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once of guys.
Just two cents.
Here we have a guest on the channel that we haven't had here in a while.
This this guest actually deserves no introduction.
But let me go.
Let me go get them.
They're shy.
Somebody waiting to see Oh, it's gone.
Quicks straight.
Rgb mark two from Corsair features genuine cherry MX switches perky RGB backlighting, USB pastor for convenient access and dedicated multimedia keys with integrated volume not making it a great value for gamers in keyboard enthusiasts alike.
Learn more about the street rgb mark two by visiting the link down below So this system has actually been running back at my house now four shoot almost two years.
As long as I have been in this studio.
This remember this never came over with me and a lot of you guys have missed it.
She's dirty.
She's always been a little dirty, though.
You know, Fran, she's ah, a little dusty man.
This thing's fit tight, cleaning out a little bit.
But that's actually not the purpose of today's video.
Holy, breathless fans are filthy.
We are These things were built.
Ford tough.
Let me tell you, this scene would carry Silverado.
A wall of cinder blocks.
You know what I'm saying?
A mountain of cinder blocks throwback to the old lady's commercials for Ford.
Anyway, I digress.
That's besides the point.
Today's video is actually about Intel.
Si, pues inspector Slowdown.
Because a fun fact about this system.
This is still running Windows 8.1 Pro.
I never upgraded the System Tau Windows 10.
I avoided all of the free updates.
I never took any of Microsoft's SH employees to get you to upgrade all of their spyware.
And be honest, I never had any performance issues.
And so why bother?
That's so bad.
I read an article today.
I'ma put a link to it down below that talked about Intel trying to suppress and block independent reviewers or anyone for that matter, to actually talk about Spector slowdown and showing comparative compare and contrast with before and after patching.
And this is on their most recent licensing for the most recent specter and meltdown patch is the whole reason why I'm doing this quite a bit late, because Intel seems to think that at some point that they could tell me that I couldn't do that well to that?
I say I'm gonna do it anyway.
Way we're gonna be running Cinna bench.
Obviously, AR 15 would be running fire.
Strike, fire!
Strike Extreme and fire Strike ultra.
So those are the four test I'm gonna run nation.
Those two combined with CPU score and the GPS score and the Senate bench.
It should be enough to at least paint some.
What of a picture of what performance is going to do once we goto Windows 10.
Okay, Senate bench, AR 15.
Here we go.
This is going to be our base run and see.
Look at all them course, man, this is See, there's no need to update your systems every year.
Like like I do.
I mean, we kind of have to around here, we have to build systems.
It's what we do.
But that's why this system is actually remained untouched for two solid years.
Now, even the fluids.
Although I think I have to top off my CP fluid.
Okay, 2308 was our score on that one, so I'm gonna run it one more time.
Okay, So the difference was what one point Karen runs in a bench one more time.
2000 310.
Okay, so it was a 23 08 or some of the 23 2123 10.
So I was 23 10 and now we're gonna run all three of our three marks.
Here's our total score.
34,620 which is pretty damn good.
Graphics score.
Physics, physics score.
I was a physics physics score of 27,405.
This is the one we're really gonna look forward here.
This is straight up CPU and CP only.
I'm most interested in this number because if this number goes down, this number goes down because, well, not really a bottleneck, but this number is directly related to CP performance.
Because with these types of MPs figures right here, see if you can't keep up with 267 f ps.
And of course it's gonna go down and then our combined score.
So we're gonna take all three of these numbers across all three tests, run it again on Windows 10 and we'll compare so I will save you guys.
The boredom of watching us do this very repetitive.
Lee and I will just come back with the results.
And, of course, after the Windows update and then the updates, you know why you keep saying physics because apparently in video pays me to.
So here the result Windows 8.1.
We got a 34,620 with a physics score of 27,004 05 graphic score 9 55,071 and a combined score of 99 89.
Now, Windows 10 we actually saw or about 1100 point reduction on the physics score.
Not really enough to really notice like day to day, but there was indeed a reduction are average F p s dropped from 87 to 83.7.
So we lost approximately What, three F 3.3 f.
S on that again.
Probably not gonna notice that our graphics score, though, ironically, and Windows 10 went up, which could very well for a few different reasons.
One, it just could have been the improvement in Windows 10 operating system in terms of games.
This is using direct.
It's 11.
It's not direct X 12 tests that should have had anything to do with it.
So that's why our difference in the main score wasn't that far off.
But our combined score Windows 10 dropped approximately 417 points from a 1999 to 95 72.
Bottom line there is Nobody is going to really notice that now.
If we go all the way up to alter, we're gonna skip extremely no street to ultra.
So tentative P i.
P s all the way up to ultra four k, which means more load on the deep.
Use less on the CPU now.
The Ultra score was a 14,079 on Windows 10 versus a 9 13,094 on Windows 8.1.
Our physics score still lower, though.
In four K by approximately 1000 points, however, are graphic.
Score was overall about 80 points higher on Windows 10 so kind of staying in light of what we saw with the standard test where gravity scores little bit higher and R C P score was a little bit lower.
Our combined score was also higher here on ultra in Windows 10.
Then it was Windows eight.
But all of these air within margin of error.
You're not gonna notice any of this in any sort of a gaming scenario.
But I would have expected to, considering the fact that we have such a high court count high court clock that this is the type of thing that if you were noticing this sort of percentage of change in, like a knight three or something like that, you definitely would have noticed it a bit more.
So in terms of gaming, at least in this particular scenario, Skunk Works is affected a little bit by Spector and meltdown patching.
In fact, the bios we loaded on this motherboard to install Windows 10 specifically stated it was for the specter and meltdown Patch Micro Code updates.
So there is that.
But there's one other tests we need to do here.
We need to do our sin.
A bench.
I think we should do that.
Live that way.
We can kind of compare our results with our first test.
There we are, Windows 64 bit.
We need to bring up our previous results right here, as this is going, and our previous score, if you recall, was a 23 10.
We ran it three times and it fluctuated around that score.
So let's see what we got right here.
I'm expecting it to be maybe 2200 and 81.
That's my guest.
2281 will be my prediction.
See if I'm right or wrong.
So three points higher than the 23 10 we settled on, so I still don't know why.
My 7900 X on my D frame build with faster Titan cards on a newer platform is slower.
Then Skunk works on older hardware.
Slower graphics cards technically a previous generation older CPU getting better results than newer hardware.
So you could guess.
I guess you could take this video and swing it from a comparative results of spectre.
Remember, I'm doing this.
Has Intel said You can't at least in there.
You'll as as it stands today not to try and prove or disprove whether or not Spector is gonna ruin your day, but just to test it because they said we can't.
But I still don't know exactly why the results are the way they are.
So if you know, how about you tell me down in the comments below.
I mean, temperatures air well, and check on both systems.
Yes, this is a sordid I hs versus the 700 ex having a Tim in there, but end of the day, you're not gonna notice any of this.
At least not in this level of hardware.
If you guys have noticed any sort of massive negative performance impact on your hardware regarding Specter and meltdown kill, let me know what hardware you're running down in the comments.
That way I can try and maybe recreate that myself.
But at least for us in this exact situation, although we know that the patching existed and we know that Intel was worried about something, which is why the languages in the Euler to begin with, um, wasn't noticeable.
I would have never noticed it in this situation.
All right, guys, we're gonna go.
Thanks for this video where we just decided thio kind of stick the middle finger up to the man.
I'm the man in some instances so to myself.
All right, guys, we're gonna go.
Thanks for watching.