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Hi, everybody.
My name is Alicia.
Welcome back to know your verbs.
Today we're going to talk about the verb by.
Let's go.
All right, let's begin with the basic definition of the verb by.
So the basic definition is to pay money for goods or a service to buy something.
I bought a puppy.
He buys flowers for his wife every month.
Okay, now let's look at the congregations of this burg present bye byes past.
But past participle bought progressive buying.
Okay, so now let's look at some additional meanings for this firm.
1st 1 the first additional meaning for today's lesson of the verb by is to give someone money so they do what you want them to do, or so they don't do something that you don't want them to do.
So this is different from the original definition.
In the original definition, I said, to pay for, like, goods or to pay for a service.
In this case, you're giving someone money in exchange for like an agreement so we can understand this meaning of the verb by as like bribing someone.
We can think of it the same way to bribe someone For something examples, the judges have been bought.
The scandal stated that the parliament representatives have been bought by an electric company.
You might also hear it as in like to buy someone's silence.
That's specifically you're giving them money to not say anything.
So to buy someone means it's very general like T give them money in exchange for agreement of behavior of some kind to buy someone.
Silence is a specific kind of agreement.
You're specifically giving them money to say nothing.
We often use it in the passive voice like the judges were bought.
In that case, there's no like, we're not saying who were not saying who bought.
The judges were just saying the judges were spot for the judges had been bought.
Someone gave the judges money to do or not do something.
So bribe is one eyes.
One way to understand the verb by the second additional meaning is to believe to believe something examples.
I don't buy that for a second.
They're never gonna buy your story about getting lost on the way to the airport.
So in both of these, ah, by means believe in the first example sentence I used actually a really common expression, which is I don't buy that for a second.
I don't buy that for a second, So this by means believe it doesn't mean give money for something.
So I don't believe that for a second means, even for a one second period of time, I don't believe that thing.
That's totally not believable.
I can't believe that.
So I don't buy that for a second.
That's a really common expression.
Um, in the second example sentence, I said, they're never gonna buy your story about getting lost on the way to the airport.
In this example, I said, they're never gonna buy your story.
So here, again by your story doesn't mean give you money for a story.
It means, believe your story.
So they some people, they're never going to believe your story.
So this story that is fake about getting lost on the way to the airport are maybe the story isn't actually fake, but it's just not a believable story.
In other words, So by means, believe in these cases well, often used by like I don't buy that.
I don't buy it.
I don't buy your story.
I don't buy your lies, something like that relating to speech or communication or storytelling.
That's a pretty good hint for this meaning of the verb.
But so maybe in a little extra hint here, this is often used in negative statements like we saw in these examples.
We'll also see this, Ah, used with the proposition into, like don't buy into her lies, So meaning don't believe her lies.
So to buy into something can also mean to believe something that someone else is saying.
But we use buy into that thing as well.
Yeah, let's move along to some variations of this verb, the first variation for this lesson is to buy time to buy time.
This means to stall, so to stall means like to delay an activity or to try not to do an activity.
You're like trying not to do that for some reason.
So we used the expression to buy time examples.
I called in sick today and bought myself some time to finish the project.
He's just buying time and waiting for the company to make a decision.
All right, so in both of these, we see that someone is stalling or someone is trying to delay something where someone is trying to get extra time to do something.
In the first example Sentence, I said, I called in sick today Ah, and bought myself some time to finish my project, meaning I gave myself some extra time.
But we use the verb I because it's like it's not free.
So I bought myself some time, Yes, but I had to use a sick day at work, for example.
So I bought some time in the second example sentence.
He's just buying time.
It's like we don't know how, but somehow he's stalling.
He's delaying doing something until a company makes a decision, maybe about his work.
So these just mean giving yourself extra time like you're stalling or delaying something else.
We used to buy time to talk about that, so let's go on to the next variation.
Then the next variation is to buy out to buy out.
To buy out means to purchase all or part of a company so that you are the owner of that company, examples Company A was bought out by Company B last year.
So this means that to buy something out means a company company A who does not control.
Yet company be purchases part of that company or purchases a majority of that company just enough sometimes so that they can control the company.
So that means that essentially, company A purchases Company B and controls that company than two, so to buy out to buy it all right, the next variation for to buy is the expression toe by the farm to buy the farm is kind of a strange expression, which means to die to die.
So as you can imagine, it's kind of a casual expression for to die.
It's used in like light situations, even though death is kind of a heavy topic, I think, Ah, but examples of this if you keep riding that motorcycle, you're gonna buy the farm.
The old man bought the farm last week, so both of these expressions ah bought the farm just mean it to die.
So in the first example, it's a warning, like if you keep riding that motorcycle you're gonna buy the farm means you're going to die, So it's dangerous.
In other words, in the second example sentence the old man bought the farm.
It doesn't actually mean.
I suppose it could mean in some specific situations that yes and old man did buy a farm.
In fact, somewhere, Um, but in very kind of casual, informal settings, we could say.
Also, the old man died last week as well.
Um, so bought the farm means die.
And so how do you know which one?
Just from context.
Just pay attention to the conversation if it's about a farm, if the conversation is about a farm and living on a farm, it's probably about a farm buying a farm.
If the conversation is totally unrelated to farms, it probably means die.
Or it could so just pay attention to the conversation in the context.
So those are a few different meanings and a few variations of the verb by.
I hope that you picked up something new from this lesson, and I hope that you can use it in your everyday life.
Of course, if you have any questions or comments, or if you want to try to make a sentence with a use of this burb by that we talked about in this lesson.
Please feel free in the comments section of this video.
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Thanks very much for watching this episode of Know your verbs and we'll see you again next time.
My mind to some very action.
I was a Barbie fan when I was a little girl.
20 Barbies in one Can.
You needed to buy another Kendall, that's for sure.
You need another cannon?
That group you.
Oh, don't look here.