a good thing.

    這種情況會建議你把咖啡研磨調粗 這也代表萃取出較少的東西

  • We want the cone to be full for most of the brew to maintain that thermal mass.


  • Keeping the temperature high is actually really, really important.


  • What we're gonna do now is pour a little slower and keep that current topped up.

    這個階段我們可以做點小擾動但不要太多 太多會造成萃取不平均

  • We're gonna aim to have a 100% of our brew weigh in in the next 30 seconds.

    這代表如果用的是 V60 小瀘杯沖煮 15 克粉/250克水的話

  • During this phase, we're gonna pour gently.


  • We're gonna pull slowly.

    這也是為什麼第二次注水設在總水量 60% 會給你較接近理想流水量的結果

  • If you're pouring with a cattle without a pouring spout, it's okay to pulse a little bit.

    一旦你的總注水量在 60% 時 你會發現瀘杯已經快滿了

  • Just try not to pour to aggressively because you will disrupt the coffee bed unnecessarily.

    這是件好事,我們會希望 瀘杯在沖煮時儘可能滿水來維持溫度

  • At this point, once you get to your total brew a pot the kettle down and grab a spoon and give the thesixty a little stir in one direction and then a little stir in the other direction.


  • What we're doing here is trying to knock off any ground stuck to the side walls of the paper on DDE, not create a sub swirling motion that lasts because that will create a dome in our ground coffee, which we don't want.

    接著呢我們想做的是少量倒水 並維持瀘杯滿水的狀態

  • Allow the be 60 to drain just a little bit.

    在接下來的 30 秒裡我們會注入 100 克的水

  • Maur until it feels safe to do so and give it one final swell.


  • And that's really gonna help keep the bed flat at the bottom at the end of the brew and give you the most even possible extraction.


  • But now we're into the draw.

    但千萬不要加水過快 因為這會對咖啡粉床做出不必要的擾動

  • Down on the drawdown is a really interesting phase of this brew.

    水注到目標水量後把注水壺放下 接著拿起你的小湯匙

  • Lots of different factors will effectual drawdown, and they're not always what you would think.

    將湯匙放入 V60 瀘杯裡 朝一個方向攪伴一下,再朝反方向攪伴一下

  • One of the most surprising for me.

    我們在這做的是 試著把吸附在瀘紙壁上的咖啡粉弄下來

  • Waas Temperature in brewing.

    千萬不要做出持續的旋渦擾動到下面的咖啡粉床 這不是我們想要的結果

  • Identical bruise side by side with 95 Celsius in 85 Celsius water, the drawdown in the cooler brew took 30 seconds more.

    等待 V60 流出一些水後,直到覺得安全的情況下我們做最後一次搖晃

  • Not only did this taste worse, it was a waste of time, so that's why I'm not a huge fan of taking order from, ah, hot water source and putting it into a cold pouring cattle, I think often about cafes.


  • I see doing this.


  • This is just a waste of the barristers.

    接著我們進入滴濾完成的階段 在萃取時這個階段非常有趣

  • Time on the customers time.

    許多不同的因素會影響滴瀘時間 而他們有時可能跟你想的不一樣

  • If we brew hotter, we brew faster.


  • As I mentioned before, the paper that you use will have an impact on your drawdown time.

    在沖煮比較測試上,如果用一樣的沖煮方式 但一邊水溫用95度,另一邊用85度的水

  • My preference is always for the faster papers.


  • It doesn't have a massive impact on extraction.


  • If your paper slows your draw down a little bit, most of the brewing is done at this point already.

    這也是為什麼我不喜歡用接水的方式 把熱水放到另一個冷的注水壺裡

  • It doesn't taste quite as good as a faster paper to me.

    我常看到咖啡店常這麼做,而這真的 只是在浪費咖啡師和客戶的時間而已

  • But your results may vary.

    如果我們用較熱的水沖 那我們也會較快沖煮完成

  • So one more quick thing.


  • Most THESIXTY videos will tell you not to pour directly onto the paper, always gonna pour into the coffee or into that kind of slurry.


  • They'll tell you this because they say that if you pour on the paper, the water goes through that paper misses the coffee and you dilute your coffee on and it'll make it taste bad.

    如果瀘紙沒有讓水流變太慢的話 對於萃取並不會有巨大影響

  • This is not true.


  • In my testing, I poured solely on the paper.


  • I aimed to miss the coffee for the entire brood on.


  • What happened is that the water just ran down the side of the paper, and in doing so, it didn't disturb the coffee bed at all.


  • In fact, it resulted in the single longest drawdown of any brew that I had and, as a result, a slightly higher extraction than the other bruise.

    許多的 V60 教學都告訴你注水不要碰到瀘紙

  • But it tasted really bad.

    你應該要注水到咖啡裡 注水到那個咖啡泥裡面

  • Now the end, when the cone has fully drained out What you want to see is a nice flat bed of coffee.

    他們跟你說如果你注水到瀘紙上 水會透過紙直接到下壺

  • There will always be some fine pieces of coffee stuck to the edges of the walls.

    而不會接觸到咖啡粉,因此 ... 你稀釋了咖啡應有的強度造成最後口感不佳

  • They will not come off, but there should be no large pieces of coffee left.


  • It should have all fallen into the middle.

    我測試在整個沖煮過程只將水注在瀘紙上 目的是讓水不直接接觸咖啡

  • Throw the paper away, drink your coffee and enjoy it.


  • And I would recommend, for the most part, changing your extraction solely through changing your grind.


  • If you find that coffee to be empty, hollow, a little acidic and unpleasant, go a little finer.


  • In fact, most the time keep pushing finer until you hit this sudden wall of bitterness, harshness and astringency.


  • At that point, you've gone too far, and you do want to come back a little bit coarser, but when you come back that little bit, you are kind of at the maximum extraction for your ground after your set up for your coffee, and it should taste really, really great.


  • This is my ultimate technique.

    在滴瀘接近完成時,你會看到瀘杯漸漸乾涸 這時你會想看到一個平整的粉床

  • This is what works the best for me.


  • I really like the results from it.

    但應該不會有太大的咖啡粉附著 大部份應該都會掉落到中間

  • I'm not saying other people's techniques are wrong or that there's nothing to learn from them.


  • But I think there's lots here that is hopefully useful to improve the coffee that you make every day, lemonade or thoughts in the comments below.


  • Thank you so much for watching me.

    然後我會建議在大部份情況下 可以經由只改變研磨大小來改變萃取結果

  • Oh!

    如果你發現這個咖啡有點空洞有點酸不太好喝 你可以試著把研磨調細一點


(標題:終極 V60 使用技巧 - 手沖指南)

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